M I L I T A R Y   N E W S

Where Are The WMDs Mr. President?

By John Roberts, February 3, 2005

In hindsight the answer to the question of the whereabouts of Weapons of Mass Destruction is obvious.  The WMDs are in the same place they were when Bush decided to invaded Iraq - in Pakistan, North Korea, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.

When this war started I was in Australia lecturing.  I took a lot of heat for supporting the President's decision to invade Iraq.  But I stood by him, on the condition that Iraq truly was a threat to the U.S. as he claimed.  I said all along that if no WMDs were found the President and his war would lose all creditability and my support.  Well, no WMDs have been found.  The President has lost all creditability, both as a Christian and a leader.

The justification for the war has now been spun into elections for Muslims and the reconstruction of Babylon.  I guess he is hoping we will just forget about the fact that for the first time in history the United States invaded a sovereign nation without justification.

For those of you that ask I was a life long conservative Republican.  This last election was the first time in my life that I could not cast a vote for the Republican ticket.  I haven't left the party, the party has left the Christian values they use to represent.  The reality is both parties have moved away from Christian values.  This election was a matter of choosing the least of two evils.

I live my life by the Word of God, not by political party dogma.  I draw the line when a politician starts pushing civil unions and helping Israel's enemies.   Make no mistake about it, Iraqis are not our friends and they are an arch enemy of God's chosen people.

When someone makes a mistake and refuses to admit to it they need to be held accountable, not put back in office.  And I think it is a sign of the times and an indication of how far the church has backslidden when church-going Christians became the deciding factor in giving the Bush-Cheney team another term in office.

The U.S. led war in Iraq is now in its 23rd month.  Just a few weeks ago the State Department announced that American troops may be needed in Iraq for at least another four or five years.  And now they are refusing to give any timeframe for pulling out of Iraq.  With half a dozen permanent U.S. military bases under construction on Iraqi soil its clear someone has plans to stay the course until Iraqi oil runs dry.

And the sad truth is the war is not going well.  Every day there is news that two to six soldiers have lost their lives.  Iraq is a more dangerous place today than it was eighteen months ago.  If you haven't noticed our politicians are limiting their photo stops in Iraq to 24 hours.

There are several reasons why the war is going so badly.  First, there aren't enough troops on the ground to get the job done.  That is the fault of the Secretary of Defense and our military planners.  In the aftermath of the first gulf war the U.S. military made a major shift in their war doctrine.  The Pentagon was convinced that all future wars would be fought with a small high-tech rapid deployment force.  A large standing conventional army was no longer needed they said.

The experts were wrong.  With only ten active U.S. Army divisions and something like three Marine divisions we simply do not have the force required to police the world and occupy a country the size of Iraq.  To fill the gap the Reserves were called up.  When that wasn't enough the National Guard was sent over.  And they were followed by the Ready Reserve.  The well is dry.  Unless things change soon I predict the White House will break its promise and institute a draft.

The second major reason why the war is going so badly is that our troops do not have the right equipment for this phase of the conflict.  Our high-tech super weapons performed flawlessly during the drive to Baghdad.  But things changed when the war moved to a non-linear battlefield.  Military planners didn't know what to do so they reverted back to Vietnam error tactics, our troops quickly got bogged down, and losses started to climb.

None combat vehicles are designed to operate behind the front lines re-supplying and moving people.  Consequently armored cars like the Stryker do not survive long on a non-linear battlefront.

A non-linear battlefield is an environment where you can't distinguish an enemy from an innocent civilian. There are no well marked battlefronts.  And there are no safe zones the enemy can't attack.  A sniper's bullet could come from any window, an RPG from any direction.

Saddam loyalists and insurgents know that our troops are most vulnerable when traveling predictable routs along Iraq's highways.  Consequently they have become very skilled at ambushing vehicles with an Improvised Explosive Devise.  They disguise the bomb by placing it under the asphalt and or in inconspicuous objects along the roadside such as a pile of rocks, a bag, or a dead animal.

Anatomy Of An Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Attack
An observer waits until a U.S. vehicle is caught passing a series of IEDs concealed in piles of rocks next to the road and then he signals the attack.
Note above how wires are attacked to the nose of a shell and lead away to a triggering device.  Below is a picture of the trigger, battery, and spool of wire.
It is not uncommon for IEDs to fail to go off.  So the insurgents back up the IED attack with small arms fire.  Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG) and machine guns can prove just as deadly to our troops in a Stryker or HMMWV.  The photo below shows a RPG Satchel bag used in this ambush.

Israel and South Africa are the world's experts in fighting terrorists and insurgents.  They have learned through experience that a non-linear battlefield requires specialized armored vehicles that won't get stuck and provide plenty of protection for occupants.

That means a well armored vehicle that runs on tracks, with spaced armor skirts to protect from RPGs, a protected machine gun mount, and a desert camouflage paintjob when fighting in the desert.  The problem is the Pentagon chose to ignore this advice because they were blinded by their fixation on a small rapid strike force.

Thus, the Army's new Stryker light armored vehicle was born.  How light is it?  Rocket Propelled Grenades and machine gun fire pass right through it like butter.  Why?  The manufacturer of Styrker's ceramic armor plates made an unauthorized change in the chemical mix of the tiles which degraded their stopping power.

How big is Stryker?  The Stryker is so big that it will not fit fully configured with its crew in a C-130.  They have to take parts off to get it in the plane.  And that still leaves no room for the crew.  They get bumped onto another transport and meet up with their vehicle at the destination.

And worst of all Stryker has eight rubber wheels instead of tracks.  Wheels are the Achilles heel of a vehicle in non-linear warfare.  The wheels get stuck in sand consequently the Stryker has been confined to pavement.  And the rubber wheels catch on fire and burn.  When the wheels burn the Stryker stops moving making it an easy target.

People defend the Stryker saying it was designed for peacetime patrol.  If so why is the military using Stryker in Iraq?  And why spend 3.3 million on a light armored peacetime patrol car that can be immobilized and destroyed with lighter fluid and a 30 dollar RPG?

Another vehicle being used improperly in the non-linear battlefield in Iraq is the U.S. Army's Humvee.  It's a great armored car for carrying four men to and fro in peacetime.  But in any configuration, upgraded armor or not, its occupants are completely exposed to gunfire, RPGs, and roadside bombs.  And once again, the Humvee's rubber wheels catch fire and flatten making it an easy target.

Our Troops Need Better Protection
The Pentagon is using non-combat people movers like the Stryker and HMMWV in a non-linear battlefront.
As you can see by these photos our troops are completely exposed to enemy fire.
Rubber wheels catch on fire and burn.  When the Stryker stops moving it becomes an easy target.
Note the gap between the faulty ceramic tiles on this burned-up Styrker.
These photos of a stuck HMMWV and Stryker are becoming an all too common sight in Iraq.  Vehicles that can't operate off-road in the sand are not much use in the Middle East. 
The Pentagon is totally unprepared to fight a war on a non-linear battlefield.  They don't have the right equipment and they don't use the right tactics.
The M113 Gavin Light Tracked Armored Fighting Vehicles (TAFVs) would save lives and fill the gap until a new vehicle could be fielded.  The Gavin is well-armed and protected, occupants ride higher up, and there are no doors and windows for RPGs to penetrate.
A little fire is no problem for Gavin's steel tracks.  And they are gentle on paved highways allowing them to get around on the battlefield without the need of transporters.
As you can see a roadblock is little more than a annoyance for the Gavin.
Notice the spaced armor skirts which are very effective at stopping RPGs.  If "you go to war with the equipment you have" why did Rummy go to war without the Gavin?  Thousands are sitting in warehouses back here in the states.  Does the Pentagon feel our troops are expendable and inconsequential?

No official list is kept of how many members of Congress have children in the military.  But of 535 members it's estimated that about 10 have sons serving in some form or another.  Of those only 2 are serving in Iraq.  Perhaps that is why they are so out of touch.  "You go to war with what you have," and "We just need to take it on the chin for awhile."  Those aren't the kind of comments you would hear if their children were being blown up in Humvees.

Maybe I'm old fashioned but something is wrong with leaders and generals that send 18 year old girls off to fight in combat while they "lead" from the rear and play golf.  There was a time when kings and their sons went to war and fought side by side with their fellow citizens.  They did not ask their troops to take a risk that they were not prepared to take.  They were real men, real leaders, and they showed it on the battlefield. 

Today, our lawyer-politicians are like hot-house flowers confined to the safety of their little glass houses.  Do you think the President would let his daughters ride around Baghdad in a Humvee?  I don't think so.  The least they could do is provide our soldiers with the equipment they need to fight, win, and stay alive.

Just look at those faces.  These young girls have more courage than our politicians on Capital Hill.  They risk their lives every day on active duty in Iraq.  They are good soldiers.  They go where they are told and perform their duty without question. 

Shame on our Commander-In-Chief for sending them into harms way for elections in pagan Islam, Israel's enemy, and the reconstruction of Babylon, God's enemy.  I would agree that we do not need an "artificial timetable" for their withdrawal.  We need a timetable set in concrete that brings our troops home by year's end.  Let the Babylonians defend their own coutnry.  Our troops are desperately needed here at home to guard our boarders which Bush has left open like a sieve.

The words that best sum up the Pentagon's performance in this war is "poor leadership."  The 19 day drive into Baghdad was nothing short of brilliant.  The capture of Saddam and elimination of his two sons was also well done.  The world is a better place with these guys out of power.  But not sealing off Iraq's boarders was a clear mistake.  This goofy idea that they are somehow drawing the insurgents into a trap is costing lives.  What they don't realize is that there are a billion Muslims in the world, all willing to die in order to kill Americans and Jews.

The similarities between this war and Vietnam are undeniable.  We won every battle in Nam yet the communist took over the country.  Terrorist do not fight standup pitched battles.  The U.S. never cut off the communistís infiltration into South Vietnam.  When America pulled out the north quickly overran the place. 

History is repeating itself.  Things might have turned out differently if they had found weapons of mass destruction.  The whole operation would have gone down in history as a justified first strike executed to perfection.

But it turns out the President and his advisors were wrong.  The final report on the search for Weapons of Mass Destruction clearly states that Iraq's WMDs were non-existent or destroyed by UN inspectors prior to the outbreak of war.  In addition, Iraq was experiencing a WMD brain-drain prior to the U.S. led invasion.  Much of Saddam's high-tech equipment was sold for cash.  And many of Iraq's top scientists moved to countries like Iran where real work on nuclear weapons could be found.

