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"Queer Eye" For The Antichrist By John Roberts, October 8, 2003 What is the significance and relevance of this story to last days prophecy? By voting an openly gay and non-repenting adulterer to a bishopric the Episcopalian leadership has committed a great sin. I don’t care what this wicked world says, God calls homosexuality an abomination, and for good reason. Most people don’t realize that in the ancient world acts of sexual perversion (fornication, adultery, homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, etc.) were institutionalized in pagan temple rituals as a form of worship and initiation into secret mystery religions. And today when people engage in this type of deviant behavior they are in essence worshipping Satan and blaspheming God. God’s plan of salvation is built upon His promise to send a Savior to the world from the Seed of Eve. God placed much prophetic and spiritual significance upon the marriage ceremony and the family unit comprised of a man, woman, and their children. Eve was created out of Adam. So too is the church, the universal body of believers, created out of the flesh and blood of Christ, which He offered on the cross to make us whole. Marriage is for life because it represents our everlasting relationship with Christ. And children represent the fruit of our relationship with Christ. “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.” Ephesians 5:31-32 God surrounded us with many things to serve as reminders of His promise of salvation least we get carried away with the things of this world and forget Him and our pending judgment. The twelve constellations, the rainbow, the musical scale, the Great Pyramid at Gaza, the Jewish Feasts, the Jubilee, and the traditional family are all testimonies of Jesus Christ. Likewise, the Devil created mystery religions and pagan mythology as a means to deceive people into worshiping Satan instead of God. Mystery religions first appeared after the Great Flood in the city of Babel and from there they spread around the globe. It is not a coincidence that the Far East worships the dragon. At the core of all false religions is a blasphemous spin of the Biblical story of the Original sin. Satan and the snake are worshiped in mystery religions as good pagan gods because they opened Eve’s eyes to good and evil. And thus you have the beginning of a pattern in which paganism and Satan take the counter position to everything God tells us in scripture. If God says marriage and fidelity are good then Satan sets about destroying the family through fornication, adultery, and homosexuality. In Babylon it was the custom that every Babylonian woman should at least once in their lifetime, married or not, serve as a priestess in one of the various pagan temples. By serve I mean service the men that came in to “worship.” There was a fee for ‘worshiping the goddess,’ a single coin tossed into the lap of the selected priestess. Babylon was literally as well as spiritually the Mother of Harlots. This is why Babylon is used in scripture as a symbol of the seat of antichrist. There have been six Gentile kingdoms of prophetic significance to spring up around the Great Sea (Mediterranean). And each one had their “Babylon.” But we know from prophecy that there will be one more kingdom, a seventh. And the spiritual Babylon of the sixth kingdom (the Roman Empire) and seventh kingdom (the European Union) is the same city located on seven hills, Rome. Babylon is called the Mother of Harlots because Babylon gave birth to many false religions. Roman Catholicism is the seventh incarnation of the Mystery Babylon and is also called the Mother of Harlots because Catholicism has also given rise to many false religions, such as Calvinism and the Episcopal denomination. Prophecy tells us that perversion will reign freely in this world until our Lord comes. Then there will be a time of reckoning when everyone will give account of their actions. That time is sooner than most people think. Ecclesiastics 3:1-22
1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: What inspired words! Solomon, the wisest man to walk the earth, addresses the question, “what is life all about?” Solomon puts forth the thesis that “all is vanity.” And he should know. The son of David speaks from experience when he says the world has nothing to offer but disappointment and dissatisfaction. People today are searching for purpose in everything from science, music, art, religious organizations, social relationships, money, and power. All these are futile. Too many spend their life in these endless cycles pursuing knowledge, levity, and pleasure. If you want to find something you must look for it in the right place. The meaning of life is found in God and His plan of salvation. And the “good life” is not found in every superficial thing under the sun. It can only be found in this:
Fear God and keep His commandments, Solomon is like a father giving a child good advice so that the mistakes he made won’t be repeated by future generations. Life is short. Every day you get out of bed is a good day. Don’t waist your life in useless pursuits of the flesh. The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge. Ask yourself, what is the season and when is the time of His coming?
1. Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. There is a very real similarity between the people of the world today and the passengers on the Titanic right before it struck the iceberg and sank. They didn’t have a clue that perilous times were just ahead.
Luke 17:26-30
26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
I John 2:15-18
15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.