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Four More Years? By John Roberts, October 15, 2004 In a short time the race for the White House will be over. I believe President Bush will be thrown out of office. And he has no one to blame for it but himself. The deciding votes will come from Republicans that supported the President four years ago but now feel he betrayed their trust. I know this because I am one of those people. Our nation is unraveling at the seams. This generation is fighting economic, military, and spiritual battles like none before. We need the best leadership America has to offer. The record shows President Bush is not up to the challenge, not even with the support of a Republican controlled Congress. There are over 300 million Americans today. That is a huge pool from which to draw candidates. One would expect that somewhere among the masses might be a person with at least half the wisdom of King Solomon or courage of King David. Why is it we never see true leaders like those on the November ballot? The answer is nepotism. Nepotism is defined as favoritism shown to relatives or close friends by those in power. Nepotism places relationships above merit. Nepotism is appointing friends and family to office "for the good of the party." A perfect example of nepotism is the Bush family. This father and son duo from Texas has been running the country for much of the last three decades. Both men ran our economy into the ground, both men downsized our military, and both men started a war in Iraq which they were unable to finish. Bush Senior was Vice President for 8 consecutive years in the Reagan administration. He moved up to the number one job for the next 4 years. Now his son has been President for 4 years and might win reelection for another 4. All of this means one family might occupy the office of the President or Vice President for 20 out of 28 years running. And believe it or not plans are under way to run another member of the Bush family member in the 2008 election. I find all of this an outrage. It is not in the best interest of the people to put the destiny of our nation in the hands of a select few. We can not allow the Bush family to set up permanent residency in the White House. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. That is the exact situation the framers of the Constitution were trying to prevent. It might be different if the Bush family were leading the country into prosperity. But it is important to remember that it was during Bush Senior's term in the White House that our nation made an abrupt turnabout from the security and prosperity of the Reagan years into chaos. Likewise, the current Bush has made a mess of the prosperity of the Clinton years. It is disingenuous for President Bush to blame all our problems on 9/11 and the Clinton administration. Clinton was the only non-Bush President to sit in the White House in the past 16 years! And he left a 5 trillion dollar budget surplus. And it has been three years since 9/11. What has Bush done to deserve another term? The truth is incompetence is the only way to characterize an administration that turned a 5 trillion dollar surplus into a 2 trillion dollar debt. A true leader doesn't whine or shift blame. They step up to the plate and against all odds hit the ball out of the park. What we have today is an administration that has struck-out on every issue you care to examine. |
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Not perfect, but not Bush, that's good enough! |
During the debates President Bush said he can't afford to provide Americans with Health Coverage. If that is true why are we spending 200 billion to rebuild Afghanistan and Iraq? Bush also said we can't get cheap drugs from Canada because they are "unsafe." And according to Bush the solution to the security threat of our open boarders is to "grow a middle class in Mexico." This President thinks he can do and say anything and get away with it. John's Take On issues important to most Christians I find the actions of President Bush to be extremely hypocritical and disturbing. Bush has become a chameleon. He talks the Christian talk but that is not the same as walking the Christian walk. Why has President Bush stood idly by while Muslims in the Sudan systematically murder tens of thousands of Christians? When Muslims need help in Afghanistan and Iraq Bush sends American troops. Why not help Christians in the Sudan? Could it be the Christians in the Sudan do not have any oil? If Bush supports traditional marriage why did he choose a Vice President that supports gay marriage and has a gay daughter? And how does Bush explain these comments about Islam following 9/11:
That is another example of how Bush will say anything to win votes, even compromise his religion. Islam and Arabs are our friends? I guess that might be true for those who formulate their morals and values around Saudi oil contracts. Let's be honest. All of the terrorists that attacked this country on 9/11 were Muslims. Given half a chance Islam and the Arabs would kill every Jew and Christian on the planet. The people chopping off heads and murdering innocent school children around the world are Muslims. That is not good and peaceful, it's barbaric. I find it very offensive to hear a supposed Christian speak of blaspheming the name of Allah. Allah is a pagan god and a false god. I wonder what Jesus Christ would say about the President of the United States calling the sworn enemies of Jews and Israel "good and peaceful." In conclusion, many people think Bush was the right man at the right time hand picked by God for the country during a time of trouble. They might be right, but not for the reasons they think. Prophecy says a kingdom comprised of many nations will rise up around the Mediterranean and be led by the Antichrist and False Prophet. Today the United States is the major world power. So in order for this new Ten Horned kingdom to rise up the United States must give way. Four more years of Bush would definitely accelerate the decline and fall of the United State and allow the European Union to replace us as the dominate power in the world. I worry about the future President Bush is creating for my kids. I understand the FDA has just authorized the implantation of RFID chips under the skin as part of Bush's electronic medical records initiative. Sure sounds like something that could eventually turn into the Mark of the Beast. I would like to see my kids have the opportunity to grow up in a strong, free, and God believing America. But I know God is in control. His will be done.
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The Great Harlot Speaks On Peace By John Roberts, January 11, 2004 Three days after the capture of Saddam Hussein the Vatican held a news conference to present John Paul's World Day of Peace message. The message, titled "An Ever-Timely Commitment: Teaching Peace," was prepared and presented by Italian Cardinal Renato Martino. The theme of the speech was the role of the UN and international law as the sole authority in resolving conflicts between states. Without calling out Americans by name, it was obvious that this year's message was intended to pile on the United States with the French, Germans, and Russians, and perpetuate the idea that President Bush's policy in Iraq has failed. Of course the speech was quickly rewritten by Marino after the successful capture of Saddam. |
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Italian Cardinal Renato Martino is the Vatican's front-man today. He is very angry that the United States ignored the Vatican's decrees to stay out of Iraq and let Saddam Hussein stay in power. In the 1940s the Vatican backed Hitler and looked the other way as millions of Jews were gassed in concentration camps. Over the past twenty years the Vatican has backed the anti-Semite Saddam and looked the other way while he murdered his own people and attacked Israel.
What should we expect from an organization that gave us the inquisition? The Vatican tortured over 50 million Christians and Jews to death in the 15th and 16th centuries. When Rome started running out of people to put on trial they prosecuted the dead and stole the property of surviving relatives! "But that's okay because it was done in accordance with the Vatican's cannon law." |
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Teaming up with the Nazi party was the Vatican's idea of 'teaching peace and following international law' in the 1930s. Eugenio Pecelli helped bring Hitler to power, was crowned "Pontifex Maximus" on the eve of WWII, he trivialized and denied the Nazi Final Solution, then he helped Nazis war criminals escape to South America. |
The Vatican's main point, condemnation for the United States and compassion for Saddam resonated throughout the thirteen page message:
Saddam was treated like a beast? We must eliminate the "situations of injustice" that drive Saddam and other psychopathic terrorists to rape, torture, murder, and take down the Twin Towers? The only legitimate defense for the U.S. is within the context of the United Nations? The Vatican has compassion for Saddam? John's Take I am not surprised that the Vatican has expressed compassion for Saddam while spewing condemnation for the United States. The Vatican is only expressing the opinion of the majority of people on earth today. This evil world hates born-again Christians, Jews, the United States and Israel. And this is exactly what prophecy tells us to expect in the last days. But it is important for everyone, including Roman Catholics, to understand the roll of the Vatican in prophecy. Many Christians say, "The United States is the Mystery Babylon mentioned in Revelation and God is going to use Arab terrorists to judge this evil nation." I am sure it brings a smile to Islamic terrorists and communists to know that there are professing Christians who share their hatred for the US. But comparing America with Mystery Babylon is pure nonsense. America, like ancient Babylon, is prosperous, a central figure in world trade and financial markets. And America is a melting pot of diverse people. But that is where the similarities end. Babylon was an evil pagan city that gave birth to Satan's false religions. America is not perfect but it is a good nation, a Godly nation, a Christian nation. The majority of Americans are born again Christians. We send out more missionaries and provide more foreign aid than the rest of the world combined. And America has been blessed because of our relationship with God's chosen people. Some people concede that America can not presently be identified as Mystery Babylon but they say that after the Rapture things will change. I think that is really grasping, because after the Rapture things will change everywhere, not just in the United States. I am amazed at the lengths people will go to call good evil and evil good. With all the truly wicked nations on earth why keep pointing the finger at the only nation founded by Christians, with liberty and justice for all? Muslims can live and worship as they choose in America. But it is against the law for Jews to live in Saudi Arabia. And American Soldiers defending Saudi from Iraq were forbidden to bring Bibles into the country or wear a cross. America has played an important role in world affairs for about 65 years. That is a very short period of time. The wise can see that the sun has already started to set on American dominance much like it did on the British Empire. As the United States slowly loses power the United Nations and specifically the European Union are gaining power. The EU is starting to dwarf the US in many areas. It contains more people, produces more good, and imports more as well. Sorry to contradict all those America haters out there but the United States is not Mystery Babylon. The fact is America is not mentioned in prophesy because we simply are not that important. The only potential reference to America is found in Ezekiel 38:13, where America might be one of the "young lions" of the British Empire rebuking Russia for attacking Israel. Another possible identity for the last days Mystery Babylon comes from Christians that look for a rebuilt modern city of Babylon in Iraq. But this is another case of mistaken identity. Some walls of the ancient city have been rebuilt but they require constant repair because their foundations are unstable. No, the ancient city of Babylon was destroyed as prophesied and will never rise again. The United States and the UN may help Iraq get back on their feet but they will never rebuild Babylon. Let's be honest. If solving the identity of Mystery Babylon was like trying a murder case it would be a slam dunk, like catching the murderer red handed. All the evidence in this case points to one city and one city only as being the last days incarnation of Mystery Babylon, that being Rome. Below we see the high priest of Roman heathenism praying to an idol of the 'Queen of Heaven,' a pagan ritual similar to those practiced in temples in ancient Babylon. |
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"So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. And on her forehead a name was written: |
I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the Martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement." | |
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"The grave below is all astir to meet you at your coming; it rouses the spirits of the departed to greet you-- all those who were leaders in the world; it makes them rise from their thrones-- all those who were kings over the nations.
They will all respond, they will say to you, "You also have become weak, as we are; you have become like us." All your pomp has been brought down to the grave" |
If we considered nothing else but this one verse it would still be enough to say without a doubt that Rome is the last days incarnation of Mystery Babylon:
Which city reigned over the kings of the earth in Apostle John's day? Rome! And there is more scripture pointing to Rome:
There are two messages here. First, it is important to understand that Mystery Babylon is the name God gave to Satan's false religious systems that started in Babylon. The "seven mountains" are seven kings and Gentile kingdoms upon which this false religious system has been supported and spread. The religions of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, and Rome are basically the same lie repackaged for each culture. The second message is a clue to the identity of the last days incarnation of Mystery Babylon. Rome has been known since ancient times as 'the city on seven hills.' Those who have studied the history of the Roman Empire and Roman Catholicism will instantly recognize Rome and Vatican City as Mystery Babylon. When the Roman Empire declined and fell Roman Catholicism rose up in its place. In sharp contrast to the short 65 year history of the United State as a superpower stands the two-thousand year rule of Rome and Roman Catholicism over the kings of the earth. It is very important to note that the 17th and 18th chapters of Revelation characterize Mystery Babylon as being "drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus," and also "in her was found the blood of prophets and saints, and of all who were slain on the earth." America has not killed prophets, saints, and martyrs of Jesus. But it is a historical fact that Rome and Roman Catholicism are guilty as charged:
As noted in John 17:11, the name "Holy Father" is God's name. It is blasphemy for any man to use that title. Does the head of the Vatican think he is a god? Well, the New York Catechism says "the pope takes the place of Jesus Christ on earth...the father and teacher of all Christians...the infallible ruler...the supreme judge of heaven and earth, being judged by no one, God him-self on earth." The word "pope" comes from the Latin papa, meaning "father." The word "papacy" is used to mean the system of ecclesiastical government in which the "pope" is recognized as the supreme head. The title "Pontiff" is translated "bridge builder," (pons, bridge, and facio, make). This word does not come from the Bible but rather pagan Rome, where the Roman emperor, as the high priest of the heathen religion, professing to be the bridge or connecting link between this life and the next, was called Pontifex Maximus. The title Pontifex Maximus means high priest of the Roman pagan religion. This term was lifted from paganism and applied to the head of the Roman Catholic church to support the "pope's" claim to be the mediator between God and men with the power over the souls in purgatory. And the doctrine of purgatory says the pontiff has the power to release souls from further suffering and admit them to heaven. Of course there is a catch. Relatives must buy their dead relatives out of purgatory one body part at a time. |
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Pontificator John Paul, head of Mystery Babylon, and Yasser Arafat, head of PLO terrorism, signed an agreement on the 15th of February, 2000, that spells out an Arab/Vatican land grab of the Promised Land and calls for Jerusalem, Israel's capital, to be under international supervision. |
Purgatory is just one of many false doctrines spread by Roman Catholicism. On any given Sunday in almost every country on earth Catholics can be found engaging in cannibalism, in their own minds "literally eating Christ's flesh and literally drinking His blood." If that is not a ritual right out of paganism, the Great Harlot's cup full of the blood of the martyrs of Jesus, then I don't know what is. Why do you think the Vatican tried to keep the Holy Bible out of the hands of the common people for over thirteen hundred years? Could it be that they did not want their false doctrines exposed? Enough said. Nevertheless, as an American I find it fascinating that the world listens with admiration as the high priest of Roman heathenism and Mystery Babylon lectures the United States on peace and abiding by international law. Rome and Roman Catholicism are irrefutably the biggest killing machines the world has even seen. The day is coming when the hypocrisy and blasphemy of the Vatican will be brought to light for everyone to see. God will use the European nations that make up the kingdom of the Beast to burn and destroy Rome and bring an end to Roman Catholicism. And when Christ returns the hills where Rome sits will be leveled. And Jerusalem, the city which Rome once destroyed, will be raised up above all nations. God is a righteous judge and He knows what is in a person's heart. I believe that there are many born-again Catholics that are saved yet living in ignorance of the wickedness of Roman Catholicism.But Vatican leadership is without excuse. They know they are doing evil, and they refuse to repent. "He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."
