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HUSSEIN, McCAIN, OR HILLARY? By John Roberts, May 16, 2008 During a recent ABC news interview a high level official said the war in Iraq has been a major success. When told that over two thirds of the public are against the war he responded, "So?" He was then asked if he cares what the American public thinks. He explained, "You can not be blown off course with the "fluctuations in the opinion polls." Interesting comment, since the polls on the war have not fluctuated in over four years.He then went on to say that there has been fundamental change for the better in Iraq, which is a huge accomplishment. True, there has been fundamental change. But the change is only for the better if you are a Shiite Muslim, but for the worse for everyone else, especially Iraqi Christians. Before the war Iraq allowed freedom of worship for everyone but Jews. Over a million Christians were able to worship openly and publicly in hundreds of churches in complete safety. Today, Iraq is run by a pro-Iran Shiite government, which is under complete Islamic control. They have imposed Sharia law, which bans Christian worship. Most of the Iraqi Churches have been destroyed. Over half the Iraqi Christians have left Iraq to avoid persecution. The only functioning church in Iraq sits inside the U.S. protected zone in Baghdad. And it is amazing how some news stations get away with showing this one church over and over again as "proof" the war has been good for Iraqi Christians. But that is another story. This official, who holds the second highest office in the country, justified and rationalized his "so what" comment with, "the public gets a chance to have their voice heard every four years." In other words, when the Presidential race is over the elected officials no longer listen to the people, and are free to run the country like a dictator, with no accountability whatsoever. Cleary, the last 7.5 years prove his point. This is why the elections are so important to the public. The U.S. is in deep trouble, which makes this election even more important. We all know that politicians will say and do anything to get elected. So there is no guarantee that whoever is voted to office will put into place the platform they ran on. So of the three candidates still left in the race, which one can be counted on to keep their word, implement sound economic policies, and revamp our foreign policy to get us out of the messes the current administration has created? I wish I knew the answer. But What I can say with some certainty is that at least two of the three candidates still in the running would leave this country after thier first term in office in worse shape than it is now. No offence intended, but the truth should not be sugar coated or spun for political or social correctness. I am personally offended that Barack Hussein Obama is even in the race, let alone most likely to become the Democratic nominee, and possibly the President of the United States. I was lecturing by the Pentagon on 9/11. I saw first hand what radical Islam wants to do to the West. The idea that someone with the middle name of Hussein, born to a Muslim goat herder from Kenya, who attended an Islamic fundamentalism school as a child, who as an adult chose a circle of pro-Islamic friends and mentors that "hate Jews, America, the West, and who associated himself with a pastor for 20 years that clearly hates people of European ethnicity, is insane. |
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Having experienced the 9/11 Muslim terrorist attacks first hand, I must say I find photos of Presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama in full Muslim dress very disturbing to say the least. Innocent photo, maybe. But knowing that the man sat in a church for 20 years while the pastor spewed out anti-American sermons is very revealing; especially in light of his wife's comment about never being proud of America until Hussein decided to run for office. |
That aside, Barack is unqualified to run our country. This first time senator's resume includes one job, he was a "community activist" prior to being elected to the Senate. That means he worked for and fought for the rights of one segment of society, not all of society. The President must consider the needs and well being of all Americans. I don't believe Hussein can even relate to most of us, which is evident by his background, friends and associations. Despite what he says on the campaign trail, this man and his supporters are radical left-wing anti-America racists of the most extreme kind. The economy, foreign policy, and all the other key issues that matter to all Americans will be put on the back burner while his "liberal activist agenda" gets top priority. You can count on it. The current administration put raising the price of oil, tax breaks for the wealthy and corporate profits as the top agenda. And they have destroyed this once great country of ours. We can not afford to waste another Presidential term on a leader with the wrong agenda. The sad truth is the Democrats are falling right into the Republican trap. They can't wait for Hussein to win his parties nomination. Only a fraction of Barack's background connections to Islamic and anti-American underground movements have come to light. Conservative radio and news have a truck load of press releases they are just drooling at the mouth to release. This will, in my opinion, completely swing the national election over to McCain's favor. And that will be just as disastrous for the country. How so? John has publicly said that Bush has done a good job, the country is in better shape today, and he plans to continue the current