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TNIV, Zondervan's Feminist Bible By John Roberts, February 7, 2002 What is the significance and relevance of this story to last days prophecy? God does not need Zondervan and the International Bible Society to edit His words. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." 2 Timothy 3:16-17 The Holy Bible is the most accurate and credible book of antiquity. Little has survived to support modern publications of the Greek philosophers and historians. But the correctness of the Holy Bible can be validated by thousands of ancient scrolls. And this archeological evidence proves that one translation in particular, the King James, faithfully represents the original text. But is the King James Bible really a complete and accurate translation? You bet! There are many false claims attacking the King James but without a doubt the King James we read today faithfully represents God's inspired words. Only the King James Bible properly translates every word and nuance intended by the authors. The King James Bible is also the only translation free from improper changes made for social, political, and religious correctness. Every year new translations are published but they are nothing short of false representations of God's word. The problem is that modern day scholars and translators clearly lack both the linguistic skills and inspiration from the Holy Spirit to every achieve the level of excellence of the 1611 Authorized Version. Fifty-four inspired scholars worked on the King James the likes of which we will never see again. Knowledge without judgement is the characterization that best describes the lot we have today masquerading as clergy and biblical scholars. Modern day scholars and clergy lack integrity, compromising the truth for personal gain. The King James does not water down God's condemnation of sin. God called homosexuality an abomination. God clearly made man the head of the household. God does not want women to speak from the pulpit. God made Jesus Christ the only door to heaven. God gave the Apostles and disciples the ability to speak in foreign languages to spread the word. Babbling like an infant is not speaking in tongues. These truths in the King James correct many false doctrines spread by various denominations and they cut and convict lost souls playing church every Sunday. Some homosexuals want to be a part of the Church but they want to do it on their terms. They don't want to stop their sin. They want the freedom to continue in sin without condemnation from scripture. Feminists also want a Bible that reflects their anti-male dogmas. "Fake-healers" want scripture to support their charade. So this is the situation we have today. The Holy Bible is being turned into forgeries, customized to make scripture less judgmental and more palatable for every member of society. There are hundreds of Bible versions. We have the Catholic Bible, the Mormon Bible, the Jewish Bible, the Evangelical Bible, countless others, and now the feminists Bible. All these Bibles are different yet each claims to be based on the same inspired word of God. This is not a small issue. The central theme of scripture from Genesis to Revelation is Jesus Christ, Messiah, Savior, and the promised seed of the woman come into the world as a covering for our sins. It is blasphemy for publishers to change this gospel. Zondervan's feminist bible, the TNIV, changes Messianic prophecy pointing to Jesus Christ into gender neutral references that could be applied to anyone. Here is an example of how the TNIV denies the male gender of Jesus Christ pandering to these male-bashers masquerading as Christians:
Notice how the individuality of the Messianic prediction in Psalms 34:20, so accurately and completely fulfilled in Jesus' crucifixion, is now indiscernible in feminists' bibles. They will not allow such a prediction about an individual man, so they change a singular in Hebrew, "his bones", into a gender neutral plural in feminist speak, "their bones". Why are they removing masculine terms like "He" from scripture? What is the rational for removing all references to a male Savior? The answer is clear. Feminists just can't bring themselves to recognize the divinity of a male, Jesus Christ. The reason being modern feminism is based on the ancient "goddess" worship practiced in the ancient mystery religions. The fact is Eve was deceived. She chose to listen to Satan instead of God. Eve then talked her husband into following her into sin. Adam chose to listen to his wife instead of God. This brought death and the need for salvation. God punished Eve though conception and servitude to her husband. The man would now rule over the woman in the family. God punished Adam with a lifetime of work for listening to Eve instead of Him. Mystery Babylon denies all of these truths. It says Eve did not sin she was enlightened. Denying sin is also a denial of the Savior. This breeds the false doctrine that if there was no sin then surely there is no need for salvation. Feminists do not accept God's judgement that man shall rule over them. And feminists want freedom over their own bodies. What does that mean? Freedom to murder the unborn, and the "liberation" to fornicate without condemnation. Once again there is a direct connection between feminism and Mystery Babylon. In ancient Babylon worship of God was turned into vial rituals for worshipping pagan gods. The first born children of many ancient cultures were "passed through the fire" as a sacrifice to their god. In Babylon, it was the custom for every woman to prostitute herself at least once in a temple as a form of worship. We do not need a new feminist bible secretly bringing in the doctrine of Mystery Babylon into our church. Let's stop trying to change scripture because it doesn't agree with your particular denomination or life style. Try changing your life to fit scripture. Be holy. Publishers need to stop looking for ways to make money from the gift of God. Why are these publishers allowed to copyright the Word of God? These moneychangers should be run out of town. If every publisher went out of business tomorrow God would still get His word out. Those who publish the Bible to make money are doing it for the wrong reason. Scripture and the gospel are free gifts from God. Did the Apostles charge a fee for their epistles? Did Jesus, Peter or Paul ask for a "love gift" before teaching the word or healing the sick? If feminists want to read the Bible than let it be the King James. Perhaps it will help straighten them out and they just might get saved. |
1 Corinthians 14:34-35
34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. |
For now this scripture is still in the word of God, and for good reason. There is always a righteous purpose to everything God does. We might not understand it, but that is ok. We don't need to know everything at this point in time. Scripture is one way that God reveals His will to mankind. If you don't like it too bad. Take it up with God on judgement day. Don't mess with the Holy Bible.