W O R L D   N E W S A R C H I V E |
POPE VISITS AMERICA TO APOLIGIZE By John Roberts, May 19, 2008 The Pope recently completed his visit to the United States, with some TV news stations blanketing the event with 24 hour coverage. Millions of faithful Catholics tuned in, for them this was a historic event and a once in a lifetime chance to see the head of the Roman Catholic church. I watched with some interest to see how the media would portray the story. The coverage was all positive and favorable, which was unusual. The Fox News organization brought in guest commentators to provide insight into the daily activities of the Pope. It was the discussion by these Catholic theologians that I found most interesting. They did their best to put forth the Catholic position and explanation on the recent problems facing Catholicism in America today. They also spent some time reiterating and explaining many of the controversial doctrines that split Christendom over 500 years ago. Do Catholics still believe in indulgences? Do they still think Mary was born without sin? Do they still believe in purgatory? Do they really believe the Pope is infallible in matters relating to the Church? Do they really believe wine turns to blood and bread to flesh, and God wants us to literally partake of His body like cannibals? The answer is yes they do. This is amazing, because one quick check in your Bible and you will see that these strange doctrines are nowhere to be found. And that explains a bit about the history of Roman Catholicism. It started well grounded in scripture, but over the centuries adopted bits of pagan traditions and beliefs to please the masses. And this is what makes it so difficult for non-Catholics to reconcile with Rome. Apostle Paul clearly stated that he provided us the full gospel and all it's doctrines in scripture, nothing was left out. Consequently, if any church doctrine is not found in scripture, we are instructed by the Apostles to not accept it or those that spread such doctrines. Nevertheless, the gospel has been preached and millions saved by the efforts of Roman Catholicism. And to be fair, Roman Catholicism has been around much longer than the Protestant denominations, which probably explains why they carry the most baggage. To be sure there are plenty of false doctrines on both sides of the aisle that have no place in God's Church. It is important to remember that no single denomination or local church can lay claim to being God's one and only church, not even Rome. This type of rhetoric is simply not scriptural or historical. I understand this is a very hard topic to discuss, for obvious reasons. People get very defensive and close minded about their religion. The fact remains, according to scripture the Universal Church is a collective body of all believers, regardless of their local church affiliation. Which means, as long as you have met the requirements God has established for salvation, (repent, confess your sins to God, accept Jesus Christ as you Lord and Savior, God in the Flesh, are born again through the baptism of the Holy Spirit), you will enter into the kingdom of God. |
Christ is the Head of the Church, not the Pope. The Lord did not put on fine clothes, gold and jewels, to give an appearance of holiness and superiority, and He is our Holy Father. Peter and the rest of the Apostles also did not dress any different than the common man, yet they retained their authority. And they served with humility. The Pope would do well to put an end to all this pomp and ceremony and follow the example of Christ and the Apostles. |
Consequently, Roman Catholics are saved, despite what some Protestants say. Likewise, regardless of what Rome says, Protestant believers outside of the Roman church are also saved. And a lack of membership in the church of Rome does not exclude one from God's kingdom. Additionally, membership in any church does not guarantee salvation. The thief on the cross is a perfect testimony to this precept. He was saved while hanging on a cross, neither baptized in water, nor a member in a local church, oblivious to all the major doctrines in scripture, expect the one that counts for salvation, the gospel of Jesus Christ. For almost twelve-hundred years Rome tried to squash all challenges to its doctrines by making it punishable by death for the laity to own and read a Bible. Additionally, they tried to keep the Bible from being translated outside of Latin so that the common man could not read it. And by using this dead language in their church services they were able to keep people from questioning what they were hearing. This tactic of keeping controversial doctrines and rituals within an inner circle of clergy works very well, and is still being used by many cults today. For example, a Mormon will never come straight out and tell you what takes place inside their temples, or that they believe God the Father has a wife, or wives, or that He lives on the planet Kolob with other gods and goddesses. Quakers and Jehovah Witnesses deny the Trinity, but it takes some doing to get that out of them. Seventh Day Adventists believe people that go to church on Sunday are taking the Mark of the Beast and worshiping Satan. And no matter how many times you show them that the Mark is about buying and selling they refuse to consider that their prophetess Ms. White might be wrong. Of course, the Apostles told us to think for ourselves, without the intervention of a intermediary. So reading the Holy Scripture and relying on guidance from the Holy Spirit is what the Reformation was all about. And it is important to note that there is something like a second Reformation taking place in America. Catholics are leaving their church in great numbers. Partly due to the wide-spread sex scandal. Over 40,000 children have been molested by Catholic Priests and Nuns of the past few decades in the U.S. alone. Which means about one in twenty-five of Rome's clergy are child molesters. To make matters worse, rather than purge these sick people from their ranks Rome shuffled them around from place to place, letting them molest even more children. They are now paying it in a big way with billions of dollars going out to cover court decisions against Rome. And this is the primary reason for the Pope's visit to the United States. The Pope came to America to apologize for Rome's bad behavior over the past seventy years in hopes of mending fences and stopping the mass exodus from his church. The Pope was very busy. He met with child molestation victims and their families. And then he held another conciliatory meeting with Jewish organizations and victims of the Holocaust. He closed his visit by asking American Catholics to "love your Priests." I don't believe the visit went as well as Fox News would have us believe. It's hard to love a Priest knowing they molested your children, and the Vatican allowed them to do this with impunity. And it must be hard for Jews to take an apology from this Pope serious, knowing he was once a member of the Hitler Youth Movement. The Vatican helped bring Hitler to power. And after the war, the Vatican helped Nazi criminals escape to South America. And the Pope's current policies in the Middle East are pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli. When you truly repent from something it means you change your behavior. Rome's attitude towards Jews has changed little. Clearly the Vatican is still anti-Semitic in its policies. And Catholic Priests are still molesting children in third-world counties where they can get away with it. It is also important to set the record straight on a few of the key objections to Roman Catholicism, since this was never address by news commentators during the Pope's visit. When anyone at Fox News referred to the Pope they made sure to address him as, our "Holy Father." They also mentioned his authority over all Christians by way of apostolic succession, and also claimed Roman Catholicism was 2,000 years old. Call No Man Father Catholic theologians justify calling their priests "Father" and the Pope "Holy Father" by saying this is a reference to our earthly fathers and just a sign of respect to those with whom they feel a special relationship. Frankly, that is intellectually disingenuous and a spin job. The Vatican insists the Pope be addressed as "Holy Father" because they claim he is "infallible," speaking with the same authority and perfection as God, on all matters relating to the church. In other words, they want Roman Catholics to address the Pope as if he were God. And they want their priest to be called Father so that they can set them up as religiously superior to the laity. The Vatican knows all to well that the title "Holy Father" is reserved for God, and that is the only time it is used in scripture. To call a former Hitler Youth holy, or to address him as your Holy Father, or child molesting priests as your Father, is not just wrong, it's blasphemous. The Roman Emperors believed they were gods, and they wanted to be worshiped as a god, so they took the title "Pontifix Maximus," or high priest of Rome's Mystery Religion. The Pope also takes this title, seeing how he wants to be elevated above everyone else. That is the real reason why the Pope is called Holy Father by his followers. This is nothing less than a left over vestige of Rome's Emperor cult in a Christian wrapper. People can word-smith these verses all they want but the message is clear, call no man your father upon the earth: Matthew 23:9-12 "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ. But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted." There Is No Such Thing As Apostolic Succession Catholic Bishops do not trace their linage all the way back to the Apostles, and certainly not to Peter. To say otherwise is revisionist history to say the least. First, Peter was never in Rome. And Peter had no successor. When the Apostles tried to select a successor for Judas they did so not knowing that God had already appointed Paul to his seat. According to scripture the number of Apostles was fixed at twelve, including Paul, and removing Judas. Turn to Revelation 21:14, "Now the wall of the city (New Jerusalem) had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb." Notice the number of the foundations are set at twelve, one for each Apostle. Just as there are only twelve gates, one for each tribe of Israel. Roman Catholicism Is Not 2,000 Years Old Roman Catholicism did not come into existence until the fourth century, when it became the state-religion of Rome. The Body of Christ however is 2,000 years old. And it started in Israel, and was comprised almost exclusively at first of Jews. The oldest known church structure has been found in Megiddo, Israel. It does not contain an altar, but rather a table for communion. It pre-dates Roman Catholicism by over a hundred years, and shows the Universal Church was alive, well, and institutionalized when Rome was still feeding Christians to the lions at the Coliseum. John's Take Once again, I must point out that there is a big difference between the Roman Catholic faithful and the Vatican and Rome's agents. Catholics are saved, and I am sure there are many in the clergy that are honestly trying to serve God. But Rome and the Vatican leadership are another story. They have done a lot of good over the past sixteen hundred years, and the gospel has gone out, and people have been saved. Yet God will judge Rome and the Vatican for the spiritual wickedness it has done over the centuries. Rome is called "The Mother Of Harlots And Of The Abominations Of The Earth" in Revelation 17. By the way, the Vatican officially agrees that Rome is the city addressed as Mystery Babylon in this chapter. However, they believe a "bad" Pope will come alone some day, and that is when the Vatican will be destroyed. Nevertheless, Rome will be burned to the ground by the Beast and the EU kingdoms that support him. So visions by Roman Catholics of the Pope driving around Jerusalem in his Pope mobile or dancing in his jewel incrusted shoes when Christ returns are pure fiction. There is not going to be a Vatican or a Pope during the Millennial Kingdom. And if he is still alive at the return he will be squirming to explain why he took God's title for himself! Being a Christian has nothing to do with belonging to a particular church. The Universal Church is not Roman Catholic or Protestant, it belongs to Christ, and its precepts have been fully laid out for us in scripture. If you accept the gospel, then you are saved, regardless of your denomination. I trust we can have open and reasoned discussions and disagreements on doctrine like this without people getting too offended. If your doctrine is correct, it should stand up to any criticism. And if it does not stand up and it is not in scripture then it doesn't belong in church. In days gone by I would have been burned at the stake by Rome and the little guy in the funny hat for saying these things. Thank God these are not those days, thank God for the Reformation, and thank God for countries like America where freedom of religion and freedom of speech are the law of the land.
