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JESSE JACKSON FATHERS ILLEGITIMATE CHILD By John Roberts, January 18, 2001 What is the significance and relevance of this story to last days prophecy? Now we have learned that Reverend Jessie Jackson carried on an out-of-wedlock romance and fathered an illegitimate child. To make things worse the Reverend did this during the time he served as spiritual adviser to President Clinton during Clinton's "Sexgate" scandal; in which Clinton had an adulterous fling with intern Monica Lewinsky. After taking three days off Jackson says he now feels empowered by the support of his family and friends and is returning to business as usual. That is probably a good thing. Heaven forbid the Reverend should feel anymore shame or guilt for sleeping around on his wife. Adultery, fathering children out of wedlock, and violating the sanctity of your ordination as a Baptist Minister, well, three days and all is forgiven and forgotten. But make sure you don't misspell the word "potato." Now that mistake should get you banished from public life forever. Am I the only one that thinks the world has gone out of control? Have people lost their minds as well as their morals? There is definitely something wrong with this picture. Fornicate and people say "don't judge." Misspell a word and if you are not one of the in crowd the media will never let you live it down. Think about it. How could Reverend Jackson possibly give any sincere spiritual advice to President Clinton while Jackson is engaging in infidelities and bringing his mistress to the White House? Just what did these two men talk about? The question is not who let the dogs out but rather who let the dogs in. Let me put this in black and white for all the fornicators on both sides of the political aisle. Any dog can sleep around. Real men are faithful husbands and good fathers. Some think it is a very flipped and natural to cheat on their wives but God does not take it so lightly. "Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge." Hebrews 13:4 "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 This is just another sign that we are living in the last days. Don't be fooled. God's church is well, but organized religion has strayed off the path of righteousness and is sinking in the mire. These men professing to be the stewards of God's church are doing everything but tending to God's business. During a recent visit to Australia I learned of a prominent member of the clergy that had acknowledged having an affair. His church not only forgave his extracurricular activity but they supported his promotion to a higher position in the church! What message does that set for our children? Where is the accountability? The clergy today has perverted and twisted the gospel of Jesus Christ. God forgives our sins. But that does not mean you will get by without any accountability for the things that you do. Too many in the church today twist Apostle's Paul's words in Romans. They say don't judge and don't worry about your sins because grace will abound. What these people conveniently leave out are the words of our Lord, "go and sin no more," and "be holy for I am holy." We don't judge but God does. If you think you can continue sinning with impunity from God just because you are covered by grace and saved then you have another thing coming. The marriage between a man and a woman represents the relationship between God and His Church, and God and His children. As we are to worship the One God so should people be satisfied with one spouse. As born again believers our bodies become temples for the dwelling of the Holy Spirit of the living God. When men and women commit fornication they are polluting their bodily temple with their unholy acts. How can people expect God to dwell in their body while they are lying in a bed of sin? How does this apply to prophecy and the last days? I must be honest. Hollywood, the press, and society in general are bombarding us every waking minute with the wrong values, bad morals, and wrong behavior. With this ever-present temptation it is no wonder so many fall and stumble. It is important to remember that being human means we all make mistakes and sin. But when you fall in the gutter you must pick yourself up, clean yourself off, sin no more and get on with the Lord's business. 2 Timothy 3:1-7
1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: