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George W. Bush Won The Presidential Election But Al Gore May Steal the White House! By John Roberts, November 18, 2000 What is the significance and relevance of this story to last days prophecy? Presidential elections should be decided by the people and not the liberal politicians and judges. The law was followed and Bush won. What we have here is not a deadlocked election. The problem is we have a bunch of evil leaders that will do anything to stay in power. All of this reminds me of another political trial 2,000 years ago, the trial of Jesus Christ. At stake were the very souls of mankind. On one side you had the religious ruler over Israel, the High Priest, several religious sects, a puppet king of Israel, the Roman Empire, and Satan. On the other side stood God in the flesh, Jesus Christ, fulfilling His promise to redeem us from our sins and the penalty of death. The Romans conquered Israel. They wanted Jesus dead because they were pagans and Jesus was interrupting their plans of world domination. Herod the puppet king wanted Jesus dead because Herod did not want to see the kingdom of God established. That would mean a new king. The Herodians wanted Jesus dead because they made their living by sucking up to both the Romans and the puppet king. The Pharisees wanted Jesus dead because the Lord taught the people about a new law, written in the heart. Pharisees made their living by enforcing the plethora of fabricated laws by which they controlled every aspect of Jewish life. A new law based on salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ would mean they would lose their power over the people. The Orthodox Jews of today, like Joseph Lieberman, are the modern day equivalent of the Pharisees. The High Priest and the Sadducees wanted Jesus Christ dead because they were wicked imposters that had no interest in God. The Sadducees were the leading religious power in Israel. They held the highest office, the High Priest, controlled the highest Jewish tribunal, the Sanhedrin, controlled the Temple Mount and all religious services, and they had their own military troops to enforce their will on the people. This pack of hypocrites did not even believe in an afterlife. They also did not believe in angels, they said there is no resurrection, and they taught that when you die that is it, there is nothing. All of this is in direct conflict with the Word of God. That is why modern day Orthodox Jews have thrown out the Words of God and Moses and replaced them with their own words, the Talmud. What kind of religion and High Priest teach against a resurrection and afterlife? I will tell you, a corrupt and wicked one. What could be more evil than to put on an air of godliness while denying everything that is of God? The High Priest was a very powerful and lucrative job. They were not concerned with serving God. They were playing religion so they could fill their pockets with other people's money and at the same time feed their egos. Where is the evidence of this? Well, for one thing we now know that the Ark was never put back in the Temple after the Babylonian invasion. Therefore the High Priest was "faking" the atonement of sins every year when he went into the Holy of Holies. There was no Mercy Seat to sprinkle the blood on. When Christ died on the Day of Atonement the curtain separating the Holy of Holies split from top to bottom. The doors of the Temple would have been open and all of the people would have been facing the curtain waiting for him to come out. This would have exposed the High Priest and his charade. I am sure that when the people saw this many remembered the words of Jesus. They would have realized Jesus Christ was making the real atonement at that very moment on the cross. We also know from scripture that the High Priest had set up banks and shops on the Temple Mount for selling idols, impure animals for sacrifices, and exchanging foreign currency. This must have been a very profitable business but it is not God's business and a very wicked thing to do on His Holy Mount. The High Priest wanted Jesus dead because he proved their religion wrong by resurrection the dead. They also were not happy about having their flow of cash shut down on the Temple Mount. These men were so evil that they would rather crucify God than give up their religious power. So what did they do? They worked up the people until they all shouted, "not this man, give us Barabbas. This points out the fact that humans are born sinners. When you read Revelation you see that in the end people will actually gather together with Satan to fight against God. Such is the depravity of the human soul without Christ. I am not surprised by what is going on in Florida and the presidential election. Evil doers have been fabricating false witnesses and false testimony for thousands of years. And Pseudo judges have presided over mock trials, like the one that sent God to the cross, for as long as man has tried to govern by our own hands. Bush is not a Saint. But I know this, he will stop the murder of millions of innocent unborn children. That is something worth fighting for. Someday the Lord will set up His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. And then we will have truth, justice and righteousness.