For argument sake let's give this administration the benefit of the doubt.  Let's assume for the moment that they invaded Iraq because they really felt that Saddam was hiding WMDs from UN inspectors.  And perhaps they honestly believed that Saddam was training terrorists and he was a threat to the United States.  We know now that those concerns were a lot of worry over nothing.  And that conclusion comes from the President's own investigation.  The question is now that the State Department knows for certain that the U.S. started a war under false pretenses what should they do about it?

All men make mistakes.  That's part of being human.   But it's a rare man that will ever admit he has egg on his face. 

In an interview the President addressed the WMD report, prisoner abuse, growing U.S. causalities, and the hunt for Bin Laden.  He said something like, "No mistakes were made, no apologies will be given, and no one will be asked to resign.  Democracy, free elections, and reconstruction in Iraq are worth fighting for.  American troops will occupy Iraq indefinitely or until Iraq is a stable democracy where free Iraqis can govern their own lives without our help.  My reelection proves the American people support my policy in Iraq.  And I have been unable to catch Bin Laden because he is hiding."

After listening to those words I realized that something else was hiding from us, the truth.  So what are we fighting for in Iraq?

Stopping The Spread Of WMDs?

During the past four years Pakistan and North Korea have developed nuclear bombs.  In about a year they will be joined by Iran.  And other nations like Egypt, Syria, and Saudi Arabia are close on their heels thanks to help from Pakistan's top nuclear scientist.  This administration chose to invade Iraq, the only country in the "neighborhood" without a viable nuclear program.  This war has nothing to do with stopping the spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Free Elections And Spreading Democracy?

Democracy will never work in a radical Islamic state like Iraq.  This election is a sham.  As soon as a candidate announces they are running they get assassinated.  So now they are leaving names off of the ballots.  The people of Iraq don't even know who they are voting for. 

And don't kid yourself Afghanistan is not a model for Iraq.  There is not a single law school in the country.  And you can't have true democracy without a proper system of law.  Afghanistan is still under Islamic law.  Girls can go to school but what are they being taught? "The Jews and Christians are responsible for all the evil in the world."  That's just great.  No one talks about the fact that Afghanistan exports over 90 percent of the world's supply of opium and heroin.   What a success story and model for what democracy and free elections can do for a pagan drug producing third-world nation.

If free elections and spreading democracy are so important why is our government pushing Taiwan to capitulate and give their free country to communist China?  Is Red China a democracy?  Do they hold free elections?  No, but they enjoy most favored nation status.  And they are close to the top of the list when it comes to human rights violations.  Saudi Arabia is a monarchy.  We still buy Saudi oil. 

And look at Pakistan, our so called partner in the war on terrorism and spreading democracy.  The current ruler of Pakistan seized power in a coup.  Isnít it a bit concerning that our government has partnered with a dictator to fight for liberty?  Why is it okay for Pakistan to be ruled by a dictator but not Iraq? 

Free elections and spreading democracy have nothing to do with the occupation of Iraq.  Our troops are dying so Muslims can cast a vote for political parties, all of which want to bring down the West and push our only ally into the sea?  That is inexcusable stupidity.

The War On Terrorism?

The United States was not attacked by Iraq on 9/11.  We were attacked by Islamic terrorists the majority of which were from Saudi Arabia.  The man that masterminded the attack was Saudi Arabian terrorist Osama bin Laden.  Our nation's top priority for the war on terrorism should be the capture of the man responsible for 9/11 not invading Iraq.  And our President says he can't catch Laden because he is hiding.  What does that mean?  A superpower can only catch terrorists if they don't hide?  Come on!

The war on terrorism has nothing to do with this war.  The terrorists now in Iraq came from outside the country.  That is why they are called "insurgents"  If someone was looking for a place "over there" to wage war against terrorists a more likely place would be counties that openly run terrorists camps like Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the Palestinians.

The Truth

Our troops are not dying in Iraq for free elections.  They are not in Iraq to stop tyranny and spread democracy.  They are not in Iraq as a preemptive strike against the use of WMDs.  And the occupation of Iraq has nothing to do with fighting the war on terrorism.

The real reasons why this administration invaded and occupied Iraq are as follows:

  • The President had a score to settle with Saddam.  Saddam tried to kill his father.  And the President's father was already in the history books for botching the peace at the end of the first gulf war.  The President thought the invasion would set the record straight.

  • The President wanted to divert attention away from his administration's responsibility for the events of 9/11.  His plan has worked.  The invasion of Iraq has completely overshadowed the 9/11 investigation.  People forget that the White House was warned prior to 9/11 that just such an attack was highly likely and they did nothing.  The FBI knew terrorists were training here in America.  They were warned by several people that these Muslims were not interested in learning how to take off or land.  They were only interested in learning how to fly a jet straight, (into a building).  Why did this administration let these terrorists continue training?

  • The President needed a diversion from the economic problems here at home.  Four years with a Republican Congress and White House and things have only gotten worse.  During their term in power we have seen a stock market crash.  A two trillion budget surplus has been turned into a five trillion debt.  Millions of jobs have been outsourced to India and China.  Prescription drugs have become outrageously expensive and dangerous to your health.  Social Security benefits have been pilfered.  They say cutting our bennifits by forty percent will fix it.  The way to fix Social Security is to stop our politicians from using it as their personal slush fund.  Three million illegal aliens are crossing our boarders every year.  Christianity has taken a bigger step backwards during this Republican administration and congress than at any other time in the history of our nation.  This administration promised a ban on abortions and gay marriage.  Instead we are seeing the wholesale removal of Christianity from our society.

  • The President needed a new place outside of Saudi Arabia to put military bases in the Middle East.  Following 9/11 the State Department recommended moving our military bases after learning that Saudi Arabia helped finance the 9/11 terrorists.

  • The invasion of Iraq gave this administration a way to spend the Clinton budget surplus before it could be used to pay down the national debt.  Our nation's coffers are being emptied by pork, military and reconstruction contracts.   The surplus has been burned up and the U.S. is now going in debt at a rate of one trillion dollars a year.

  • The last and most important reason why Bush and Cheney, two former oil company executives, invaded Iraq was to beat the Europeans to the Iraqi oil fields.  Saddam was only months away from getting the UN sanctions lifted when the war started.  He was working towards that goal with Russia, France, and Germany.  That is why those countries were so outspoken against the U.S. invasion.  They were in the process of signing lucrative oil contracts.  For obvious reasons America was not in the picture.  By invading Iraq under the false pretense of WMDs Bush and Blair cut to the front of the line, so to speak.

The U.S. and Briton are now in control of the second largest oil reserves in the world.  The American taxpayer is picking up the bill for reconstructing Iraq's dilapidated oil infrastructure.  The Vice-President's oil buddies are getting the lion's share of the Clinton budget surplus in the form of reconstruction contracts. From this administration's point of view the war is going as planned. 

John's Take

It is the day after the elections in Iraq.  Images of Iraqis dancing in jubilation fill the news.  The administration is claiming success and justification for the invasion and occupation.  But when the hype dies down over the next few months the reality of the situation will come out.  The truth is nothing good will come of this war.  Nothing of substance has changed in Iraq.  It is America that has been changed by this war.

By meddling in the affairs of Iraq President Bush may have just set the stage for a civil war and created a far greater security danger to the U.S. than anything Saddam Hussein could have threatened.

After the votes have been counted the Shites will get over 70 percent of the parliaments seats.  Iran is jumping for joy.  This process is going to turn Iraq into a Shite Islamic theocracy like that in Iran.  And you can bet the Shite mullahs will turn on the American troops and corporations.

The Sunni will get about 20 percent of the parliament seats.  When the seven million Sunni realize they have gone from a position of power to virtually no representation they are going to blame Bush and America.  You can expect young Sunni men will flock to join the resistance.  And the Kurds aren't interested in democracy.  They want independence.

American Presidents simply do not understand Middle East politics.  President Bush is making the same mistake in Iraq that Jimmy Carter made in Iran.  After years of supporting the Shaw of Iran, a man many think was just as evil as Saddam, President Carter reversed course and plotted to replace the Shaw with a democracy.  When the Shaw fell the Shites turned against America.  If things continue as they are you will see history repeat itself in Iran.

What was missing from the election coverage was a poll about how the Iraqis feel about America.  Don't forget that the people you see dancing in the streets over free elections where also dancing on 9/11.  Iraq is still a Muslim nation.  They hate America and the West.  That hasn't changed a bit.

Iraqis are not stupid.  For now they are content to take our money and military training.  But in a few years, after the American tax payer has been stuck with the 500 billion dollar cost of reconstructing Iraq's civil and oil infrastructure, they will ask us to get out.

What is this war costing America?

  • In terms of human life it is estimated that somewhere between three or four thousand American soldiers will be killed before Bush leaves office.  No one knows exactly how many innocent Iraqi citizens have already been killed.

  • In terms of dollars the war has already cost over two hundred and fifty billion dollars.  The war is costing two billion more every week.  In two years the total cost of the war will be half a trillion dollars.  That is enough money to construct a high-speed maglift rail system between every major city in America.  And enough money to cover the cost of an Ivy League college education for over four million American kids.  That money could have been used to shore up Social Security.  We don't have the money to put missile defense systems on commercial airliners like Israel has but we have half a trillion to spend in Iraq?  And where is the money going?  It is certainly not being spent on equipment to keep our troops alive on a non-linear battlefront.  This war simply doesn't make sense.

  • In terms of American prestige abroad this war has caused irreparably damaged.  The UN and EU said their were no WMDs in Iraq.  The President insisted there were WMDs.  They were right and the President was wrong.  Now for the first time in history this President has given credibility to claims by our enemies that America is an imperialistic resource grabbing abusive superpower.

  • This war has also caused harm to the Church in Iraq.  Prior to the war about three percent of Iraq's population were Christian.  But now that Muslims are free to bomb churches and execute Christians the Iraqi Church is quickly getting out of Iraq.

  • This war is also a major setback to the fight against terrorism and the spread of WMDs.   It has diverted attention and resources away from the real threats which are Pakistan, North Korea, Iran, Syria, and Saudi Arabia.

If only something positive were to come out of Iraq then the sacrifices we are making might be worth while.  But asking the American tax payer to hock our children's future so that Bush can reconstruct Iraq and turn it over to an Islamic theocracy is insane.

Is President Bush helping an arch enemy of God and Israel?  As a Christian that is the question that concerns me the most. 

Iraq is the modern day name for the ancient Babylonian Empire.  Babylon is where the false mystery religions were born after the flood.  The Babylonians sacked Jerusalem and carried off the Jews.  And twenty-four hundred years later they tried it again.

At 6:00 PM East Coast time on May 14, 1948, the British protectorate over Palestine expired and Israel declared itself a nation under UN Resolution 181, known as the Partition Plan.  The Iraqi UN representative was the first up to the microphone.  At precisely 6:02 he declared, "The whole game is up," signaling the Arab attack upon Israel.  Just seconds after the Iraqi UN representative stepped down from the podium the U.S. representative stepped up and became the first to recognize the reborn state of Israel. America has been blessed ever since.

History clearly shows Iraq is an enemy of Israel.  America has been blessed because of our support for the Jews.  But the day we turn against Israel is the day God will turn His back on us.

Genesis 12:1-3

  1    Now the LORD had said to Abram: "Get out of your country, from your family and from your father's house, to a land that I will show you.
  2    I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing.
  3    I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

God is not impressed by democracy and free elections.  The Palestinians held free elections and they are still blowing up innocent Jews.  By helping Israel's enemy in Iraq and speaking of a "mandate" to give the Palestinians the land God has promised the Jews President Bush is leading America away from God.


The Treachery of Men

By John Roberts, October 19, 2004

Psalms 55:1-23

  1. Give ear to my prayer, O God,
    And do not hide Yourself from my supplication.
  2. Attend to me, and hear me;
    I am restless in my complaint, and moan noisily,
  3. Because of the voice of the enemy,
    Because of the oppression of the wicked;
    For they bring down trouble upon me,
    And in wrath they hate me.
  4. My heart is severely pained within me,
    And the terrors of death have fallen upon me.
  5. Fearfulness and trembling have come upon me,
    And horror has overwhelmed me.
  6. And I said, "Oh, that I had wings like a dove!
    For then I would fly away and be at rest.
  7. Indeed, I would wander far off,
    And remain in the wilderness. Selah
  8. I would hasten my escape
    From the windy storm and tempest."
  9. Destroy, O Lord, and divide their tongues,
    For I have seen violence and strife in the city.
  10. Day and night they go around it on its walls;
    Iniquity and trouble are also in the midst of it.
  11. Destruction is in its midst;
    Deceit and guile do not depart from its streets.
  12. For it is not an enemy who reproaches me;
    Then I could bear it.
    Nor is it one who hates me who has magnified himself against me;
    Then I could hide from him.
  13. But it was you, a man my equal,
    My companion and my acquaintance.
  14. We took sweet counsel together,
    And walked to the house of God in the throng.
  15. Let death seize them;
    Let them go down alive into hell,
    For wickedness is in their dwellings and among them.
  16. As for me, I will call upon God,
    And the LORD shall save me.
  17. Evening and morning and at noon
    I will pray, and cry aloud
    And He shall hear my voice
  18. He has redeemed my soul in peace from the battle that was against me,
    For there were many against me.
  19. God will hear, and afflict them,
    Even He who abides from of old. Selah
    Because they do not change,
    Therefore they do not fear God.
  20. He has put forth his hands against those who were at peace with him;
    He has broken his covenant.
  21. The words of his mouth were smoother than butter,
    But war was in his heart;
    His words were softer than oil,
    Yet they were drawn swords.
  22. Cast your burden on the LORD,
    And He shall sustain you;
    He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.
  23. But You, O God, shall bring them down to the pit of destruction;
    Bloodthirsty and deceitful men shall not live out half their days;
    But I will trust in You.

The Army is investigating the refusal by an entire reservist supply unit in Iraq to go on a convoy mission.  Relatives of the soldiers said the troops considered the mission too dangerous for 17 troops with extremely unsafe vehicles and no armed escort.  In addition, they were ordered to add diesel fuel to their tanker without first purging out a residue of jet fuel.  That is a bad order and violates training and procedures. 

This is a clear sign that the troops have lost faith in their commander's ability to lead.  I believe that assessment is correct and it is a systemic problem that goes all the way up to the top. 

Convoys in Iraq are routinely ambushed and susceptible to roadside bombings.  Without an armed escort these poor people are left defenseless.  U.S. vehicles are lightly armored and have flat bottoms.  Our allies are using new armored vehicles with V shaped bottoms to deflect the blast from roadside bombs.  That is why are allies are taking almost zero casualties while American troops are being blown up every day. 

The U.S. military confined the 17 soldiers after their refusal and then assigned 120 other soldiers to carry out the mission.  That proves the complaints were valid.  They did the right thing and as usual the wrong people are being punished. It's their commander that should be held accountable. 

It is important for people to remember that Reservists are weekend soldiers with families and normal jobs back in the States.  They are being forced to extend their stay in Iraq to over a year.  Reserves are just that, a reserve.  They sign up for two days duty a month as a way to supplement their income and fill a need for the military in a crisis.  They never committed to a year on military pay.  Their families are suffering along with them. 

The question everyone should be asking is why were our Reserves sent to Iraq in the first place?  Don't we have enough active duty to fight a war with a third world country?

Another decision that makes even less sense was sending our National Guard to Iraq.  They did not join to serve as a policing force for Muslim nations.  Their mission is over here on U.S. soil.  Who cares about Iraq, the streets around our nation's capital are not safe to walk at night.  And with three million illegal aliens crossing our boarders every year we could use the Guard at home. 

You can bet people will think twice in the future before they join the Guard or Reserves and they should. 

The sad truth is "Operation Iraqi Freedom" has nothing to do with freedom or the war on terror.  This war was started by people anxious to get their hands on Iraqi oil contracts.  That is hard for some to believe but it is the truth nevertheless.

“I want to speak directly to Muslims throughout the world."
""We respect your faith."
"Its teachings are good and peaceful."
" The enemy of America is not our many Islamic friends,"
"it’s not our many Arab friends."
"Those who commit evil in the name of Allah"
"blaspheme the name of Allah."
Those are the words of President Bush following 9/11.
Bin Laden is still free as a bird.
Fifteen of the 9/11 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia.

The nation of Iraq has the second largest oil reserves in the world.  That makes Iraq a big cash cow in the eyes of big oil corporations.  For the past two decades Iraq has not been producing much oil.  Three wars and the UN embargo have almost shut down the Iraq's oil production.  The oil for food program reduced Iraqi exports to a drop in the bucket compared to its true potential. 

During this slowdown Iraq's infrastructure has become antiquated and rundown and in desperate need of reconstruction and modernization.  Iraq did not have the billions it would take to rectify the situation.  But with a barrel of oil reaching record highs every month several countries lined up for the opportunity to get their hands on Iraqi oil fields. 

But the U.S. was not welcome.  The United States and Iraq were friends at one time.  But the first Gulf war changed all that.   As long as Saddam was in power America was not going to get any contracts from Iraq. 

This left the door open for countries like France, Germany, and Russia.  They quickly filled the void so Saddam gave them oil contracts.  But there was a catch.  As long as UN sanctions were in place those contracts could not be implemented.  And the UN embargo would not be lifted until Saddam showed proof that he had disposed of the weapons of mass destruction. span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> 

There is no doubt that Saddam played a shell game with UN weapons inspectors in an effort to keep as much of his weapon programs as possible.  But the truth is the UN inspectors were doing a good job.  Saddam wanted the sanctions lifted but he did not want his neighbors to know Iraq was a toothless tiger.  So Saddam reluctantly went along with the UN program kicking, screaming, and bluffing all the way. 

Regardless, several members on the UN Security Council were pushing to have sanctions against Iraq lifted.  Iraq was less than six months from getting a clean bill of health from UN inspectors.  That is when someone in the current administration hatched a plan to invade Iraq. 

John's Take

I am not sure if we will ever know the truth about all this.  Who first dreamed up the plan?  And what planning meetings were held and by whom?  But this much we do know.  In the mind of some the invasion was the perfect way to implement a hidden agenda that would otherwise never get acted upon. 

1.  The United States invasion derailed all UN plans to lift sanctions against Iraq.  In one stroke the Iraqi oil contract situation was completely reversed.  France, Germany and Russia were out and Texas corporations were now getting the lion's share of contracts. 

2.  The war in Iraq also provided a contract vehicle for this administration to get their hands on the budget surplus.  Tax dollars earmarked to pay down the U.S. debt have now been burned up reconstructing Iraq's oil infrastructure and replacing weapons used in the war. 

3.  The invasion of Iraq also settled a personal score.  Saddam tried to assassinate someone's father in the White House.  Saddam is now sitting in a jail and the White House is running Iraq.

4.  And let's not forget that a war in Iraq and fear of Bin Laden running around provides a 'scare factor' that helps a sitting President win reelection.  Voters are very reluctant to change Commanders during a time of war.  The war is a way to divert attention off of the fact that there has been very little choice these past 25 years in the Presidential race.  In the last five elections you will find Bush, Bush, Dole, Bush and Bush on the ticket.  I have more choices on my low carbohydrate diet! 

All of this is hard to believe but the truth is sometimes stranger than fiction.  No politician would come right out with it and say, "I want to get my hands on Iraqi oil contracts and the projected 5 trillion dollar budget surplus." Instead it's much more effective to use a strategy called 'management by crisis.'  The crisis is just a smoke screen that allows a hidden agenda to be implemented. 

The facts show that this is precisely the strategy used to invade Iraq.  The President is the one that insisted Iraq was tied to the 9/11 attacks and in possession of WMDs.  That was the justification to invade Iraq.  Were any of the 9/11 terrorists from Iraq?   Have any WMDs been found?  Are there any democratic Islamic nations anywhere in the world? 

I don't believe this war had anything to do with stopping the spread of WMDs.  We were told the situation in Iraq was so critical that the U.S. needed to go it alone if necessary.  Yet just the opposite policy was implemented in North Korea.  Our administration refused direct talks insisting we must let our allies deal with them.  We invaded Iraq and found no WMDs.   At the same time North Korea was allowed to develop nuclear weapons that can reach the West Coast. 