Religous Freedom Under Attack! By John Roberts, January 23, 2007 In these last days we are experiencing an invasive and deadly attack upon the delicate framework of laws and regulations that keep a free society stable and in balance. The latest example of this comes from the British House of Lords. By a margin of 199 votes to 68 the Lords defeated a call to annul the Equality Act, otherwise known as the Sexual Orientation Regulations. These laws, in place in Northern Ireland since 1 January and due to be implemented across the UK in April add sexual orientation to the list of attributes protected from discrimination. That by itself is not the problem. The ticking bomb here is that the law treats sexual orientation differently from other targets of discrimination, such as age, gender, skin color, ethnicity, disability and religion. In the pasts courts have recognized that there are legitimate cases where discrimination laws should not be blindly applied without consideration to circumstances. For example, a school for girls has the right to admit only girls and refuse boys. This is by the strictest interpretation of the law a form of gender discrimination. But in this case the rights of the school take precedence over gender protection under discrimination laws. The same reasonable limitations apply to laws protecting age, disability, ethnicity and all the other areas from discrimination. All except sexual orientation, which has now been granted special universal priority and precedence over all other rights, without exception. Let me make this point perfectly clear. The real issue here is not the protection of sexual orientation from discrimination. The issue is singling out one particular group of society and treating them in a different and special way from everyone else. This sets a dangerous precedence because today it may be homosexuals that get overriding legal status and special treatment. Tomorrow it might be members of a particular political party or perhaps people of a certain ethnicity. It has happened in the past. The key point is that legislators in their attempt to protect one group of society from discrimination have gone too far and have themselves unfairly discriminated against the rights of another group, that being religious organizations. Under these new laws religious organizations will be criminally prosecuted for refusing to rent out their facilities, function rooms and halls to homosexuals for weddings or any other gay function for that matter. This ruling goes beyond an affirmation that gays and lesbians have a legal right to hold an office or position or job in any religious organization. The new laws include "harassment" provisions. If a gay or lesbian attending a service in a church, synagogue, or mosque even "feels" their dignity is damaged or that they are in an environment that is in any way hostile they can bring charges against the religious organization. To make matters worse these new laws make it a "hate crime" to publicly state that homosexuality is deviant behavior, even from the pulpit. This puts people of faith in an impossible situation and intrudes upon our right to freedom of worship. The major faiths of the world follow the scriptural code for moral conduct that categorizes adultery, fornication, rape, incest, and homosexuality as unnatural and sinful deviant sexual behavior that is abhorrent to God. |
Christians protesting in the streets after the House of Gay Lords uphold law forcing homosexuality on the Church. |
In the past these religious organizations have been granted the right to preach, teach, hire, fire, and council people in accordance with this moral code of conduct. If a married pastor carries on an illicit affair with someone in the choir that church has the right to take action and fire him. If a church believes women should not preach, they have the right to restrict the clergy to males. But now, with these new sexuality laws, a church can not fire an employee that is openly engaged in a homosexual relationship. And that puts the church in direct conflict with the word of God. The significance of this should not be lost on anyone. A church can still fire an adulterous reverend, but not a homosexual reverend. That is a ludicrous and outrageous intrusion of lawmakers into the rights of long standing religious organizations to practice our own faith. The issue here is not one of equality, regardless of how they name laws or try to frame the debate. It’s a matter of legislating whose rights have precedence and take priority when there is a conflict of interest and one's rights infringe upon others. The word discrimination comes from the Latin word "discriminare," which means "to distinguish between" or "to make a comparison." Discrimination occurs every time a person or thing is treated differently from others based on a set of criteria. When most people think of discrimination what comes to mind is what's known as "Social Discrimination." This form of discrimination occurs when an individual or group of people are "inappropriately" treated less favorably than others in a comparable situation because of their race, skin color, ethic origin, religion, disability, or age. Sexual orientation has now been added to this list. Social discrimination can be direct or indirect. There was a time in the States when some hotels, restaurants and public rest rooms posted signs like "no blacks allowed." This is direct discrimination and it is fairly easy to address through legislation. Passing over employees for promotion that are of Italian, Irish, or Latino ethnicity is an example of indirect discrimination. This is very difficult to stop through legislation. Social discrimination is immoral, unethical, unfair, and is socially unacceptable and should be illegal. Ignorance is the primary fuel for Social discrimination. That is why education and social pressure should be used in conjunction with regulations to help combat and stamp out this problem. There is however another form of discrimination that is perfectly normal, socially acceptable, and an integral part of a free and orderly society. You could even argue it is the foundation for all personal rights and freedoms. All of us discriminate every day when we decide what to wear, what to eat, what music to listen to, who to associate with and what to believe. This type of discrimination, our differences and personal preferences, is what makes life interesting. It also gives rise to business, organizations, and social events that provide goods and services tailored to our differences. For example, Black Entertainment Television presents programming primarily staring African Americans. A senior living community admits only seniors. A Mexican restaurant serves mostly Mexican food. The FAA does not allow children and people with certain disabilities to sit next to an exit on an airplane. These examples involve a form of discrimination that is logical and fair and strikes a good balance between individual rights and the rights of all people. Differentiating between appropriate and inappropriate discrimination can be difficult. But it is certainly doable as long as legislators act with reason and intelligence. Kosher restaurants have the right to keep pork out of their public establishment. Why? Keeping kosher is a religious practice in which people do not eat certain foods such as pork. Serve ham and you are no longer kosher. What about the rights of Pork Producers and the pork eating public? How do you think these people feel inside a kosher restaurant? Is a kosher restaurant an environment that is in any way hostile to people that raise and eat pork? If a kosher restaurant rents out their dining hall for functions are they legally forced to grant access for a Pork Producers conference? Is there a law upholding the right of an employee to bring ham sandwiches to work to eat on their lunch break? What if a pork eating patron sues because they feel the kosher restaurant has damaged their dignity? Would this bring about a "Food Equality Act" or "Food Orientation Regulations?" Of course not! The point is there are many business and organizations that are wisely granted consideration from discrimination laws. But these new sexuality orientation regulations, which are spreading throughout the European Union, remove that consideration from religious organizations; making it impossible for Jews and Christians to practice their faith. And that is the real agenda behind all this new legislation. Most people are completely unaware that a very important battle has been waging over the role of religion in the European Union. The draft EU Constitution attempted to establish a new world order without any recognition of religion or God. The goal was to remove the influence and power of the Vatican and other religious organizations and place it in the hands of the leaders of the EU. According to prophecy this is exactly what will happen in the last days. So you can expect to see another attempt at ratifying the EU Constitution. These people are not trying to bring about a complete ban on all religion, but rather a transformation of traditional religion into something defined and controlled by the state. And this they are accomplishing through legislation that criminalizes and redefines Judaism and Christianity one tradition, one commandment, one article of faith and one doctrine at a time.
John's Take The establishment of the kingdom of the Beast, Antichrist, and the False Prophet in Europe is not a conditional prophecy. It will happen no matter what we do or think. Today laws are being passed forcing people of faith to accept homosexuality or face state prosecution. When the kingdom of the Beast fully takes shape Jews and Christians will be forced to accept the Antichrist and Satan as god or face state execution. Legislation will be passed requiring everyone to take a "mark," a sign of allegiance to the Beast, in order to buy or sell goods. With modern technology this mark could be used for tracking the whereabouts of people, authorizing electronic transactions, and granting access to public facilities and services. In a word, the mark will be the ultimate tool for the most evil big brother of them all, the Beast. Daniel 11:36-37 reveals some very interesting information about the Antichrist:
36 And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
Notice that the Antichrist will turn from the God of his fathers, blaspheme against God, magnify himself above all and not desire women. The important context here is a list of sinful conduct in which not desiring women (being gay) is included. That’s right, this passage clearly states that the Antichrist will be a homosexual and that is one of the signs by which people will be able to identify him. That doesn't mean he won't be married. Now, there are many homosexuals in the church and others that are convinced the Bible does not teach that homosexuality is a sin. Romans 1:26-27 leaves no doubt on this issue:
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
However, you may hear arguments attempting to twist other scripture into supporting the gay agenda. A common one regards the story or Sodom, and it goes something like this: "The sin of Sodom was bad hospitality." But what does the scripture say? It's late at night when the Sodomites hear two new men in town visiting Lot. So they gather in the street, both young and old, from all over the town demanding Lot send out the men so "they may know them." Lot rebuked them saying, "I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly." Lot knew these visitors were angels from God and he was accountable while they were under his roof. So He offered to send out his two married daughters "which have not known man." Saying, "do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing." Well, the Sodomites were not interested in virgins. And like all people living openly in sin they did not like Lot making them feel uncomfortable and judging their wicked behavior. Notice how the Sodomites responded. "Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break the door." The Sodomites threatened to deal worse with Lot than the two visitors. No, the sin of Sodom was clearly not an issue of hospitality. The Judeo-Christian moral code of conduct has remained consistent and unchanged for over 3,400 years. It places boundaries upon sexual behavior and clearly distinguishes between acceptable and sinful conduct. This longstanding historical belief based on the word of God unquestionably states that homosexuality is a sin and the institution of marriage as a union between a man and a woman. In the eyes of God and the His Church there is no difference between homosexuality and other forms of deviant sexual behavior such as adultery, fornication, incest, and rape. All of these are sins that need to be covered by the blood of Christ. And to be honest scripture says we are all guilty of committing these sins, even if we haven't acted upon them, because our thoughts convict us as well. So the bottom line is no fornicator, adulterer, or homosexual will enter into the kingdom of God unless they are born again. That means to acknowledge we are sinning, repent, ask forgiveness, accept Christ, and turn from our sin. This is God's law and something legislators have no power to change.
