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There You Go Again! By John Roberts, October 5, 2000 What is the significance and relevance of this story to last days prophecy? I expected to see the news media roast Al Gore for telling so many big lies during the debate. Instead I find poles saying that Al Gore won the debate. This illustrates the problem with society today. What do you do in a democracy when the majority of people have turned away from God and have adopted the wrong set of morals and values? Today people lie without a conscience. It has become second nature, like an eleventh commandment, "it is okay to lie because everyone is doing it." People feel no shame. The human spirit goes through a progression into darkness on the path of sin. First there is guilt and remorse. But as you continue to sin a change takes place and it becomes easier and easier to commit the sin. Soon remorse is replaced with denial, and denial is then replaced with apathy. Then comes the drive to justify the sin by changing the moral code in order to remove all traces of responsibility and condemnation. Finally the sinner falls so far that they will fight to defend their right to do the act that they once understood is sinful behavior. Here we are today. Killing the unborn is called a "woman's choice." Lying is okay if you are not caught or held responsible. Sex outside of marriage is not adultery as long as you do not "go all the way." The code words for today are "no boundaries, no rules, no fear." But there are rules. And we should fear God. It is wrong to tell a lie. God calls Satan the "father of lies." It all comes down to a simple question. What father are you going to serve? We know from prophecy that in the last days the majority will follow the Antichrist.