And I find it hard to understand how the war on terror was transformed into "Operation Iraqi Freedom."  Fifteen of the 9/11 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia, none were from Iraq. Usama bin Laden is still walking around free as a bird. 

If the war was about democracy in the Middle East why did the United States reinstall the Kuwaiti monarchy after we pushed Saddam out of Kuwait?  Isn't Saudi Arabia also a monarchy?  Has Bush mentioned anything about setting up a democracy in Saudi Arabia?  The idea that democracy is the cure for terrorism is absurd.  There isn't a single democracy in Islam.  The moment the U.S. leaves Iraq it will go back to business as usual. What Iraq and the rest of the Middle East need to be truly free is Jesus Christ. 

Most importantly 1,000 American lives have been lost and 200 billion dollars spent on Iraq.  No one has the right to order U.S. soldiers risk their lives for an Islamic nation that hates us and would kill us all given half a chance.  The money spent in Iraq was enough to give one million U.S. kids an Ivy League education.  With that money you could build a high speed rail system across America.  That kind of money might fund a cure for cancer. 

And if you want to win the war on terrorism we must go after those responsible for financing terror, Saudi Arabia.  Why are we sitting back allowing Islam to terrorize us with impunity?  We have everything needed to end this mess except true leadership.  Give Islam and the Saudis an ultimatum.  "Turn over bin Laden and stop the terrorism or Mecca will be bombed into a hazardous wasteland."  That would get their attention in a hurry.  Don't hold your breath.  Our current administration is in bed with the Saudis. 

I hope God does not judge this great nation of ours because of the actions of a wayward few.  The majority of Americans are Bible believing Christians.   In scripture God calls Babylon the "Mother of Harlots."  Most of us understand that we have no business fighting in Iraq and reconstructing that evil nation.  Our tax dollars should not be used to rebuild anything in Babylon.


Lessons Learned From Iraq

By John Roberts, October 1, 2003

John 8:44

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

The war to liberate Iraq is over and the hunt for Weapons of Mass Destruction and Saddam and his henchmen is on.  And the real challenge of nurturing the first democracy in the Arab world is proceeding although painfully, with the loss of more American lives every day.  So it is time to stop and consider what we have learned from the liberation of Iraq. 

Here are the facts:

1.   The overwhelming population of Iraq received American and British soldiers with joy and open arms much like the Parisians did when the U.S. troops liberated Paris from the Nazis.

2.   The U.S. led coalition achieved one of the greatest military victories in history despite the very restrictive rules of engagement: which resulted in a minimal amount of military and civilian casualties, yet brought down the largest military in the Middle East in only three weeks.

3.   Saddam’s torture chambers, terrorist camps, and weapons of mass destruction research and development programs have all been put out of business.

4.   Finding weapons of mass destruction is proving a difficult task.  It appears that the long delay in the UN, instigated by France, may have allowed Saddam enough time to destroy, hide, or even move the weapons outside of Iraq.  A likely scenario is that before the war started Saddam stored his WMD in the tunnel networks underneath the targets declared off limits by U.S. politicians, such as the numerous mosques in Iraq.

5.   One week before the fall of Baghdad the BBC, CNN, ABC, NBC and the various Arab news agencies falsely reported that coalition war plans had failed and the campaign was hopelessly stalled until more troops could be sent to Iraqi.

“We are winning,” humorous words from the Iraqi Information Minister dubbed “Baghdad Bob.”   Before the war many thought CNN and the BBC were the place to tune in to watch the art of spinning news into anti-American propaganda.   But that has all changed with Baghdad Bob.   The Sultan of Spin proved that it is possible to lie, spin news, and be entertaining at the same time.   CNN and the BBC seem boring now.   Baghdad Bob deserves the Oscar for the best performance of 2003.

6.   The day Baghdad fell a senior executive at CNN confessed they had misled the world for over a decade covering up Saddam’s atrocities and trading truth for access, much like the Dan Rather interview with Hussein.

7.   Fox News broke the story that the anti-war protest marches around the world were sponsored, funded, and coordinated by anti-American and anti-Semitic leftist and communist organization with links to Islamic terrorist organizations.

ANSWER - Act Now to Stop War and End Racism, turned out to be a front organization for the Workers World Party, a communist organization.  They support Fidel Castro, North Korea, and various terrorist organizations.

NOT IN OUR NAME – Turned out to be a front group for IFCO, Inner religious Foundation for Community Organization, an organization that uses Christian sounding names like Pastors for Peace to cover up their real agenda, such as funneling money to anti-Christian and anti-Jewish terrorist organizations.

8.   Hollywood activists and democratic politicians sided with Saddam and marched in anti-America protests surrounded by red hammer & sickle flags and socialist worker banners.   They compared our soldiers to a “Nazi occupation army” and President Bush to Hitler.

9.   In only two nations, the United States and Israel, did the majority of the people support America’s use of force to remove Saddam’s regime.   The rest of the world either openly supported Saddam or said they preferred to keep Saddam in power rather than use force to remove him.

10.   While the world linked the removal of Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction to the establishment of a Palestinian State not a single Iraqi interviewed by the imbedded media ever mentioned the Palestinians.

11.   The Pope and over 90% of all Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox clergy sided with France and Saddam and condemned the war and President Bush.   However, over 90% of all Born-Again Christians supported President Bush and the war to liberate Iraq.

12.   Kofi Annan, the U.N. Secretary General, opposed the war, which interrupted the UN oil-for-food program.  But it has now been reported that Kofi may have been skimming off billions of dollars from the Iraqi oil-for-food program into bank accounts in France.

13.   Hans Blix, Chief U.N. Weapons Inspector, opposed the war, which took him off center stage in the press and put him in retirement.   Iraqis able to speak freely for the first time are reporting that the Chief UN Weapons Inspector tipped them off prior to inspections allowing them to move or hide incriminating evidence.

14.   French President Cheraq was a personal friend of Saddam for three decades.   He built Iraq a nuclear reactor after Saddam requested help in developing an Arab nuclear bomb to drop on Israel.   Cheraq vehemently obstructed all attempts to oust the Saddam regime.  

Cheraq openly ridiculed Americans and President Bush in front of the world press at every opportunity.   And now we have learned that Cheraq illegally passed on classified and sensitive information from the U.S. to Saddam.

15.   Seven out of every ten Frenchmen said they supported Saddam and hoped his army defeated the U.S. led coalition.   French protestors desecrated the graves sites of U.S. servicemen that died liberating France in WWII.

16.   France, Germany, Russia, China, North Korea, Yugoslavia, and the Ukraine violated UN sanctions by providing weapons and transferring restricted technology to Saddam.   The list of banned items included GPS jamming and night vision equipment, underground complexes, ballistic missiles, rocket fuel, and of course German built toxic gas facilities and gas chambers for testing on human subjects.

17.   It has now come to light that France, Germany, Russia, and China are the major beneficiaries of the oil-for-food program and that these nations also signed lucrative oil contracts with Saddam.   But these contracts were only valid as long as Saddam remained in power and they were temporarily on hold until sanctions could be lifted with an anticipated “all clear” from Hans Blix.

18.   Iraqis reacted to their new found freedom by looting everything in sight, including their own national treasures.  This was followed by another scene right out of the dark ages.  The world watched as Muslims by the tens of thousands worked up in a religious trance like state flagellated with chain whips, beat their chests, crawled through the streets on their knees, and cut themselves with swords and knives.  You can free the body but the soul will remain in bondage without Jesus Christ. 

19.   Saddam’s sons have been found and were killed in a shootout.  Most of Saddam’s top aids have been captured.  But Saddam is still alive and may be hiding inside Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, or Saudi Arabia.  I am not surprised.  Adolf Hitler managed to evade capture after WWII despite being completely surrounded by the Allies.  And concrete evidence of him, dead or alive, has never been found.  What is known is that small airplanes were spotted taking off from the streets of Berlin just prior to its fall.  And thanks to Eugenio Pacelli, otherwise known as Pope Pius XII, prominent Nazis were able to use the Roman Catholic network to escape to South America.

So it is highly probable that Saddam is using the resources of Islam and foreign countries to evade capture and hide his weapons of mass destruction.  Everyone knows that the U.S. will not attack or enter Mosques.  Consequently Muslim terrorists use them as safe houses.  A network of tunnels typically connects Mosques to strategic locations in surrounding neighborhoods where ambulances and Red Crescent vehicles are used to deceptively transport fugitives and terrorists to their next destination.

20.   For every American and British casualty in the war to liberate Iraq there were over fifty fatalities in France this summer due to a heat wave.   The number of elderly French men and women that succumbed to complications related to dehydration now stands at 15,000.   The inability of French President Cheraq to protect his own people from summer heat is a much bigger story in terms of loss of life than the war in Iraq.   Yet you don’t see the world press pounding Cheraq for an explanation like they do President Bush.   Why is that?   Aren’t the lives of the French elderly just as important as those in Iraq?

Cheraq never passes up a chance to ridicule Americans and our culture.   Perhaps it is time for Cheraq to realize this long standing hatred of everything not French is nothing less than stupid bigotry.   The term “E-Mail” is not a threat to the French language.   There are some things American which would actually be beneficial to the people of France, one in particular is called Air Conditioning.

21.   The United States government was not completely honest about their reasons for going into Iraq and bringing down Saddam.   Yes, it is true that Saddam had used weapons of mass destruction in the past and without a doubt he would have found a way to use them again.   And no one questions that Saddam was supporting world wide terrorism.   It is also clear that President Bush wanted to finish the job his dad had started while at the same time taking out Saddam for trying to have George Senior assonated.

But the overriding reason the United States went into Iraq was to facilitate the removal off all U.S. forces from Saudi Arabia.   Our government knows for a fact that Saudi Arabia sponsored the 9-11 terrorists.   The cash pipeline from Saudi Arabia to the 9-11 hijackers has even been traced through the wife of Saudi Arabia’s U.S. Ambassador.   While living as a guest on our soil she was giving cash to the hijackers so they would attack Americans and not cause trouble on Saudi soil.

The President has finally learned that we can no longer trust the Saudis.   But the U.S. is not ready to get out of the Middle East completely.   So Iraq was chosen as a likely place to relocate U.S. military forces.   But why not go after the Saudis since they are the ones that sponsored and carried out the 9-11 attacks?   Because the President and his advisors know an attack on Saudi Arabia with its Islamic holy sites and oil fields would bring on an all out war with Islam and possibly our backstabbing enemies in the EU.   So we attacked Iraq when we should have taken out the number one sponsor of international terrorism, Saudi Arabia.

John's Take

The most important lesson learned from the war in Iraq is that we are living in the last days and the arrival of the Antichrist and False Prophet and unbelievable tribulation is almost upon us.   Now is the time to get right with God and make sure you are ready for the Rapture.

Saddam is evil.   He gassed the Iranians and his own people.   He executed tens of thousands of innocent people.   He unilaterally attacked Israel.   Saddam sponsored terrorism and pursued nuclear weapons to use against the West.   And the indicator of just how close we are to the time of “Jacob’s Trouble” is the fact that the majority of the world sided with this monster.   The UN, EU, clergy, and the Pope defended Saddam and were critical of the United States.   It doesn’t take much insight to see that these wicked leaders will run to embrace the Antichrist with open arms when he comes to power.

Anyone looking for a weapon of mass destruction in Iraq need look no further than Saddam.   The U.S. should not leave Iraq until he is found and brought to justice like his sons.   Once that final task is accomplished our troops should be brought home.   The reconstruction of the American economy is a much higher priority than the reconstruction of Iraq.   The hundreds of billions of dollars now being spent on Iraq belong to our kids and our future.   We need to keep that money at home.

It is very unwise for the Bush administration to think that the Islamic world is going to let Iraq become a democratic nation.   Iraq and Iran have terrorized their neighbors for thousands of years and they are not going to stop now.   It is a good idea to remove our troops from Saudi Arabia.   But moving them to Iraq is not wise.   The best way to fight terrorism is to get off our dependence on Arab oil.   I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

The truth is conditions for the tribulation described in prophetic books such as Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Zachariah are now in place.   Christians, Americans, Israelis, and Jews are now standing alone against a wicked world.   Watch and be ready, the time is short.


Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction

By John Roberts, March 18, 2003

The United Nations Security Council unanimously agrees that Iraq is hiding weapons of mass destruction.   However, four countries on the Security Council, specifically France, Germany, Russia and China have maliciously acted to ensure these very same weapons remain in Sadam’s arsenal.   So they admit Iraq has these weapons but they are opposed to taking immediate action to disarm Sadam.

No one in their right mind believes the inspections were anything other than a stalling tactic used to stretch out compliance indefinitely.   And to ensure Sadam kept his weapons for at least the short term the French promised to veto any resolution authorizing force to disarm Sadam under any circumstance.

Iraqi Cluster Bombs for delivering chemical agents were not mentioned by Mr. Blix in his report to the UN!

Why have these four nations chosen to side with Sadam and oppose the United States?   Why are they willing to use a long diplomatic approach when this might afford Sadam the opportunity to use the weapons or get them into the hands of terrorist organizations?   Aren’t these countries worried that Sadam might use these weapons against them?

The answer is no, they are not worried.   And here is why.   There is a very sinister motive behind the malicious actions of these countries that is as obvious as a white elephant standing in the room.   But everyone wants to pretend it does not exist.   The French and others know that these weapons are intended for the United States and Israel.   And they would like nothing more than to stand by on the sidelines and watch the United States go down in flames.   And the truth be known they are the ones supplying the matches and kerosene.

Am I suggesting that the leadership in France, Germany, Russia, China and even North Korea would like to see the United States and Israel brought down through some unforeseeable act of terrorism?   You bet!

Let’s not be naive.   History is shaped by money, power, national pride, and the egos of world leaders. The United States is the only superpower in the world today.   We went into WWII as a third rate nation and rose to the top of the world stage. After the fall of the Soviet Union the U.S. was left alone at the top.   Do you think the French, Germans, Russians, and Chinese might be a bit jealous and envious when they see the U.S. standing on the top podium?   And it is not just that we are on top these days but that we are different.   And it is that difference that grinds against those nations standing in the consolation bracket.

Despite what liberals and communists say the United States is the only superpower in the history of the world with no desire for world conquest.  We only engage in wars of liberation.   And when the war is over we get out.   How would these other countries be acting if they had our military power?   We know from history exactly what these nations would do.   Napoleon tried to enslave Europe.   Germany started two world wars.   The Soviet Union enslaved hundreds of millions.   China’s day is coming soon.

Counties like France and Germany dream of the old glory days under Napoleon and Adolf and the Nazis when they drove fear into their neighbors and demanded respect at the end of a bayonet.   The Russians have not forgotten that they lost the cold war and would like nothing more than a chance to get even.

I believe that facts show unequivocally that these countries are actively engaging in an undeclared war against the United States to serve their own ambitions for world power.   These foreign leaders are openly Bush haters, anti-American, and anti-Semitic.   They are evil.

Lets take a look at how these nations have help Sadam with weapons of mass destruction.


France built the nuclear reactor in Iraq that the Israelis were forced to destroy.   France continues today to help Sadam produce the material needed for the production of nuclear weapons.   France supplied seven refrigeration trucks to Iraq which were quickly converted to mobile labs for producing biological and chemical weapons.   France supplies commercial trucks to Iraq which are then converted into mobile missile launchers.   Over the past ten years France has continued to supply Iraq with spare parts for their jet aircraft.   France is supplying the expertise and parts to convert Jets and Remotely Piloted Vehicles into weapons for spraying biological and chemical agents.   The government of France along with French private industry is involved in one way or another in virtually every weapon of mass destruction program in Iraq.


German companies have used their expertise to build modern gas chambers in Iraq so that Sadam can test his biological and chemical weapons on human experiments.   Germany has also built a network of underground factories connected by a subterranean subway system.   The underground allows weapons production to go on right under the noses of inspectors and spy satellites.   It also allows Sadam to move freely from one palace to another without detection. Where are the weapons of mass destruction?   Underground! This should cause even the most liberal Jew to stop and ponder the fact that Germans never got out of the gas chamber business.   What would happen should Germany rise to the position of power again?


Russia has supplied Sadam with suitcase-sized nuclear weapons.   Former GRU (military counterpart of the KGB) defectors have publicly stated that the GRU have also planted these weapons on U.S. soil and deposited nuclear tip cruise missiles on our continental shelf.   The GRU is one of the primary instructors of terrorists worldwide.   The GRU and KGB help fund virtually every antiwar movement and organization in America and abroad.   Russia provides Sadam Hussein, North Korea, and Iran with long range missile and nuclear technology.   Russia helps Iraq disguise its weapons programs and works to get the economic sanctions against Iraq lifted.


China, along with the help of a French company and arms dealer is supplying most of the rocket fuel Iraq needs for their long range missiles.  In addition to raw materials for fuel and possible chemical weapons, China is also working hard to become the top exporter of small arms and other weapons to Third World countries.

North Korea

North Korea specialized in arming Islam and terrorists organizations with ballistic missiles.   Versions of their Nodong intermediate rage missiles have been built by both Iran and Iraq thanks to the transfer of North Korean technology.   North Korea sells missiles outright to countries in the Middle East that lack the ability to produce them on their own.   The United States has recently announced that a missile defense system will be deployed on our west coast in response to the threat from North Korea.   North Korea has also supplied Sadam with hundreds of GPS jammers.   The effectiveness of these countermeasures is unknown.   Sadam plans to put these jammers on key buildings.   Should they work as planned they would cause GPS guided bombs to miss their intended target.   The U.S. is relying heavily on these new precision weapon systems to minimize civilian casualties.

Why are we going to war without the unanimous support of the UN Security Council?   Because the UN has been ineffective and is now dominated by nations that want to bring down the United States.

John's Take

We are living in the last days.   The fact that there is so much support for an evil dictator like Sadam is proof that the world is waiting with open arms for the Antichrist and False Prophet.   The U.S. will diminish in power.   The European Union and China will become the next superpowers.   But when these nations gather in Israel to attack Jerusalem they are going to be brought down to the sides of the bottomless pit with the return of Jesus Christ to defend his people.

According to prophecy it is going to take the return of our Lord Jesus Christ with a two-edged sword in His hand and legions of angles and Saints from Heaven to defeat the armies of the Beast.


The Threat From Within

By John Roberts, July 11, 2002

America has shown time and time again that no nation on earth can stand against us on the field of battle.

The supposedly “hardened and heavily armed” Taliban and al-Qaeda soldiers that defeated the Russians in Afghanistan fought like school girls and lasted only a few months.

I am not surprised because a shocking discovery made during operation Enduring Freedom was that many of these once feared Muslim soldiers dressed like prom dates as well.   U.S. and British soldiers were horrified by what they found sweeping through several Taliban and al-Qaeda held villages.   They were fully armed and prepared to engage the enemy in house-to-house combat.   But in more than one instance these soldiers found themselves fending off small bands of “flirting Muslim transvestites.”   This is not a joke.   This stuff is too bizarre to make up.

Complete with painted finger nails, jewelry, makeup, and all the girly accessories, these creatures would walk up to our soldiers “flirting and attempting to play with their hair” according to eye-witness accounts. Think of it, whole villages void of any real women.   Now that might be gay Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank’s idea of a hot vacation spot, but these encounters shocked and sickened many U.S. soldiers.   Some were so “traumatized” they asked to be reassigned to other duties.

These Taliban “religious freedom fighters” forced women to cover up from head to toe in a Burka while their “boyfriends” back at base camp dressed up like transvestites from the Rocky Horror Show.   That shows the true face of Islam.

The U.S. military proved once again in Afghanistan that they were capable of dealing with any situation, no matter what it may be.   The real threat to America comes from within.

Our legal system is being used to tear down our country in an all out attack as devastating as the terrorist attacks that took down the World Trade Center.   Only these terrorists wear a suit and carry a brief case.   But make no mistake about it evil pagans and their lackey lawyers and judges are trying to destroy America as we know it.

In Florida a Muslim sued and won the right to wear a Burka for her driver license photo.   What good is a photo I.D. if you can’t identify the face in the picture?   This set a president for others to follow.   This ruling provides Muslims with legal personal identification that can be used by any terrorist imposter dressed in a Burka.   And you can be sure that was the real reason terrorist Islam had this woman file the suit in the first place.

