H I T E C H   N E W S


By John Roberts, September 6, 2006

The National Cancer Institute is reporting some wonderful news in the war on cancer.

In a study involving 17 patients, all of which had advanced melanoma skin cancer and a life expectancy of six months, genetically altered immune cells were responsible for reducing or eliminating the tumors of 2 patients and keeping them completely disease-free for over a year and a half.

The treatment entailed infusing the patients with their own white blood cells after the cells had been removed and genetically engineered to fight tumors.  The genetically altered cells eliminated the tumor in one man and shrank the cancer in another's liver to the point where it could be removed.  Today, both patients are disease free.

It's unfortunate that 15 of the patients did not respond to this experimental treatment.  But the lives of two terminal patients were saved.  And that shows the fantastic promise gene therapy holds for mankind. 

There has been much debated in the media over the ethics of gene therapy and stem cell research.  But the general public is typically kept in the dark about the politics behind the discussion.

Multinational pharmaceutical corporations are without question one of the most influential industries on Capital Hill.  They are in business to make money, lots of money.  Consequently, they are not interested in curing disease.  There is not as much money to be made in one time therapy as there is in keeping patients on long term prescriptions for symptoms.

And strangely, the government plays the role of sugar daddy to this industry.  The process goes something like this.  The government spends tax payer dollars on research and development which they then give for free to drug corporations.  The pharmaceuticals then take out patents and copy rights on this government information which they then use to manufacture drugs, which they then turn around and sell at outrageous prices to the American tax payer; the very same people that paid for the development in the first place.

The rest of the world does not put up with that game.  That is why Canadians pay less than $40 for the very same monthly drug prescription that would cost Americans over $140.  Why not just fill our prescriptions in Canada?  Well, we can't because the U.S. government made it illegal for Americans to buy the vastly cheaper drugs in Canada.

The pharmaceuticals have a good thing going and they view gene therapy and stem cell research as a threat to their cash cow because of the potential for this to cure most disease, not just treat symptoms.  We are not there yet, but the point is we will never get there if these companies and their government sponsors continue to get their way.

The drug companies use a two part strategy to keep life saving cures for disease out of public reach.  First, for some reason they have been allowed to take out copy rights on the human genome.  That brings all research on the DNA in question to a stop until the research labs pony up and send royalties to the copy right owners, the pharmaceutical companies.  And secondly, they lobby our leaders into hamstringing gene therapy and stem cell research.  They garner support for this by misleading the public into thinking it's unethical and "playing God."

When ever you hear someone linking terms like "ethics" and "sanctity of life" when referring to stem cell research and gene therapy make sure you translate these terms into plain English.  What they are really talking about is the sanctity of big profits for multinational pharmaceutical corporations.  These people are not concerned with morals, ethics and life, its all about money.

Most people do not understand that the moment a baby is born today they enter this world with errors and disease already programmed into their DNA.  It's not their fault.  None of us picked our parents.  So the DNA we inherit is strictly a roll of the dice.

The problem in our genome begins every time our cells divided, which they do 40 to 90 times in over the course of our life.  When the DNA in the cell splits apart half goes to one new cell and half to the other.  Both halves then replicate the other missing half in each new cell.  But like any sequential copying process, over time errors are introduced into the master code.  These errors become permanent when they are passed down to future generations.

Our generation is about 6,000 years away from Adam and Eve.  That equates to a sequential DNA copying process in about a hundred generations and tens of thousands of cell divisions.  And that means the DNA in today's generation is out of control and full of harmful errors.

The only way to fix the problem is to remove the errors and get back to the DNA configuration God intended us to have.

God designed defensive mechanisms into us to deal with these unwanted and unauthorized changes in our genome.  But under certain situations and for God's purpose, our bodies are simply overwhelmed or so out of balance that a disease manages to get a foothold. 

I believe the Great Flood not only washed an evil world clean, but also served to clean up the human genome.  It’s a proven fact that the genome of everyone alive today can be traced back to the eight people that passed through the flood on the Ark.  But that is another story.

In 2001 the following annual causes of death were recorded in the United States:

435,000 Tobacco

365,000 Poor Diet and Inactivity

85,000 Alcohol

75,000 Microbial Agents

55,000 Toxic Agents

40,200 Breast Cancer

26,347 Motor Vehicle Crashes

32,000 Adverse Reactions to Drugs

30,622 Suicide

29,000 Incidents Involving Firearms

20,308 Homicide

20,000 Sexual Behaviors

17,000 Illicit Drug Use

7,600 Anti-Inflammatory (Aspirin)

3,000 Terrorism

Some say the greatest threat to my life is terrorism.  But when I look at the actual figures of the causes of death in America it tells a different story.  You are more likely to die from Aspirin than a terrorist attack.

Yet almost a trillion dollars, 2 billion a week, is being spent on the occupation of Iraq and this trumped up war on terrorism.

Can you imagine what that money, a trillion dollars, could have done for a war on cancer?  How about 2 billion a week into gene therapy and stem cell research?

If it were up to me I would make the change in priorities in a heart beat.

Evangelizing and saving souls is our great commission.  But after that, I can't think of a more honorable profession than ridding humanity of sickness and disease and saving a human life.  They are fighting the good fight against all those diseases that are killing millions around the world every year.  I would like to see the day when we call doctors and medical research scientists heroes and recognize their sacrifice for the greater good.

John's Take

When people look at someone with an illness they think, "what have they done that God would strike them with such an affliction?"  The answer is nothing.  The question they should be asking is "what have we done?"  But everything serves a higher purpose.

When Adam and Eve sinned they brought a curse upon the Earth and humanity.  Access to the Tree of Life and our Father was removed, and the first humans and everything else in God's creation began to age and die, physically and spiritually.  So the root cause of death and sickness is sin.  And sin is what has separated us from God.

Everyone is born in sin with a sinful nature and under the condemnation of sin, which means aging, sickness and death.  Even the healthiest baby in the world is born with a terminal precondition of aging and death.  That is the price we pay as part of the human race for turning from God.

Fortunately that is not the end of the story.  God is holy, consequently He can't just let sin slide or coexist forever in His kingdom.  God has a master plan that will eventually rid us of sin and put creation back in order.

But there is more to this, death is not only the price we pay for sin, but also part of God's restoration plan.  When God started the cycle of birth and death He set in motion a process that would eventually lead to our Savior.  And this process also allows billions of souls to come to Earth to be tested and refined.

Many televangelists teach that mankind will continue in the flesh as we are today for eternity, with kings, kingdoms, and nations.  That is a false doctrine.  Man has a finite number of days and likewise so does this temporal age.

When God creates a New Heaven and a New Earth and a New Jerusalem after the Great White Throne judgment everything that follows will be different.  There won't be any marriage or babies being born because we will not have bodies of flesh and blood but something else that God has designed to be more appropriate for that eternal age.  Our mortal bodies serve a purpose.  When that purpose is fulfilled everything will change.

But until that time our spirit dwells inside this mortal container.  God designed our bodies specifically for this terrestrial environment.  It takes air, food, and water to sustain our life.  And it is important to note that our container has limitations.

A good analogy would be an astronaut's space suit.  The suit keeps a human alive in space, but at the same time it limits an astronaut's freedom of movement.  If the suit is punctured the astronaut will perish in five minutes.  Likewise, our spirit has much more capabilities than we know but they are restricted by our confinement in this life in these bodies.

Scientists don't understand that God also designed this universe around certain laws and principles to add another layer of containment and restrictions on humanity.  God doesn't want science to see to the ends of the universe.  God doesn't want people wasting their time on earth swimming the oceans with schools of fish.  Neither is it God's will for people to fly with birds or aimlessly float around outer space colonizing other planets.  Believe me that is how many people would spend their life if their bodies allowed them to do so.

The point being we should respect the limitations God has placed upon us and stop pushing the boundaries beyond what God intended with inappropriate behavior and activities.  And we should take care of our bodies and put them to good use in service to God and mankind.