MANIPULATION ACCOMPLISHED By John Roberts, September 5, 2006 The five year anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack is almost upon us. It's a time of reflection and accountability. On September 11, 2001, Osama bin Laden's Al-Qaeda operatives carried out the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil in history, resulting in nearly 3,000 deaths. With the ash still falling down to earth from the site where the Twin Towers once stood, President Bush promised that his administration would do everything possible to find Osama bin Laden and his allies and bring them to justice. He further stated that those that harbor terrorists will be treated like terrorists. Two days after the 9/11 attacks President Bush said, "The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." Here we are five years later and the architect of the 9/11 attacks and the undisputed leader of the world-wide Islamic terrorists jihad against the West is roaming the world, free, and making video tapes promising more attacks against America. It's been said before, but "Osama bin Laden is loose today because we allowed him to escape at Tora Bora. It's that simple." |
Above, Osama walking in the broad daylight to Tora Bora. |
Instead of doubling our efforts to bring this man to justice we learned on the 3rd of July this year that President Bush has shut down the CIA's Alec Station; the only U.S. counter-terrorism unit dedicated exclusively to finding Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda's leaders. The Alec Station was established over ten years ago. The agents and analysts that work on that unit were the world experts on tracking the whereabouts of Osama and key Al Qaeda leadership. At the direction of President Bush they have all been reassigned within the CIA. In other words, the man that promised to find and bring Osama to justice has unilaterally decided to break up the team most capable of locating the mastermind of 9/11. As if that news weren’t troubling enough, it has come to light that Bush took this action in 2005, and tried to keep it secret from the American public for over ten months; all the while his political hatchet men were blaming the Clinton administration for not nabbing Osama. The White House scrambled to give a plausible explanation for this bizarre action when the story first broke in the press. The rational given was that finding Osama is no longer important to the war on terror and the agency needed the Station's assets for other priorities. Michael Scheuer was the first head of the CIA's bin Laden unit. He ran the unit from 1996 to 1999. The station took its name from Michael's son, Alec. This team was actually very successful in locating Osama. In one year alone they pin pointed his exact location ten times. When the powers that be refused to take action Mr. Scheuer became more vocal. That is when he was reassigned. Do you see the pattern here? According to statements made by Mr. Scheuer, the decision to disband the only unit tracking Osama is a mistake. "We've seen just in the last couple weeks that bin Laden can dominate the international media whenever he wants to, and he reached out and replaced Abu Musab al-Zarqawi with one of his own people," Scheuer said. "So the idea that he's not in control is simply a pipe dream." That brings us to another interesting turn in this story. According to Zargawi's widow her late husband's al-Qaida organization sold him out to the United States in exchange for an American promise to ease off on its worldwide hunt for Osama bin Laden. "I think a secret pact was struck whose immediate goal was his death," she told the press. "In return, the American troops promised to ease, at least momentarily, their hunt for bin laden." I not sure if we should lend much credibility to the words of a terrorist's wife. But I would not be surprised if some kind of deal was struck. All of a sudden and right before elections the U.S. is catching a few key terrorists when the five previous years these same terrorists murdered with impunity; very suspect! People forget that there was a time when Osama was working with the CIA to expel the Russians from Afghanistan. So even if they don't know his exact whereabouts you can bet the CIA knows how to pass a message to him. Regardless, this latest action by our Commander In Chief as very suspicious, ill-advised, and tantamount to a broken promise to the American public that he would bring those responsible for 9/11 to justice. A reasonable person must ask why Osama has been given amnesty. People will balk at that question, saying what amnesty? Well, there is no question that amnesty for the bin Laden family was granted by the White House immediately after 9/11. After the attacks the CIA and FBI should have rounded up Osama's family members living in the U.S. for questioning. Instead they were allowed to flee the country. People call that claim an urban legend, and site the 9/11 Commission Report to support their position. Well, its common knowledge that the 9/11 hearings were a joke and the Commission Report is nothing but CYA for the dereliction of duty from the people responsible for defending America on that fatful day. For example, Ms. Rice had a sudden loss of recollection at the hearings when asked if she had ever received a memo concerning the possibility that terrorists might be planning to hijack commercial airlines to fly into buildings. After the Commission's report was released it was discovered that Ms. Rice had received not one, not two, not five, but over twelve memos warning of the possibility of attacks like those of 9/11. And in regard to this being an urban legend, the facts show otherwise. After the 9/11 terrorists attacks the Saudi government chartered a plane with the help of the FBI and picked up two dozen members of Osama's extended family in Los Angeles, Orlando, and our nation's capital. They were flown to Boston, where only seven days after the terrorist attacks they departed Logan Airport for Jeddah. Even in those initial days following the attacks the FBI had already detained hundreds of suspects. But the relatives of the head of Al-Qaeda and mastermind of 9/11 did not need to worry. They were briefly interviewed as they boarded their plane at Logan, then let go on their way out of the country. That is not an urban legend, it’s a fact. Check it out for yourself. Then there is Tora Bora. In the closing days of November, 2001, the CIA field commander for the agency's Jawbreaker team at Tora Bora, Gary Berntsen, says he and other U.S. commanders had Osama held up in the caves of Tora Bora. Using captured handsets, they even listen to him giving orders during the fighting. It is very telling to note that during the last Presidential debates Bush and Cheney both asserted that commanders did not know bin Laden was at Tora Bora. But the commanders on the ground insisted that not only did they know for certain Osama was there but they were listening to Osama on a daily basis. In hindsight, we now know for certain that Osama was at Tora Bora. The commanders were telling the truth, and Bush and Cheney were doing what politicians do, manipulating the truth for political gain. How did Osama escape? According to eye witnesses and interrogations, Osama walked out of the mountain caves of Tora Bora and into Pakistan with a cup of hot green tea in his hand. |
The S-3B Viking aircraft landing on the USS Abraham Lincoln was a deceptive "STAGGED" event intended to build up Bush's image. Bush donned a flight suit to fool voters in to thinking he landed the plane. In fact, Bush was only a passenger. |
The "Mission accomplished" sign was paid for and supplied by the White House. "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended," Bush declared. Manipulation accomplished! |
The escape of Osama at Tora Bora was also "STAGGED" by the White House. Drawings depicting vast and modern cave complexes at Tora Bora were intended to show how impregnable and difficult it would be to get into Osama's mountain hideout. |
Tora Bora was littered with caves. But as you can see from this photo they were very crude and nothing like that portrayed in the media. |
Fox and other news agencies ran reports about Afghan tanks and troops massing for a final assault on Tora Bora. They were referring to 11 dilapidate and outdated Russian T-56 tanks that gathered to fire aimlessly up the mountain (half of which had no shells or stopped running). |
Notice the "large Afghan forces" eager and ready for the imaginary "final assault." This photo shows the only real action at Tora Bora, B-52 bombers pounding away from high altitude as Afghans watch from a safe distance. Of course by this time Osama had already made it out safely to Pakistan. Clearly someone had manipulated the situation at Tora Bora to allow Osama to escape, and that is treason. |
In 2005 the story finally broke that Bush refused to close off Osama's escape route with American troops. With the President's ratings dropping to an all time low the propaganda machine went into action. CNN and Fox gave lots of airtime to photos like this of American troops being air lifted back into the Tora Bora region. The only problem is this picture is that it was taken earlier this year, five years after Osama was allowed to walk out. |
What you didn't see in the media were photos of the U.S. dropping off supplies to the Afghan warlords so they would have something to shoot off in front of the cameras. |
The commanders wanted American GIs air lifted via helicopter to the back of Tora Bora to cut off the escape route into Pakistan, and U.S. soldiers to conduct the final assault. They were told to use local warlords for the assault, and Pakistan troops to close the back door escape routes. The warlords were given hundreds of thousands if not millions of U.S. tax payer dollars for the job. Then they took even more Arab money to let Osama walk out at the end of November before things got to hot. And the Pakistani army stood by and did nothing. A final assault wasn't necessary. By the second week in December the bulk of the enemy had escaped and the constant U.S. bombing had thoroughly demoralized those that remained behind. The point being, we had Osama. It would have been a very simple task to cut off his retreat into Pakistan. The decision to use local troops, those with a proven history of fighting for the side that pays the most money, was stupid and criminal. That was our chance to nail the mastermind of 9/11 and it was almost as if someone wanted to ensure he would not be killed or captured. Without a doubt he was given a back door to use, and plenty of time to choose his time to leave. Those things don't happen by chance. Tora Bora has the fingerprint of Vietnam era politics written all over it. And it is no secret exactly who in this Administration still plays those games. "You send troops to battle with the equipment you have at hand." It's scary to think our lives and the lives of our sons and daughters are in the hands of people that would say something that stupid. So here we stand, five years after 9/11, and I ask, are we safer today than we were before 9/11? All serious efforts to locate those responsible for the 9/11 attacks have been stopped. But granting amnesty for the mastermind of 9/11 will only serve to embolden more terrorists. There are over a billion Muslims in the world, all of whom would like to see America taken down so they can drive Israel into the sea. For every terrorist we catch today a hundred are willing to step up and take their place. As a long term strategy its clear war is not going to settle this issue. And the grand strategy hatched by The Project for the New American Century to bring democracy to the Middle East has backfired. The terrorist organization Hamas now controls Palestine, the terrorist organization Hezbulla has taken control of Lebanon, and the pro-Iranian Shiites have taken control of Baghdad and Southern Iraq. The war in Iraq is costing 2 billion a week, and that money is needed here at home. Bush forced this war upon us by insisting that Iraq had WMDs. No WMDs were found. So Bush came up with another big lie to justify the war. He now says the fate of the West depends upon "staying the course" and establishing a democratic pro West government in Babylon, modern day Iraq. I have been told this administration holds Bible studies in the White House. If so, how is it they can remain so ignorant of the Word of God? Perhaps Carl Rove is leading the classes and they are reading that other gospel from Joseph Smith. Because they sure don't know the most basic teachings on proper Christian conduct which God has provided us in the King James. This much I can say for sure, real Christians don't join secret societies and satanic cults like Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove. The image these people create for voters is completey at odds with what they do in secret, and that reveals their true nature. On the issue of Iraq the Bible is perfectly clear. Babylon has a long history of being one of the most evil nations to ever rise up on this earth. After the flood mystery religions and occults first took root again in Babylon. From Iraq they spread all over the globe. According to scripture Iraq will be judged and destroyed for her