In Chicago a female police officer converted to Islam after 9-11 and had her lawyer sue the justice system for the right to wear Muslim garb while on duty.   She can now be seen in court rooms wearing her Muslim scarf over her head.   But put a cross or star of David on your uniform and see how fast you are accused of mixing church and state.

In New York following 9-11 Muslims sued for the right to pray to their pagan god Allah during school hours.   So today, in the same city where Muslim terrorists killed thousands of innocent people, Muslims are let out of school several times a day for prayer.   But Christians and Jews are expelled for praying in school!

In California, at the Excelsior School in the Byron Union School District, students are required to “wear traditional Muslim clothing and memorize Islamic prayers” from the only state-approved history book and simulation workbook for seventh graders.   This is the state where an Egyptian terrorist opened fire and murdered innocent Jews over the 4th of July at a ticket counter at LAX.   The terrorist’s family returned to Egypt ten days prior to the premeditated attack to avoid questioning and escape possible prosecution.

Who is really winning in our war against terrorism?

Then there is the case of atheist Michael Newdow.   Newdow is a Sacramento atheist activist.   This man sued on behalf of his 8-year-old daughter to have the Pledge of Allegiance declared unconstitutional because it contains the words, “under God.”   In his lawsuit, Newdow argued that his daughter was “injured” by being forced to listen to “others” recite the pledge at the Elk Grove Unified School District.

Newdow’s daughter was little more than a pawn in this case.   In his decade-long crusade Newdow has filed many lawsuits hoping to impose his personal atheist views upon all of us.  Newdow failed in a number of earlier attempts to remove any reference to God from the public square. He even filed a lawsuit against President George W. Bush’s 2000 inauguration, which Newdow argued was overly religious.

Newdow says, “any mention of a deity makes him feel left out.” The thought that perhaps they are just a “creature” and that there is a higher power in the universe doesn’t fit the atheist self image. Atheists are such humble people! Newdow is an emergency room doctor and a lawyer; enough said. That explains his god complex.

Shockingly the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with atheist Newdow and ruled the pledge “an unconstitutional endorsement of religion.”   And what is so alarming is the sinister, devious, and unethical and collusive behavior of Newdow and the Circuit Court in bringing the case to court in the first place and then making such an improper ruling.   Every lawyer knows that courts can only hear cases in which there is an injured party, and if there is no injury there are no grounds for a case.

The third-grader in question lives with her mother Sandra Banning.   They are both practicing Christians and active in their church.   The little girl’s mother came forward and said that she does not want the American public to get the wrong idea.   Her daughter proudly says the Pledge of Allegiance, including the words, “one nation under God.”   Banning even teaches Sunday school at the Calvary Chapel church in Elk Grove, California.

The third-grader’s atheist father never even married Sandra Banning.   Sandra has full custody of the girl.   This law suit was all about getting even during a custody battle.   And unless the Court involved in the ruling were innocent by reason of insanity they must have known full well that they acted in a shameful manner, especially for judges.

Judges Alfred Goodwin and Stephen Reinhardt ruled in a 2-1 decision in favor of atheist Newdow.   This was a deliberate and shameless break in protocol for these two evil men to rule before bringing the case before the full Court which is the normal practice in such cases.   It’s as if they wanted to slip it in during the middle of the night while the other judges were away to ensure the atheist won his case.

The 9th Circuit Court in San Francisco is clearly the most liberal court in the country.   They have been reversed by the Supreme Court in over 80% of the cases they have chosen to take on. This case too will be overturned.

With judges like Goodwin and Reinhardt who needs an army to bring down America.   Our military is easily defeating Islamic terrorists overseas but these anti-God terrorists are winning the battle in our court rooms.   Perhaps there is room in Cuba for some more detainees, evil doers with an Islamic or atheist agenda masquerading as judges.

John's Take

I am thankful to live on American soil.   I have traveled the world and there is no better place on Earth to be in our time.   Foreigners that knock this great nation are simply evil or jealous, one or the other.   I have said many times before you don’t see people risking their lives to get into Islamic or communist countries.

America is a Christian nation.   We provide more foreign aid and send out more missionaries throughout the world than all the other counties in the world combined.   America was not founded by Muslims or other pagans.   People immigrated to the colonies because they were being suppressed and persecuted in their foreign counties for their particular Christian belief in God.

This nation was founded to allow people the freedom to worship God in peace.   The Declaration of Independence says, "All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable rights."   Our founding fathers never envisioned that atheists and terrorist would be using our own justice system to take away the rights of Christians and bring down this nation.   If they had the Constitution would have been framed in much more detail so as to eliminate this threat from within.

Liberals and atheists need to get out of America and immigrate to a communist country of their choice where they can live under the rule of a government more in turn with their ideology, one that denies the existence of God.

Muslims have dozens of pagan Islamic countries in which to blow themselves up for those “seventy-two virgins on couches in Islamic heaven.”   We don’t need this terrorist organization in our Christian nation.

Homeland defense should start with an aggressive move to protect the freedoms and rights of Christians for which our founding fathers shed their blood.   America was not intended to be a melting pot for pagans and evil doers.

That has already been tried, it was called Babylon.   And it’s diversity of gods and tolerance of evil made Babylon as weak as clay, despite being surrounded by the most heavily fortified walls of any city in history.   Rome is another example of how a great nation was weakened and collapsed from within.

U.S. military might is defenseless against rulings by liberal judges.   I know it, and you can bet terrorist Islam knows it.  That’s why Muslim lawyers are probing our legal system with outrageous lawsuits using our freedom and individual rights to chip away at U.S. security.   Their goal, in their own words, “is to terrorize America into removing U.S. support for Israel, so Islam can isolate and then destroy the only western style democracy in the Middle East and drive the Jews into the sea.”

Every lawsuit and peace treaty the Muslims win only increases Islam’s thirst for world domination.   “Talk peace when you are weak and attack when you are strong,” Mohammad use to say.   Terrorist Islam is only a shadow of the threat we will face when the Antichrist and False Prophet are revealed.   The U.S. military will not be able to stop the spread of terrorism as long as evil rules the hearts of men.

According to prophecy it is going to take the return of our Lord Jesus Christ with a two-edged sword in His hand and legions of angles and Saints from Heaven to defeat the armies of the Beast.


Time To Rebuild Our Defense!

By John Roberts, October 18, 2001

When terrorists hijacked four American airliners on September 11th the United States early warning and homeland defense system was put to the test. For the first time I can remember the United States went to the highest state of alert or defense condition know as DEFCON Delta. DEFCON delta is seldom reached. The President takes the country to this level only on occasions of eminent danger such as a nuclear strike by a foreign country.

Once this warning goes out our Defense Department prepares to respond to the threat with everything we have available. So what was available on September 11th to meet any threat against the United States? A pathetic dozen antiquated Jet Fighters. Our military leaders say they were not prepared for an attack from within the United States. The truth is they are not prepared for any attack, from within or without.

With the end of the cold war the U.S. started methodically dismantling our military and homeland and civil defense. The cuts have been so deep that on September 11th the United States had a sum total of only twelve 1970's vintage Jet Fighters armed and ready to takeoff in the whole continental United States. I don't call that defense. That should more accurately be called defenseless.

Who was looking out for U.S. citizens? Our politicians immediately took off to their billion dollar bunkers 82 miles outside of Washington. We pay for a military to defend us. But on September 11th we were left vulnerable and alone to fend for ourselves while our politicians went off to hide in their holes - as if this country could not get by without politicians.

I remember a time when school kids practiced "duck and cover." Sirens alerted Americans to seek protection because their lives may be in danger. One third of our Navy was at sea at all times. Most of our bombers and jet aircraft were ready to launch at a moment's notice. Fuel tankers were continuously in the air should they be needed. All of this has been stopped, put away, and falsely labeled a product of the peace dividend.

Many have tried to get Congress to support an integrated missile and air defense system to protect the United States, but no one is listening.

The sad truth is most Americans learned in September just how unprepared we were for an attack upon American soil.

Shortly after the terrorists struck I was evacuated from a hotel one mile from the Pentagon. My AT&T cell phone service was unavailable. It was impossible to get a car, cab, bus, train, Metro, or airplane out of the area. Rumors and false news stories were so frequent that I was not sure of exactly what was going on. I felt helpless, uninformed, defenseless, and shocked. I will never forget that feeling.

All I could do was stand outside and breath smoky air and watch the Pentagon burn. After an hour of that I decided to inform the Hotel Manager that this was accomplishing nothing. My students and I went back inside and continued business as best we could.

Only a measly pair of F-15 and F-16 Fighter Jets were scrambled to intercept the hijacked airliners. The four jets were unable to reach the airliners before they slammed into the WTC and Pentagon.

The fact is our military has been cut back so much that they were unable to stop 19 terrorists armed with box cutters and steak knives.

The Department of Defense was defenseless against an attack upon it's own center of operations the Pentagon.

The terrorists succeeded because the United States is currently defenseless.

To defend a country you must actually commit the resources required to put up an adequate defense.

The military had only twelve Fighter Jets armed and ready to take off in the whole continental United States on September 11. Talk about being caught with your pants down!

John's Take

First and foremost the mission of the Defense Department should be to protect the lives and property of Americans here at home.

I don't see the right things being done to fix the problem. President Bush is acting like our tax dollars are kept in his personal checkbook. He has already dolled out over 60 billion dollars, much to undeserving corporations and foreign nations that sponsor terrorism. A fraction of that would have paid for an integrated air and missile defense system; a defensive system that at the very least could have shot down the hijacked jets before they destroyed the WTC.

This is what I think is needed to eliminate the vulnerability of U.S. citizens to Muslim terrorist attacks in America.

1.   Those responsible for our non-existent military defense against the terrorist attacks should be sacked, including the liberal politicians that tied their hands.

2.   Two Star Generals and above that have never fired a weapon in combat, regardless if they are male or female, should be given responsibility more in line with their abilities, such as cleaning a latrine.

3.   Congress must stop closing bases and downsizing the military.

4.   The President must fulfill his campaign promise to rebuild the military.

5.   The "just-in-time" military logistics system should be replaced with a system that can support a sustained war.

6.   Our military should be armed and ready to meet any threat at all times.

7.   North America should be protected by an integrated air defense system.

8.   Our national borders must be secured by the military.

9.   Foreign nationals should be banned from working at airports and other security jobs.

10.   Individuals from countries that sponsor terrorism should be denied a visa to enter the U.S. and those already in the country should be sent home to enjoy the fruits of Islam.

