CIA Downs Plane Killing Missionary And Her Infant

By John Roberts, May 11, 2001

What is the significance and relevance of this story to last days prophecy?

Here is what we know about the CIA operation that resulted in the shooting down of a plane full of missionaries, killing two U.S. citizens, a mother and her infant.

1.   The CIA funded and was in charge of this operation.
2.   The CIA has the power to shoot down any suspected drug smuggling plane.
3.   The CIA targeted the missionary's plane.
4.   The CIA vectored the Peruvian fighter into position to fire on the missionaries.
5.   The CIA did noting to stop the fighter from firing on the plane.
6.   The CIA was not the first to report the incident.
7.   The CIA did not go to the assistance of the downed plane.
8.   When the story became public knowledge the CIA lied about the facts to cover their actions with misinformation.

What should scare every U.S. citizen is the fact that the CIA has the power to assassinate people on very little suspicion, denying them the right to the justice system.

What is the difference between what the CIA is doing today and what went on in Nazi Germany during WWII?

Do you really think that shooting down thirty or so Cessna floatplanes is going to reduce drug smuggling by a significant amount?

The CIA has the most sophisticated spy equipment in the world. They know where the drug lords live and work in South America. They monitor every phone conversation and e-mail. And the CIA can easily track the drug distribution system. They know which planes are carrying drugs.

If the U.S. government wanted to stop the illegal drug smuggling into this country they would go in on the ground and take out the major growers, manufactures, and heads of the drug cartels. With the exception of a few busts staged for the media this just isn't happening.

The truth is U.S. agents are selectively taking out targeted elements in the drug distribution system.

This is the exact strategy employed by the mob to gain control of illegal operations. The U.S. does not want to shut the drug trade down. They want to control it.

Why do you think the government has passed laws allowing them to confiscate personal property taken in drug raids? Do you think the money from this is put back into fighting the war on drugs? Think again!

The CIA and other U.S. agencies use drug money to fund black operations they don't want Congress or the public to know about. The Iran Contra affair was all about bringing drugs into the U.S. and then using the profits to funnel weapons back to the Contras.

This is not a new story. FDR would have never been able to run for the office of the Presidency had it not been for the money supplied to him by his grandfather. It is a historical fact that FDR's grandfather made his fortune in the opium trade in China.

There was a time when sailing ships from the U.S. and Great Britain clogged the rivers in China. They made regular runs to China to pick up opium packed into cannon ball sized containers used to distribute the drug in Europe and America. How soon we forget.

If the CIA can get away with killing innocent missionaries today can you imagine what they will be doing under the power of the Antichrist and False Prophet? Scripture says that in the last days people will be killed for not accepting the Mark of the Beast. I think the time of the Mark is almost here.