sins. So Iraq will never be the country Bush is trying to make her. Either the Bible and prophecy are right and Bush is wrong, or Bush is right and God is wrong. Who are you going to believe? Not only does God promise to destroy Iraq in the last days, but He warns His people to get out or we will share in that judgment. The longer we "stay the course" the closer Iraq will slip towards a civil war and the closer America comes to sharing Iraq's fate. When the world sees the U.S. sticking our nose where it doesn't belong and propping up puppet governments it only breeds more distain and hatred for the West. Besides, we have enough to worry about. Afghanistan is being infiltrated again by the Taliban. Iran is closing in on nuclear weapons. North Korea is testing missiles with a range to hit U.S. soil. And Russia has reinitiated the old Soviet Style weapons race with the West. Are we safer today? Without a doubt the foreign policy of this administration has generated more hatred towards Americans than any other previous administration in the history of the United States. If you are still not convinced that we are in more danger, just look at the problem of our borders. The President is running all over the country saying, "if we leave Iraq now the terrorists will follow us home." And how are they going to get here? Are they going to hitch a ride on our C-130s? Perhaps they can apply for student VISAs? Or how about walking across our unprotected boarders? If the President is so worried about terrorists "following our troops home" then why doesn't he secure our borders? Three million illegal aliens are still crossing our southern border every year. But rather than secure the borders the President plans to initiate a temporary worker program. Why? Well, this is another example of the globalists using a crisis for personal gain. This has nothing to do with security, solving the illegal immigration problem, or helping poor people looking for a better life in America. It's all about money, specifically less money for workers and more for big fat multinational corporations. The guest worker program is part of a much larger scheme to move all on-shore loading and unloading of cargo containers from ports in the U.S. like Long Beach to ports south of the boarder where labor costs are much cheaper. From there the plan is to truck them back and forth across the U.S. Mexican boarder. So the guest worker program is nothing short of another plan by this Administration to move American jobs out of the country. This is not just a concern over jobs for American Longshoremen and truck drivers. Think about it, this is a security nightmare. We will have a million "guest workers" crossing our boarder, but this time with trucks and legal access to go all over our country. The drug cartels, Mexican mob, and terrorist organizations will have a direct pipeline into every city in America. In the not too distant past, when people had a conscience and a passion for preserving America for our children, even suggesting this type of skullduggery would have earned our ruling elite a kick in the pants and a boot out of office. But not today, these people are getting away with this stuff because they can. There is no accountability. The corporate pirates have taken control of our country. They were elected to office to serve, not spy on, torture, rob, lie, or manipulate "we the people." Some people laughed when it was pointed out that this might not be the right time to put two oil executives into the White House. But who's laughing now? Have you looked at your electric and gas bill lately? And how about three dollars a gallon of gas all summer long, which for some unexplainable reason is going down right before the elections. British Petroleum spilling oil all over our Alaskan wilderness and under investigation for fixing the price of natural gas, Exon posting the two highest corporate earnings in history, just a coincidence? I was recently asked, "In this day and age why not let the government collect all this information on U.S. citizens." Why not? Well, it's against the law and a violation of the 1974 Privacy Act for the government to keep secret databases on U.S. citizens. That's one reason. I don't want my medical records stored in India. That's another. And it's none of the government's business what my High School age children like or dislike. Most importantly, the government hasn't proven that they can protect that kind of data or keep from loosing it. Just look at what has happened with the Veterans records. They lost millions of personal files, not once but twice. Our President is making horrific decisions today. I am hard pressed to think of anything he has done right. Breaking up the only team with experience in hunting Osama is an example. There are two basic problems that are responsible for this. First, it's not all the President's fault because he doesn't make many decisions. I think it is no secret that our President is a very likable guy but admittedly not the brightest man in the room. So it is very important that he get good advice. But no, George Sr. interfered and Bush was saddled from the very beginning with a bunch of incompetent over-the-hill advisors from his father's administration. And any young blood that managed to make it into the inner circle tends to be either over educated or under educated, and with no real life experience at all. Dr. Rice is single and has no children. How can she relate to the average American? And at her age, that's not normal. I suspect there is another story here that will come out after Bush gets out of office. Regardless, everyone knows the Arab leaders in the Middle East will not negotiate with a woman, even someone as intelligent as Dr. Rice. She was the wrong person for her current job. Notice that she seldom talks to Arab leaders when she travels to the Middle East. In their culture sending a woman to negotiate is a sign of disrespect. And the second problem is that the agenda Bush is following today was drafted for him back in the nineties, well before the then Governor Bush became President, and he is inflexible and unwilling to deviate from the plan. Neoconservatives created a non-profit organization called "The Project for the New American Century" with the sole mission of laying out a roadmap of policies and initiatives for Bush should he ascended to the White House. In their publications you will find a virtual checklist of every bad policy our Republican controlled government has implemented over the past six years, from redefining torture to initiating an unprovoked first strike in the Middle East, staying in Iraq for decades, to spying on the American public. Check out the PNAC homepage. Those strategies were a bad idea a decade ago when they were drafted and more so in today's changing world. The PNAC coined the term "The New Middle East" which you hear being repeated so much by Ms. Rice, a PNAC charter member. This plan calls for a protracted war in the Middle East, perhaps forty years if needed, so that sovereign nations in that "neighbor" can be brought down, their countries divided and segregated by religious beliefs, and eventually replaced by democracies. The PNAC said back in the 1990's that we (the U.S.) need another Pearl Harbor to use as a pretense to invading and building permanent bases the Middle East! Does this plan look familiar? It should, 9/11 was the Pearl Harbor, the war on terror is being used as justification for the war, and Bush is following the rest of the PNAC plan to the letter. Stay the course on this plan and we will see WWIII, of that there is no question. But that is inconsequential to our current administration, because they actually welcome war. It's a critical tool for implementing their warped vision for a New Middle East. Their hidden agenda is reshaping the Middle East so that the multinational corporations with ties into the White House and ruling elite can get their hands on more oil. Half a century ago there was a show called "Howdy Doody." The show was about a puppet and his best friend "Buffalo Bob" and their adventures among the residents of "Doodyville." The live audience was called the "Peanut Gallery." Everyone's favorite Doodyville Citizen was "Clarabell the Clown." Clarabell always communicated through "The Box." Clarabell's peanut -vendor-style box contained two horns and a seltzer bottle. Clarabell always answered questions by honking one horn for "yes" and the other for "no." Clarabell also made his feelings known from the non-business end of a seltzer bottle or two. |
It's Howdy Doody time! |
Most of the founding members of the PNAC grew up watching Howdy Doody. In fact, it's clear the PNAC drew much of their inspiration for running our country from the Howdy Doody show. I'm not joking, that is how out of touch these people are with the current times. Few doubt that Dick Cheney, Bush Sr., the PNAC, and the Saudis are the ones pulling the strings. John's Take Granting the mastermind of 9/11 amnesty is not just an isolated example of bad decision making. This shows a pattern of bad leadership in the United States. And things will not get any better until people in this country wake up, stop walking around like the living dead, stop voting party lines, and start thinking for themselves. I am a life long conservative, Republican, and a Christian. But when no WMD were found in Iraq I realized the Republican Party I joined doesn't exist any more. Fraud, lies, lawlessness, cover ups, it's the corruption and dirty tricks of the Richard Nixon era all over again. Republicans have proven to be anything but fiscally conservative or followers of Christ. And blaming all their mistakes on liberals just does not fly anymore. They have the White House and have controlled both the Senate and House for two terms now and the country is going straight down the drain. If they want to take responsibility for their failed leadership they should resign and get out of office. As far as the Democrats, they still don't get it. They rightly point out the hypocrisy of the current administration. Then they go off the deep end and start bashing Christians and pushing a two plank agenda of homosexuality and abortion. The Word or God is very clear on homosexuality. Romans 1:26-27 calls it unnatural, the work of a reprobate mind. Leviticus 18:22 calls it an abomination. As far as abortion, "thou shalt not kill." Hello, anybody listening. Democrats wonder how they lost control of our government. They forgot that the majority of voters still believe the Bible to be the word of God. You want back in power, stop bashing Christians. There is a big difference between people that say they are Christian and those that live by their faith. Elections will be upon us before you know it. I am not sure that we can do anything to change the current leadership. People still don't realize that elections are not won by those that cast the votes, but those that count them. That quote comes from Joseph Stalin, and more recently a Bush supporter and CEO for the company that makes the majority of our electronic voting machines. In the last Presidential elections there was an unexplainable large deviation between the election results and polling data in the states that relied heavily on the use of electronic voting machines. And we now know that those machines can be manipulated via satellite to change a vote from one candidate to another. And in 2004 there was no paper trail to audit and catch the discrepancy. Ever wonder how Bush's popularity could drop so drastically for the second election yet he still won, and by a much larger margin? Now you know. And the real controversy surrounding the first election had nothing to do with hanging chads or a Supreme Court decision. That was the smoke screen. The election was actually decided by 18,000 Gore votes that were cast and recorded one minute, then mysteriously missing the next. This would be a very simple task for someone in the CIA and NSA. And believe it or not those two agencies have a long association with the Bush family. Think of those agencies as the Bush Praetorian Guard. They have complete freedom and resources to break the law, put out misinformation to mislead the American public, spy, torture, steal, assassinate, topple foreign governments, and even guarantee their man gets in the White House. It's getting so bad that foreign dignitaries have been reduced to lining their diplomatic pouches with lead to keep the CIA and NSA out of there business. The Democrats and Republicans no longer represent the interests of the majority of Americans. The two-party system should be abolished along with the Electoral College. And those forces that are welding inappropriate and unbalanced influence over U.S. politics need to be put back in check. Specifically, I am speaking of biased news casters, talk radio hosts, corporate lobbiests, political action committees, organizations like the PNAC, the Vatican and the lack of Critical Thinking by American voters; which is fostered by radio and news rooms. Did you know that thanks to the Bush family the Supreme Court, the court that is suppose to reflect the voice of the people, no longer properly represents the people? Of the nine members two are of the Jewish faith, and five are Roman Catholic.