11.   All illegal aliens should be apprehended, deported, and forced to follow the law if they wish to immigrate to America.

12.   American Universities and their scholarships should be used to educate U.S. citizens, not foreigners and terrorists.

13.   A Civil Defense Program should be instituted.

14.   Anyone found supporting or plotting the overthrow of the United States should be treated as a terrorist.

15.   Countries that sponsor and export terrorism should be denied any form of U.S. foreign aid.

16.   Alternative forms of energy should be developed so that the United States can be energy self sufficient and not dependent on oil from countries that want to destroy us.

17.   Those that disagree with the previous sixteen points should be forced to attend the 6,000 funerals of the victims of the Muslim terrorist attacks, and explain to their families why our superpower military was unable to defend American citizens on American soil.


Who Is Scared Of China? President Bush!

By John Roberts, May 12, 2001

The recent problems between China and the U.S. illustrates the process that takes place when world power begins to slide downhill. The U.S. no longer looks or acts like a superpower.

China knocked a U.S. plane out of the sky and then told us we could not have it back. What did the President do about it? President Bush has done absolutely nothing.

Here is the hotshot Chinese pilot that lost control of his fighter and crashed into the American surveillance plane.

China warned the U.S. not to sell high tech weapon systems to Taiwan. What did the President do about it? We have complied with China's demands and will not be selling Aegis combat systems to Taiwan.

China stole U.S. technology required to design, manufacture, and test MIRV warheads. What did the President do about it? We have offered to give China free of charge any technology that comes from the newly proposed missile defense system.

This satellite photograph shows the Chinese doing what they do best, stealing American top secret technology.

If you show weakness to a country like Communist China they will take full advantage of it. In terms of pure military strength China is still a third rate power. In the time it would take to order a Chinese dinner the U.S. could wipe all of Communist China off the face of the earth.

Why is President Bush so scared of China? Because President Bush represents big corporations and they do not want to lose China's business. If the U.S. broke off relations with China American CEOs would not be able to lay off U.S. workers and transfer their jobs to cheap labor inside Chinese prison camps.

John's Take

If you doubt this is about big business then just look at the so-called energy crisis. Everyone in the White House has oil connections. Why do you think gas is on its way up to three dollars a gallon?

Wholesalers are charging the State of California up to ten times the amount they are charging other states for the same natural gas. What has Bush done about that? He has asked State officials to turn off a few lights in government buildings. The seventh largest economy in the world and our elected officials think it is okay for a select few to get rich quick while the rest of us sit in the dark.

Some call this great leadership. I call it weakness and greed.

We need a government that will put the American people first. We need cheap reliable energy without destroying the environment. You can't run a superpower in the computer age without electricity. And we need strong leadership that is not afraid to stand up to the Communists in China no matter what the consequences.


Moscow Ministry Scared Of Salvation Army

By John Roberts, January 26, 2001

According to Vladimir Zhdankov of the Moscow Justice Ministry the Salvation Army is a military organization bent on the overthrow of Russia. "They call themselves an army, they call themselves captains, cadets, majors, colonels ... sounds like a military unit to me," says Vladimir.

The Salvation Army provides meals to the elderly and homeless in Russia.

This type of mentality also prevailed during the days of the Soviet Union. In 1923 they expelled the Salvation Army as part of an effort to stamp out all religion and worship of God. It was only in 1992 that the Salvation Army was allowed back into Russia.

In 1997 a law was enacted requiring religious organizations to register with the Russian government or shut down operations. In Moscow Russian officials denied the Salvation Army's application to register in August 1999. The Army has been fighting a possible shutdown in court since that time.

The Salvation Army is a Christian organization that provides religious and social outreach to the needy. For the past nine years they have provided means to the elderly and homeless in 14 Russian cities. Five of these cities have granted the Salvation Army full registration under the new law.

John's Take

With the fall of communism came an influx of religious organizations back into the former Soviet Union. In some ways Russia has become more tolerant and supportive of religion than the US. The plain fact is in Russian kids can pray in school.

In the US we have turned our schools over to the lefties and non-Christians and now it is against the law to pray in school.

The problems the Salvation Army is facing in Russia can be tied back to the Russian Orthodox church. They are the ones working hard to remove all born again Christian organizations from Russia. They want to go back to the Czarist days in which all religious power and authority resides within the Russian Orthodox church.

This illustrates the problem with organized religion today. Saving souls takes a back seat to grabbing power, taking in money, and feeding the egos of the clergy.

Don't worry. The Lord will clean this mess up when He returns.


T2 Becomes Reality

By John Roberts, January 26, 2001

The movie Terminator 2 gave us visions of a robotic army overwhelming and crushing human forces in combat. This idea of a military conflict of the future may move from the realm of science fiction into science fact.

The U.S. military is developing the next generation of war machines to function autonomously on the battlefield without the need for direct human control.

This equates to taking the pilots out of aircraft, crews out tanks, and sailors off of ships.

We are not talking about a guy playing with a remote-control plane or boat in a park. These war machines will be able to perform complex tasks in support of tactical and strategic operations.

The Boeing Company rolls out the X-45A UCAV unmanned combat air vehicle.

Military budgets might be tight but I would bet they still keep some interesting secrets in the black project world.

There are many advantages to these new unmanned military systems. Humans can remain in relatively safe positions while the robots do the real fighting. Removing the humans vastly reduces the cost of military systems. Performance is increased because designs no longer require operational limitations to support human factors - like keeping a pilot awake during high G maneuvers.

Some robotic systems are designed to look like insects, birds, and fish to help them escape detection. You better check that Bass before you take it home for dinner.

The unmanned battlefield has only been made possible by recent advancements in robotics, miniaturization of electronics, and the availability of secured high-speed digital telecommunications.

John's Take

As technology continues to advance so does the possibility of seeing R2D2 or T2 like robots fighting along side their human counterparts. This sounds far out but nothing is impossible these days. Well, I am not sure if NASA is in anyway involved in these projects. If they are you can expect the unmanned battlefield to take a bit longer to come to fruition.


Terrorist Attack On The U.S.S. Cole

By John Roberts, October 13, 2000

The destroyer U.S.S. Cole suffered major damage on Thursday from a terrorist bomb in Yemen. It is estimated that 17 U.S. armed-forces personnel were killed in the attack. Three dozen were injured by the blast.

The Cole was in Yemen for refueling. A rubber boat manned by a crew of two helped secure one line from the Cole to the dock. They then proceeded to help with another line. To the crew of the Cole it appeared that they were just following standard procedure.

In reality the Arab crew of the rubber boat was actually securing the Cole in an optimum position for a suicide bomb attacked.

Port side damage of the destroyer USS Cole ... a 40 by 20 foot hole.

The Arab crew positioned their rubber boat, which was full of explosives, next to the Cole, then they stop and stood at attention and saluted. After that the rubber boat exploded blowing a tremendous hole in the side of the destroyer.

Clearly the crew was on a suicide mission, although it took the news media half a day to admit to that obvious fact.

I am appalled by the coverage of this incident. This is a time of grieving for the families of the Cole. Instead I see politicians on both sides of the isle running in front of cameras to capitalize on the tragedy of others.

Al Gore made sure to run back to the White House in front of the press so that he could show the big part he plays in foreign affairs. What people need to know is that this is the first time Gore has been in the White House since May!

I watched another politician on the news say that the destroyer Cole was built in his hometown in Florida. Therefore, he had suffered more than others because he knew some of the crew and officers personally. Does this turkey expect us to believe that the Navy gets crews from the same town were they build a ship? These clowns will say anything at anytime if they think it will help their political career.

If any of you had doubts about the hack job Clinton and Gore have done on our military you should not have any doubts anymore. Two Arabs in a rubber dinghy have just taken out a billion-dollar state-of-the-art destroyer, one of our most advanced and newest ships.

John's Take

The news media has been dragging out every liberal retired Admiral they can find to say, "there is nothing we can do to stop this. This is just the cost of having 100 ships at sea." What are they saying, we can afford to trade high-tech billion dollar ships for every two Arab terrorists in a rubber raft? Who is going to win that war?

How would you like you sons and daughters serving under that type of military leader? Well they have been under a Clinton / Gore administration.

If there were enough tankers to go around ships like the Cole would not need to go to foreign ports to refuel.

If Clinton had not just taken Yemen off of the banned terrorist nation list this would not have happened.

What kind of superpower needs to dock at "Yemen" for refueling? And we are prepared to fight a war on any front. Ya, sure bet!

Proper military procedure would have prevented this tragedy. They must be out of their liberal minds to let Arabs in the Middle East, from a country that has known terrorists, during troubling times between Israel and the Arabs, pull right up to one of our ships.

There should be a security zone around all of our ships. All boats like the one used to attack the Cole should be boarded and inspected before they are allowed to get into that security zone.

One pseudo Admiral said on TV that foreign port authorities would not like that. Well isn't that just too bad. How about we stop all foreign aid to those countries that refuse to allow us to secure our ships.

Most people do not understand maritime law. An attack against our ships is legally considered an attack against US soil. This is no small matter.

Osama Bin Laden is on the FBI's most wanted list. The intelligence agencies know he has been training with boats like the one use against the Cole for just such an attack. We should have been ready for this.

Clinton and Gore have destroyed our military. We need a change. We need to restore our military to the pre-Clinton status that was once the envy of the world.


MiG Rolls Out Russia's Raptor Killer

By John Roberts, October 2, 2000

Russia's Raptor

Aviation experts the world over are picking their jaws up off the ground. This reaction came after they finally got a close look at Russia's next generation fighter the Mikoyan MFI - multi-role tactical fighter.

Supercruise, superagility, internal weapons bay, pitch and yaw thrust-vectoring ... watch out F-22A Raptor ...the MiG 1.44 may be the new king of the skies.

The MiG 1.44 has been described as a fighter at least equal to - and in some respects, better than - the Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor. For example, the Russian fighter has thrust-vectoring control (TVC) in both pitch and yaw planes, whereas the F-22A has pitch-only TVC. This is because the MiG 1.44 has been designed with dogfights in mind - a traditional strength of Mikoyan fighters. The US Raptor is intended primarily for beyond visual range (BVR) air-to-air combat.

Several of the "anti-stealth" features of the MiG 1.44 are noticeable in this photo.

The MFI was designed to counter the threat posed by the Advanced Tactical Fighter ATF program under which the F-22 was created. The MiG 1.44 is a demonstrator intended for handling, performance and powerplant testing. The production model, the MiG 1.42, differs in having cranked-delta wings, a slightly different air intake design and an internal weapons bay which is faired over on the demonstrator. The demonstrator is about 80% common with the production model.

The fact that Russians can produce not one but two (S-37, MiG 1.42) next generation fighters in a very depressed economic state shows just how determined they are to keep pace with the US. We are not sure what will become of this fighter. Like the US counterpart the F-22A these Russian designs were started almost two decades ago. Electronics and technology have changed just a bit in that time.

John's Take

My guess is that Russia has already started work on a new design. Using rapid prototyping and a shorter development cycle they could insert current technology into an already superior fighter thus leapfrogging past all other fighter designs in the world.

Without the aid of software advanced fighters like this one would drop from the sky. In today's environment the battle is not just being fought with missiles. Programmers are now leading the fight and they are dueling with lines of code.

And what has become clear with the break up of the former communist state is that whatever Russia lacks in manufacturing technology they more than makeup for with the best software engineers on the planet. The lack of fast hardware forced Russian programmers to write efficient code. That is something we need to learn a bit about here in the US.


Airforce Invents New Maneuver

By John Roberts, October 1, 2000

The 58th Fighter Squadron at Eglin AFB, Florida, has invented a new maneuver to compensate for the current shortage of air to ground missiles. This new tactic involves landing and then parking an F-15 in a very conspicuous spot at a key enemy installation.

The next part of this maneuver requires patience. The pilot must then hide and wait for an enemy vehicle to drive up and inadvertently run under the left main landing gear trapping the occupants inside.

The effectiveness of this new tactical maneuver can be seen here in this photo taken during live parking exercises at Eglin AFB.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon performed extensive studies into this new maneuver. The thinking is if the US economy continues to grow at it's current rate of expansion then the Air Force can easily absorb the cost of trading an F-15 for every enemy Chevrolet Lumina that happens to get trapped under the F-15s.

John's Take

It is evident that the rightsizing of our military has just started to pay dividends. My fear is that our enemies have just learned one of our biggest secrets. Soon pictures of parked F-15s will start showing up in enemy military training films and we could lose the element of surprise.


Russia's Black Bird

By John Roberts, November 1, 1999

Russia released information to the aviation world on one of two new fifth-generation fighters, the S-37 Golden Eagle. This radical new aircraft performed its maiden flight on September 25, 1997, at the Flight Research Institute airfield at Zhukovski near Moskow.

Sukhoi's "Black Bird"

Test pilot Igor Votintsev was very satisfied with the flight stating that the aircraft was highly maneuverable.

This maneuverability is achieved with forward swept wings (fsw) that maintain stability and controllability at angles of attack greater than 90 degrees.

Factors contributing to the super-aerodynamics of the S-37 are twin 44,000lb thrust all-dimensional vectoring engines, and a quad redundant flight control system.

The World's First FSW Supersonic Combat Aircraft

Other impressive features of the world's first supersonic combat aircraft with forward swept wings include, twin internal weapons bays, rearward-looking radar and ECM installation, rear firing missiles, heavy use of composite materials, and radar absorbing black paint.

The S-37 also possesses super cruise capability (the ability to fly over mach 1 without afterburner).

The second of Russia's secret fifth-generation fighters has yet to be revealed. The MiG 1.44 prototype should be rolled out to the public sometime next year.

John's Take

Russia has shown what can be done with very little money. With their economy in shambles they have managed to push well beyond the United States in military aircraft systems development and production.

In light of this, the United States is very close to making a decision to cancel their only fifth-generation fighter the F-22.

Stating that there are no threats to justify the construction of new fighters, the US has decided to continue relying on 20-year-old aircraft already in the military inventory. Sadly, the average calculator today has more processing power than the average US fighter designed in the sixties, built in the 70's and 80's, and still flying today.

Perhaps the hidden agenda of the Republican led House Appropriations Committee is to lay off what is left of the US aerospace industry so that all future military aircraft can be procured from the former Soviet Union. And maybe President Clinton has already arranged for China to manufacture the new fighters along with their newly acquired American designed MIRV warheads.

I am kidding of course, but one thing is for certain. The Russian S-37 Golden Eagle could fly circles around the $145,000,000 a copy F-22 Raptor, for a third of the price.

Undoubtedly NATO air superiority is going to be severely challenged in the next decade as Russia starts production of their own advanced stealth fighters.


The Deadly Harp

By John Roberts, May 1, 1999

Project HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is a Pentagon experiment involving a powerful transmitter designed to beam gigawatts of energy into the upper reaches of the atmosphere. Located in an Arctic compound 200 miles east of anchorage, Alaska, the prototype device can zap the skies hundreds of miles above the earth with high-frequency radio waves. The Pentagon says the experiment will allow them to develop new forms of communications and surveillance technologies. The truth is HAARP is just one of several Pentagon "scalar weapon" projects.

What is a scalar weapon? A new class of technology which ranks number one on a list of weapons of mass destruction, followed in decreasing priority by biological weapons, chemical weapons, with nuclear weapons running a distant forth.

How does a scalar weapon work? Energy from a high power or nuclear explosion is efficiently directed through a high-frequency phased array radio transmitter, which then beams the energy into a specific layer of the ionosphere. The energy instantly heats up plumes of charged particles. The hopped-up ions can cause interference with communications over a large portion of the earth, disrupt guidance systems on airplanes or missiles, cause power outages, or even modify the weather. One or more plumes of heated particles will act as a lens or focusing device, moving low pressure zones (storms), or focusing vast amounts of sunlight on selected portions of the earth.

By using two transmitters, a large destructive force can be generated. The physics involved is very technical and hard to understand. However a layman's description relates this effect to something like throwing two large stones into the opposite ends of a pond.

Is this just fringe science or another conspiracy theory? Some say that this technology was originally invented by the genius Nikola Tesla. Tesla was reported as saying in a New York Times article, dated September 22, 1940, that he had invented a new type of transmitter that could transmit electrical energy through the air in any amount to any distance, both in war and peace. After his death, the U.S. government raided Tesla's home and office and confiscated all of his personal files.

The ARCO subsidiary ARCO Power Technologies, Inc. (APTI) was contracted to build HAARP. APTI was eventually sold to E-Systems, which is now owned by Raytheon, the defense contractor known for making the SCUD-busting Patriot missile. APTI coincidentally holds U.S. patent number 4,686,605, which describes an ionispheric heater based on Tesla's technology. The patent was filed during the Reagan administration Strategic Defense Initiative days. HAARP sounds like more than an atmospheric science project to me.

Russia has stated that they now have a weapon that can cause earthquakes or change the weather.

John's Take

Proof of these new weapons comes from the war over Kosovo. The US used Scalar Weapons to fry Power Station computers in Belgrade before the bombing started.

Nukes On U.S. Continental Shelf

By John Roberts, April 23, 1998

The former Soviet Union seeded encapsulated nuclear missiles off the U.S. continental shelf. This news comes from a former high-ranking official within the Defense Department. The missiles, which can be remotely launched, negate any early warning the U.S. may have before a first strike. It takes over a minute to validate a missile launch and several minutes to decide how to respond. By that time the missiles will have found their mark.

Specially modified subs sneak past listening devices to deposit nukes close to shore.

Russia may be bankrupt, but they have the funds to build a new nuclear cruise missile.

The missiles are right off several popular beaches where American citizens enjoy the sun and surf completely unaware of the threat less than a mile away. The continental shelf extends several miles off the shore and goes down about 500 to 2,000 feet below the surface. Over forty missiles have been recovered to date by deep diving teams. Just how many missiles still remain is a mystery.

In 1992 President Clinton signed an agreement allowing Russian spy planes to fly over the U.S. to take pictures.

John's Take

The United States may have won the cold war, but they may soon lose the peace.

New Laser Weapons

By John Roberts, April 23, 1998

The U.S. military is planning to deploy three new laser systems over the next ten years.

5.1-inch Laser Gun Turrets - Streaking upward from a modified 5.1-inch gun turret, traveling at the blink of an eye beyond the sky and into space, the high-intensity laser locked onto then disintegrated an orbiting satellite. Behind this history making event is MIRACLE, the most powerful laser in the United States. It is located at the White Sands test facility.

Airborne Lasers (ABL) - A converted 747-400 freighter will be used for mass protection by intercepting tactical ballistic missiles from long range. Boeing is the prime contractor, integrating a TRW Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser and the Lockheed Martin beam director and the Infra-Red Search and Track systems. At $25,000 per 20-second shot of high intensity destructive laser power, this system will definitely provide a big bang for buck.

Space Fighters - Space is the ultimate high ground. At least ten Laser equipped Space-planes will start becoming operational by the year 2008. The Space-planes will be able to reach any target in 60 minutes. TRW's Alpha hydrogen fluoride laser works in space and is small enough to fit in the limited available space on the new fighters. The primary role for these planes will be reconnaissance, attack, destroying enemy satellites, and launching space missions. The plane is launched vertically but lands under limited power. Turnaround time is estimated at less than one hour.

Charge Particle Beam weapons use a laser to create a vacuum, through which they shoot an atomic particle at near the speed of light.

John's Take

This new class of weapons will drastically change the way warfare is conducted in the 21st century. Within 10 years, most conventional weapons will be sitting ducks to a beam of destructive light. However, this leaves a ten year window for the crazies of the world.

Nuclear Bombs Missing

By John Roberts, April 23, 1998

CBS 60 Minutes has confirmed that over 100 suitcase-sized tactical nuclear weapons are missing from the former Soviet Union's arsenal. Their source for this story is a former senior Russian official, identified as General Alexander Labed. General Alexander Labed came to this conclusion while serving as the national security advisor to Boris Yeltsin. He began an inventory to guarantee that all of those weapons were safe and accounted for but was fired by Boris before it could be completed. Lebed said he saw enough to reach this conclusion. Could anyone we know be shopping for the ultimate terrorist weapon?

John's Take

My fear is that the new owners of these bombs will try to fly United Airlines. Who knows where their bags will show up? I also don't find it comforting to know that hundreds of thousands of illegals cross the U.S. borders every year. Hope they don't bring any luggage.