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"Queer Eye" For The Antichrist By John Roberts, October 8, 2003 2 Timothy 3:1-5
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. On June 8, 2003, Episcopalians in the diocese of New Hampshire voted to confirm the appointment of the first openly gay bishop in the worldwide Anglican church. Upon hearing the news in St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Concord, N.H., gay Bishop Gene Robinson sauntered up to the altar and embraced his male lover of fourteen years and his two grown children. |
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Gay Episcopal Bishop Robinson "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." "A bishop then must be blameless, the HUSBAND OF ONE WIFE" |
The head of the Episcopal church is now defending the appointment of a gay Bishop saying he has read and studied the Bible for decades and can find nothing where God is against “same sex partnerships.” The message he is sending out is that God says homosexuality is okay and not a sin. On July 8 in Canada the B.C. Court of Appeal set aside an earlier restriction and ruled that same-sex marriages can now proceed immediately. The definition of marriage has been changed from “the union of one man and one woman” to “the union of two persons.” In the Canadian provinces of British Columbia and Ontario homosexuals can now be legally married. On August 21 in a courtroom in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, a lawyer argued that minors have a constitutional right to have sex. The case stems from an incident last October in which a woman found her 14-year-old daughter nude in bed with a 14-year-old boy. The minors freely admitted that their intention was to have sex. They refused to get out of the bed, were confrontational and remorseless, and challenged the woman to call the police. She did, and now the teens are challenging statues that make it a Class C felony to have sexual contact with a person who has not attained the age of 16. And all of this has been followed with news of the opening of the first "Gay High School" in America. John's Take God is holy and righteous and it is our sin that separates us from Him. Robinson is an openly gay man that left his wife and children to shack up with the man with whom he was having a gay relationship. That means Robinson is an adulterer as well as a homosexual. And Bishop Robinson has not repented for cheating on his wife or being gay. In fact Robinson claims God told him to leave his wife and come out of the closet. By promoting Robinson into a bishopric the Episcopalian leadership is knowingly turning their back on God’s word. Scripture clearly says: Homosexuality is a sin and an abomination. Leviticus 18:22
22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Leviticus 20:13
13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. Romans 1:24-32
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
Jude 1:7
7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Mr. Robinson does not meet the scriptural qualifications for being a Bishop. 1 Timothy 3:2-7
2 A bishop then must be blameless, the HUSBAND OF ONE WIFE, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach; Marriage is a God-given institution between a man and a woman. Genesis 2:21-24
21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; Mark 10:2-9
2 And the Pharisees came to him, and asked him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife? tempting him. Adultery is a sin. Deuteronomy 5:18
18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery.
Mark 10:11-12
11 And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. All relations outside of marriage are sinful. 1 Corinthians 6:15-20
15 Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. Many people falsely claim it is an expression of God’s love to accept homosexuals as they are into the church. It is important for gays to understand that homosexuality is a sin. God calls homosexuality an ‘abomination.’ That means God hates this deviant behavior. In fact God has such extreme disgust for this perversion that He nuked the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. I am not against the gay agenda because I am ignorant or phobic. I am against it because it goes against scripture. And as a Christian I accept the Holy Bible as the final authority on all issues. And scripture clearly tells us that fornicators, adulterers, and homosexuals are not going to enter into the kingdom of God unless they repent. “For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins” Hebrews 10:26 Homosexuality is unnatural, a perversion that degrades the temple of God, and it is medically damaging to the human body. That is a fact. But there is another spiritual and prophetic reason why God hates this sin so much. Marriage is the only sacred institution given directly by God to mankind. The marital relationship between a man and a woman is a sign of the relationship between Christ and His bride, New Jerusalem and the Church. And after mankind’s fall God promised to send a Savior (Jesus Christ) to the world through the Seed of the women. The Savior would be our High Priest and King and it was prophesied that He would come from the line of King David. Satan has been attacking marriage and the family since the days of Adam and Eve in an attempt to foil God’s plan of salvation by interfering with the Messianic bloodline. Murder, violence, promiscuity, and homosexuality are nothing less than tools of the devil. Heterosexual marriage produces children, and through this process the Seed of the woman our Messiah was born. Conversely homosexual relationships produce nothing but condemnation. Without marriage (and inspired Jewish record keeping) it would have been impossible to validate Christ’s compliance with the genealogical requirements for the Messiah. This is not about equal rights and privacy under the law but rather taking the rights of Christians away. The ultimate goal of the gay community is to “change times and laws” so that homosexuality and perversion is forced upon everyone and the Bible and Christianity are branded a hate crime. In Sweden calling homosexuals an abomination can get you two years in prison. But calling Christians ignorant homophobics can get you elected to public office. The case of the two underage teenagers suing for the right to sleep together is actually the first step to legalizing pedophilia. When minors are legally granted the right to do whatever they want with their own bodies, and they will be some day soon, then adult predators will be able to avoid prosecution by claiming the relationship was consensual. Anyone that watches the news today knows that homosexuals and pedophiles in the church are nothing new. But what makes the case of the gay Bishop so alarming is that the Episcopal church is now trying to legitimize what the Catholic church has tried to keep secret. Prophecy tells us the Antichrist will be a homosexual. And few Christians realize that the ancient world engaged in immoral rituals in their pagan temples as a symbolic way to worship pagan gods. So don’t be deceived. When Bishop Robinson takes off his vestments and jumps into bed with a male partner he is not pleasing God, but rather blaspheming God much in the same way the ancients did in Babylon, Greece, and Egypt. The bottom line is marriage is a sacred institution between a man and a woman and homosexuality and fornication are sins. It boils down to accepting or rejecting God’s will in your life. If you want to come to Christ you must do it His way; confess, repent, believe and go and sin no more. This humanistic philosophy of “accept me as I am” is not going to work with God. A Holy God must deal with sin. God give us all the free will to make the choice. But the choices we make will have consequences. Homosexuals and their promiscuous life style are responsible for spreading AIDS to tens of millions around the globe. And fornication is the number one cause of unwed single family households. Three out of every ten children are now born out of wedlock and in some segments of society as many as seven out of ten are born illegitimate. Children deserve the opportunity to enjoy all the benefits of being raised in a proper family with a loving mother and father. The Episcopalian leadership in the United States says a non-repenting adultery and homosexual, who claims God told him to come out of the closet, is qualified to hold a Bishopric and instruct clergy on how to live a righteous Christ-centric life. And they support their decision by claiming scripture does not forbid gay relationships. However, scripture in the Holy Bible makes God’s hatred of this perversion crystal clear, “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” Additionally, scripture clearly tells us that a Bishop must be “the husband of one wife.” There is not much we can do to stop the gay agenda from becoming the law of the land. But I do believe Christians have a responsibility to fight to keep the church grounded in God’s word. At the very least Episcopalians and Anglicans world wide should clean house. If they can’t rectify this situation from within their own organization then clearly it is time for them to strike out and have nothing further to do with these blasphemers. Church leaders that would set up a man flaunting is homosexuality, a sin God calls and abomination, into a holy place in Gods church, a Bishopric, are acting in the spirit of antichrist. We are living in the last days.
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Satan High School By John Roberts, March 10, 2003 At a public High School in San Mateo, California, a group of over 35 students are now participating in “The Satanic Thought Society” club on school grounds. According to club founders the Satanic Society teaches fellow students how to practice Satanism using literature from Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan in 1966. At this point in time students are not actually performing satanic rituals during club meetings. What is Satanism and what exactly are these kids being taught at a public school? Satanism teaches that experimentation with sinful conduct brings “enlightenment,” and that in return can elevate one to godhood. The Satanist is encouraged to indulge in all forms of immorality and wickedness. To the Satanist Eve did not sin in the Garden of Eden but rather her eyes were opened. They believe that Eve’s defiance, rebellion, and experimentation with sin was good, enlightening, and made her like their god. And who is the god of Satanism? Satan is of course the god of the religion that bares his name. And Satanists do worship the Devil as a supernatural being despite their denials to the contrary. Remember, you can’t believe anything a Satanist says because lying is not wrong behavior in Satanism but admired as a useful tool. The Satanic club members do not see anything wrong with Satan, the religion of Satanism, or even worshiping Satan. In fact, in a recent interview on FOX the San Mateo High Student Body President (and active member of the Satanic Club) blamed Christians for creating a false impression that Satan is evil. His misguided comments illustrate the twisted thought process of many kids in the public school system today. They don’t know the difference between right and wrong. And they certainly are not getting the proper morals, values, and ethics from their parents. These kids want the freedom to worship Satan on public property using public resources and they want to do so without feeling any sense of guilt or being told that what they are doing is wrong. Satanists hate Christians and the God of the Bible. Christian morals, values, ethics and differentiation between right and wrong are viewed as evil obstructions to the path of wisdom and self enlightenment through experimentation. Satanism’s hedonistic philosophy twists evil into good and labels good as evil. This story is not being blown out of proportion. We are not talking here about a few misguided kids trying to see how far they can test institutional authority. This story has made the national media because these kids are worshiping Satan at a public school with the full support of most of the school’s administration, faculty, parents, and local clergy. Vocal supporters of the Satanic Club include the school’s principle Jacqueline McEvoy, San Mateo Union High School District superintendent Tom Mohr, Parent Teacher Organization president Jann Westfall, and priest Harold Snider of Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church in Burlingame. The school’s PA system was used to announce the formation of the Satanic Club to all students and fliers were distributed to encourage participation. And at every club meeting the school provides an adult teacher-advisor to supervise students as they learn how to worship Satan and hate Christians and the God of the Bible. John's Take Students at San Mateo High School are learning how to be just like their idols, Anton LaVey and Satan. They just want to “stir up controversy” and “turn man back into a natural state and not have him corrupted by religion.” Satan is their “symbol of defiance and rebellion against a conformist, God-fearing society.” “Well isn’t that special.” Teenagers rebelling against authority and engaging in bad behavior, I don’t think that surprises anyone. The real shocker is that their parents and school officials are supporting and facilitating this deviant behavior. I grew up in a different age when public school teachers were the respected gatekeepers for society. It was a time when students were taught the difference between right and wrong. We learned one of life’s most important lessons, that the decisions we make have consequences. Right behavior was rewarded and wrong behavior was not tolerated. At Satan High students are being taught that nothing is inappropriate, nothing is off limits. What kind of people will these kids be when they graduate and take their place in society if they are dabbling in Satanism in High School? Liberal politicians and judges, gay talk show hosts, environmentalists, CNN reporters, and left-wing political activists that can no longer cut the mustard in the entertainment industry I guess. What is next if these people get away with this? Will they push a little further? Perhaps Human Sacrifice 101 will become mandatory curriculum? Satanism is wrong and a cancer on society. It is an outrage that this wickedness is going on in public schools.