John Roberts (Chief Justice) Catholic
Stephen G. Breyer Jewish
David H. Souter Episcopalian
John Paul Stevens Protestant This is more than a big problem, its taking the country in a whole new direction away from our roots. The five Catholics on the Supreme Court believe the Pope, the head of the Vatican, is God's mouthpiece on earth. Where do you think their loyalties lay? And the two Jewish justices can't even stand to hear the name of Jesus or Apostle Paul. Do you think these Catholics and Jews are impartial and looking after the interest of everyone, including Protestant Christians? We are after all the majority. And people forget that America was not founded as an atheist nation, Islamic, Jewish, or Catholic. The men that drafted the Constitution were primarily Protestant Christians. How could these seven justices even begin to interpret the Constitutional Law when they don't have a clue as to what drove these people to create this great nation in the first place? When you consider the faith of all Americans clearly those of the Catholic and Jewish faiths are grossly over represented on the Supreme Court. And those of the majority, Protestant or nondenominational faiths, are grossly under represented. The intrusion of the Pope into the affairs of our nation doesn't stop with Supreme Court Justices. Just look at Fox News. You would be hard pressed to find a single protestant working at the station. Fox does not give fair and balanced reporting. They are a mouthpiece for the Vatican and Roman Catholicism. People turn on that junk and believe everything they hear. America is not under oppression by ultra-liberal extremists. We are under attack by a fascist propaganda machine. The parallels between the rise of neoconservatives and that of the Nazi party are scary. That is why I say I did not leave the conservative party, it left me. If you are going to let people like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh tell you what to think and how to vote you should at least check into their background. What qualifies these people to comment on everything that happens around the world? "On loan from God," I think not. Did you know Sean Hannity is a college drop out? He studied to be a priest, failed freshmen speech class twice, and couldn’t cut it. He did work as a construction worker for a while, but other than that he has no work experience outside of giving his opinions on radio and TV. Oh, I forgot, he does run a dating service on his homepage. Like Bush, Sean is a likable guy. But the only way he knows to make his point is to talk over everybody. If he wants to be taken seriously he should go back to school and learn how to properly express himself. Rush Limbaugh is another college drop out. He was rejected by the military, can't say for sure why, but read something about a cist or pimple on his butt that kept him out. Married three times and divorced three times. A convicted drug abuser recently caught in all male company heading down to the Dominican Republic with a hand full of enhancement pills prescribed to his doctor. A five minute check on the web will tell you why men travel to the DR with those pills. I can hear Rush now, "we went to the factory, it was closed, so we asked the locals what tourists can do with those little pills." Or, "it was a liberal plot and Bill Clinton's fault," like it's all just a big joke. I wonder how many radio broadcasts Rush has done while high and under the influence of drugs? And why didn't his family and friends help him before he destroyed his hearing? I really feel sorry for this man. He is a very talented speaker, although most of what he says is completely inaccurate. He has tens of millions of dollars and a large audience, but his life is really messed up. Rush needs Christ. I know what some of you are thinking because I have heard it before. "Look at me, I only have a High School education and I could run the country. God doesn't pick people by their education." No, sorry, you are delusional and you could not run the country. In fact, anyone that would say that is probably not running their own life very well. In case you haven't noticed the world is a bit more complicated than it was 2,000 years ago. Education is important today. It’s the only way to stamp out ignorance and teach people how to use proper critical thinking. Everyone thinks; it's what makes us human. But not everyone knows how to think properly. Fox News casters and radio personalities like Rush take advantage of this fact. They don't want you to think for yourself, they want you to think just like they do, like the Vatican or Bush. The problem is their thinking is not fair and unbiased, its distorted, partial, and down-right uninformed. A well-reasoned conclusion about Bush breaking up the Alec Station is that finding Osama is not a high priority for the President. And that is exactly what they have admitted in the press. But remember, two days after the 9/11 attacks President Bush said, "The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." Why is it that Bush's number one priority has now become a low priority? Could it be five years have passed, and the mission still has not been accomplished, and elections are right around the corner? How hard can it be to locate a 6 foot 4 inch Arab dragging around a kidney dialysis machine? Maybe the problem is not finding Osama, but rather a President with long ties to Saudis. Perhaps Bush wants Osama alive. Get rid of the boogy man and the people won't be scared any more and they will be harder to manipulate. "Osama is no longer important. Stay the course in Iraq, the future of the West depends upon it." When politicians make these statements, and you will hear them repeated over and over again before the elections, just remember that this is just the same old scare tactics. The silly message they are trying to imply is that we should stay the course during the elections. If we throw those lame incumbents out of office "the boogy man will bring down the West." That is pure nonsense. The Bible says we should get out of Babylon or we will share in her judgments. The preamble to the Constitution says "We the People of the United States," not "we the multi-national corporations" or "we the millionaire elitists." This is our country; our politicians are here to serve us, not their own personal interests or that of Wal-Mart and Exon. If they refuse to listen to the clear majority they need a boot out of office on Election Day. It's our duty to hold them accountable. And someday someway we will get Osama. We might have to wait until the oil executives and Saudis have vacated the White House. But it will happen.
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Freedom Of Speech Under Attack By John Roberts, June 18, 2005 World famous author and journalist Oriana Fallaci has been ordered to stand trial in Italy on charges of defaming Islam in her recent book "The Strength of Reason." Fallaci is accused of violating an Italian law that prohibits "outrage to religion." The judge ruled that "Fallaci is addressing her hostile expressions against every manifestation of the Islamic religion and world and not only against certain extremist sectors." Italy's Justice Minister, Roberto Castelli has sided with Fallaci, saying she expressed "deep criticism, but not defamation." The case arose after Muslim activist Adel Smith (an Italian with a Scottish father) charged that "some of the things she said are offensive to Islam." Smith first emerged into the public eye in 2001, when he demanded the destruction of a fifteenth century fresco that shows Muhammad in Hell. He was not successful in this case, but in 2003 managed to get a judge to order the removal of crucifixes in his children's school. Fallaci, now in her 70s, is at the top of the list of who's who of journalism. She has interviewed everyone from Henry Kissinger to Yasser Arafat. What sets Fallaci apart from everyone else in her field is that she has never compromised the truth or her view of it for the sake of popularity or political correctness. I don't agree with everything Fallaci says, but she has more courage than all of our hot house flowers on Capital Hill. |
Fallaci says the 9/11 terrorists were followers of a religion whose holy book teaches that subjugation or death is the only fate owed to infidels. It takes courage to openly speak the truth about the threat to the West from Islam. |
A resistance fighter in WWII and war correspondent Fallaci now lives in New York. She witnessed 9/11 firsthand. Eighteen days later she published a book-length response to the attack in Italy's leading newspaper. It met with such an overwhelming interest that it was translated into several languages and sold in book form under the same title, "The Rage and the Pride." The Rage and the Pride should be mandatory reading for everyone! Transcripts can be found on the web. Fallaci argues that Muslims are incompatible with ancient European culture and society, and cannot be assimilated. She also states that Islamist terrorism is nothing new, but only "the most recent manifestation of a reality that has existed for 1,400 years." "Today the real danger is green [Islamic] fascism - and you want to forbid us to denounce it!" Fallaci has scarcely more regard for contemporary Europeans, who she considers spoiled, decadent, intellectually corrupt, and incapable of perceiving the threat to Western civilization posed by Islam, much less able to defend the West against it. It is so refreshing to hear someone speak without compromise. John's Take The only thing Oriana Fallaci is guilty of is voicing her opinion on the religion of the 9/11 terrorists. So what? There are thousands of books that contain outrage against other people's religion. That is just the nature of free speech and this particular topic. It certainly should not be made a crime. The Holy Bible calls Mystery Babylon the Mother Of Harlots. Is that a crime under this law? The Koran calls Christians "infidels." It says that Muslims should convert and subjugate infidels. And the Koran even says infidels that refuse to convert should be killed. That is much more inflammatory than anything in Fallaci's book. So why doesn't this judge consider the Koran an outrage to Christianity? Italy's law criminalizing "outrage against religion" was enacted to silence criticism of the Church of Rome. But it has all backfired. Muslims are using the law to silence criticism of Islam's jihad against the West. I agree that there should be limits to freedom of speech. For instance, you can not yell fire in a crowded movie theater. But voicing an opinion on religion, that is one God given right that should never be taken away.
