Who Is Scared Of China? President Bush!

By John Roberts, May 12, 2001

What is the significance and relevance of this story to last days prophecy?

The recent problems the U.S. is experiencing with China are just symptomatic of a bigger issue. Without a doubt we are seeing the decline of leadership around the world. I believe this is all part of God's plan.

When the False Prophet and Antichrist come along they will have little trouble taking over the world from this generation of hothouse flowers we call politicians.

There is no question that President Bush has a right to govern the country. The various news media organizations have recounted all the dimpled chads on voting cards in Florida and Bush actually picked up votes on Gore. And if you include the million absentee votes that will never be counted it would be clear that Bush also won the popular vote.

But I keep waiting for this man to start acting Presidential. Sometimes I wonder if the Democrats have somehow replaced Bush with a clone programmed by Gore and his liberal university students.

I really thought there would be a difference between a George W. administration and the eight years of Sodom and Gomorrah under the Clintons. So far Bush has proven me wrong.

What did the American people actually get with Bush? In his first 100 days in office President Bush has broken many of his promises made to those that helped put him in office.

1.   There will be no vouchers for parents sending their kids to private schools.

2.   The First Lady has publicly said abortion will never be outlawed.

3.   A homosexual activist has been put in charge of hiring at the Defense Department.

4.   Canada now has a gay ambassador appointed by Bush.

5.   The overpayment of taxes will never be returned to taxpayers.

6.   Kennedy can have 9 billion for a tunnel in Boston but Americans will have no defense against ICBMs.

7.   Taiwan has been denied the Aegis combat system to guard against Communist China's missiles.

8.   The U.S. has become China's whipping boy, so much for rebuilding our image abroad.

9.   The average man and women serving in the Armed Forces still makes less than a Bellhop at a Vegas hotel.

10.   There will be no prayer in school, no electricity or natural gas in California, and few vacations this summer because the price of gas is going through the roof.

I feel betrayed. Bush is trying to please every special interest group that voted for Gore. As Bush would say, this is all "strategery" for getting reelected.

I think it is a bit soon to be running for office again. How about fulfilling promises made during the last campaign, specifically those made to conservative Christian Republicans?