And it is important to remember that you should not confuse the contents with the container, although it can give you some idea of what is on the inside.  That is why every miracle Jesus performed at a very specific time and place left an outward visible sign as a reminder and pointer to a spiritual message.

Jesus choose the Temple Mount during Hanukkah, the "Festival of Lights," to declare, "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."  Of course the Jews were too busy playing religion to understand what God was saying. They tried to stone Jesus.  Can you imagine that, God gave the Jews Hanakkah as a pointer to Christ, and there they were with Christ standing right in front of them and they did not recognize the Messiah.

So Jesus performed a miracle, He brought sight to a blind man, using water from the pool of Siloam, the same source the Levites were using in their libation offering during Hanakkah.  This Jesus did as proof that He truly is the source of light, the gospel.  Did that convince the Jews?  No, they sought to kill Jesus because He healed on the Sabbath.  Little has changed today.  Religious leaders still think they are infallible and they don't like to be corrected.

Nevertheless, healing our infirmities and restoring our souls go hand in hand.  When Christ returns to establish his Millennial Kingdom living water will flow from the Temple Mount and bring life to much of the Dead Sea.  According to Ezekiel, chapter 47, along the bank of this river will grow all kinds of trees used for food, their leaves will not wither, and their fruit will not fail.   They will bear fruit every month, and their leaves will be for medicine, because these trees are sustained by living water from God.  This is another visible outward sign that points to the work of Christ.

To put this all in perspective and get to the truth of this matter you must take everything you know about the ethics of Gene therapy and Stem cell research and wipe your preconceived misconceptions clean, like you would a corrupted hard drive.  Forget what you have been told, because it is nothing short of a big lie and grand deception fostered by multinational pharmaceutical corporations.

Gene therapy and stem cell research are not inherently evil, unethical, or immoral.  It's how we go about this new research and what we use it for that is either good or bad. When used properly this is a blessing from God.  When used improperly it is definitely out of bounds with proper Christian conduct.

The problem is all of the improper uses have been legalized and get federal support to facilitate corporate greed, while those that might yield health benefits for mankind are being suppressed by government regulation.

The President hid behind these babies as he televised a speech cancelling government funding for medical research.  The truth is most of the people in this photo will die from disease.  The photo below show who really benefits from Bush's policy, its not the babies.

For example, it is perfectly legal to genetically engineer cows to mature in fourteen months so that they can be slaughtered quicker.  This is not only very harmful to these poor animals but also to humans.  The growth hormones are transferring from this meat into our bodies and causing unnatural development in our kids.

It is also legal for Monsanto to genetically engineer seeds so that they produce a crop but only sterile seeds.  This forces farmers to get all of their seed for future crops from Monsanto rather than grow their own.

It is also legal for companies to genetically engineer seeds that produce crops resistant to Roundup.  Farmers now spray this poison on their crops.  It then enters the food chain and eventually enters our bodies.

And it is legal for scientists to genetically engineer spider DNA into a goat so that it produces spider silk protein.  In fact, it is perfectly legal for these mad scientists to try and genetically engineer a hybrid or completely new species.

But our current administration has done everything within his power to stop stem cell research.  Why?  Remember, this is not about ethics.  It's about keeping us sick and full of disease so the drug companies can make outrageous profits.

Biologists have developed a technique for establishing colonies of human embryonic stem cells without destroying embryos, so moral and ethical objections to this research are a moot point.

What are stem cells?  Stem cells are the foundation cells for every organ, tissue and cell in the body.  They are like a blank microchip that can ultimately be programmed to perform any number of specialized tasks.  Stem cells are undifferentiated, "blank" cells that do not yet have a specific function.  Under proper conditions, stem cells begin to develop into specialized tissues and organs.  Additionally, stem cells are self-sustaining and can replicate themselves for long periods of time.

Why are they so important?  They have unique characteristics for supplying cells to treat debilitating diseases like Alzheimer's disease, cancer, Parkinson's disease, type-1 diabetes, spinal cord injury, stroke, burns, heart disease, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

But the President made the decision to cut off all federal funding for new cell lines.  He said the current "70 lines" are all researchers need for now.  But there never were 70 stem cell lines, only 11.  This means researchers have almost nothing to work with if they wanted to use government money.  It is estimated that it might take as much as a thousand lines to yield real results.

A stem cell line is a population of cells that can replicate themselves for long periods of time in vitro, meaning out of the body, like in a lab, so that they can be used for research.

Asking researchers to fight the war against disease by putting up their own money to develop stem cell lines is like telling our soldiers in Iraq to use their own money to procure ammunition and supplies.

If we just took the billions of dollars in foreign aid that we give to radical Islamic states every year and instead funneled that into gene therapy and stem cell research there is no doubt we would see great progress in the fight against disease.

Think about this.  During the time our President has been in office over 250,000 thousand women have died in America from breast cancer.  Another 90,000 will die before he gets out of office.  That is over 340,000 casualties from one disease since the year 2000. 

The causality rate from breast cancer over the past six years is one hundred times greater than the causality rate from acts of terrorism.  Yet our federal government spends two billion a week to fight terrorism and almost nothing to cure disease.  This is our money, not our politicians.  It should be spent the way the majority of Americans want it spent, not Monsanto, Exon or Pfizer.

It looks like our politicians need another slap on the head to help them remember who they represent.

Bush Okays Implantable Chips

By John Roberts, October 20, 2004

Revelation 13:16-18

  16     And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
  17     And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
  18     Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Get ready, President Bush has set in motion a plan to insert a microchip under the skin of every person in America within a decade.  A pet project of Bush is something he calls the "Electronic Health Records Initiative."  The first mention of this to the American public came during the Presidential debates.  But few people took notice. 

On October 13 the Food and Dug Administration gave Applied Digital Solutions of Delray Beach, Florida, the authorization to market their human implantable computer chip called VeriChip for medical purposes. 

Also on Wednesday the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced $139 million in grants in an effort to "make real" President Bush's push for electronic records. 

VeriChip is a subdermal Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) microchip designed to operate in living things such as pets and humans.  This tiny device is no larger than a grain of rice and is inserted under the skin with a syringe.  The chip stores a type of Universal Product Code (UPC) which it transmits when scanned.  Think of it as a type of super identifier that links the wearer of the chip with information in a database. 

Bush's electronic health records initiative is broken down into several major parts.  The first part is an effort already underway to convert paper health records into digital format for storage in databases.  From there the information can be quickly accessed from anywhere in the world through a web browser. 

Part two entails a new personal identification system.  Today people have a plethora of identifiers such as a Social Security number, Drivers License number, Passport number, Tax Payer ID, and Student ID.  Under the electronic records initiative a new single identifier will link together a person with all of their medical records.  But it's clear to see that this new identifier will someday replace all other forms of personal identification. 

The last part of this initiative introduces a new way for people to carry and access these personal identifiers.  The identifier could be encoded on magnetic strips or put on RFID tags in cards or wearable badges.  But no, President Bush wants the new identifier burned into microchips and inserted under our skin.  And that is the hidden agenda behind President Bush's electronic health records initiative. 

Government and big business think a system using ID chips embedded on people will speed up electronic transactions and solve the identity theft problem.   Scanners are relatively inexpensive compared to biometric identification systems.  Electronic signatures would no longer be needed.  In fact a system like this could be used to process all kinds of transactions without the need of checkers, cashiers, or security personnel. 

"The purpose of the device is to save your life and improve the quality of life.  There's no connection to the Bible"
  Zhou, president of DigitalAngel.net, Inc.

Make no mistake about it the new electronic records initiative is laying the groundwork for the Mark of the Beast.  At first the system will be entirely voluntary.  But eventually, if you want to buy, sell, go to school, get medical attention, drive a car, or enter a building you will not be able to do so without the Mark. 