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Living In The Last Days? By John Roberts, October 21, 2004 When I was young I often wondered what it would be like to live in the last days. Today I think I know. Judges protect the guilty and put innocent people behind bars. A crime in one state is perfectly legal in another. Torture is only wrong when it is done by the other guys. People talk like lambs and then act like wild animals. The world has gone crazy. Here is what I mean. In San Francisco city prosecutors dropped charges against a nudist known locally as the "Naked Yoga Guy" because local laws do not bar public nudity. The nudist is George Davis and he makes a habit of striking yoga poses in the buff near Fisherman's Warf to promote a book and his lifestyle. Yet eighteen-year-old Russell Chmieleski has been sentenced to 6 months to 2 years in jail for streaking the June 11 Towanda High School graduation ceremonies. He was convicted of a first-degree charge of indecent exposure because the judge said there were children under 16 present during the incident. Joseph had no prior arrest history and graduated early in January. He decided to streak after school officials refused to let him graduate with the rest of his classmates in June. In Pennsylvania the heinous and serious crime of streaking will get you two years in jail. In San Francisco it is legal to do yoga in the nude at a public place in clear sight of minors. A well known Christian, a speaker and author of several books on virtue and morals, was exposed as having a gambling addiction. It is reported he often gambled a million dollars in a single day and eventually lost over 10 million dollars. But he says there is nothing wrong with a Christian gambling millions because he has the money to lose. And he said it makes no difference that his gambling money came from selling his books on virtues. Talk about self denial! A local church where I live makes the claim, "we are winning whole communities for Christ." Yet this year their married Choir Master had an affair and ran off with a married woman in his choir. The congregation said his indiscretion did not take away from his ministry. How can you win over communities for Christ when your Pastors are committing adultery with their congregation? You bet that takes away from their message. The United States has entered into four wars in the past ten years to come to the aid of Muslims. In the Sudan four million Christians have been displaced and as many as a million murdered. And what is their crime? There villages happen to be located in a part of the country with known oil reserves. The Muslim government is openly committing genocide against these Christian villages in order to depopulate oil field areas. Why? Several international oil companies such as the China National Petroleum Corporation, Talisman Energy (Canada), OMV (Austria) and Lundin Oil (Sweden), have purchased oil concessions in Sudan. A million Christians in the Sudan have been murdered by Muslims while our government has been rebuilding Afghanistan and Iraq. They have done next to nothing to help these people. To the contrary, the US Congress put aside any work on the Sudan Peace Act, which passed the House of Representatives and which would have barred foreign oil companies doing business in the Sudan from selling shares and other securities in the United States. Warning! The following pictures are shocking. |
What kind of justice puts Martha Stewart behind bars? Just look at her, what a grave and serious threat to society. Her crime was she lied to the government. Didn't President Clinton lie during his impeachment process? Didn't President Bush lie about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Martha is accused of selling forty thousand dollars worth of stock on insider information. Our politicians are putting our nation in debt to a tune of half a trillion dollars every six months. Perhaps the wrong person is serving time! |
This is what a real criminal looks like. However, our Commander has been unable or unwilling to find him. He is still walking around somewhere free as can be. But it doesn't matter, I feel so secure knowing our government has finally put Martha behind bars. |
Here is the management team in charge during the Abu Ghraib prision scandal. President Bush said today, "Freedom in not America's gift to the world, freedom is the gift of the Almighty to all mankind." Those are nice words. But God warns us about the last days, "Take heed that no on deceives you. For many will come in My name." |
This picture shows an American soldier smiling over the body of an Iraqi prisoner. It turns out the man was a musician and innocent of any crime. He died during interrogation. |
A picture is worth a thousand words. And it is important to see the madness that that is going on today in the name of democracy and freedom. John's Take One nation under God, is that so? Perhaps that was the case once upon a time. I never thought I would see American soldiers torturing prisoners. I am just as shocked at how easily the whole incident has been covered up. What's next? These are the last days. Is it time God to take us out of this wicked place? I'm ready.
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Destruction Of Biblical Proportions By John Roberts, January 23, 2004 On December 26, 2003, a 6.6 magnitude quake completely leveled the ancient city of Bam in Iran. In less than thirty seconds over 85% of the city was damaged beyond repair and now lies in rubble. The quake killed at least 35 thousand and injured another 17 thousand. Officials are finding it hard to accurately estimate the overall fatalities due to thousands of unregistered burials and the number of bodies still under rubble. It is highly likely that the final figures could run as high as 50,000 fatalities. |
"Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am He,' and will deceive many. But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be troubled; for such things must happen, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows." |
Bam has a long history going all the way back to the time of Christ, when mud bricks were used as a common construction material. Tragically for the citizens of Bam construction methods for personal dwellings and public structures have changed little in the past two-thousand years. Bam is representative of many cities in third-world countries. It is not uncommon for homes in the Middle East to be older than the United States. These people are typically poor so any new construction is done with whatever is cheap and readily available. In countries like Iran this means building with mud bricks just like it has been done for ages. Sun dried bricks can hold up perfectly well in arid climates, thousands of years in some cases. But they crumble like bred crumbs in an earthquake. Consequently, cities like Bam are a disaster waiting to happen. These poor people have few options but to live with the risk of an earthquake. |
Bam survivors desperately need water, sanation, food, and shelter. The homeless have been living in unheated tents set up in the ruins. |
John's Take The devastation in Bam is of Biblical proportions and very significant in these last days. The loss of life in Iran was over ten times greater than that of 9-11. Think about it. It would take ten tragedies on the scale of the Twin Towers to equal what happened in the blink of an eye to Bam. Yet coverage of Bam has almost vanished from the media. Sometimes I think people are too busy trying to be "happy and positive" all the time to share in the grief of the less fortunate. "After all, we can't interrupt Oprah or a Hollywood award show just because 50 thousand Iranians were killed by an earthquake." Barbara Streisand was asked in a recent TV interview to reveal a tragedy in her life. She responded by going off on a tirade for fifteen minutes about how her gardener had planted the wrong shade of flowers around her Malibu estate! If I find it hard to relate to her comments then you can imagine how shallow and self-centered Barbara sounds to survivors of the Bam quake. These poor people in Bam lived in utter poverty. Their Islamic government kept them in the dark-ages. They had no way out and no future. As is common in many Muslim nations, at least one fifth of the population was addicted to opium. And now this earthquake has snuffed out what little life remained. Bam is silent. No business is taking place and every home is completely empty. And the real tragedy is that these people died without knowing Jesus. I think it is significant that the few survivors pulled out of the ruble included a young child, a 97-year-old woman, and an American citizen. I don't think this is by accident just as I do not believe that quakes are "random acts of nature." God is in control of everything, even earthquakes. Why did the earthquake hit this city? Only God knows. What I can say from my own personal experiences in Southern California is that nothing gets your attention and puts the fear of God into you like a quake. And the great loss of life in Bam should not pass so quickly from the media and our conscientiousness. Perhaps things like this are a warning of things to come and a call to repentance?
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Dual Presidency Proposed For The EU By John Roberts, March 11, 2003 France and Germany are proposing a dual presidency for the European Union. Under the new plan the current system of a rotating six-month European Union Presidency will be replaced with a more permanent president elected by the 15-nation bloc’s Council of Ministers. And the current system of a European Commission Presidency appointed by EU leaders will be replaced with a Commission President elected by the European Parliament. Exactly how these two presidents will work together in EU decision making is not clear. Presumably the Union President will function as head of the EU executive branch and act as Commander In Chief of the newly established EU military. The Commission President will be in charge of the legislative branch, proposing new legislation and overseeing and enforcing the two million EU laws all ready in existence. A European Foreign Minister has also been proposed to bridge the gap between the two presidencies, Council of Ministers, and European Parliament. The position would be “attached to the Council” but also “integrated into the Commission.” The dual presidency is just one of many significant changes currently under consideration by the EU. Former French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing is heading up a group drafting an EU constitution. And the EU will also expand from 15 to 25 members in the near future. This will be followed by a second wave of EU entrants that will extend EU boundaries into the Middle East and North Africa. John's Take The French and Germans hope this new constitution and dual presidency for the EU will hand their countries the reigns of power as the EU continues to expand. They also see this reorganization of the various branches of the EU as a way to position themselves for a final confrontation with their perceived competition, the United States.America went into WW II a relatively weak country. We liberated the French, rebuilt Germany after the war, and the U.S. emerged a superpower. When President Bush speaks on behalf of the people of the United States the world listens. And that grinds upon the over inflated egos of the French and Germans who have never been able to reach the same position in the world. But according to prophecy this will soon change. The European Union will become the last great Gentile kingdom to oppose Israel and Gods will on earth. Led by two leaders, the Antichrist and False Prophet, this revived Roman Empire will plunge the world into war, chaos, and terror the likes of which the world has never seen. Christians and Jews will be persecuted around the globe. And after seven years the Antichrist will gather the nations to attack Israel. It will take the Second Coming of Christ to stop them. But first the current problems with Iraq and Iran must be resolved. Then the world will turn their attention to Israel and the Palestinians. Before a treaty can be signed in the Middle East and the Antichrist revealed the Church must be raptured. That is the next big milestone on God’s prophetic schedule. Are you ready? A dual presidency for the EU is a sign of just how close we are to the fulfillment of these prophecies. Additionally, the EU has already announced their intention to take on the responsibility of drafting and negotiating a peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians. Could this be the seven-year treaty mentioned in the ninth chapter of Daniel?