administration's policies. These comments about the state of affairs in our country are not just incorrect but intellectually disingenuous, and a sign of ego and out-of-touch arrogance so common among the elite and ruling political class in America. If you are a rich fat cat, a corporate CEO, Saudi Arabian Prince controlling OPEC, a Shiite Muslim in Iraq, or a ditto head that lets a former drug addict tell you how to think, then you will be happy to see McCain in the White House. Under McCain the stealing of our nation's wealth, lose of American jobs to undocumented aliens, continuation of the war in Iraq, high gas prices, housing foreclosures, and raping of the American's future with deficit budgets and a swelling national debt will be continue statue quo. So who does this leave us with in the Presidential race? Hillary Clinton? It is highly doubtful she will be the Democratic candidate. Democratic leaders are dropping her because they have finally found someone more liberal than a Clinton, Hussein Obama. Should Obama select Hillary as his running mate I believe they would handily win the White House. But don't count on it. I don't think he wants to share the limelight with the Clintons. And that is a big mistake. Barack will lose the swing states and the election without Hillary on the ticket. The majority of Barack's support comes from one segment of society which are overwhelming in the Democratic Party, of which he captures about 92% of their vote. But in the general election his supporters do not have the same impact as they do in the Democratic primaries because they only make up about 16% of all voters. And the general election is not a caucus, where a few thousand people can beat down the opposition behind closed doors and force the majority to vote for their candidate. Despite all of the negative things that have come to light about the Clinton administration they did an outstanding job where it counted, the economy. They reduced the national debt and generated four consecutive surplus budgets. It is a shame that this critical fact is never mentioned in the media. If you have read my news stories over the years you will see that I am not a Clinton supporter. I am a conservative, and I was a Republican up until the time when no WMDs were found in Iraq. That really opened up my eyes. I haven't left the party. It left me when they became pro-big oil, pro-corporation, pro-Saudi and Islam, and anti-middle class. The Republican Party is no longer conservative, ethical, moral, or a party a real Christian should be associated with anymore. Of course the Democratic Party has never been something a real Christian could support. So this election is a bit of a dilemma and enigma. With over three hundred million people in the United States I am sure we could find one person with what it takes to straighten out our country. But no, here we are with these three candidates in the finals. A good looking smooth talker that is clearly not ready to lead a superpower out of trouble, an old man well past his prime suffering from senior moments in every increasing frequency, and a liberal but qualified woman that has been outcast from her own party because she is not liberal enough. I feel like I am watching a bad episode of Survivor. If you have every seen the show you may have noticed that the persons least qualified and deserving typically win the million dollar prize. And it is incomprehensible that the jury votes for the person that most lied to them, stabbed them in the back, and thereby stole the million dollars prize out of their pocket. John's Take I think it is a sad comment on society when in this day and age gender and race plays such a major role in our political process. I don't care if the President is a man or a woman, and I don't care about the color of their skin. It pleased God to make mankind with such diversity, so we should enjoy the gifts that all races bring to the table. But let's get one false story correct. Barack's pastor and spiritual advisor is rewriting history when he preaches "liberation theology." This has roots in hatred and racism, and has much in common with Islamic anti-Americanism and nothing to do with real history or the gospel. The slavers that instituted the slave trade were predominately Arab and non-Christian British nationals. They raided villages in Africa and sold their captives into bondage in America and other countries. The people that bought the slaves were predominately Christian, like George Washington. I think it was very sinful, and another example of good people making bad decisions. Despite what Rev. Wright says, the slaves did not bring Christianity with them to America, and they did not teach their slavers the gospel. The slaves came from the north and west coast of Africa, small villages, predominately pagan, and they worships a plethora of false gods. But one positive thing that came out of this bad mark in American History is that all those that came to American were introduced to the gospel of Christ. The point is, "All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." And look where we are today. The black churches in America are the backbone of Christianity here, and a great witness for Christ. I am not talking about the few churches that are focused on liberation theology. I am talking about the majority of black churches that are focused on Christ, someone most "mega churches" have left outside their doors. But I understand why some people have an affinity with Barack or Hillary, and are supporting them solely for that reason. Nevertheless, it will be a travesty and a step backwards for everyone if Barack gets elected. He is not qualified, he will really mess up the country, and