It sounds great that in an emergency health providers could have instant access to all your medical records.  Who could be against something like that?  But don't be deceived.  The government is using that initiative as a way to put tracking chips on people.

What the government is not telling you is that these chips have a dual use which is speeding up access to information but also tracking people's movements.  You will be told that privacy protection will be built into the system.  But the Patriot Act allows our government to spy on every aspect of our lives, including where you go, what you say, who you meet with, what you buy, and what you believe. 

There are a lot of benefits to tracking chips.  The chip could be used to authorize access through doors, track the location of people within a building, and process financial information.  The military could use these chips to track soldiers on the battlefront.  In fact the possible uses for an electronic ID are endless. 

There are already RFID chips on the market that can be tracked via a satellite.  But those chips are too expensive to implant in people right now.  But someday the cost will come down making it possible to put a chip in people that would allow our government to track us from space. 

The Health Privacy Project has been established to assure patients that these devices will only allow access to vital medical information.  Sure thing!

John's Take

Almost everyone on earth has heard the prophecy concerning the Mark of the Beast.  For two thousand years people have been forewarned that in the last days two evil leaders, the Antichrist and False Prophet, will cause all in their kingdom to take a "Mark" on their right hand or forehead.  The prophecy says the Mark will be required to buy or sell.  And those who refuse the Mark will lose their life. 

The Mark is somehow tied to the name of the Beast and the number of his name.  And that number is 666.  Seven is God's number.  It stands for perfection.   The number 6 is man's number, specifically man in a fallen state of sin.  So 666 is a number associated with the Antichrist, a man committing the unpardonable sin and trying to pass himself off as God. 

But the numeric value of six hundred sixty six is also significant in another way.  It reveals the actual name of the Antichrist. 

In the Hebrew language all letters were associated with a number.  By this method a numeric value could be assigned to a name, word, sentence, or even a scroll.  In ancient times Jewish scribes knew the exact numeric value of each book in their Bible.  Copies were checked by adding the numbers of all letters and checking to see if it matched the original.  If the value did not match then they knew the copy had mistakes that needed to be fixed. 

This system worked like a primitive but effective spell checker and checksum.  In computer technology a checksum is a form of redundancy check, a way of protecting the integrity of data through error detection.  The basic components of a message, typically the bytes, are added and the resulting value stored.  Later, anyone who has the authentic checksum can verify that the message was not corrupted by doing the same operation on the data, and checking the sum.  That is precisely what Jewish scribes did thousands of years ago to maintain the accuracy of the written Word of God. 

By running names through a computer program a list can be obtained of all names with the numeric value of six hundred sixty six, and there are many.  That list will only give us potential names for the Antichrist, and not his actual name.  The only thing that is certain is that the letters of his name will add up to 666. 

And there is more significance to the Mark of the Beast than most people do not understand.   Today we brand cattle to show ownership.  But in ancient times civilizations like the Romans put marks upon people to show ownership.  Slaves were branded on the forehead with the mark of their master.  And a mark was not placed on their forehead for them to see.  The forehead is where you place a mark if you want the rest of the world to see it. 

Roman soldiers were branded with a mark as a sign of remembrance that their duty and allegiance was to Rome.  And that will be the primary purpose of the Mark of the Beast.  It will be a sign that clearly shows those who are aligned with the Beast and those who are aligned with God. 

The Mark is a very serious issue in scripture.  God warns us that anyone that accepts the Mark will not enter into His kingdom.  Satan knows that God has promised to give each of us a new name and write it on our foreheads as a sign that we belong to Him.  Consequently the Beast, a counterfeit Messiah, will put his mark on the people that worship him.  The Mark will serve as a way for the Beast and False Prophet to differentiate the masses into followers and those they want to be persecuted. 

It will be very hard for people to live with the Mark.  If you can’t buy or sell without it how will people provide for their families?  But those that take the Mark will also inherit the plagues described in Revelation and lose out on everlasting life.  That is why being a part of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture is so important. 

As a side note I do not think God will Rapture people who openly speak out against a Pre-Tribulation Rapture.  There is a big misconception today in the church.  Some think they can say and do anything without consequences just because they say they are a Christian. 

I am not calling President Bush the Antichrist.  And I am not saying that Bush's Electronic Health Records Initiative is the Mark of the Beast system.  What I am saying is that Bush and his initiative are laying the groundwork, perhaps out of ignorance, for the Antichrist and the Mark. 

The head of the FDA reports to the President.  I can not understand why a self-proclaimed born again Christian like Bush would authorize FDA approval for implanting a computer ID chip under the skin of humans.  Even a baby in Christ should know this is way too close to the Mark of the Beast.  He that comes in like a fox rules like a lion.  And those that are strangers to the covenant are often enemies to it. 

I have no problem putting RFID tags on consumer products.  And I don't see anything wrong with getting rid of paper medical records and integrating distributed databases.  As a Christian I can even accept cashless payments, contact-less transactions using RFID tags imbedded in credit cards, and RFID identifiers that can be carried on your person.  And there is even a place for removable tracking devices on kids, the elderly, prisoners, soldiers, and the like.  But the moment you start imbedding computer chips with a personal identifier under the skin of humans I say that is going too far. 

The big issue here is not "privacy concern," it is a Mark of the Beast concern.  A Christian President has no business pushing implantable RFID chips on people. 


Mark Of The Beast - Technology Update

By John Roberts, December 1, 2003

Revelation 13:16-18

  16     And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
  17     And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
  18     Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

The following news story is extremely important, especially for those interested in the fulfillment of last days prophecy.  

A break though technology called Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is going to change our world overnight.   The significance of this can not be overstated.   I'm talking about something on the par with the invention of the wheel or printing press.   Only what we are dealing with here is the technology that will one day make the Mark of the Beast possible.

This vial contains thousands of dust size 'nanoblocks' from Alien Technology.  Each block, no wider than one-third the width of a human hair, is a tiny microchip that can be used to manufacture anything from flexible video screens to RFID transponders.

An RFID system starts with a small microchip.   The chip is cheap to manufacture.   Currently they run anywhere from 5 to 25 cents each, but that price is expected to drop below a penny as manufacturing gears up.   The RFID chips are also very small, ranging in size from one-third the width of a human hair to about a grain of sand.

Each microchip is attached to an antenna, which come in a variety of shapes and sizes.   In some applications a special translucent ink is used.  This is an important piece of the RFID chip because it provides a wireless and contactless communication capability.   Amazingly, no batteries are required.   The chip gets its power from a microscopic capacitor which is recharged by radio waves.

Tag-it inlay transponders allow for accurate identification of items such as express parcels and airline baggage.   They can even be put on documents to help automate record management systems.

The completed assembly is called an "RFID tag" or "inlay transponder."  The chips and antennas are packaged in a variety of ways to allow them to be affixed to almost anything.  Some RFID tags come in tape form like a large roll of stamps.  You simply peal one off and stick it where you want it.  Other tags are designed specifically to fit into things like key fobs, credit cards, book covers, and plastic packaging.

RFID microchip transponders typically read and store data in a 256-bit non-volatile user memory that is organized in eight blocks.  Each block is user programmable and can be locked to protect data from modification.  Information useful to tracking goods such as delivery check points, place of origin/destination, pallet assignments, inventory numbers, and even transportation routes can be coded into the transponder.

In some systems the RFID transponder stores a unique identifier called an EPC (Electronic Product Code).   This number is all that is needed by readers to call up associated information stored in distributed databases.  However, some RFID chips currently store and transmit environmental and biometric data to readers as well, such as temperature or heart rate.

"He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,"

Scanners are the next major component of RFID systems.   They emit radio waves that "wake up" the tags at distances ranging from one to thirty feet causing them to broadcast their individual EPCs.   The scanning process can be compared to taking roll call in a classroom or checking ID as people pass through a doorway.   Some tags must be read sequentially, one at a time, and others can be read simultaneously.   Either way, the scanners can check tens of thousands of tags in a blink of an eye.

Scanners use a special software program that sends a query over the internet to a server with an Object Name Service (ONS) database.   The ONS database is like an electronic information directory and navigation system.   When the ONS server receives a query the database matches the unique identifier EPC with the address to servers maintaining information on the tagged item.

This second server uses PML, or Physical Markup Language, to store comprehensive data about tagged items.   Because it knows the location of every scanner which sends a query, the system can pinpoint the exact location of any tagged item.   It also stores a complete audit trail, with date, time, and location stamps as items move past one scanner to another.

As time goes by the RFID microchips will get smaller, they will be able to store more data, and scanners will be able to read tags at greater distances.   Large RFID chips such as Digital Angel already have full GPS capability.

The ability to remotely and securely read an RFID tag, then instantaneously affix its location and call up pertinent information about the tagged item, might not sound like such a big deal to some.   But you can't control what you can’t locate.   What we are talking about with RFID systems is something equivalent to being able to identify and locate a single grain of sand on a beach or track the movement of a speck of dust as it drifts around the globe.

It is hard to think of a business or process that would not benefit from the convenience, security, and productivity advantages of RFID over current identification systems such as bar codes, name plates, shipping labels, ID tags, keys, bank codes, signatures, and memorized passwords.

With contactless transactions consumers simply "wave" their payment card near scanner.   Restaurants, gas stations, and movie theaters plan to use this wireless technology to speed up service.

A "strategic inflection point" is a term used today for the point in time when something innovative becomes generally accepted as the next big thing.   DVDs hit a strategic inflection point when DVD players dropped under a hundred dollars and Block Buster decided to substantially reduce their stock of VHS movies to provide more space for the newer DVD format.   When you go to the market and notice an RFID tag on every item in the store, then you will know that RFID technology has hit a strategic inflection point. You can expect that to take place in less than five years.

Think of if, you load up your grocery cart and pass by a RFID scanner on your way out, no lines, no checkers, no individual scanning bar codes on every item.   The reader instantly totals the items in your cart, accesses the RFID card in your pocket and asks you to authorize the debit or credit with voice recognition software or the touch of a finger.

The store knows what is on every shelf at all times and can automatically schedule deliveries from suppliers.   And when you get home and put your groceries away a scanner in the pantry and refrigerator automatically enters the new items into inventory.   They will keep track of expiration dates, consumption rates, and may even lock you out when you go over your diet allowance.

Tags are now being imbedded into clothing.   They provide a sure proof security device for stores.   And RFID enabled appliance such as irons, washers and dryers can read the tags and adjust the heat or washing cycle to fit the material.   In long distance races tags in runner's shoes provide a way to record each runner's time as they all pass in mass across checkpoints and the finish line.

FEMA and insurance companies will someday require all items covered under a home or business policy to be tagged and entered into their databases.   This will prevent fraud and provide a way to quickly recover stolen items.   Business will use RFID tags to keep track of tools and equipment.   Guns will use tags to prevent unauthorized use.   RFID tags also provide a way to track shipments and storage of hazardous materials.

All forms of personal identification can be replaced with an RFID tag.   Say goodbye to employee badges, passports, boarding passes, entry keys and codes, driver license, photo IDs, and tickets.   All that will be needed in the future is for every person to have their own unique RFID chip.   Then wherever you go and whatever you do thousands of scanners in every conceivable location will read your RFID and look up your personal information such as medical, employment, police, and educational records.   No authorization, no access, it's that simple.

Microphotograph of individual nanoblocks on the surface of a dime.

Don't laugh too hard about all this.   These examples are not science fiction but rather science fact.   RFID technology has already become pervasive in our society.   Most people have already used it in one form or another and don't even realize it.   RFID systems go by names like Fast Pass and Speed Pass.   Cars zip past toll booths and bolt through gas stations using RFID.   New cars such as the Toyota Prius use a RFID keyless entry and starter system.   The ignition system won't work without wireless authorization from the key fob, a fool proof way to stop car thieves.

Visa and Master Card are coming out with RFID cards to speed up the checkout process.   Writing checks, counting out cash, and even swiping a card to read its magnetic strip is cumbersome and takes time.   RFID tags support "contactless" transactions.   Walk up to the register and authorize the purchase and walk away.   The RFID system reads your universal identifier somewhere on your person, accesses your banking information, completes the transactions in a millisecond, and leaves you exponentially more time to shop, especially on holidays and busy times of the day.

The military is currently using RFID tags to process and track wounded soldiers in hospitals.   But I can see a time when all soldiers and equipment will be tracked with RFID tags the moment they enter the asset and supply chain management system.   And all hospitals and employers will use RFID tags to track workers, customers, and patients.  The Post Office is also thinking about using tags on letters and parcels.   Tags can also be put on classified and sensitive documents.

And there is something else to think about in this computer age.   Windows XP and XP applications require you to register the software to use it. The registration process ties that software to a particular computer.   It must be removed and reregistered for use should you upgrade to a newer computer. Governments and employers around the world also control access and use of computer systems by requiring users to enter passwords or swipe an ID card across a slot in a keyboard for verification before use.   However, RFID will replace all of this allowing software licenses and access lists to be matched to RFIDs in a millisecond.

No one is forcing you to use an RFID system today.   But that will all change soon.   Eventually governments, lawyers, and business will completely drop their old systems and make it impossible to live without accepting RFID technology.

This technology is already being forced upon some children in their schools.  For example, the Enterprise Charter School in Buffalo, New York, has implemented a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system for Access Control, Attendance, Asset Management, and Cashless Purchases.

Students enter the school by passing through a stand-up kiosk at the school entrance.   They wave their RFID identification card, printed with their name and photo, at a reader which causes the individual's photo to appear on a touch-screen display.   The student touches his or her own photo to verify entrance into the building.   This information is then forwarded to the school’s database for attendance records and notifies the staff in their classroom that the student is on campus.

The microchip in RFID identification cards are powered by a microscopic capacitor that gets its power from radio waves in the air.  Scanners wakeup the chip which causes it to start broadcasting information that the scanner can read from a distance, no swiping required. 

Enterprise school staff enter the building by presenting their access control card near the vicinity of a RFID wall plate reader at the door, which then disables the lock to allow access.

School assets such as library books, computers, and supplies will be identified with smart tags so they can be located by a wireless tracking system and provide for a complete audit trail of the locations and times assets moved throughout the school.

The staff and student identification cards will allow contactless payments for things such as cafeteria transactions.   Students in free or reduced lunch programs simply wave their card at an RFID reader and their status in the lunch program is instantly verified.

RF-based contactless payment is very simple, straightforward and ideal for environments were speed of payment is essential such as quick serving school cafeterias.

The Enterprise Charter School is just one example of how radio frequency identification technology is moving from development to main stream.   Potential uses for RFID cards and tags are endless.  

John's Take

The significance of this story to last days prophecy should be obvious.   For almost two thousand years people have pondered the meaning of the Mark of the Beast prophecy.   But in our generation, with the advent of computers, databases, microchips, the internet, Global Positioning satellites, and wireless communications the technology to support such a prophecy has finally arrived.

And organization called the Auto-Id Center has been setup at MIT to integrate and test the various systems that would form the next generation Asset and Supply Chain Management systems using RFID tags.

And companies like Alien Technology have developed manufacturing processes that shrink RFID tags down to just one-third the width of a human hair.   When combined with antennas made with transparent ink this next generation of chips could easily be placed under your skin and go unnoticed to the naked eye.

The day is coming when society will be totally dependant on this Radio Frequency Identification system making it by necessity a mandatory form of personal identification.   And in the very near future people will not be able to go about their normal daily lives without using RFID in some form, be it starting a car, paying for groceries, shopping at a mall, entering a school or hospital, or even paying taxes or traveling on a plane.

But technology alone does not by itself constitute the fulfillment of the Mark of the Beast prophecy.   And there is nothing wrong with using RFID products in their current form.   You are not accepting the Mark of the Beast by opening your car door with a RFID key fob or paying with a credit card.   But it is important to understand were this is leading.

When the Antichrist and False Prophet rise to power they will force people to take their mark on their forehead or right hand.   The Beast Mark will be used to make financial transactions, because scripture says it will be impossible to buy or sell without this Mark.   But this Mark of the Beast will also serve to differentiate people into two groups, those who have been deceived by the Beast and worship the Beast, and those who were not deceived and worship our Lord.

Scripture makes it clear that anyone who accepts the Mark of the Beast will not enter into the Kingdom of God.   And that is a serious consequence.   We are told in scripture to obey authority, but not when that authority puts you in conflict with the will of God.   Should some type of identification chip or mark on your person become the law of the land, don’t accept it.

The Mark of the Beast is coming, the technology is already here.   The Kingdom of the Beast is forming (European Union), the Rapture could take place at any time, and the Antichrist will be revealed soon.   That is the main point of this news story.

America's Hi-Tech Weapons Headed To Iraq

By John Roberts, March 18, 2003

I hope those nations in the UN Security Council that think it wise to maliciously backstab and embarrass the United States pay close attention to the war for Iraq.  What they are going to see is what happens to third rate nations when they are met by the overwhelming superiority of the high-tech weaponry in the U.S. arsenal.

The USS Winton Churchill firing a new 5-inch "super gun"
with a range of 63 miles.

It’s okay to dream of the good old days; when Napoleon’s army rampaged across Europe and when legions of Nazis goose stepped in straight lines bringing tears of joy to little Adolf’s eyes.   But you better not push up too far because that was then and this is now.  And the reality of today is France and Germany would have a hard time defeating Guatemala in a conflict.

These anti-American and anti-Semitic Europeans have banded together like a pack of wild dogs to try and bring down and devour the United States and Israel.  I truly believe that these people are starting to believe what they hear on the Communist News Network International.

Global Hawk / X-45 UCAV, No where to run, no where to hide!

It's a shame the majority of the world does not get Fox News.  They are the only balanced source of broadcast news available right now.  So for the benefit of this Franco-German led "Axis of the Uninformed" I would like to interject some reality into their inflated heads.  The vast majority of Americans, with the exception of some "useful idiots" on the left, support President Bush and look forward to military action to remove Sadam from power.

After Iraq falls the world is going to see what France, Germany, Russia, and China tried to hide with endless diplomacy and useless inspections.  They are fully aware of the weapons of mass destruction that Iraq has acquired because they supplied them.  These rogue nations would be happy to see a mushroom cloud over Washington D.C. or millions of Americans dead from a biological or chemical terrorist attack.  That is why they are supplying technology and weapons to terrorists.  They are envious of our position in the world and they want what we have.

The Objective Individual Combat Weapon
fires programmable rounds.

These nations are drunk with lust for power and world domination.  They need to sober up and watch the war in Iraq carefully to see what happens to delusional dictators that challenge the United States.

I really don't think France and Germany understand just how mad they have made the American public.  All this America bashing is getting old.  I caution the French to put a lid on it.  We have a Texan in the White House now, and you don't mess with Texas.

Coming soon, torpedos that break the sound barrier.

John's Take

I hope Sadam does not use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons in the war.  And I hope the war ends quickly.  American technology should dominate the battlefield.

And I truly believe another causality of this whole war for Iraq will be the United Nations.  With Libya chairing the Human Rights commission asking for an investigation into the U.S. the world is now realizing that the UN has lost all credibility.

France and Germany have alienated the American public for good.  I don't see any way to patch up those relationships.  I anticipate Australian wine becoming more popular with Americans.  The French have in essence put their cards on the table.  It is one thing to run around the world and secretly stab the U.S. in the back but completely another to stand up toe to toe with the United States; as the Taliban found out.

The EU may indeed someday become the next superpower.  But if France and Germany think this is the time to play hardball and challenge the United States they better get busy.  The game is on!


The Mark Of The Beast - Just a Microchip
And "Tolerance" Away

By John Roberts, July 10, 2002

The technology enabling the Mark of the Beast is just around the corner.  The miniaturization of a GPS transponder so that it can fit in a microchip inserted under the skin is the last hurdle.  Engineers and scientists are making rapid progress so it is only a matter of time.

When the technology obstacles have all been overcome there will still be one more bridge to cross.  Most people have heard about the Mark of the Beast and are reluctant to voluntarily receive any type of identification or tracking device on their bodies.  However, society is becoming more conditioned to receiving the Mark when it does finally come.  It has become a normal thing today for someone to ask for your personal identification for travel or to make a financial transaction.  It has become almost impossible to function in society without I.D., legal or forged.

Personal identification systems are everywhere today.  We just don’t think about it or we are not aware that someone is watching and listening.  This situation has become just another annoyance you must put up with if you want to live and function in society.

Check into a hospital and the first thing they do is bar code you.  Fly on a plane, write a check, or use a credit card and some form of ID will be required.  There are thumb print readers in Police Cars, on credit cards, and now PC cards.  Even when you are minding your own business someone or some security system is checking up on you.

Walk through the front door of a Las Vegas hotel and a camera tries to match up your picture to photos in a database of card sharks.  Rent a car with one of those nifty GPS "never lost" systems and a hidden microphone will transmit your every word along with your speed and location back to “central control.”  Every major retail business uses video surveillance.  I would bet that in a given day your personal identification is verified knowingly or unknowingly a dozen times.

There are many reasons why "big brother" and "big business" would like to integrate all of these systems together with a single tamperproof microchip on the human body that can be used as a universal personal I.D. verifier and locator.

The uses for such a device for the military, immigration, parole boards, schools, parents, insurance companies, and asset and supply chain management are endless. Three technologies already available in products that you should be aware of are VeriChip, Digital Angel, and Speedpass.


Miniaturized advanced digital identification technology has now been packaged into a microchip that can be implanted just below your skin.  Made by Applied Digital Solutions (ADS), the VeriChip stores six lines of text and is about the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen.  It emits a 125-kHx radio frequency signal that can be picked up by a special scanner up to four feet away. 

"He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave,
to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,"

Currently the text stored by VeriChip contains a verification number.  When retrieved with a small, handheld VeriChip scanner that verification number is used to access remote databases with medical information such as implants, the person's health history, or virtually any information.  The FDA approved Verichip is similar to the biochips that have been used it identify pets and livestock for years.

The Jacobs family, who live in Boca Raton, Florida, were the first family to be implanted with the chip.  And thousands more are lining up after hearing stories of rescue workers at the World Trade Center scrawling their names and Social Security numbers onto their bodies in case they didn’t make it out of the rubble alive.

The device is unchangeable once it has been injected via a syringe using local anesthetic.  This provides a tamper proof way of identifying people.  And future plans to upgrade the device include a global positioning system (GPS) receiver and other advanced features.  That upgrade will provide a way to track people.

Digital Angel

Applied Digital Solutions markets a real-time GPS location and condition monitoring technology called Digital Angel which consists of a device similar to a wrist-watch and a module worn on the belt.

"and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark
or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

Commercial uses of Digital Angel include tracking high-value assets, livestock and endangered species, monitoring parolees, and safeguarding personnel.

Medical uses are almost unlimited.  Digital Angel medical system biosensors, worn close to the body, can report pulse, 3-lead ECG, blood pressure, blood chemistry (oxygen), body temperature and core temperature.  It can even alert the command center that the patent has fallen down or moved out of a specified area.

Digital Angel is sold to consumers as a personal safety and location system.  It gives off several alerts such as wander, fall-down, temperature, and proves a way to locate seniors, children, and pets.  It is also marketed to the families of Alzheimer's patients.

As of today Digital Angel and VeriChip are not being used for e-commerce.  However, you can be sure that personal identification for cashless transactions is the big market ADS will be going after in the near future.


Speedpass is a technology that uses a small, portable transponder that facilitates payment at fuel pumps and cash registers.  Payment is made automatically and charged to the credit card or debit card of your choice. 

"Here is wisdom.  Let him who has understanding calculate the number
of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666."
Revelation 13:16-18

Speedpass is free to get and there are no charges associated with making a Speedpass transaction.  No personal or financial information is stored on the Speedpass transponder alleviating some of the fears people have with e-commerce.  Over five million people already have a Speedpass!

John's Take

There is a management strategy called “management by crisis” which is paving the way for the Mark of the Beast.  Basically it works like this.  A crisis is allowed to fester until the only solution for the problem is one which requires the masses to accept what they would reject flat out under normal conditions.

If people do not trust cashless financial transactions and will not accept the Mark then the government will make it impossible to live in society in safety, or buy and sell, without the Mark.

Prior to 9-11 the U.S. government new full well that every year 50 thousand foreign students disappear as soon as they enter the country, never showing up at the school where they were accepted, and never being heard from again.

Add to this the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens and terrorists that sneak across our boarders every year and melt into society and you have a big crisis.  But this activity has been tolerated for decades for political reasons.

Ignorant foreign immigrants and new U.S. citizens tend to be more liberal and vote Democratic, expecting a free lunch and free ride from Uncle Sam for the rest of their lives.  As people acquire some wealth and wisdom they tend to become more conservative, they want to hold on to their hard earned money.  So these people tend to leave the Democratic Party.

Cuban refugees, having already escaped a communist system and wise to the evils of liberalism tend to vote Republican, hence they have been singled out by Democrats for detention or returned back to Cuba against their will.

Therefore, to maintain their numbers the liberal Democrats need to periodically grant citizenship to millions of illegal aliens, except Cubans of course.  This abhorrent practice takes place every election year.  Now that President Bush is wise to it he too has started pandering to illegals hoping to someday make them legal Republican voters.  If a few thousands terrorists slip through in the process so what, hold a news conference and declare a war on terrorism and you have avoided all responsibility for the crisis.

Sounds a bit like when Nero set fire to Rome and blamed it on the Christians. Except today people are blaming the Jews for everything.

It is an undeniable fact that homeland security and personal identity verification technology have gained considerable interest recently.  The ability to locate anyone or anything, anywhere in the world at any time, from any P.C. in the world is just too much for Big Brother to pass up.

You are going to be told that the Mark is just natural progress.  You will be told that it is just impossible to protect our borders or inspect every plane, ship, truck or container entering the United States.  A tamper-proof personal identity verification system that can be put under the skin will be touted as the only solution to our current crisis.

People are not yet ready to accept the Mark but they will be soon.  There was a time when people believed God’s word in the Holy Bible when it calls homosexuals an “abomination.”  Most people understood that fornication, adultery, child molestation, bestiality, and homosexuality are a perversion and sinful behavior forbidden by God.

It took less than forty years for the Devil’s pawns to start granting marriage licensees to queers.  And now today you are branded an ignorant hate monger if you repeat in public God’s condemnation of gays and their perversion of the natural family structure.

The Catholic church has the highest incidence of child molestation of any organization on earth, 22 % of the clergy have molested an innocent child.  In response the Pope says “repeat” offenders will be defrocked, but one-time offenders will only have their wrist slapped. Where is the public outcry? Real Christians in the Catholic church should remove this sick Pope and his pervert Priests like cancer before it has a chance to spread.  If people don’t do something soon child molesters will soon enjoy the same protection under the law that homosexuals have now.

What do liberals mean when they say we need more “tolerance?”  "You will be tolerant of homosexuals, tolerant of child molesters if they are Catholic Priests, tolerant of illegal aliens if they will vote Democratic, tolerant of terrorists if they are Muslim and we need their oil, tolerant of microchip implants, tolerant of the Mark of the Beast."  "Be tolerant or we liberals will kill you because of your lack of tolerance."

Is that what liberals mean?  You bet!  Stick around after the Rapture and unfortunately you will find out for yourself.


Take Handcuffs Off U.S. Intelligence Agents

By John Roberts, October 18, 2001

An Iranian man arrested in Germany phoned U.S. police days before the attack warning of pending strikes on American soil. Authorities have confirmed that the suspect specifically identified the Word Trade Center as a target.

Taken by its self this information would not have raised much alarm. The U.S. receives numerous threats every single day. Any isolated incident does not merit any serious emergency or precautionary action.

"Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the
Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come,
by which we know that it is the last hour.   I John 2:18"

However, just prior to the WTC attack Osama bin Laden announced that America would soon suffer a major disaster. Laden also declared that the time had come for the Islamic world to intensify their war with enemies of Islam.

Now that should have been a red flag to U.S. intelligence.

Bin Laden has a unique method of operation that clearly identifies his cowardly acts of terrorism from those of others. Laden's calling card is to take credit for terrorism in advance then deny any responsibility after the fact to avoid retribution.

About two weeks prior to a terrorist act Laden makes a very public statement predicting an attack on the United States. In this way Laden takes advantage of an opportunity to build his reputation as a prophet of Islam.

These were not the only warnings leading up to the terrorist attacks. Several months ago Israel informed the U.S. that bin Laden was planning a major attack on American soil. In addition, U.S. intelligence agents were tracking the movements of two of the hijackers within the country.

Most importantly, it now appears that the U.S. had one of the terrorists in custody, and his computer, loaded with incriminating evidence of the pending attacks, well before September 11th.

The FBI nabbed this suspected terrorist after receiving a tip from the flying school where he was taking lessons. They thought is was very suspicious that the man did not want to learn how to take off or land. He was only interested in turning a jet in flight.

But the Justice Department in D.C. refused to grant local FBI Agents a warrant to look at the data on the man's computer. The refusal came despite the fact that they already knew:

1.   Foreign governments had identified him as a terrorist.

2.   He took trips to Afghanistan to see bin Laden.

3.   He had maps of New York.

4.   He tried to buy crop dusters.

5.   He read books about how to spray chemical agents from dusters.

6.   He was only interested in turning a plane.

Needless to say after the terrorists attacks a warrant was quickly granted.

I don't think the public will ever know exactly what was on the computer. But some have publicly stated that had the FBI been granted access to the computer prior to September 11th they would have known about the coming attacks and possibly been able to stop them.

Many think the man in custody planned to be the missing fifth terrorist on the jet that went down in Pennsylvania. That jet had only four terrorists. All the others had five.

John's Take

Clearly the U.S. intelligence system failed us. They received many warnings of the pending terrorist attacks. Who knows what might have been prevented had they taken these warnings serious.

Why was the FBI refused a search warrent to look at a known terrorist's computer until after the attacks? I think we need some answers.


CIA Downs Plane Killing Missionary And Her Infant

By John Roberts, May 11, 2001

On April 20 a single-engine Cessna owned by the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE) was shot down in Peru during a CIA drug interdiction mission.

The plane was caring missionaries en route to obtain a visa from the nearest consulate for their newly adopted 7-month-old daughter.

This tragedy was caused by CIA agents onboard a U.S. surveillance plane. They targeted the missionary's plane and then called in a Peruvian Air Force jet to take them down. The Peruvian fighter shot the plane out of the sky before it could reach it's destination, a public airport.

Two of the occupants were killed, a women and here infant daughter. Mrs. Bowers was holding her daughter in her arms when a bullet passed through her back and into her infant daughter's head. They both died instantly. The pilot, Kevin Donaldson, had both legs shattered by a burst of machinegun fire from the Peruvian fighter.

Here is the Bower family. They are latest known innocent victims of a CIA policy that allows agents of the U.S. government to secretly execute people at their own discretion anywhere in the world.

The CIA does not publicly report the planes they shoot down. Relatives of those killed in these search and destroy CIA operations are simply led to believe their family or friends died when their plane developed engine trouble and crashed.

When the damaged missionary plane nosed over and started to fall to the ground the CIA operatives assumed the shoot down was a success. They stopped strafing and waited for the plane to crash, eliminating the surviving occupants and any potential witnesses to the attack.

The CIA operatives were completely caught off guard when they heard Donaldson radio public authorities for assistance. Against all odds the semiconscious and critically injured Donaldson managed to safely land the plane and radio for help.

The CIA gave no assistance to the plane of innocent missionaries they had just shot down.

With survivors and firsthand eyewitnesses to the heinous CIA led attack against innocent U.S. civilians the CIA was forced to start a misinformation campaign and public relations cover-up.

The plane's Peruvian registration number is clearly visable on the tail and wings. Cessna floatplanes of this type are extremely slow and thoroughly unsuitable for smuggling drugs. That is why they are not on the suspect target list the CIA uses during drug interdiction missions.

The CIA is calling this a case of mistaken identity saying the missionaries did not file a flight plan and they did not respond to radio contact. They have also shifted the blame onto Peru saying it was someone in the Peruvian military that gave the orders to attack the plane.

The truth is this operation was funded and led by the CIA. The Peruvian fighter assisting the CIA was under the complete control of the CIA. This was not an accident and it was not a case of mistaken identity.

The pilot had filed the required detailed flight plan, was flying at normal altitude, in a straight flight path, remaining in Peruvian airspace at all time, and was in continuous radio contact with the civilian air tower in Iquitos, Peru.

Any single one of these factors is enough to remove all suspicion that the missionary plane was smuggling drugs. The missionaries flight profile was as far away from that used by drug smugglers as you can get.

Without a doubt the CIA knew exactly who they were shooting down.

If this sounds too far out to believe you don't need to look any further for supporting evidence than the incident at Ruby Ridge. At Ruby Ridge it is a fact that government sharpshooters were ordered to target and assassinate a mother holding her child.

John's Take

Why were the missionaries targeted? I suspect the answer is tied somehow to the core activity of the ABWE missionaries.

This is not the first time missionaries have been murdered in Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, and Brazil. Missionaries build schools and educate local tribes along the Amazon. Educated people understand when they are being robbed blind.

The land along the Amazon and it's tributaries contain the worlds richest source of natural resources, including lumber, minerals, gold, diamonds, and drug related crops.

The local tribes once owned all of this land. Now the tribes are being pushed out and more and more land is falling under the control of governments, big business, and the drug cartels. Eliminate the missionaries and you keep the tribes uneducated and ignorant of their rights.

Am I suggesting that CIA agents knowingly shot down missionaries and they are somehow working to control the illegal drug trade rather than eliminate it? You bet I am!

Why are representatives of the U.S. granted a license to kill people around the world with complete impunity? If the CIA suspects a plane is carrying drugs they should not be allowed to blow it out of the sky.

It is immoral to shoot down planes. It is murder for the CIA to kill people. Humans are entitled to certain basic rights. Even the worst criminals are entitled to a fair trial.

I think it would be naive to think these missionaries are the first U.S. citizens murdered by the CIA. How many more have not survived to tell their story?


California Power Crisis Another Energy Sham

By John Roberts, January 31, 2001

California's energy crisis is about as real as the gas shortage of the seventies. Without a doubt there are some rich fat cats sitting around in a room counting a pile of money they have raked in from this scam.

Our government sits back and allows the lights to be turned off in hospitals, schools, business, and millions of homes. And then they allow PG&E and the other energy companies to triple their rates. Some people are now paying as much for utilities as they do for their mortgage.

How does this happen? Let's be honest. Some very devious people dream up these scams to put money in their pockets.

In case you forgot about the last "energy crisis" let me remind you of what really went down. During the "gas shortage" of the 1979's millions of Californians lined up in long lines on either odd or even days to pay sky-high prices for a gallon of gas. And in the end it turned out there was no shortage. Oil tankers ferried back and forth at sea without unloading their cargo so as to artificially keep gas supplies low and prices high.

As soon as they were found out the crisis ended. Imagine that, it stopped as fast as it started and then it was forgotten. Well, I assure you the people who made a fortune over the false gas shortage have not forgotten it.

So now your utility rates are being tripled because of "poor management" at the utility companies. And we must now endure rolling blackouts because the utility companies "can not buy enough" electricity from out of state. At least these are the official statements from the powers that be.

Do you want to know the truth? Californians are being victimized by a well know political dirty trick known as "Management by Crises." If you want people to accept something that they normally would reject you simply create a crisis and then present the normally unpopular solution. People have no choice but to accept it.

In this case shutting down two power plants for "maintenance" in the dead of winter materialized the energy crisis. Together these plants remove over 1,100 megawatts of power from the grid. This just happens to be the exact amount of power needed to stop the rolling blackouts. Do you think this was just a coincidence?

Now that the energy companies have terrified everyone they will ask for government assistance to build new sources of power - power plants that they should have built over ten years ago.

And why have rates tripled? It appears that out of state middlemen that broker electricity to California have raised their prices 1,000 percent over last year's prices. PG&E conveniently passed the excessive price gouging on to us the consumer.

If you think the high cost of energy is related to the higher cost of oil then think again. The oil companies are making a killing.

ExxonMobil just set a world record last week. They posted an annual profit of $16.9 billion, eclipsing the previous record held by banking giant Citigroup. Texaco's fourth-quarter net income rose 71% to $545 million. Chevron said its fourth-quarter profit nearly doubled to $1.49 billion.

John's Take

Now you know the identity of the rich fat cats. How can these people live with themselves knowing they are shutting off the electricity in schools and hospitals and tripling the cost of energy to the elderly on a fixed income?

Don't kid yourself. Power companies have the technology to provide an unlimited supply of cheap energy to every home and business in the world. But that would upset the current oil based system. So the power companies plan to suppress fuel cell and other alternative energy technology as long as they can.

It's not like you have the option to switch utility companies when you don't like their service. This is why we have governments. But they are part of the scam. Higher energy prices equate to higher state revenue from energy taxes. This is a bad situation because there is not much we can do about it.


A Fair Judge, The Public or Jackson?

By John Roberts, October 3, 2000

On September 26, 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a government request that it take up the landmark case against Microsoft. Now the case will go to the federal appeals court where Microsoft has done well in the past. This is a huge victory for Bill Gates.

Microsoft is appealing the ruling earlier this year by U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Jackson that Microsoft illegally protected its Windows operating system and Internet Explorer browser by bullying technology firms into excluding rival software.

Do you think Judge Jackson used "Word" to prepare his ruling?

Jackson has ordered Microsoft split unto two different companies, one focused on operating systems and one to include all other products including Microsoft Office and their web browser.

This breakup has been put on hold pending the outcome of the appellate process.

Why did the government want the case to be jumped straight up to the Supreme Court? The White House wanted this settled before Clinton leaves office.

For some reason it appears the President has been out to get Microsoft. Perhaps he wanted to give Reno a legacy, or himself. Perhaps Microsoft failed to donate enough soft money into certain reelection funds. Who knows?

What is clear is that Bill Clinton is out to breakup Microsoft before he leaves office.

Most agree that Judge Jackson ignored prior court rulings and acted in a very anti-Microsoft bias when he ordered the breakup. Few think that Jackson's ruling will stand and he has had plenty of reversals in the past.

If someone's goal in all of this was to try and destroy Microsoft while getting to Bill Gates' personal fortune as well then they have succeeded. At one point in time Gates wealth dropped as much as $30 billion dollars as a result of Jackson's decision.

To get to the truth of all of this one need only look at the gaggle of CEOs that lined up to take a swing at Bill. They remind me of school boys that can't win the game fairly so they are constantly looking for a way to cheat. Netscape CEO Jim Barksdale is responsible for his own demise in the browser war. He lost and now he is crying about it. Netscape owned the browser market. They should have stopped charging people for Netscape when Microsoft started giving away their browser for free. Netscape would still own the browser market because people do not like change. For a few dollars people will do anything, including change browsers.