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Bush’s Vision For A Terrorist State By John Roberts, July 9, 2002 While Palestinian suicide bombers continue to kill and maim innocent Israelis the U.N. Security Council late Tuesday, March 12, 2002, approved a U.S. SPONSORED resolution that "affirms a vision" of a Palestinian state. Fourteen of the 15-member council voted in favor of the resolution, with a Syrian abstention the only exception. This is the first time the United States has voted for a resolution that includes language regarding a Palestinian State. President Bush is also the first U.S. President to openly support the reduction of Israel's national borders to the pre-1967 boundaries, with the establishment of an independent Palestinian State, including U.S. and U.N. recognition of a Palestinian capital in Jerusalem. Bush has now finally come forward and publicly explained his actions to the overwhelming number of Americans that support the nation of Israel. In an internationally televised speech President Bush proclaimed that he has “a vision for a Palestinian State.” Bush’s vision calls for Israel to pull out of the “occupied territory,” remove all settlements in the West Bank, and accept the establishment of a terrorist Islamic state on their land, with a Palestinian capital set up in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. In the Bush vision Palestinians need only stop blowing up innocent Jewish women and children and “change their government” in exchange for a Palestinian state. Notice how carefully Bush worded his vision. He did not call for Yasser Arafat to step down. The Bush spin doctors have chosen words that allow the Israelis and the Palestinians to interpret Bush’s words in two different ways. Israelis want Arafat gone. But in the eyes of Palestinians Bush was merely calling for Palestinian elections. If Arafat should get reelected then the Palestinians will have complied with Bush’s vision. I find it quite alarming yet prophetic that President Bush, the man that declared war on terrorism, now has a vision for given the Egyptian born Islamic terrorist Mohammed Abd al-Rahman abd al-Bauf Arafat al-Qud al-Husseini, a.k.a. Yasser Arafat, his own country on two-thirds of Israel’s land. Isn’t Yasser the Chairman of the PLO terrorist organization? Isn’t Arafat the terrorist that would sneak across the Jordan River to blow up Jewish school children? Didn’t this same Chairman ordered the attack on Jewish athletes at the Munich Olympics? Haven’t the Israelis recently found documents, payments, and weapons in Arafat’s headquarters bound for Palestinians suicide bombers? It is a fact that Yasser Arafat led an attempt to take over the country of Jordan. After losing that war he fled to Lebanon where he led a Palestinian incursion to take over that country. After being thrown out of Lebanon Arafat has now set his sights on establishing a base for Islamic terrorism in Israel. Arafat is an Egyptian terrorist in search of a safe haven from which to export terror upon the West, Christians, Israel, and Jews. Bush’s vision would give Yasser what he wants. The truth is Mexican Americans, Spanish Americans, and the 500 tribes of American Indians have a much stronger historical and legal case for being granted their own independent state than do Arab Palestinians. But with our open boarder with Mexico and new laws granting illegal aliens free education and free medical and Indian casinos in every town it’s becoming a non-issue; they are taking control of the U.S. in their own way. The point being how would Americans feel if Israel sponsored a U.N. resolution expressing a vision for a Mexican American homeland in the Southwest, Spanish state in Florida and California, and two-thirds of the the rest of America to go back to the various indian tribes? Who was on the land first? Isn’t it true that the American Indians and Mexicans were established on the land now called Texas well before it became a state? At least Israel can say they were a nation established thousands of years ago, well before anyone called themselves Palestinian Arabs. That brings us to another potential solution to the crisis in the Middle East other than the President’s vision of taking Israeli land and giving it to Islamic terrorists. Why not set up a Palestinian State in Texas? The President’s home state does cover an enormous amount of land, and Texans are always bragging about how big things are in the lone star state. I believe all of Israel would fit many times over into the boundaries of Texas. In fact the millionaire Bush family owns vast tracts of land in Texas. How about setting aside a few square miles on their ranch to be used as the site of a Palestinian capital? Then the Bush family would be close to Yasser Arafat; the Egyptian born terrorist that inspired the President to sponsor a U.N. resolution expressing “his vision” for a Palestinian homeland. How do you think Texans would feel about giving up their land for Yasser Arafat and his PLO? And how do you think Americans would feel about having Palestinians in their back yard? These are the same people that threw block parties and celebrations after hearing of the 9-11 terrorist attacks that took thousands of American lives. Don’t you think these Islamic terrorists would make great neighbors? If the President is not willing to stick the PLO on his ranch then maybe he should stop trying to put them on Israeli land. The prophetic implications of the Bush sponsored U.N. resolution are huge. Therefore it is important for people to see resolution 1397 for themselves. It reads as follows: United Nations Security Council
Adopted by the Security Council at its 4489th meeting, on         The Security Council,         Recalling all its previous relevant resolutions, in particular resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973),         Affirming a vision of a region where two States, Israel and Palestine, live side by side within secure and recognized borders,         Expressing its grave concern at the continuation of the tragic and violent events that have taken place since September 2000, especially the recent attacks and the increased number of casualties,         Stressing the need for all concerned to ensure the safety of civilians,         Stressing also the need to respect the universally accepted norms of international humanitarian law,         Welcoming and encouraging the diplomatic efforts of special envoys from the United States of America, the Russian Federation, the European Union and the United Nations Special Coordinator and others, to bring about a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East,         Welcoming the contribution of Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah,         1.     Demands immediate cessation of all acts of violence, including all acts of terror, provocation, incitement and destruction;         2.     Calls upon the Israeli and Palestinian sides and their leaders to cooperate in the implementation of the Tenet work plan and Mitchell Report recommendations with the aim of resuming negotiations on a political settlement;         3.     Expresses support for the efforts of the Secretary-General and others to assist the parties to halt the violence and to resume the peace process;         4.     Decides to remain seized of the matter. Resolution 1397 makes reference to resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973). They read as follows: Resolution 338 (1973) of 22 October 1973     The Security Council,     1.     Calls upon all parties to the present fighting to cease all firing and terminate all military activity immediately, no later than 12 hours after the moment of the adoption of this decision, in the positions they now occupy;     2.     Calls upon the parties concerned to start immediately after the cease-fire the implementation of Security Council resolution 242 (1967) in all of its parts;     3.     Decides that, immediately and concurrently with the cease-fire, negotiations shall start between the parties concerned under appropriate auspices aimed at establishing a just and durable peace in the Middle East. Adopted at the 1747th meeting Resolution 242 (1967) of 22 November 1967     The Security Council,     Expressing its continuing concern with the grave situation in the Middle East,     Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory b y war and the need to work for a just and lasting peace in which every State in the area can live in security,     Emphasizing further that all Member States in their acceptance of the Charter of the United Nations have undertaken a commitment to act in accordance with Article 2 of the Charter,     1.     Affirms that the fulfillment of Charter principles requires the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should include the application of both the following principles:
    2.     Affirms further the necessity     (a)     For guaranteeing freedom of navigation through international waterways in the area;     (b)     For achieving a just settlement of the refugee problem;     (c)     For guaranteeing the territorial inviolability and political independence of every State in the area, through measures including the establishment of demilitarized zones;     3.     Requests the Secretary-General to designate a Special Representative to proceed to the Middle East to establish and maintain contacts with the States concerned in order to promote agreement and assist efforts to achieve a peaceful and accepted settlement in accordance with the provisions and principles in the resolution;     4.     Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Security Council on the progress of the efforts of the Special Representative as soon as possible. Adopted unanimously at the John's Take Oh how we miss true leaders like King David. He was a man after God’s own heart. He was fearless in battle, wise, and faithful to God. David knew how to deal with evil doers. If King David were alive today the terrorist nations of Saudi Arabia and Iraq would be nothing more than a memory and oil would be plentiful and cheep. Arafat would be pushing up daisies back in Egypt where he came from. God’s land would be cleansed off all Canaanites. The pagan Dome of the Rock would be torn down and God’s House rebuilt on the Temple Mount. Unfortunately, Israel does not have a leader of King David’s caliber and we Americans did not have an opportunity to elect a leader of any caliber. We got to chose between Gore and Bush. Gore is so intellectually deprived and void of any personality that I’m not sure that he is actually human. Perhaps if we look inside Mr. AI we would find that he is really just one of those Sony robots I see on the Discovery channel. Sadly Bush is not much better. George can’t complete a single sentence without stammering or mispronouncing a word, or making one up, such as “strategory.” And I am not so sure that if we shaved George’s hair we wouldn’t find 666 on his scalp. I mean George the Presidential candidate ran on a pro-life, prayer in school, pro-Israel, Christian platform. Now that he is in office Bush has done nothing to stop the baby killers, or put prayer back in our schools, or protect Israel. In fact it on Bush’s watch that God was taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance and a “vision” put to the U.N. for a Palestinian Terrorist State on Israeli land. The Presidential candidate choice reminded me of when I was a young boy and kids would jokingly ask, “What would you rather lose, an arm or a leg?” Of course the thought of losing either was scary, just like the thought of Bush or Gore in the White House was scary. Bush was the lesser of the two evils, but how much less evil? Look what Americans have lost lately: homeland security, our retirements, affordable housing, social security, the stock market, corporate honesty, justice in the justice system. To be honest the Bush administration has not been a complete failure. America has secured the Afghanistan poppy fields and now regularly patrols the world’s largest Opium exporting country so they can operate without interference from terrorism. That leaves just enough money in the defense budget to keep twelve jet fighters on alert back at home to cover the continental U.S. and secure our boarders. Personally I would feel much safer in America if those Arabic speaking security guards that seam to man every U.S. airport screening checkpoint were replaced with El Al security guards. I am a bit suspicious when I pass through security and someone named Mohammad says in broken English, please step forward. I think to myself, how did this person get a security job after 9-11? Then it comes to me, buy a U.S. student visa on the black market, catch a flight from Egypt or Saudi Arabia to Florida, put on a Burka for your driver’s license picture, use your fake ID to apply for the job, English not required, make sure you practice landings as well as takeoffs should you take flight lessons, and bingo, no suspicions raises or rights violated, the job is yours. Well, President Bush has a vision for a Palestinian Terrorist State on Israeli land, headed by a newly elected representative of the Arab Palestinian people, whoever that may be. And to help this new country’s security force the Bush vision calls for the CIA to arm and train more Palestinian sharpshooters. What happened to the last group of CIA trained Palestinian Sniper graduates? During the al-Aqua Intifadah the Palestinian snipers turned their rifles on innocent Israeli soldiers, women and children making them the most feared weapon in Arafat’s terrorist arsenal. In the past few months the Israelis have tracked down and neutralized these CIA trained Muslim snipers. So I guess if you are a Muslim terrorist and you aren’t interested in sneaking into the U.S. to attend flight school, drive a taxi, or work in airport security, then there is still a legal way to get a U.S. visa. The CIA is currently recruiting applicants for the next Palestinian sharpshooter training class. Applicants from Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the PFLP, Fatah Tanzim and the al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade are welcome. As an agency of the U.S. government the CIA is an equal opportunity employer, everyone’s rights are protected, Palestinian and Islamic terrorists may apply. It is all part of our Commander-In-Chief’s vision for a Palestinian Terrorist State. Sponsoring a U.N. resolution that would give Israeli land to Muslims goes directly against God’s expressed will clearly stated in the Holy Bible. That is some legacy President Bush. In fact, it is right up there with Bill and Monica.