the voting majority will never let us forget it. If that happens, you will not see another minority elected to the top job for a long time. And that is a shame because there are many potential candidates of Chinese, Hispanic, African American and other minority ethnicity that are well qualified to run this country. General Colin Powell is an intelligent and patriotic man with integrity. His leadership abilities and judgment are well proven. Too bad he is not running for office. He would make a much better President than any of the choices we now have before us. But as we all know the General was set up by this administration with false justification for the Iraq war. So here we are, with a candidate pushed and endorsed by an unmarried, elitist billionaire talk show host with no children. As if she represents the typical minority. Actually I see a lot of commonality in both Oprah and Barack. They are very well spoken and likable, yet at the same time very shallow and self-serving. I don't know who I am going to vote for or if I am even going to vote. These are desperate times and this is a critical election. We won't get another chance for another four years. Yet I don't like any of the choices. I don't think this looks good for us in America, which also has an impact on the economy of the rest of the world. As a Christians I know America must diminish so that the kingdom of the Antichrist can rise up. So everything that is happening is part of God's plan and He is in control. But remember, when God pours out judgment on a city or nation it is intended for a specific target, not everyone. God always leaves a way out of danger for His elect. You see this over and over again in scripture, be it Noah, Lot, the tribes of Israel during the plagues of Egypt, and the Rapture. So we should not just sit here and accept what is going on and remain in the line of fire. When you know trouble is coming get out of the way. Don't be complacent and say it is God will, because it isn't. It's God's will that everyone be saved, yet we know some are not saved. And don't listen to those that say we should not speak out against bad leadership in America. They will try and silence opposition from Christians with the 13th chapter of Romans or 1 Peter 2:13. Tell them these verses have nothing to do with the political system in America. Apostle Paul and Peter were addressing Jews occupied and ruled over by the Roman Empire and their appointed Jewish kings and governors. The U.S. President is not our king, we are a free country, we enjoy free speech, and our politicians are elected officials. They are accountable to us, or at least that is how the framers of the constitution intended it to be. There are other verses in scripture that command us to speak out and rebuke evil doers. In some ways America has turned its back on God. Watch the news for 15 minutes and you will see what I mean. And it is our political leaders that have strayed the furthest from God. One example is our current President. He says he is a Christian, but yet he also says he is a Universalist, believing everyone goes to heaven. That may please his Saudi associates, but it is not gospel in the Bible, because it denies Christ as the only door to God's kingdom. The U.S. has also turned its back on Israel, demanding they allow a Palestinian state on land God gave to them. This is in direct conflict with the will of God. And an good example of a big talker that failed to produce and went adrift is our Governor of California. Thanks to his poor leadership and management skills our state is now drowning in tens of billions of dollars of debt. It is so bad that our schools now have no money to pay teachers, so they are letting go essential staff. And they are being forced to cancel most after school sports and other programs to make up the budget shortfall. Arnold's proposal for balancing the budget is to deepen school funding cuts, and take out loans from wall street in exchange for three years of the school funds promised from the California lottery. Wake up Californians, talk about campaigning on one platform and then instituting a different agenda. The Governator needs to be terminated before he can do any more damage. The point is we need a doer in the White House, that puts the will of God and the people first, not another slick talker. No doubt we are living in the last days. Don't expect things to get better. No politician is going to save us or the world. Our elected officials actually do more to help the enemies of Christ, specifically Islam and atheism. Let's be honest, there are millions of good Christians still in American. But our government no longer represents the general population. The America I was born into no longer exists. Look to Christ. He is our Savior. Get right with God. Repent, confess your sins, and accept Christ as your Lord and Savior, ask God to come into your heart, and you will be born again and baptize with the Holy Spirit. And that my friend is your ticket out of here before things really fall apart. The Rapture is real, it was taught by the prophets of old, spoken of by Christ and the Apostles, and it will come before the Antichrist is revealed. And as long as we are still here we need to get busy and do what God has commanded us to do, spread the gospel. So don't waist time worrying about who will win the election. Sure, do your best to put the right candidate in office. But remember, it is out of your hands once you cast a vote. Once he or she takes office they really don't care about us anymore. They are going to do whatever they want and there will be nothing we can do about it for another four years.
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