Microsoft is not going to lose no matter what happens. Why? Because they are just smarter and more innovative than their competitors, and they produce software that makes the average person more productive. What is a housewife going to do with Linux, take a programming class so she can write her own applications to write a letter?

Yes, Linux servers have been running for years without ever needing to be rebooted, while NT barely makes it past the month. But that does not have a direct impact on Joe public.

The good old days before Microsoft spoiled everything!

Just stop for a minute and think about how things were before the innovative products from Microsoft came along. Do you remember this thing called a typewriter? Do you remember what it was like to simply make a change to a document? Remember how grateful you were when you could actually change the font by sticking in a new daisy wheel? Forget e-mail, all correspondence went through snail mail.

John's Take

Microsoft does not get the credit for everything. But you must admit that when you sit down to compose a document you should thank Bill Gates for a computer where everything plugs and plays. Can you imagine how many man-years have been saved world wide because people can do office work more efficiently now with Microsoft Products?

If that is the result of a monopoly, cheap, efficient, and time saving products, then we need more of the same! But the truth is Microsoft played hard and fair and the losers are just being poor sports.

After watching the Olympic Games I think that good sportsmanship is a thing of the past. Get over it Judge Jackson. Would you like your court to go back to the way it was before Microsoft Word? I may be able to find a typewriter for you to use if you are interested.

By the way, Microsoft has decided to go into the computer chip market. They just came out with a chip that makes full motion video on the web cheap and accessible to all. This will be followed in 2001 with a Microsoft TV gaming system like Sony PlayStation II. The Microsoft system will allow kids to play games and adults to use a web enabled version of Office to do work using your TV as the monitor.

My bottom line is that we should leave Bill Gates alone so that he can continue to bring out new products and let the market be the judge of Microsoft.


Error Causes Loss of Orbiter

By John Roberts, November 17, 1999

Another multi-million dollar NASA project has gone down in flames due to a lack of communication and configuration management.

The NASA office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory said the Mars Polar Orbiter space craft burned up when it entered the Martian atmosphere.

What caused this disaster? The Navigation team and its computers had confused English with metric units.

John's Take

I wonder if one more Ph.D. on the project would have made a difference? All the education in the world and scientists can't overcome the human limitations in communication, and our innate ability to make dumb mistakes.

It serves them right for wasting all of those millions of dollars looking for life off planet Earth. God created mankind, we did not evolve. There is no life in this universe except on our little planet. The sooner NASA realizes that fact the sooner they can start spending our tax dollars on more worthy projects.

This does, however, show just how dependent we are on computers. One simple mistake in today's information age can bring disaster. However, our dependency on computers is only going to grow as predicted in scripture.


The "RED" House?  

By John Roberts, May 1, 1999

Could a new red paintjob be in store for the White House? It is clear to me that Communist China has taken up residence on Pennsylvania Ave.

Chinese President Jiang Zemin, creating a superpower.
Consider the following:

Red China made large illegal donations to the Democratic Presidential campaign fund which helped our President continue his relationship with Monica in the Oval Office.

Here is what China got in return from Bill Clinton:

China was given the valuable US Naval military base at Long Beach, in California. They have already been caught smuggling in thousands of illegal Chinese assault rifles.

China was also granted two more naval bases on each side of the Panama Canal, to protect those commercial container ships. "Commercial," indeed! This will also allow them to close off the Canal should they find a reason to do so in the future.

The White House allowed US corporations to upgrade China's "commercial" rocket and guidance systems. This technology is now being used to build rocket guidance and delivery systems for the Chinese military.

The White House approved the shipment of 35 supercomputers to China for "commercial applications." They are now in use helping the Chinese process recently stolen nuclear secrets.

Specifically, the Chinese are now feeding in the stolen Lagrangian (legacy) codes from our national laboratories. These codes are the secret benchmarks from all of our nuclear tests. With the codes, and the power of the supercomputers, China can simulate our explosions and create smaller more effective bombs to drop on the US.

"We got their fireworks, they got our Nukes, that is a fair exchange."
The President used all of his available resources to protect the Chinese spy tasked with stealing the secret Langrangian codes, secret manufacturing, and secret design data required to field a Chinese version of the US W-88 warhead:

1. Wen Ho Lee worked at Los Alamos since 1978, has not even been charged with a crime, and will be allowed to leave the country.

2. Lee was allowed to continue working and stealing secrets for over three years after he became the prime suspect.

3. White House appointees at both the White House and Justice Department prevented FBI investigators from examining Lee's personal computer at Los Alamos for over two years.

4. Investigators alerted the President in 1996, along with Janet Reno and Acting Director Gerald Schroeder to the ongoing spying by Lee. Their reaction was to approve over 700 court applications for various other wire taps, while specifically signaling out and turning down one, the FBI request to Tap Lee.

Bill Clinton: "I've explained this many times."
John's Take

When all of these facts are presented together it paints a clear trail of deception from Red China to the "Red" House on Pennsylvania Ave.

Now the Chinese will soon put over a dozen nuclear warheads (MIRVS) on a single missile, and have the capability to ship them over to Long Beach without any US inspections at all. Perhaps the Chinese will name this new missile, "Bill's Long March" ICBM. Just kidding about the shipping part.

What Bill Clinton has done is trade the security of every US citizen for his own personal gain, and a few minutes of passion with Monica on the National Seal in the Oval Office.

Mr. President, this is not about sex, it is about treason. Personally I expected this. After all, Bill Clinton spent his college days visiting communist leaders in Bulgaria and Russia, burning American Flags at demonstrations, and dodging the draft. That is not exactly a glowing resume for our Commander in Chief.

In my opinion Bill Clinton's legacy includes lying, adultery, White Water, stealing FBI files on members of Congress, illegal campaign contributions, espionage, murder (Vince Foster & Ron Brown), and wagging the dog. I'm sure we will learn more when he gets out of office. However, that is some legacy. I can't wait to see how liberal educators are going to polish that up for the history books.

Syringe-Implantable Biochips Gain Acceptance

By John Roberts, April 23, 1998

The technology is called a Radio Frequency Identification Device, otherwise known as RFID. Radio signals read identification codes and other data stored in an RFID transponder. This provides a reliable way to electronically detect, control, and track a variety of items, information, animals, and people. It began innocently during the late 1980's as a way for pet owners to recover lost pets. Now the device is used to track almost every kind of asset, including humans.

Bio Chip implants last a lifetime.
Each transponder comes prepackaged inside a sterilized needle, which is discarded after use. In order to prevent the biochip from moving around, one end is sheathed in a polypropylene shell. This coating offers a surface with which fibrous connective tissue begins to bond within 24 hours after injection. Once implanted, the identity tag is virtually impossible to retrieve. It becomes part of you with an "unlimited lifespan." Plans for this new technology include using the chip for global identification, replacing all other forms of ID. The device will be implanted at birth on the back of the right hand, providing easy access for scanning in the coming cashless society.

Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) will soon be able to track transponders anywhere on the surface of the earth.

John's Take

The prophecy of the Mark of the Beast is very well known and easily understood. What I find unbelievable is how willing people are to give up their current freedoms and accept the idea of the biochip despite the biblical warnings.

Russia and China Buy Supercomputers

By John Roberts, April 23, 1998

The new "trust me" policy in Washington now applies to the sale of supercomputers. The onus falls on manufactures of the supercomputers to help ensure that the "end-user" - the foreign buyer - is not that nation's military in disguise. Under this new Clinton administration export policy both Russia and China have acquired supercomputers from the United States without the required export license. Silicon Graphics Challenge XL supercomputer systems went to the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute, otherwise known as Chelyabinsk-70, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Both enterprises are known as celebrated nuclear weapons labs. The supercomputers are now busy enhancing many weapon programs.

John's Take

We should learn a lesson from King Hezekiah. He showed his enemies all of his treasures, and soon they came and carried it off to Babylon.