Terrorist Attack On The U.S.S. Cole

By John Roberts, October 13, 2000

What is the significance and relevance of this story to last days prophecy?

The terrorist attack against the USS Cole is an extension of the problems between the Arabs and Israel.

It appears that Arafat is trying to get most of Jerusalem as his capital for an independent state of Palestine. The negotiations broke down when Arafat turned his nose up at half of the pie.

Now Arafat is declaring war against Israel. This too is a political move. If he can focus enough attention from the world on this problem then he figures he will be offered more than half of Jerusalem to stop the violence.

The truth is the Arabs will never settle for peace between them and Israel. They are just consolidating more and more land until eventually Israel will not be able to defend their people.

Soon the Antichrist will come on the scene to sign the treaty. After only three and a half years he will break the peace. It will take the Second Coming of the Lord to stop him. Then Jesus will fight for Israel and set up His kingdom on earth.

I would expect more terrorist attacks in the future. The United States is a sitting duck. Next time it might not be a ship. We have already had our embassies attacked, and the World Trade Center Building in New York. Our borders are so open that thousands of illegals cross every day into our country.

These are the last days. You should expect things like this.