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Crisis In The Middle East, Good vs. Evil By John Roberts, July 8, 2002 I believe all creatures on earth understand the difference between good and evil. And each one chooses which side to join. For over six thousand years of recorded history these two adversaries have been at war. God leads the forces of light. Satan leads the forces of darkness. The crisis in the Middle East is an extension of this age-old struggle. On one side we have the Jews; the descendants of Isaac, recipient of the promise of salvation and God's chosen people, Israel a nation established by God and a land given to the Jews, and Jerusalem the city where Jesus Christ will established His physical kingdom on earth. On the other side we have Arab Palestinians; the descendants of Ishmael, rejected by God because of their sin, the enemy of God and His people, pagans that worship an unknown god, and members of the forces of darkness that seek to destroy all Jews and Christians. |
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A picture is worth a thousand words as these photos clearly illustrates the difference between good and evil. |
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God has established the Jews back on their homeland in fulfillment of His word in ancient prophecy. Consequently the Devil and his ponds the Palestinians are striving hard to push the Jews into the sea. Their goal is to make God a liar by obstructing the fulfillment of His prophecy to restore the Jews to the land of Israel. Once you understand this truth, that the Palestinians are the tools of Satan, then you will have a full understanding of the real crisis in the Middle East. This is a war between good and evil. You know a tree by its fruit. The Jews have turned a desert into a garden. They have brought life and abundance to a barren land. They wait for their Messiah. The Jews ask for nothing but to live in peace with their Arab neighbors. The Arabs and Islam export terrorism all over the world. They build pagan temples on God's Temple Mount. They bury bodies in front of the Eastern Gate thinking this will stop the Messiah from entering the Temple Mount. They seek to destroy all Christendom and Israel. Muslims are liars and murders and proud of it. That may sound harsh and judgmental to the self-righteous, but it is the undeniable truth. And it is about time people stop compromising the truth and learn to deal with it. If you really want to put an end to terrorism you would need to put an end to Islam and other antichrist religions, and chain up the Devil. That is exactly what the Lord plans to do when He returns. One need look no further than the recent wave of Palestinian suicide bombers to see the evil character of Islam and the "Palestinian Cause." A Palestinian suicide bomber detonated himself between a toy store and a candy store in a busy shopping district of downtown Jerusalem. Another suicide bomber exploded in a popular restaurant frequented by Israeli youths. Still another Palestinian attacked a medical center that dispatches ambulances to transport the injured and dying to hospitals. And for the first time Arab women and children are being used to carry out suicide attacks against Israelis. |
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"Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name's sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold." Matthew 24:9-12 |
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This form of terrorist attack is almost impossible to stop. The Arab bombers infiltrate Israel disguised in ambulances and diplomatic vehicles. Exiting their ride they proceed on foot to the intended target, typically a bus, building, crowded market, or large gathering of Israeli civilians or soldiers. Outwardly the bomber's appearance is indistinguishable from their intended victims. But under their clothing their bodies have been packed with high explosives, metal shards, nails and ball bearings dipped in rat poison. When the bomber explodes the resulting blast and shrapnel causes horrific casualties. A favorite Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad tactic is known as the bombing double-tap. This is when two suicide bombers are used on a single target. The tactic entails using the first bomber to blow himself up amid a crowd of unsuspecting victims hoping for dozens of kills. The second bomber, one equipped with a much larger bomb, moves into the kill zone just as the police, fire and medical personnel reach the blast area. The second blast is intended to kill those wounded by the first explosion, as well as take out as many of the emergency response team as possible. In 1995 a Palestinian double-tap bombing north of Tel Aviv wounded more than 200 and killed 22. The double-tap bombing illustrates the demonic nature of Islam. The motivation behind these Arab suicide attacks is almost as sickening as the aftermath of their explosion. Suicide bombers represent the most brainwashed and gullible of Islamic society. Arab religious leaders and teachers indoctrinate Arab children with hatred for Jews and Americans from their first year of school onward. We now have a generation of Arab youth that believe murdering Jews and Westerners is not a sin or murder, but a righteous act of martyrdom that pleases their god. The little known truth is that these suicide bombers don't kill for political ideology and military fanaticism. That actually has nothing to do with it. The true motivation behind Muslim suicide attacks is sex and money. Believe it or not Islam teaches that heaven is a place where women are chained to coaches for eternity sexually servicing Muslim men, regaining their virginity every fifteen minutes to please the men of course. Terrorist organizations uses this basic Islamic teaching as their fundamental recruiting tool. Young Muslim men and boys are told that if they die a "martyr" they will go straignt to heaven where not one but over seventy-two wives wait for them, chained to coaches, ready to please them for eternity. So the truth is most Muslim suicide bombers are motivated by the promise of eternal sex in heaven. Other hooks are used to entice young girls and men who are not so carnally minded into becoming human bombs. These are told that martyrdom in a terrorist attack brings the forgiveness of all sin, not just for the attacker, but for their family and friends as well. They are told they will all go to heaven. Lastly, the PLO and other terrorist organizations pay money in exchange for a suicide bomber's life. Letters from Arafat authorizing cash payments in exchange for suicide attacks have been recovered in the recent fighting. Sadam Hussein has also promised to pay the families of suicide bombers $25,000. Muslim fathers and mothers actually encourage their sons to become suicide bombers. Why would any parent want their child to murder innocent people? How could a mother or father accept blood money for their child's senseless death? Where is the love? John's Take Palestinian suicide bombers are murderers. Their families should be arrested for supporting terrorism. Heaven is where God has established His thrown. It is a place of spirituality and righteousness. What does sex have to do with the after life? The flesh does not follow us into the grave. The fact that Arabs will commit murder for money and the promise of sex in the after life says a lot about the nature of Islam and the problems in the Middle East. Arafat is a liar, murderer, an enemy of God and Israel, and a terrorist. Arafat supported Iraq in Desert Storm. He ordered the killing of an innocent man in a wheelchair on a cruise liner simply because he was a Jew. Arafat was behind the kidnapping and murder of Israeli atheletes at the Olympics. He should be arrested and brought to justice. A terrorist that is elected to office is still a terrorist. If the Palestinians chose to follow a terrorist such as Arafat then they should be held accountable for his crimes. Arab Palestinians have no right to the land God has promised to the Jews. They will never drive Israel into the sea. Jesus Christ is coming back to fight for His people. "For I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem; the city shall be taken, the houses rifled, and the women ravished. Half of the city shall go into captivity, but the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then the LORD will go forth and fight against those nations, as He fights in the day of battle." Zechariah 14:2-3 "And this shall be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, and their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths." Zechariah 14:12 "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." Genesis 12:3
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TNIV, Zondervan's Feminist Bible By John Roberts, February 7, 2002 Zondervan Publishing House and the International Bible Society have joined forces to blaspheme the Word of God by publishing their new feminist version of the Bible called "Today's New International Version," or TNIV. The New Testament TNIV will go on sale in April with the full feminist Bible including the Old Testament expected by 2005. The problem of politically correct Bibles is nothing new. In 1997 it was revealed that the Bible society was working on an "inclusive-language" revision. The society had already published such an edition with a British publisher. The version's gender usage was hotly debated from both sides of the issue. The Reverend Billy Graham put his full endorsement behind the feminist Bible. James Dobson of "Focus on the Family," World magazine, and leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention criticized the language change. After meeting with critics the Bible society said it would halt publication of Britain's agenda-inclusive edition and had "abandoned all plans for gender-related changes in future editions of the New International Version." By publishing this TNIV anti-male Bible the International Bible Society is going back on their word. |
Revelation 22:16-21
16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. |
John's Take What Christians need to understand is that the Money Changers Christ removed from the Temple Mount have returned today and set up shop in the Christian publishing and trinket industry. Publishing the TNIV is all about making money, political correctness, and the Devil. The Devil strives to separate man from the truth. The Word brings salvation to fallen man. For over a thousand years the Bible was published in the dead Latin language. This allowed the Roman Catholic church to become intermediaries between man and our God, replacing the Word and Holy Spirit with the confessional, indulgences, Purgatory, and the priesthood. The Protestant reformation and printing press forced Satan to take a new tactic. The Devil can no longer keep the Bible out of your hands so he seeks to distort and change it. "Political correctness" is a way of preparing mankind for the one-world religion of "Beast worship." Eliminating the generic "he" from new Bible editions is part of the plan to wash all males out of the Bible. Paganism seeks to elevate the woman over man and God. If the man is no longer the head of the house then feminists can replace Christ with a "Goddess" as the head of the church. The feminist movement today is nothing more than the ancient Babylonian Mystery of Goddess worship repackaged for modern consumption. Making money has everything to do with publishing new editions of the Bible. The Bible is the most widely published book in history. Zondervan of Grand Rapids, Michigan, owned by HarperCollins, holds the North American rights for both the NIV and TNIV. New versions bring new copyrights, which generate new royalties. New Bible editions have nothing to do with correcting linguistic errors. Publishers are now redacting and changing scripture to please special interest groups. References to males and masculinity are being removed today to please feminists. Tomorrow references to Sodom and Gomorrah will be removed to please the gay community. Eventually God will be removed to please the Antichrist and False Prophet. Publishing the Holy Bible is a wonderful work. But Zondervan and the International Bible Society have profaned this honor by editing the Word of God for political correctness and financial gain. They disarmed their detractors with a false pledge and then carried on with this evil deed in secrecy to avoid publication delays. At this late point in time there is little anyone can do to stop the feminist Bible. But you can be assured the Lord will straighten things out when HE comes back.
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Christians Praying To Allah, What Is Next? By John Roberts, October 18, 2001 People often say and do things they honestly believe to be right that may in reality be contrary to the Word and will of God. Such is the case with the National Prayer Service. Following the aftermath of the Muslim terrorist attacks on America President Bush declared a national day of prayer. To commemorate the occasion a prayer service was held in the nation's capital and televised live around the world. The service was conducted jointly by the President's spiritual mentor and individuals carefully selected to represent the Roman Catholic Church, Judaism, Islam, Protestantism, and women in the clergy. The National Cathedral was packed with politicians. Up front were placed half a dozen ornate chairs facing the congregation, the President and former Presidents, members of Congress, and foreign dignitaries. |
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A sign of the one-world religion under the False Prophet. |
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The Reverend Billy Graham, a great evangelist, but little knowledge beyond the basics, and quick to compromise the gospel for personal and political gain! |
Upon these spiritual pedestals sat evangelist Billy Graham, "Reverend Jane," and individuals introduced as a "Rabbi," a Muslim Cleric, and so on. Each got up in turn and conducted part of the service. They quoted from their respective scriptures and led all in attendance in prayers to Allah and God. President Bush added his words to close the service. The President orchestrated the event to send out a message that would gain worldwide approval and be repeated many times since in the media. The message was the unity of all faiths and the oneness of god worshiped by all religions. The defining moment at the National Prayer Service was when President Bush, Reverend Billy Graham, and the rest in attendance bowed their heads to join a Muslim cleric in a prayer to Allah. The President does not want the war on terrorism to appear as a Christian crusade against Islam. It is clear that Bush and Graham and their advisors planned every aspect of the service to avoid offending anyone and to present an image of religious solidarity and unity. Both of these individuals are consummate politicians and they certainly know how to compromise to get what they want. And they got what they wanted. Following the service I heard nothing but praise for the President, Reverend Billy Graham and the National Prayer Service. However, I would like to point out what is wrong with this picture. You don't compromise the Word of God for any reason. I was appalled to see our President and the Reverend bow their heads as a Muslim cleric led the congregation in prayer and worship to Allah. In their ignorance they just prayed to the pagan god Baal. Muslims and Christians do not worship the same god. Allah is not just another name for the God that Christians worship. What most people do not know is that Allah is the name of a pagan god. Any religious encyclopedia will confirm that Allah is a pre-Islamic name corresponding to the Babylonian god Bel (Baal). Allah, Mecca, and the Ka'aba ("Cube") were all part of the pagan mystery religion practiced by Arabs since well before Muhammad and the invention of Islam. In those days Arabs worshiped many deities. And the image of Baal (Allah) was set up in the Ka'aba and shared space with as many as 364 other images of pagan gods and goddesses. The President went on to say that the terrorists were not true Muslims. Their "Holy War" on America was not justified by the teachings of Islam and they "blasphemed Allah" and "this great religion." All of these statements are false and misleading. You can't blaspheme a false god. The terrorist blasphemed Jesus and so did the President and his spiritual advisor when they prayed to Allah. I respect a person's right to worship as they please in America at this time. This is still Satan's domain. But things are going to be different when the Lord returns. Do you think God is going to put up with Islam and other false religions when He sets up His kingdom on earth? Make no mistake about it. God does not respect false religions and false gods and neither do I. This prayer service was an opportunity to share the gospel with hundreds of millions watching around the globe. In these troubling and frightening times the message of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior would have been a comforting message to all. Instead the Christian speakers were careful not to say "Jesus Christ our Lord our God our Savior." The name Jesus and the cross were mentioned once. But it was no accident the service presented the unity of god in all religions. I find nothing more despicable than so called religious leaders compromising the Gospel for the sake of not offending others. If the truth offends so be it. John's Take It was wrong for President Bush and Reverend Graham and the other Christians to pray to Allah. Exodus 34:12-14
12 "Take heed to yourself, lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you are going, lest it be a snare in your midst. It was wrong to call any Jewish religious leader a "Rabbi." And it was wrong to call any Roman Catholic Priest or representative "Father." Matthew 23:6-12
6 "They love the best places at feasts, the best seats in the synagogues, It was wrong to have "Reverend Jane" speak at the prayer service and it is wrong for Anne Graham-Lotz, the Reverend's daughter, to continue her fight to be ordained. 1 Corinthians 14:34-35
11 Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says. If these two women want to do the will of God instead of their own will let them get out of the ministry as commanded by the Word of God. It was wrong for Christian speakers to purposely avoid saying "Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior" so as to not offend the others. Mark 8:38
38 "For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels."
It was wrong to bring false religions and their representatives into a Christian house of worship to conduct a joint prayer service. 2 Corinthians 6:14-18
14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? The National Prayer Service was a sign of what will shortly come to pass during the physical reign of the unholy trinity on earth. The Antichrist will unite the governments of the world. And the False Prophet will unite all religions to worship the Beast and Satan as their god. 2 Corinthians 11:12-15
12 But what I do, I will also continue to do, that I may cut off the opportunity from those who desire an opportunity to be regarded just as we are in the things of which they boast. It is a God given right to put your faith where you want, but the truth is your choices will have consequences. The world does not need religious diversity and unity. There may be many religions but there is only one God and one way to everlasting life. I don't think I am right I know I am right. I John 2:22-25
22 Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. It is a lie to say we all worship the same god. It is a lie to say there are many ways to God. If you want salvation you must come to God on His terms and His way. The lost don't need to be patronized and Christians need to stop compromising the Word. Salvation comes only through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
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Where Have All The Liberals Gone? By John Roberts, October 18, 2001 In the weeks following the terrorist attacks President Bush has reached an unpredicted 90 percent approval rating from the American public. Displays of patriotism are everywhere. Stores can't keep U.S. flags in stock. American solders in uniform proudly stand guard at airports and other civilian facilities. Public support for our government and military has never been higher. Young people are signing up for military service by droves. This is in stark contrast to the last administration. President Clinton was known for burning American flags during his anti-war demonstration days. |
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Where are the flag burners now? |
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Where have all the liberals gone? |
Clinton also used one of his first formal dinners in the White House to humiliate the military. For the first time in history a President forced the White House honor guard, the best of the best from every branch of the military, to serve meals to Clinton's liberal anti-military Hollywood supporters. Why mention Clinton at a time like this? Let us not forget that it was under the Clinton administration that our military was systematically dismantled and liberal policies forced upon America. |
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Years of neglect and liberal policies can't be fixed overnight. But proudly displaying the flag over Clinton's legacy is a good start. |
Liberals have had everything their way recently - no prayer in school, pro-abortion, homosexuality, dismantling the military, a former First Lady and pro-Palestinian elected as a New York Senator. The most liberal of all organizations, the United Nations, met in South Africa last month to brand America and Israel as terrorist nations. The UN lined up guest speakers from a virtual who's who of Islamic terrorist sponsors so they could take turns bashing America. The UN was forced to bring the meeting to an end when real terrorists attacked America. Up until September we were experiencing the high tide of liberalism. But now after the terrorist attacks of September 11th I see only red, white, and blue, and hear everyone praying. So I ask the question, where have all the liberals gone? Turn on the news or pick up a magazine and there you will see liberal politicians and Hollywood celebrities giving blood, "singing for America," praying, crying on cue in front of the camera, and acting all patriotic. Some like Barbra Streisand have even started to remove all evidence of their anti-military and anti-government rhetoric from their homepage. I guess this is a case of "that was then, this is now." My memory may be short but I still remember these very same celebrities campaigning against defense spending and making jokes about Christians, conservatives, Republicans, and the military every chance they got. These two-faced hypocrites change with whatever direction the wind is blowing at the moment. If the role requires them to be patriotic then they become patriotic. Whatever it takes to further their public image. They don't know how to stop acting and become a real person, a real American. John's Take I will admit that for a brief moment following the terrorist attacks most Americans came together and we put our differences aside. We were all victimized. Many have finally came to the understanding that things will never be the same here in America. There are people and governments in the world bent on the destruction of the West and the creation of an Islamic world. These terrorists secretly plotted a sneak attack upon the U.S. that took the lives of over 5,000 people. But had they acquired more potent weapons they would have killed millions. That is the real concern. Terrorism comes in many forms so we need to prepare to meet any challenge. But the immediate threat to the U.S. is from Muslim terrorists. It is most likely that a Muslim will commit the next horrific act of terrorism on American soil. There are tens of thousands of Muslim foreign students that legally enter this country every year to attend University. They come from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan and even Afghanistan. After these Muslim foreigners apply and are accepted by a U.S. school our government grants them a Visa without so much as a cursory background check. Once over here many simply drop out of school and disappear. The truth is there are more potential Muslim terrorists already in the country than there are FBI agents to track them down. Evil is responsible for what is wrong in the world today. But liberalism certainly helped bring on the current situation and liberalism will definitely stand in the way of fixing the problem. To address the immediate threat of terrorism America must focus on the most likely suspects. Virtually all the terrorists were Muslims foreign nationals. Liberals will use the term "racial profiling" to hinder the capture and conviction of these criminals. If it helps facilitate their capture we should profile terrorists, suicide bombers, and mass murderers. What I am offended by are Muslim foreign nationals that hardly speak a word of English hassling me at airport security. I should be checking their bags. I want to know why people from countries that sponsor terrorism are still working airport security in my country? We need to put an end to the liberal propaganda that prohibits us from making America a safer place to live. Muslim foreign nationals are the high-risk group most likely to commit acts of terrorism. The fact is Muslims, specifically Muslims in this country illegally, committed the horrific acts of terrorism on September 11th. We should stop granting Visas to students from countries that export terrorism. Do a background check on Muslim foreign students already in the country. And start a nation-wide search for Muslims that have stayed over in the U.S. beyond the time limit granted on their Visa. This might not be politically correct. But it would be the most effective measure we could take with the least amount of infringement on security and human rights of all.
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Pat Robertson Lukewarm On Forced Abortions By John Roberts, May 11, 2001 Pat Robertson of the Christian Coalition recently gave a very immoral and unchristian statement on CNN regarding Communist China's forced abortions. |
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"Well, you know, I don't agree with it, but at the same time, they've got 1.2 billion people and they don't know what to do. If every family over there was allowed to have three or four children, the population would be completely unsustainable. So, I think that right now they're doing what they have to do." |
The Chinese government has made it against the law to have more than one child. If women get pregnant with a second child then the communists murder the unborn child by forced abortion. John's Take Murder is against God's code of moral conduct. A real Christian condemns abortion for what it is, murder. For Pat Robertson to say that China's millions of forced abortions each year is "...doing what they have to do" shows how far televangelists have strayed from the Word of God. Pat Robertson, when I heard you deny the Rapture it became clear you were not versed in scripture. Now that I see you condone forced abortion by communist China I think you were half-right about one thing. There will be no Rapture for you unless you repent.
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The Gay War On Morality By John Roberts, May 1, 2001 The gay agenda is being pushed by the rich and famous and our own government. 1.   Steven Spielberg has stepped down from an advisory board of the Boy Scouts of America to protest the BSA exclusion of openly gay men as troop leaders. |
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Steven Spielberg has put his support behind the homosexual community at the expense of good kids. Has this Scout and successful big shot in Hollywood forgot his oath to be "clean" and "morally straight?" |
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What kind of people would force troop leaders that openly engage in conduct God calls an "abomination" upon innocent and impressionable children? The kind a lost world loves I guess. |
Response:   Spielberg's actions are a continued attempt by gay supporters to win in the court of public opinion. A gay troop leader sued the Boy Scouts to try and remain in charge of a group of young Boys. Wow, that is like putting the fox in charge of the hen house! However, the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Boy Scouts of America. They ruled that private organizations have a right to "set membership standards. "Every group has its standards: The Girl Scouts have a rule that you have to be a girl." The Boy Scouts assert that homosexual conduct is inconsistent with the values embodied in the Scout Oath and Law. Boy Scout values are spelled out in the Scout Oath and Law, which require scouts to be "clean" and "morally straight." Therefore the Boy Scouts believe an avowed homosexual is not a role model for the traditional moral values espoused in the Scout Oath and Law. They believe homosexual conduct is inconsistent with the values they wish to instill. 2.   The Senate quickly approved pro-gay rights Gov. Paul Cellucci as Ambassador to Canada. Response:   The Senate has never been a bastion of morality. With openly queer politicians like Barney Frank what do you expect? Ultimately Ambassadors represent and reflect the people they serve. Openly gay men and women have the morals of Sodom and Gomorrah and Hollywood but not the morals of the majority of Americans. We should not be exporting perversion to our neighbors. 3.   The Defense Department hired gay activist Stephen Herbits with the approval of  President George W. Bush for a key post at the Defense Department. Stephen Herbits is a longtime AIDS and gay rights activist now working on a consulting basis as a special assistant to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. His responsibilities include recruiting and screening employees for the department. Herbits is an original member of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), a founding board member of the National Leadership Coalition on AIDS and is a former chair of the AIDS Action Council. He has also been a vocal opponent of the ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military. Response:   I never would have imagined that putting gay activists in charge of hiring at the Pentagon is what President Bush meant when he said if elected he would rebuild the military. I am sure that this will be a real moral booster for those in uniform in our armed services. What direction is the Defense Department looking to take our military? Will the new black beret be replaced with flashy sequins and feathers and a pink camouflage design? Perhaps Herbits will hire some friends to redecorate the Pentagon? Gay drill sergeants would be interesting. Think of the fancy marching steps that would be introduced to the troops. Mess up in boot camp and instead of dropping for twenty recruits would be forced to recite the words of a Judy Garland song. The Herbits appointment sends a message to Congress that the Defense Department openly supports homosexuals in the military, despite the congressional ban. The military is no place for gay activists. 4.   President George W. Bush has appointed Log Cabin Republican and pro-gay activists Scott Evertz to the Office on National AIDS Policy. Response:   Bush campaigned on a platform of Christian values. Now that he is in office he seems to have conveniently forgotten what it means to be a Christian. He appears to be more concerned with getting gay votes for reelection. This is a very irresponsible appointment. Homosexuals and their promiscuous and deviant behavior are the sole reason for the worldwide AIDS epidemic. Appointing a gay activist to run our National AIDS Policy is like putting a pyromaniac in charge of a fire prevention policy! An administration that has pledged to uphold traditional morals has no business advancing the homosexual agenda through appointments. John's Take Homosexuals are trying to label those with morals and those that truly follow God as homophobic, mean spirited, judgmental, and discriminatory. The truth is Christians are simply trying to keep the Gospel and commandments of God. It doesn't get any clearer than this: "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination." Leviticus 18:22-23 God calls homosexuality an abomination. God has declared gays immoral. Scripture tells us it is wrong to support those who engage in this perversion. The only sexual conduct that is moral in God's eyes is that between a married man and woman. All other sexual activity is a sin. And that includes homosexuality. God must really disapprove of homosexuality. God has never destroyed a city because of adultery. Yet gay Sodom and Gomorrah were reduced to a pile of ash now occupying the lowest spot on earth. I understand Spielberg and President Bush. They have their priorities. They are willing to compromise the Word of God for popularity. Their morals change with the whims of public opinion. In these last days society is moving away from God. You can not be popular with God and this world.
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A New President, With Faith In God By John Roberts, January 29, 2001 George W. Bush has taken the oath of office as the President of the United States of America. |
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This is a great day for all Americans. A born again Christian who practices what he preaches. This is a leader that will set a good example for our children. |
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We now have a family with integrity, the right values, morals, and ethics in the White House. Thank you God! |
One of President Bush's very first official acts as president was to issue a proclamation declaring January 21 as a National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving. Oh what a difference a day makes! George W. Bush is already transforming the dead political landscape in DC. With appointments like former Senator John Ashcroft of Missouri Bush is sending a clear message to those who put him in office. His cabinet appointees will be men and women of faith and the highest integrity. John's Take Christians founded this country. People came to America because it offered a chance for them to worship God in peace and freedom and escape persecution from oppressive governments. I hope that now all Americans will once again enjoy the freedom to worship our Lord. This restoration of our Christian rights should include prayer in our schools and public buildings. There was a time when smokers were allowed to infringe on all the rest of us. Perhaps Bush can pass a law that moves the "no prayer" crowd outside with the smokers while the rest of us give praise to God.
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The Spirit of Antichrist By John Roberts, January 29, 2001 Jesus warned us that the spirit of antichrist was already in the world over two thousand years ago. Jesus was the Christ. God came down to the earth and took on a tabernacle of flesh and blood so that He might give up His life as a covering for our sins. Jesus is the only son of man to ever live a sinless life. He fulfilled the prophecies of old that foretold of His coming. Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem as King and Messiah. He performed miracles in plain sight. But the political and religious leaders of His day did not want any part of the Messiah. They held positions of authority and favor over the people. They used their positions to consolidate wealth and power. Jesus and His followers became the enemy of the Herodians, Pharisses, and Sadducces when He exposed their false doctrines and wicked ways to the people. The Jews and their evil masters the Romans thought it was all going their way. They released a murder and they crucified God on a cross. They thought they had won. However, it was all predestined. When Jesus gave up His life we gained eternity. Less than forty years later these wicked men were all gone along with the Jerusalem they tried to build with their own hands. And the infrastructure of fine roads, built by the same people that thrust a spear into the side of God, became a conduit for spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the Roman Empire. The point is "all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." There are those who are filled with God's spirit that serve God. And there are those who are filled with the spirit of Antichrist. These serve another master and work against God. Now lets examine a few things to see if they are of the Spirit of God or the spirit of Antichrist. If you want to walk in His ways you must learn to discern right from wrong behavior. Before leaving office President Clinton pardon 150 convicted criminals. Many of these have never confessed or repented of their evil deeds. Billionaire Marc Rich bought oil from Iran while they were holding American hostages. His wife donated $1 million to Democrats, including Bill and Hillary. He has never paid for his crime because he fled to Switzerland. Now thanks to Clinton he is free to come back to the US without ever having spent a day in jail. Bill Clinton and Al Gore openly laughed hysterical as anti-Christian jokes were spewed out at a typical Hollywood event. Al Gore's vice-presidential running mate, Joe Lieberman, is an orthodox Jew that takes the Talmud as gospel. The Talmud is full of racist anti-Christian dogma. Not one word was ever raised by the media about Joe's faith. However, Clinton, Gore, Lieberman, and the media all oppose the nomination of Ashcroft because he is a born again Christian. Before vacating the White House Clinton employees:
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Do you think Citizen Bill will clean the house, make dinner, and greet Hillary with a kiss at the door when she gets home from work everyday? Perhaps the thought of this scenario is why Bill took so long to get out of the White House and leave town. I thought the plane was never going to take off. But when it finally happened, and this joker was gone for good, I jumped for joy. The feeling can only be compared to the relief that came after I passed a kidney stone. |
Are these the actions of people filled by the Spirit of God or the spirit of Antichrist? Over the past eight years Bill and Hillary Clinton and their staff displayed a clear pattern of ungodly behavior. To make it worse they have never willingly confessed or repented from their wicked deeds. If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck, and quacks like a duck then chances are it is a duck. The Bill Clinton presidency was a shadow of the coming of the Antichrist of that there is no doubt. John's Take In his farewell speech Bill Clinton said he steered this country by our common set of values. Clearly he must have been talking to his friends in Hollywood. I certainly do not share Clinton's values. Bill also made another interesting statement. He said "it is time to put a face on the world economy." What did he mean by that statement? The only face I know of that will someday control the world economy is the Antichrist. This really made me wonder about the force behind evil governments like the Clinton administration. And let us not forget Bill's partner in crime. Hillary supports killing the unborn, homosexual rights, male bashing, socialism, and stopping all prayer in school. But Hillary Clinton said she is against Ashcroft because he "bends the law." Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! This statement proves that the Clintons have either lost their minds or they have become delusional hypocrites. The media protected Bill and Hilary, attacked everyone asking for moral accountability, and worked hard to sway public opinion during every Clinton investigation. I can't help but think of how the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitudes to ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus. Don't be fooled. The spirit of Antichrist was very busy these past eight years in Washington DC. Be careful what you ask for New York, you just might get more than you bargained for.
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Jesse Jackson Fathers Illegitimate Child By John Roberts, January 18, 2001 The Reverend Jesse Jackson has publicly acknowledged an adulterous affair with ex-professor and employee Karin Stanford. Reverend Jackson also admitted to fathering her 20-month-old illegitimate girl. This admission came after the story was broke by the press. |
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Who's your Daddy? |
When the affair started is hard to say. Stanford was welcomed into the Jackson home to conduct interviews with the Reverend for a book she was writing about Jesse's impact on foreign policy. Eventually Reverend Jackson hired Stanford to run the Rainbow Coalition's Washington office. Stanford became pregnant but it was impossible to determine who the father was. The Reverend was not the only person Stanford was being intimate with at the time. A DNA test later revealed Jackson to be the father. Reverend Jackson reportedly pays Stanford $3,000 - $10,000 a month in support. In addition Jackson may have bought Stanford a house, and coughed up an additional $40,000 for "moving expenses" when she took maternity leave and left Washington, D.C. for California.John's Take I am very disappointed in Reverend Jackson. This is unacceptable behavior, especially for a member of the clergy and man of God. You lead by example. This is not the type of leadership that is helpful to a community where three out of every four children are born out of wedlock. Some in the media and the Hollywood crowd will downplay this story. But this is not something that should be dismissed by the talking heads on late night talk shows. Face it, these people should not open their mouths to comment on values because they have none. A pack of wild dogs live by a higher standard of morals than all the lefties in Hollywood. My heart goes out to Reverend Jackson's wife and kids. People tend to forget that the choices we make have consequences. Granted, that might not have been Reverend Jackson's primary thought as he dropped his vestments for an employee 20 years his younger. But it should be! Both Clinton and Jackson have no one to blame but themselves. And what about this baby girl? The child needs a real father. Reverend Jackson was born out of wedlock. You would think that he would understand how wrong it is to do this to a child. We now know why Jackson announced that he would not seek the Democratic nomination for president. It was only one week earlier that Mrs. Stanford took maternity leave. I understand that we all make mistakes. But people will never learn unless they are held accountable for their actions. In my opinion Jackson's adulterous affair violated the sanctity of his position as a Baptist Minister, husband, father, and activist for human and civil-rights. This has damaged his credibility. Any member of the clergy that commits adultery should be relieved of their ministerial duties. Adultery is a serious issue. Adultery is the only sin for which God condones divorce. The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. When Born Again Christians jump into a bed to commit adultery they are defiling the temple of the living God. Last August, Clinton awarded Jackson the Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor. During his acceptance speech Jackson praise his wife Jackie and five children for supporting him. It appears that this left wing mutual admiration society could be more accurately describes as the adulators' club. I hope Mr. Jackson takes some time off to reflect on his bad behavior and how he may avoid the same mistake in the future.
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BUSH WINS, AGAIN By John Roberts, November 26, 2000 The Florida votes have been certified and Governor George W. Bush has won the state of Florida and the presidential election. The liberal Democrats tried every ballot-stuffing trick in their bag of dirty tricks and they came up losers, in more ways than one. We can now also say that President Elect George W. Bush carried the popular vote. It appears that over one million absentee ballots were not counted. It is estimated that over 800,000 would have gone for Bush, giving him the popular vote by over half a million votes. These votes were not counted because they were in states where one candidate won by an overwhelming amount. Therefore, these ballots were not required to be counted. I have some advice for the losers: To Al Gore, you lost so get use to it and get out of town. You are in Vice-President Dick Cheney's new residence. To Joseph Lieberman, don't be sad, I hear the Senate is looking for someone to play Santa Clause at their Christmas party. To impeached President Clinton, good thing you didn't spend too much time visiting your old communist friends in Vietnam. It's time to start packing and looking for a new bachelor's pad. To elected Senator Hilary Clinton, don't forget to invite your buddy PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat to New York for your victory celebration. To Secretary of Defense Cohen, you stabbed our military personnel in the back by trying to sabotage their absentee ballots. You thought that if you locked down enough bases and sent enough ships out on maneuvers that Al Gore might steal the election. You were wrong, and now it is time for you to take a stroll down washout lane. Do you get me? To all you Hollywood liberals that said you would move out of the country if Bush won, well, see you later and good riddance. Maybe now we will get some replacement writers, actors, and producers that actually have some talent! President George W. Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney, get use to it, you loser liberals are going to be hearing it for at least the next four years! John's Take The highest Judge in the universe has spoken. God is in control. Good has triumphed over evil. This is great news. I am looking forward to the day when President Bush puts an end to the Democratic sponsored late term abortion. The execution of millions of innocent children just moments before birth will now be stopped. Praise God. And thanks goes out to the millions of Republicans that voted for President Elect George W. Bush.
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George W. Bush Won The Presidential Election But Al Gore May Steal the White House! By John Roberts, November 18, 2000 Republican Governor George W. Bush fairly and legally beat Democratic Vice-President Al Gore in the Presidential election. When all the votes were tallied Governor Bush took the state of Florida and surpassed the required number of electoral votes needed to become the next President of the United States of America. However, the sad truth is George W. Bush will probably never step foot in the White House. The liberal Democrats are prepared to do anything, including fixing the election, to keep a Republican from moving onto Pennsylvania Ave. Don't be surprised. The liberal manifesto says the end justifies the means. So while the Republicans play fair the Democrats have been implementing a strategy that can be termed nothing less than ballot stuffing. It is very important for the rest of the world to hear the truth about the Democratic voter fraud that is taking place right now in this country. You certainly won't get the facts from the Gore biased liberal news media. Here is a list of the unethical and illegal Democratic tricks that we know about to date:
Let's not kid ourselves. The Democrats are not interested in fairly and accurately counting votes. They want to stuff the ballot box so that Al Gore can steal the election. A fair, accurate and unbiased machine vote was taken in Florida, and George Bush won. A second machine vote was taken, and George Bush won. A certification of the votes was made, including many Al Gore hand recounted votes, and George Bush won. The absentee ballots were counted, and George Bush Won. George W. Bush won this presidential election. But don't hold your breath waiting for a Bush administration. Let's call it like it is. Gore lost the election. There is a good chance that Gore also lost the popular vote as well. Am I saying that the Democrats engaged in voter fraud to win the popular vote? You bet I am. How did they improperly influence the popular vote? They stuffed ballot boxes with illegal votes for Gore while keeping out legal votes for Bush. We know for a fact that the current administration implemented a planned strategy to keep out military votes that favored Bush. This was done by closing bases, sending ships on maneuvers, and not allowing absentee ballots to be sent in to be counted. This is not a small matter. One aircraft carrier alone represents as many as 4,000 Bush votes. And now it has come out that the Gore lawyers sent out a five-page memorandum to Democratic election officials telling them exactly how to disqualify Republican absentee votes. On top of this lap top computers with a Republican database were used by teams of up to ten Democratic lawyers to selectively find and throw out Republican absentee ballots. It doesn't matter if you are a Republican or a Democrat. What is going on in Florida right now is just wrong. Should a presidential election come down to blind retired folk hand counting ballots? I don't think so. If I am not mistaken these are the same people that are granted a waiver from taking a driver's test because they would fail the eye exam. Are these the people that should be looking at ballots and deciding the voter's intent? They can't read the largest type on and eye chart with their glasses on! And let us not kid ourselves about the neutrality of the Florida Supreme Court. Seven liberals, one Independent and six Democrats, will now decide who wins the presidential election. Well, do you think they are Bush supporters? They acted with extreme bias to stop the vote certification because they knew Bush was ahead. Now armed with the final absentee count Democrats know the magic number they must reach to beat Bush. So out-of-towner Teamsters were bussed down to Florida to create the votes. This is a travesty and a sham and the court is part and parcel of the whole thing. Florida law says all votes except absentee votes "SHALL" be in no later than seven days after the election or they do not count. The hand counting that is going on right now is illegal and the Florida State Supreme Court is violating the law. Even these biased judges should know that "shall" is binding and not discretionary. In addition, the count is acting without authority by disregarding and rewriting the work of the Florida Legislature. The US Constitution is very specific about maintaining a separation between the three branches of the powers of state. The Florida Supreme Court is ignoring "shall" and rewriting the wording to allow Al Gore to win the election. I also expect the Supreme Court to allow dimpled "chads" in the final certified vote. The common practice in almost every state is to allow only votes where two corners of the chad have been removed. But the court will go ahead with dimpled chads because without them Gore would not get enough votes and they know it. Clearly the Supreme Court is playing a stalling game while talking about the importance of acting quickly. The reason they are using this strategy is to once again help put Gore in the White House. The longer they take to rule and the longer the hand count takes the less time there is for the Bush lawyers to appeal before the December 12th deadline. So in summary, the legal election in Florida ended on Saturday, the 18th of November, and Bush won. But the Democrats and liberals lack morals and ethics so they are using every dirty trick they can to overturn the election and steal it for Gore. So now a bunch of Teamsters and retired blind retirees in selective 50 to 1 Democratic counties are continuing a hand count even though by Florida law the election is over. Next the Florida Supreme Count will overstep their authority and force the Florida Secretary of State to include these hand counted Gore votes so that Gore can win the election. Finally, after the Democrats have stolen the election, the Teamsters will go back to Chicago and you will hear the news media say, "it is time to rally behind Al Gore in the spirit of unity." If all this happens I won't be a happy camper. I don't want more of the same. For the past eight years we have had one of the most wicked and evil administrations in the history of this country. I am starting to feel like the Antichrist has taken up residency in the White House and it is going to take the Second Coming of Christ to kick the little devils out. John's Take Democrats feel strongly about winning the White House and therefor they are doing everything they can to carry Florida. Why? Everyone knows that the next President will appointed as many as three Supreme Court Justices. And liberal Democrats want to make sure the Supreme Court will uphold a woman's right to kill her unborn child. Is that something worth fighting for, the right of a woman to murder an innocent life? I think the pro-abortion stance is perverted, sick, and the spirit of Antichrist. I actually heard a liberal Democratic politician say she wished Solomon were here to give us advice about how to "split the baby." I wish Solomon were here also. He was the wisest man to ever live. When two women came to him claiming to be the mother of the same child he knew how to put them to the test. Solomon in all his wisdom understood that the true mother would put the welfare of the child first, but the imposter and liar would care more about herself and not the child. Pro-Life Republicans put the child first and liberal pro-abortion Democrats are like this lying imposter. Moral and socially responsible humans do not kill the innocent unborn. I don't know what Solomon would do to straighten out this election. But I do know this. If Solomon were here I think he would fight for the rights of the unborn, unlike the Democrats that are fighting for the presidency so that they can kill the unborn. This is not just a fight between Republicans and Democrats. This is a war between the forces of good and evil. And abortion is not the only issue. The Democratic Party has selected Joseph Lieberman, an Orthodox Jew and the equivalent of a modern day Pharisee, as their Vice-Presidential running mate. The Talmud, the sacred scriptures of Orthodox Jews, is full of anti-Christ and anti-Christian rhetoric. Mr. Lieberman's religion calls Christians "beasts, " and therefore justifies stealing, beating, and murdering Christians. The Talmud goes on to say that Jesus Christ is now being tormented in hell. Do you really want a man with these views to hold the second highest job in the country? I hope not. And where has President Bill Clinton been during this election? Well, there have been visits to Communist North Korea, Communist Vietnam, the former Soviet Union, and of course visits with PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat. Last farewells between old comrades I guess. Clearly we are living in the last days and the world is ready for the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
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Vice Presidential Debate Was A Winner By John Roberts, October 13, 2000 The Vice Presidential debate has ended and I think that most people were pleased with what they saw. It was nice to watch two politicians debate without all those childish antics displayed by Al Gore during the first Presidential debate. I commend Dick Cheney for the way he conducted himself. Cheney gave us a picture of how politicians on both sides of the aisle should debate. |
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Lieberman gets knocked out for laughing at Christians. |
According to polls taken after the debate Republican Dick Cheney came out the big winner. That says a lot because the polls are always slanted to the left by our liberal media. Even Democrats remarked afterwards that we saw a very competent and knowledgeable presidential looking Cheney. Mr. Cheney understood the issues and gave the appropriate response. It was nice to hear a politician give straight answers instead of exaggerating or lying. If something should happen to the President then the Vice President takes over the top job. I believe that most people saw in Dick Cheney the type of personal leadership they would admire in any politician. This is a very important point. The President appoints many crucial positions in our government. The type of people you can expect Al Gore to appoint would be along the lines of Janet Reno. Gore sadly will continue appointing more clowns to push his liberal policies from the left. But it is clear that George W. Bush knows how to appoint leaders that will base their decisions on doing what is right, for all Americans, Democrats and Republicans. It appears that Cheney and Bush have both been proven truthful and on target by recent news. They have pointed out several key reasons why we need a change in the White House:
Once again, this last point is worth repeating. If you are a Christian there should be no doubt where you place your vote. I say that because it is clear that Gore and Lieberman are both anti-Christian. Lieberman is an Orthodox Jew and he places the Talmud above the Holy Bible. The Talmud is full of anti-Christian rhetoric. Both of them sat at this Jewish fund raiser while a comedian attacked Bush's Christian faith. Lieberman of course apologized in front of voters during the debate, but did nothing at the time to stand up for Christians. He only apologized after the story hit the news media. John's Take Thankfully not all Jews accept the beliefs of the Orthodox Jews like Lieberman. But the truth is Christians treat everyone, including Jews, how we would like to be treated. Orthodox Jews treat Christian like beasts, because that is what they are told to do in their most holy book the Talmud. Would a Vice President Cheney or Lieberman stand up for all Americans? I know Cheney would.
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There You Go Again! Round Two! By John Roberts, October 13, 2000 Round two of the Presidential debates is now over and it was another clear victory for Texas Governor George W. Bush. As a result Bush has jumped ahead of his challenger Al Gore in all polls. The liberal news media is taking this very hard. I can almost see tears running down their faces as they report the substantial Bush led. It is clear that Al Gore changed his strategy during this second debate. At times during the split screen camera shots I thought Al Gore was trying awful hard to look like Dick Cheney. That did not last long. When pressed about his habitual lying Gore responded, "it doesn't matter how many days a girl stands in a class room." He couldn't even admit that she only stood for one class period. And the reason was not because of the lack of desks, but because of the $100,000 worth of lab equipment that was not fully unpacked.
I truly hope Al Gore gets some help with this problem after the elections. Perhaps some time away from Bill and Hillary Clinton will help Al learn that lying is not acceptable conduct.
By John Roberts, October 5, 2000 The first debate is over. Texas Governor George W. Bush was the clear winner. I say that for several reasons. First, Gore should have clobbered Bush. Keep in mind that someone inside the Bush camp illegally sent Gore a tape and transcript of Bush's debate preparations. Gore did turn this over to the FBI but you better believe Gore's debate team reviewed this invaluable information first. Gore knew going in to the debate exactly what Bush was planning to say. And it was too late for Bush to change his plan. Second, Gore has 99.999% of the news media on his side. If the Antichrist were running for President they would support him as long as he was pro-abortion, Anti-Christian, and supported murders and robbers over victims. "But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus." Things have changed little in 2000 years. Third, Gore is allowed to lie like his mentors, Bill and Hillary, with complete immunity. If George W. had told the whoppers that Al did during the debate the election would have been over. Instead there has been an almost complete blackout of Al's lying. |
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"Thats right George ... I did invent the internet!" |
Here are just a few of the whoppers told by Gore. And Reagan said it best with his debate comment, "There you go again." Big Lie #1: Florida Student Stands in Class Because of Overcrowding According to Al Gore Sarasota High School student Kailey Ellis stands in class because 36 students are crammed into a class meant for 24. "They can't squeeze another desk in for her, so she has to stand during class," Gore said. According to Al he just got a letter the day of the debate for the distressed young girl. The Truth: Al Gore lied. The crowding was caused on one day because of unpacked lab equipment. The story did not even come from Kailey (I am sure she is real popular at school now). It was actually handed to Gore by Kailey's father while he was catering Air Force Two as Gore left Sarasota for the Boston debate. Sarasota High School Principal Daniel Kennedy said the classroom was crowded at the beginning of school primarily because $100,000 worth of lab equipment was being uncrated. Kailey did have the use of a lab stool for that class period which is not that uncommon in a science lab anyway. "The teacher did not notify us that he needed another desk. Had we known, we would have put one in there immediately," said Kennedy. So the truth is this school has over 90 computers and tons of lab equipment. The overcrowding was only a problem for one day. It was caused not by too many students but by all of the unpacked equipment, a situation any school would love to have. This is an example of how liberals like Gore deceive people with out right lies. I guess it depends upon what your definition of "overcrowded" is. Big Lie #2: Gore Was in Texas with FEMA After George W. Bush praised FEMA director James Lee Witt and said he prayed and cried with fire victims in Texas. In his typical "me too" style Al Gore said he accompanied Lee Witt to inspect the Texas fires, too. The Truth: Al Gore lied. He never went to Texas with James Lee Witt and he never visited Texas fire victims in 1998. Big Lie #3: Mrs. Skinner Collects Cans to Pay For Prescription Drugs According to Al Gore Mrs. Skinner packed up her poodle and drove all the way from Iowa for the debate. Supposedly she has been reduced to collecting cans to pay for prescription drugs. The Truth: Mrs. Skinner does not need to pick up cans to pay for her prescription drugs. Her son Earl King lives on an 80-acre ranch and describes his lifestyle as "comfortable." He has offered repeatedly to help her make ends meet. Mrs. Skinner is a longtime Democrat and former union organizer. Clearly she has volunteered to be the Gore campaign's mascot for their Medicare prescription-drug program. The proof of this is in the fact that the Winnebago she drove was paid for by the Gore campaign, along with the gas. And Mrs. Skinner did not make the trip alone. Five campaign workers rode along with her and her "poodle." John's Take I could go on with Gore's claims to have invented the Internet, that he and Tipper were the model couple for "Love Story," that his mother-in-law pays more than his dog for the same prescription drugs, and that he helped established the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. But all that matters is that we have a pattern here. And when people get away with a lie then it encourages them to lie some more. I think it is time for a change. I would like to see someone with a different set of values in the White House, someone that we can take at their word for a change.
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Gore's Buddhist By John Roberts, September 29, 2000 What kind of President would Al Gore make? Well, that depends upon what your definition of "raising" is, that is fund raising. According to the Justice Department's campaign-finance task force foreign money wound up in Democratic Party accounts and that greatly helped the Clinton White House get re-elected in 1996. Most of the money came from communist China. The problem here is that it is illegal to accept foreign money. According to Al Gore he knew nothing about it. Al also claimed to know nothing about the money that was being raised during "coffees." What is a coffee you may ask? A coffee is an event to reward and grease soft-money donors to the Democratic Party. The President and his number two Al Gore basically sipped java with folks with big wallets. Vice-President Gore hosted 23 "coffees" and went to another eight with Clinton. The total raised during just one month of coffees came to over $7.7 million. Once again the problem is that this is also illegal. Of course we should believe Al Gore when he says that he did not know that these events were held to raise money. It was just a coincidence that donors gave millions of dollars following these coffees and one night stays in the White House Lincoln bedroom. Gore repeatedly described these events as "community outreach," and later as "finance-related" events. But according to Al you should not call these "fund raisers." Then there was the fund raiser, correction "community outreach", at a Buddhist Temple outside Los Angeles. At this event strangers handed $10,000 checks to Buddhist Monks who then turned around and donated the checks to the Democratic Party. Where did the money come from? Well, who knows? My guess is big red China again. Fund raiser Maria Hsia was convicted in this case but Al got away clean as a whistle. But what really happened inside that Buddhist Temple? |
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Gore claims no knowledge of Monks sworn to poverty making large donations to the Democratic Party after his luncheon at the Buddhist Temple ... right! ... I suppose Gore would not notice an idol in his likeness placed behind the podium either! |
John's Take Fund raising aside, I find the image of Al Gore praying in front of a golden idol inside a Buddhist Temple troubling. I still think of the United States as a nation founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs. Where would Al Gore take this nation, into idolatry? God help us.
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What New Yorkers Want New Yorkers Should Get! By John Roberts, September 28, 1999 First Lady Hillary Clinton is leading the race to the New York Senate seat. According to recent polls she moved further ahead of he challenger Rick Lazio following the debate. The news media claims Mr. Lazio "invaded her space" during the debate and upset voters. I did not see it that way, and I certainly did not see any sexual harassment. |
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"Don't invade my space ... don't corner me into telling the truth ... and don't touch my monkey either ... or I will get you! ... now go and hide those incriminating e-mails!" |
What I did see was someone so use to getting away with a lie that she was caught off guard when Rick left her no wiggle room. If that is invading someone's space then we could use more of this in politics. And when I think of someone "invading" someones space I think of Nazi Germany sweeping across France. Perhaps that was the intended analogy the media hoped to plant with voters? How about when Monica walked into the Oval Office and had sex with Bill Clinton, Hillary's husband, on top of the National Seal? Now that is what I call invading someone's space. Since we have lowered the bar so far in politics these days perhaps a race between Monica and Hillary would be more interesting. John's Take
I find it hard to believe that New Yorkers are buying into the Hillary facade. It was less than a year ago that Hillary Clinton announced her position supporting Palestinians and their claim to Jerusalem over the rights of Israelis. You would need to check your brain in at the voting booth to believe that Hillary is a friend of Israel or Jews. Hillary supports killing the unborn, violating God's law prohibiting homosexuality, liberal feminist male bashing, pro-Palestinian rights to Jerusalem, and who knows what else. Those are not the values I live by. But if those positions define the moral and ethical standard you live by and you think that would be good for New York then you should vote for her. What would she be like in office? Well just look at Bill and you have your answer. But keep in mind, be careful with what you ask for, you may just get it. What New Yorkers want New Yorkers should get. However, my feeling is that New Yorkers are too sharp to buy into another Clinton.
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Lieberman, Does It Matter? By John Roberts, September 28, 1999 Al Gore has chosen Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman as his running mate. Lieberman is the first person of the Jewish faith to be on any presidential ticket. Why was Senator Lieberman chosen? Let's face the facts. Al Gore is not going to be the next president. Even if Elvis Presley ran on the ticket it would not help Gore. The closest thing to a personality that Al can lay claim to is the fact that he wears Bugle Boy jeans. So why was Lieberman thrust into the limelight? The answer becomes clear when you realize that the Democratic Party leaders are planning to run Hillary Clinton for president in 2004. And that will only become possible if Hillary first wins the New York Senate race. And to win New York a candidate must carry the Jewish vote. The Clinton legacy is one of immorality, lying, anti-God, anti-military, and pro-Palestinian. In one slick move the Democrats think they have erased that unpopular stigmatism which has finally alienated voters of all parties. Lieberman is being marketed as a "moralist" for Gore and a vote against bigotry. But is that an accurate representation of the Senator from Connecticut? |
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"The Democratic Party is looking for a moralist to improve our image. Are you pro-abortion and anti-Christian? ... Great, you will do!" |
Is Lieberman a champion for morals and God? I am sorry but I have a hard time reconciling Lieberman's support for the killing of the unborn with morality. I am aware that Joseph denounced President Clinton for his "embarrassing" and "immoral" behavior. Yet when Joseph had a chance to back up his speech on February 12, 1999, Lieberman and 44 other Democratic Senators refused to convict the President for lying under oath. Morality is the conformity to ideals of right human conduct. Is it moral and right human conduct to kill the unborn or to let an admitted liar and pervert like Bill Clinton go unpunished for his actions? I think not. It is also of interest that Lieberman has been a member of the Council on Foreign Relations since 1991. This means that he has lent his name and his support to an organization seeking to cancel U.S. sovereignty and take the American people into a socialist New World order. But to be fair to Joseph many of the key politicians around the world belong to the CFR. Does it matter that Joseph Lieberman is Jewish? It certainly does not. The Christian Gospel tells us to love everyone and to treat others as we would like to be treated. Additionally, I fully support Israel and their right to all of the territory God gave to them as an inheritance, which includes parts of Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria. I further believe that the pagan shrines and places of idolatry worship now standing on God's Temple Mount should be immediately removed. How must God feel looking down from heaven seeing pagans gathering to worship a false god on the very spot where He walked and dwelt among His people? I see Jews as the natural branch that was pruned off so that the Gentiles could be grafted into God. Soon the Jews by the millions will be grafted back into God when they recognize that Jesus is the Messiah. |
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The appearance of Joseph Lieberman in a Christian church was a great photo opportunity. Do you think he spoke to the congregation about the Talmud? ... I'm sure they would have been interested in hearing Joseph explain Gittim 57a which says Jesus is in hell, or Sanhedrin 106a which says Mary the mother of Jesus "played the harlot with carpenters." ... Can't do, he needs those "goyim" votes. |
Does it matter that Joseph Lieberman is an Orthodox Jew? You bet it does. That should send chills down the spine of any non-Jew. I am sorry to say but Orthodox Judaism is one of the most bigoted and raciest religions on earth. Picking up where the Pharisees left off at the illegal trial and crucifixion of Jesus Christ Orthodox Judaism not only allows but demands two codes of conduct; one for Jews towards other Jews, and one for Jews towards non-Jews, Gentiles, or as they like to label us "goyim." God gave Moses a simple code of human conduct in the Sinai. But about a thousand years ago certain rabbis replaced this with 613 broad commandments intended to enslave every aspect of daily Jewish life to their control and interpretation of scripture. Orthodox Jews accept the thousands of laws derived from these commandments as documented in the Talmud, and they accept rabbinical authority over their lives. Few gentiles know what is contained in the Talmud because the Orthodox Jews are careful not to let goyim know their laws concerning non-Jews. Here are a few of the raciest statements in the Talmud: "It is a law to kill anyone who denies the Torah. The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah." (TALMUD: Coschen Hamischpat, Hagah 425) "The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts." (TALMUD: Baba Mezia, 114b) "The Akum (non-Jew) is like a dog. Yes, the scripture says to honor the dog more than the non-Jew." (TALMUD: Ereget Raschi Erod, 22 30) A Jewish man is obligated to say the following prayer every day: Thank you god for not making me a Gentile, a woman or a slave. (Menahoth 43b-44a) John's Take
I don't see the selection of Lieberman as a milestone against bigotry. I see the selection of anyone of the Orthodox Jewish faith to the presidential ticket as a very dangerous threat to everything that this country was founded upon: that "all men are created equal." Joseph Lieberman can not be faithful to his Orthodox faith and treat non-Jews as equals to Jews because these are mutually exclusive and in conflict with each other. Many people say don't worry about Mr. Lieberman. He can't possibly be Orthodox because they do not support abortion. However, I think that is what makes Joseph so dangerous. He professes to be Orthodox yet he will do whatever it takes to win votes. Mr. Lieberman will deny what I have exposed about his religion. But should we believe him or the Talmud? "Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent Gentiles." (TALMUD: Baba Kamma 113a)
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Compromising The Word   By John Roberts, November 7, 1999 I believe we are witnessing a historic change in the church. Religious leaders are pushing their congregations into believing homosexuality is acceptable and moral behavior for Christians. A little dark secret with in the church, which was kept for many centuries, is that many Priests and Ministers within the Catholic and Protestant faiths are gay. What has changed today is that "gay" Christians are openly coming out with no sign of remorse or quilt for their perverse sin. And they want straight Christians to embrace gay marriage as normal. And if you do not accept the gay lifestyle as normal you are labeled as "ignorant" or "homophobic." A good example of just how polluted the church has become with this false doctrine can be found with the leader of the Moral Majority, Reverend Jerry Falwell. Reverend Falwell played host to hundreds of "homosexual Christians" in Lynchburg, Virginia, on October 23, 1999. His co-host was "gay Reverend" Mel White, a Falwell friend and ghostwriter of Falwell's autobiography. The stated aim of the meeting was to find ways to stop violence against Christians and homosexuals. But I watched CNN's coverage of an interview with the two hosts and came away with a different message. It appeared to me that Reverend Falwell was lending creditability to a gay Minister and his agenda. I was shocked as I heard Falwell infer that gay Christians are like other Christians, "we all partake in bad behavior - such as getting drunk, taking drugs, adultery, or the gay lifestyle." I was even more shocked as I witnessed Rev. Falwell sit silently as his friend, gay Rev. White, told the camera that gay Christians are moral and not doing anything wrong. No doubt violence is on the rise. Hollywood and the Media are constantly denigrating Christians. And there have been some horrendous crimes committed against gays in the news lately. My position is that any Christian who commits murder is not really a Christian and will not be saved. Christians should be mindful not to incite or inflame acts of violence against gays or any other person. However, this tolerance of gays should stop short of accepting homosexuality as moral and normal. Without a doubt the agenda of gay rights supports is to change to Word of God so that the church will accept gay marriage. They do not want Christians to think that the homosexual lifestyle is a sin. Mr. Falwell is not the first Reverend to be used by the gay community to further their cause. Reverend Alvin O. Jackson is now actively supporting African American churches accepting gay marriage as moral and normal. The US government is also helping the gay cause by passing laws to make my statements a "hate crime," punishable by long jail sentences. This shows how far away from God the US has strayed. Hollywood is another big supporter of gay activism. This is not such a big surprise. Much of Hollywood is bisexual if not openly gay. And many of Hollywood's leading actors, such as Cary Grant, were truly acting when they kissed the leading lady. Once again things have come out in the open. It is not uncommon to see same sex kissing on national syndicated sit-coms and soap-operas. John's Take If someone wants to be gay that is his or her free will. But it is my right to call it a sin. Homosexuality is a grave sin according to my Christian faith. I will never compromise or sell out for popularity sake on this issue. And that does not mean that I am going to commit violence against anyone. Simply stated I just want to live according to the Word of God. And I believe the Bible is the Word of God. If the Bible said homosexuals are just living an alternative lifestyle than I would accept it. So the only opinion on the gay lifestyle that counts is God's opinion. And I believe we can know God's opinion by searching the scriptures. Here is what God has to say about homosexuals: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Leviticus 18:22 What part of "abomination" do people not understand? That is very harsh language not associated with many other sins. Let's not forget that God did not destroy Sodom because it was full of drunks. Sodom was destroyed to purge the earth of a town full of homosexuals like Mr. White. This may not be popular to say but it is the truth. Hollywood recently tried to rewrite scripture to remove any reference to gays in Sodom in a made-for-TV movie about Noah. They also had Noah and Lot together as friends, which shows just how little they know about scripture. All sin brings death and separation from God. But what is it about the gay lifestyle that would cause God to destroy a city? Perhaps it is because our bodies are like a temple where our soul and God can dwell. People are putting their own will over that of Gods by engaging in perverted acts in the flesh. The issue is that Mr. White says that gay Christians are moral. He has no remorse, and does not repent. Does God dwell in such a temple? In my opinion Mr. White should be put out of the church, he is a false teacher seeking to deceive others into his sinful way of life. I also believe that Mr. Falwell has made a mistake. Christians should not do anything that furthers the cause of Satan to alienate mankind from God. Can gays be saved? Only if they repent and ask forgiveness for their sin of homosexuality. Repent and be saved.
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Where Have All The Witnesses Gone? By John Roberts, November 7, 1999 Despite all of the investigations into the Clinton administration over the past few years there remains one big question that has gone unanswered. Where have all the witnesses gone? Dozens of the key witnesses wound up in the morgue before they were able to testify. Could this be just a coincidence blown out of proportion by conspiracy nuts? Sure, at least that is what the White House, defense lawyers, and the liberal news media would have you believe. However, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that there is much more to all of this. Simply put, everyone knows that dead witnesses can't talk. The death of one key prosecution witnesses is reason for suspicion. But here we have dozens of witnesses with potentially damaging information against Clinton who fell victim to an untimely and sudden death prior to giving their testimony. Is this just a coincidence or foul play? I believe the facts surrounding these deaths should be cause for even the most skeptical to suspect there is a clear pattern of murder here. There is no better proof of foul play than the obvious murder of Vince Foster. Vince Foster - Former White House counselor and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock's Rose law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head: ruled a suicide. Classified FBI files on most of the White House's Republican opposition were secretly removed from Foster's office immediately after his death. They were later discovered in Hillary's possession at the White House. Foster's shoes were void of any soil even though his body was found in the middle of a muddy park. No blood was found at the scene, even though Vince was found head-down a slope. The gun placed in Foster's hand was untraceable. No bullet was ever recovered. Foster was spending a lot of time with Hillary before his death. He undoubtedly would have been a key figure in the Independent Counsel's investigation of the President. Ron Brown - Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman died when a homing beacon mysteriously led his plane into the side of a mountain instead of onto the airport runway. The person manning the beacon can not be found and the owner of the airliner died in Italy on the same day as the crash. A Flight Stewardess who survived the crash with only minor cuts and bruises boarded a helicopter at the crash site under her own power and in apparently good health. She reportedly died from a loss of blood during the flight to a hospital. Several pathologists that examined Brown's body reported that he had suffered a gunshot wound to the head in addition to the wounds suffered from the crash. Ron Brown was being investigated by multiple congressional committees and was talking publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors. Barbara Wise - She was a Commerce Department staffer that worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. She died in 1996. Cause of death unknown. Her bruised nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of Commerce. James McDougal - Clinton's convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack while serving time in solitary confinement. James was a key witness in Ken Starr's investigation against the President and Mrs. McDougal. He made it clear that he would be testifying against his wife, who was also in jail for refusing to talk to investigators, and for committing fraud in California. Mary Mahoney - A former White House Intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbuck's Coffee Shop in Georgetown. At the time of her murder she was about to public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House. Suzanne Coleman - Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. She died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head: ruled a suicide. She was also pregnant at the time of her death. Paula Grober - Clinton's speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death in 1992: died in a one-car accident. Kathy Ferguson - Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson died in 1994. She was found dead in her living room with a gunshot wound to her head: ruled a suicide. Suitcases packed for a trip were found in the bedroom. Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Ed Willey - Clinton fund raiser found dead in 1993 in the woods in Virginia from a gunshot wound to the head: ruled a suicide. Willey died on the same day his wife Kathleen claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Stanley Huggins - Investigated Madison Guarantee and died before his report was released: suicide. Charles Meissner - Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance: died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash. Johnny Lawhorn Jr. - The mechanic who found a check made out to Clinton in the trunk of a car in his repair shop: died when his car hit a utility pole. C. Victor Raiser II & Montgomery Raiser - Major players in the Clinton fund raising organization: died in a private plane crash in 1992. Jerry Parks - Head of Clinton's gubernatorial security team in Little Rock. He was gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection. Park's son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton and he publicly threatened to reveal the information. The files have mysteriously disappeared from his house after his death. Major William S. Barkley Jr. - Dead Clinton bodyguard Captain Scott J. Reynolds - Dead Clinton bodyguard Sgt. Brian Hanley - Dead Clinton bodyguard Sgt. Tim Sabel - Dead Clinton bodyguard Major General William Robertson - Dead Clinton bodyguard Col. William Densberger - Dead Clinton bodyguard Col. Robert Kelly - Dead Clinton bodyguard Spec. Gary Rhodes - Dead Clinton bodyguard Steve Willis - Dead Clinton bodyguard Robert Williams - Dead Clinton bodyguard Conway LeBleu - Dead Clinton bodyguard Todd McKeehan - Dead Clinton bodyguard John's Take What did all of these people have in common? They had damaging information against Bill Clinton. And they would have provided that information to a Special Council or court of law if they had not die. Just a coincidence you say? Maybe, and maybe not.
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The WCC - Babylon's Crusaders By John Roberts, May 1, 1999 The World Council of Churches is paving the way for the one world religion of the last days. The WWC is a 50 year old organization with a 150-member policy making Central Committee. This committee is dominated by liberal humanists masqurading as clergy. Knowing that change comes fastest from within; these evil doers have grabbed a seat of Christian power and authority to work their deception. With the appearance of Godliness they work to subvert God's will. Their ultimate goal is to prepare the masses to accept the Anti-Christ and False Prophet. A sign of their true identity is the fact that they do not accept the authority of the gospel found in the Holy Bible. Any clergy that adds too, takes away from, or denies the correctness and authority of the scriptures is a deceiver and evil servant not working for the Lord our God. The scripture is the measure of truth that judges all.
At the top of the WCC's perverted and blasphemous agenda is: John's Take These issues show that the WCC has turned away from God, Jesus, and the Holy Bible. The WCC does not represent His Church. Instead they are working hard to revive the ancient Babylonian mystery religion.
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The Mouth From the South By John Roberts, May 1, 1999 Ted Turner has done it again. He is out pounding the news media with gems of wisdom in the hope of saving the world. "Adultery should be removed from the Ten Commandments," and "Christianity is a religion for losers," says Mr. Mouth. Religions that worship nature as gods are "good," is another Turner gem. He also stated that "families should be limited to one child." Perhaps Ted is also for a forced abortion law for those who exceed the limit of one child per family, such as they have in China? John's Take No one at the press conference pointed out that Ted does not live by the agenda he is espousing for others. Mr. Turner has several children! That is just what I would expect from a liberal. Ted, if a one-child limit were set in this country and you were forced to "choose" to "abort" all but one of your children, which one would you choose to let live?
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Morality Doctor Caught With Her Paints Off By John Roberts, May 1, 1999 Dr. Laura Schlessinger, 51, is a well know radio talk show host know as "Dr. Laura." This self proclaimed expert on morality and family relationships is also an author of bestsellers on the Ten Commandments, and "Ten Stupid Things Women Do To Mess Up Their Lives." However, she is best known for viscously attacking and degrading callers who call in with confessions of extramarital affairs. She often berates them with, "boy did you hook up with a looser." The doctor shows no mercy or compassion and claims her conversion to Judaism has changed her life. So what is the problem? Well, nude pictures of the "doctor of morality" taken during an adulterous affair two decades ago were posted on the Internet. At first Dr. Laura denied the photos were real. However, after a judge denied Laura's request to have the photos removed from the Web she came clean on her radio talk show. Dr Laura admits that she was still married and openly dating at the time her boyfriend took the pictures. But Dr. Laura says that this was okay because she had filed for divorce before carrying on with the affair. However, the doctor's boyfriend was also married at the time. |
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Now we know the "11th Stupid Thing Women Do To Mess Up Their Lives." |
John's Take Dr. Laura, I'm my kids' Dad, are you your listeners' moral example? Unless Ted Turner has already removed adultery from the Bible, it is still one of the Ten Commandments. So you made a mistake, with a real loser, over 20 years ago. I can forgive you for that. We have all sinned. But you lied about it and sued people in court. And you only came clean after a judge ruled against you. It happens every day. But it is noteworthy when this behavior is coming from the "Morality Dr." and world famous "expert" on relationships. That seams disingenuous and tends to make you look a bit like a phony. Then I noticed that your doctorate has nothing to do with family, marriage, or religion. And I also noticed that you have a flourishing acting career. Now it all makes sense. And I now know why your book was so void of any of your own personal experiences. You had a little secret to protect. It would be bad business for a best selling authority on morality to admit to committing adultery and fornication, bearing false witness, and coveting your neighbor. Don't get me wrong. I do agree with some of what you say on your radio show. However, I also take acceptation with some of your advice on the air. For instance, telling a single unwed parent to give up their child for adoption is just plain wrong. What if a married spouse dies? Should the remaining parent follow your advice and give up the child to a family with both a Mom and Dad? That makes no sense. Single parenting is a reality. Those taking your advice will be making a second big mistake, one that they will probably regret for the rest of their life. What I object to most are self righteous hypocrites like Dr. Laura who don't live by the advice they give to others. I just don't get it. Why do people go to an adulterous fornicator who posed for nude photos and who recently lied to a judge in a court of law for advice on morals? That may make Dr. Laura a celebrity in Hollywood, but it is hardly resume material for instructing others on the Ten Commandments and morality. Perhaps a conversion to the Lord would change your life for good. Only the Lord brings real change into a person's life.
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The Two Amigos! By John Roberts, September 4, 1998 They were responsible for taking two superpowers into the next millennium. The hopes and dreams of hundreds of millions of people were entrusted to them. The two largest nuclear arsenials in the world were at their command. This job required someone with integrtiy, leadership, sound judgement .... what we got was a missed opportunity!
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US President Bill Clinton and Russian President Boris Yeltsin
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Commander in chief and Chief Law Enforement Officer
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They had it all
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Bill and Boris, they had a lot in common
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"For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required" |
John's Take A picture is worth a thousand words.
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Revelation From The Pulpit! By John Roberts, September 4, 1998 Beware of ministers that do not preach from the book of Revelation, or discourage you from reading it for yourself. God thinks this information is important. How do we know that? God took special precaution to ensure its delivery to you. God gave the Revelation to Jesus Christ. He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John. John wrote down what he saw and gave the Revelation to the church. This is exactly how you would handle important information. God also took precautions to ensure that people would take the message seriously. He chose John the Apostle to give the Revelation to the church. John had first hand knowledge and "bore witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, and to the things that he saw." How do we know that God wants us to read Revelation? The Revelation of Jesus Christ is the only book in the Bible that offers a blessing to he who reads and those who hear, and keep those things which are written in it. When you ask your pastor or Bible study group to go into Revelation you may get a negative reaction. Typical responses from the clergy include: "New Christians always want to start at the back of the Bible" "Revelation is not important, prophecy does not matter" "You are at a curious age, I've been where you are now" "Laity should not study Revelation" Those comments just don't hold water. To say that the front of the Bible is any more relevant to someone than the back is nonsense. The New Testament, which is in the back of the Bible, certainly has more benefit to a new Christian than Leviticus and Numbers. The Bible is not read like a Gothic novel. God inspired all scripture. The message of sin and salvation can be found in every book. There are many reasons why ministers avoid Revelation. But the major reason is that Revelation has a tendency to expose those that chose the ministry from those servants chosen by God. Many ministers have never studied prophecy, and they are not prepared to give a sermon on Revelation. Others want to keep their congregation away from the third chapter where God Himself calls the current church "wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked." Revelation is an excellent place to bring people to Christ. Prophecy is unfolding around the world every single day. These events can be unsettling to anyone, especially the unsaved. Hope and comfort can be found in knowing that this is all in Gods plan, and he has provided a clear way out. Revelation is the only book that covers the complete church age and prophecy up to the time of a new heaven and earth. John's Take God thinks that Revelation is important. That should be all the motivation we need to study this most valuable book.
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Paul Harvey Reads Letter From God By John Roberts, September 4, 1998 In a 1998 broadcast Mr. Paul Harvey read a "letter from "God." It was addressed to "My Children on Earth." The subject was "Idiotic Religious Rivalries." Here are some of the words Mr. Harvey put in God's mouth: "No need to win souls, just be good to each other" "Do you think I care whether you call me Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, Wakantonka, Brahma, Father, Mother or even the Void of Nirvana?" "I did not write the Bible, it has mistakes, don't trust it more than your own heart" "Each religion is unique for a reason" John's Take Has Paul Harvey lost his mind? Mr. Harvey would have us believe that Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Goddess Worship, and every other religion worships the same God. The differences are fundamental and mutually exclusive. Hindus worship millions of Gods. Jews and Christians believe in one God. Mr. Harvey does a good job of filling the airwaves with insignificant trivia. This hardly qualifies him to impersonate God to push the one world religion of the Antichrist. Besides, there is no need for forgery. God spoke to Moses, who wrote these words, "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me." Time is running out for you Mr. Harvey. Soon you will give an account of yourself, and you will know the truth. Every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess. Amen and good day!
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Cancel The Benny Show By John Roberts, April 23, 1998 Day and night Benny can be seen on TV conducting a faith healing or predicting someone's future. On a rare occasion he can even be seen pretending to move the Holy Spirit around an audience like a beach ball. John's Take I always feel sick when I watch a self-proclaimed faith healer perform their well-rehearsed act. The tricks of the trade have been around for a long time. What few people know is that the faith healer's subject has been carefully screened through several interviews. The illusion of a miracle depends upon the actors. A real miracle worker would raise the dead, empty all the beds in a hospital, or make a withered limb whole. If Benny had the gift of healing than one would think his first miracle would be putting the hairs back on his balding head. If he can't cure his own baldness, what makes people think he has the power to cure cancer? To make things even worse, he thinks he is a modern day prophet. No one can live like the rich and famous and serve God at the same time. The life style of Old Testament prophets greatly contrast with many of today's church leaders. May I suggest that Benny take off the expensive suit, gold watch, $200 shoes, move out of the million-dollar home, and go lay on his left side for 390 days and his right side for 40 days. Then he will know how a true prophet of God lives.
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Barns & Noble Needs Moral Responsibility By John Roberts, April 23, 1998 Tom Tolworthy, Barns & Noble Company President, "does not believe we have the right as a retailer to censor the reading interests of our customers." Tom is referring to books by the photographers Mr. Sturges, David Hamilton, and Sally Mann, whose work is child pornography posing as art, according to many protesters. The Barns & Noble "gay and lesbian studies" section always takes up the largest dedicated shelf space in the whole store. John's Take As president, Mr. Tolworthy is setting the moral and ethical standard for his employees, and his patrons. Now we know what is wrong with corporate America, leaders with the wrong standard. I have always loved books and a good book store. Barns & Noble is one of the best. I hope their management can see that keeping perversion and obscenity from children is the right thing to do.
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Gender Inclusive Bible Gets KO'd By John Roberts, April 23, 1998 Zondervan Publishing House has decided not to publish the feminist translation of the Scriptures. All of the shame does not fall on Zondervan. They are contractually bound to the Committee on Bible Translation (CBT) - the committee with exclusive authority over the New International Version Bible (NIV). The CBT is responsible for trying to change the NIV to a unisex version, pandering to anti-male cultural prejudice in today's American society. Opposition from World magazine and James C. Dobson, President of Focus on the Family, as well as many others has stopped this version for now. John's Take Support for the "Gender Inclusive" Bible comes from a world famous evangelist which I respectfully will not name. Never the less, the wise thing to do would be to leave the Bible alone. God is the author of all scripture. Are these people trying to say that God needs an editor? Letting the CBT make changes to the Bible is like having a one-year-old revise the U.S. Constitution.
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Straighten Up Mickey By John Roberts Disney is sliding deeper into Holly Weird style entertainment. Mr. Walt Disney created the famous Disneyland theme park with the idea of providing wholesome, family entertainment for children. Now 42 years later, Gay Day has become a standard, and each new Disney film introduces more of the homosexual lifestyle. A pentagram on a screen door in the movie "Flipper," and obscene pictures and sounds in children's cartoons like "The Little Mermaid" and "Aladdin" have also surfaced. John's Take To some picking on an American icon like Disney seams like religious fanaticism. Religion aside, the innocence of children should be protected. Once lost it is gone forever. What kind of sick individual would deliberately seek to corrupt young minds? I hope Disney can find the responsible individuals and remove them from their organization. Do you remember the feeling you had as a child on your first trip to Disneyland? I do, and I would like my children to be able to enjoy the same experience.
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In The Balance
We live in a time of great deception. It has become very difficult to see issues clearly. Withholding the truth, lying, covering up, and spinning the facts are accepted behavior today. Most people feel a lie is not wrong if it serves a purpose. God tells us to weigh all things in the Balance of Truth. I do not blindly accept anything. I watch carefully, look at the facts, pray, and let the Holy Spirit guide me. If something can not hold up against the word of God, then it is not of God. This site contains my personal views.
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