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Muslims Celebrate Terrorist Attacks By John Roberts, October 18, 2001 Most of the world reacted with shock, horror, and grief to the terrorist attacks in America that took the lives of over 6,000 innocent people from over 65 countries. The reaction of Islam however was very different. Muslims the world over rejoiced at hearing the news. |
"Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name's sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another."   Matthew 24:9-10 |
"Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold."   Matthew 24:11-12 |
As early as Tuesday afternoon TV stations were broadcasting images of Palestinians celebrating in the streets of Jerusalem, Nablus, and throughout Israel. This was not an isolated incident involving just a few Palestinian children and college students. Thousands and thousands of Arabs rushed out into the streets firing rifles in the air, laughing, singing, handing out sodas and candy, and making the victory sign. This scene was repeated in virtually every Muslim country. The civilized world's reaction to the images of exuberant Palestinians and Muslims celebrating the mass murder of innocent civilians was immediate and overwhelming. People everywhere were shocked and angered. Such an open display of evil did more to hurt the Palestinian cause than any Israeli bullet or missile could. Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat realized the situation and initiated some damage control. He ordered an immediate blackout of news media coverage. According to Fox News the Palestinian Authority warned journalists they might be in danger if they continued to use images of Arabs celebrating Tuesday's terrorist attacks. TV stations and other media were phoned and threatened by PA officials. The intimidation worked because soon there was a complete media blackout imposed by the networks. Consequently what you did not see broadcast on TV were the Palestinian celebrations and parades that intensified in the days following the attacks. Instead, the networks broadcast pictures of Arafat giving blood to help victims in America. John's Take There is good and evil in this world. Celebrating the death of thousands of innocent men, women, and children is evil. God knows what is in the hearts of men. For a brief moment He allowed us all to see the evil behind Islam and the Palestinian movement. In the coming months you will hear over and over again that these terrorist attacks had nothing to do with the fact that all the terrorists were Muslims. People will say that Islam is a religion of peace and love. They will say that the Koran does not sanction murder of Jews and Christians, that this was not an attack by Islam on the West. The sad truth is these are all lies. No surprise because Islam is based on a lie. The Koran denies that Jesus was even crucified, let alone the Savior. "Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also." I John 2:22-23 This illustrates one of the basic differences between Muslims and those of other faiths. A Muslim does not regard lying as a sin, especially if it furthers the cause of Islam. The fact is Muhammad tried for thirteen years to get people to submit to him. When this didn't work and his money ran out he picked up the sword. First he raided caravans, stole their possessions, and let people live only if they converted. Next he attacked the surrounding Jewish tribes, massacred the men, and sold the women and children into slavery. Then he had a revelation to justify these evil deeds. History shows that Islam is a religion founded and spread by terror. And despite what you may hear Islam is still a religion of terrorists, oppression, forced conversion, and zero tolerance. In the Sudan Muslims are selling Christians by the thousands into slavery. In Afghanistan they put Christians to death. Try to hand out Bibles in Saudi Arabia and see how fast you end up in jail. The events of Tuesday, September 11th had everything to do with the Islamic faith. Virtually every country in the Islamic world supports, sponsors, approves, or is directly involved with terrorism against Israel, America, Jews and Christians. Islam does not want peaceful coexistence with those of other faiths. The goal of Islam is to conquer the West, dissolve all democracy, remove religious freedom, and bring down capitalism. If Christians were in control of Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia Muslims would live in peace and liberty with freedom to worship as they please. But what would things be like for Christians and Jews should Muslims gain a majority in America and install an Islamic fundamentalist government? The answer is in the Koran:
"And when the sacred months are passed, kill those who join other gods with god whereever ye shall find them; and seize them, besiege them, and lay wait for them with every kind of ambush: but if they convert, and observe prayer, and pay the obligatory alms, then let them go their way, for god is gracious, merciful."
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Thugs Vote U.S. Off UN Human Rights Commission By John Roberts, May 5, 2001 The U.S. lost its seat on the United Nations Human Rights Commission on the same day President George W. Bush expressed concern over China's crackdown on religious freedom. |
Embarrassing moment for James Cunningham, acting ambassador to the U.N., when rogue nations gave the U.S. the boot. |
This is no coincidence that the U.S. was voted off the Commission. Countries like China, Cuba, Vietnam, Sudan, Uganda, Syria, Algeria, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone and Togo lobbied hard to get the United States ousted. These countries are at the top of the list of human rights violators. I find it absurd that countries like China, where the communist government forces abortions upon women with more than one child, and Saudi Arabia, where a woman can't even show her arms in public, have the nerve to kick the U.S. off the Commission. Candidates for the Commission are nominated by regional groups. The Western Europe and Others Group proposed four candidates for three seats. France got 52 votes; Austria, 41; Sweden, 32; and the United States, 29. Look at the countries that made the Commission. Half of France sided with Adolf Hitler. Austria fought for Hitler. Sweden sat out both world wars while millions were gassed by the Nazis. Perhaps the United States should have also sat out WWII. I wonder what kind of human rights violations would be taking place today in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia if Germany and Japan had won the war? I am afraid we will have the answer soon when the Antichrist comes to power. John's Take These rogue countries have banded together to avoid scrutiny of their human rights violations and to block U.S. opposition. This is an illustration of the weakness of democratic and majority rule. When the majority turns out to be a gang of ungodly violent thugs, might tramples all over right. Voting in countries with gross violations of human rights and voting off the U.S., the loudest voice for human rights, sends a clear message to the world. The ten-nation federation of the Antichrist is rising to world power.
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Thousands Killed In India Quake By John Roberts, January 27, 2001 A 7.9 magnitude earthquake has killed thousands in India. Over 4,000 have been injured and another 2,000 are still missing. The quake struck at 8:46 a.m. and was centered near the desert resort town of Bhuj. |
The quake left mountains of debris were homes and buildings once stood. |
My heart goes out to these people. It always makes me wonder why when I see great tragedies like this. I know science has their explanation for phenomenon like earthquakes. But I just can't stop looking for what may be behind tragedies of this magnitude. Why did this happen in India and why now? I find it very telling that India has been in the news recently for another event called the Maha Kumbh Mela. The Kumbh Mela is a pilgrimage and religious congregation celebrated by the Ganges River. Over 30 million people from around the world will participate in Kumbh Mela this year. This makes this pagan ritual the largest gathering of humanity on the earth. The festival started in Allahabad, India, on January 9th and will end on February 21. During the time of the festival Allahabad will become the most populated city in the world. The Kumbh Mela was born out of Indian Mythological legends. To make a long story short, the "maker god" ordered the other gods to retrieve a pot of nectar of immortality. These gods along with demons churned the oceans to retrieve the Kumbh (pot) containing the nectar of immortality. However the gods and demons fought over the prize. And as they fought over the pot a few drops of nectar fell in four different places: Allahabad, Haridwar, Nasik and Ujjain. The Kumbha Mela takes place every three years in rotation in the four places, every twelve years in the same place. The timing of the Kumbha Mela coincides with various astronomical alignments. |
Millions converge on the serene Ganges to bath in its waters. |
They believe that this ritual bathing washes away all sins, ends the cycle of life and death (reincarnation), heals infirmities, and brings salvation, enlightenment, and immortality. Of course this is nothing less than Hindu gobbledygook and pagan false doctrine. Only the blood of Jesus can wash away sins and bring immortality. It is very sad and tragic to think that over a billion people in India are deceived into basing their faith on such nonsense. If this offends anyone that is too bad. Better to get offended and saved than spend eternity in torment. |
The Kumbha Mela is when spiritual business takes place in India. Each cult sets up shop to peddle their special brand of religious and philosophical poison. |
Cults assemble to give new disciples initiation into the mysteries of their cult. |
They typically shave their heads, change their names, take vows to a plethora of gods that run the gambit from private parts to snakes, cover their heads in ash, and basically blaspheme the one true God of Israel with their pagan rituals. |
Everything and everyone is called holy at Kumbha Mela, from the filthy and polluted waters of the Ganges, to cult leaders who demand to be called gods. |
These false prophets lead processions of pilgrims and disciple in lavish parades down to the river. |
Satan would be proud. Holy this and holy that and the only God in the universe is never even mentioned. |
Into the river they go by the millions thinking this will bring them salvation. |
In reality these lost souls are initiated into cults that required them to dedicate their lives to false gods made of wood and stone. |
John's Take Can you imagine how God must feel looking down upon this festival? Perhaps it was more than a coincidence that a massive earthquake struck at this time in this place. Perhaps God is trying to send a message to these people. The scripture "having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof" hits the nail on the head. India remains one of the hardest countries on earth to win over to the message of Christ. As any missionary would tell you these people are stubborn, headstrong, arrogant, easily led astray by false leaders and just a tough nut to crack. Not at all different from the rest of us! Don't forget that India is also the only nation on earth that managed to take the fight out of Alexander the Great and his undefeated armies. India and China, the kings of the east, will play a major role in last days prophecy.
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China To Export Murder Pill To US By John Roberts, October 13, 2000 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the sale and use of the abortion pill RU-486. For the first time in its history the FDA refused to disclose the name and location of the manufacturer of an approved drug. Why? They knew the American public would not like hearing that Communist Red China will be exporting the RU-486 pill. This pill will result in the murder of millions of unborn American babies every year. The Hua Lian Pharmaceutical Co. has produced the RU-486 pill for at least the last nine years in China. The pill is used in China to help the Communist government enforce the one-child limit on parents. Those women found pregnant after their first child are forced to abort the child or suffer tremendous persecution from the government. First they steal our nuclear secrets and manufacturing jobs. Then they take over our largest naval base in the Pacific and set up military bases on each side of the Panama Cannel. Then China influenced our elections by donating large sums of illegal contributions to Bill Clinton's reelection. And now China will be sending death to our unborn babies in a pill. When are we going to stand up to this menace? John's Take What I find amazing is that women in China are terrorized into taking this abortion pill. But American women are jumping for joy at the availability of this new way to conveniently kill their unborn. What kind of a society have we become? I can see it now. Women get a headache so they pop a few Tylenol in their mouth. They get an unwanted pregnancy so they pop a RU-486 in their mouth. This is the type of thing Hitler would have loved to get his hands on. Pop a pill and abort an innocent life, no worries, and no conscious. All made possible by the FDA and President Clinton. I can't imagine how an agency that is suppose to protect humans can authorize a drug that kills humans. Isn't that in conflict with their mission statement, if nothing else? Brought to you by our friendly Communist neighbors. Made in China, "where killing is job one."
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Security Lapses, Missing Laptops and Disks By John Roberts, October 2, 2000 There appears to be a major cover-up taking place in the United States, Australia, and Britain over the extent of security lapses resulting in stolen laptops and computer disks. Britain has finally admitted that an amazing ninety-seven laptop computers have been lost or stolen from Government offices including MI5 and MI6 since 1997. One of those contained information about the Northern Ireland peace deal. Another had files and diagrams on a new Anglo-US Joint Strike Fighter Project. Australia has also admitted that several laptops with sensitive information are missing from their government offices. In the US they are still trying to locate a laptop containing nuclear proliferation information stolen out of a classified environment in Washington. I find it more than a coincidence that a man was caught spying outside the very window where the laptop was suppose to be kept. Investigators have finally located two vital hard discs after they were reported missing at the secret Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. They were found behind a copy machine in an area that had been swept twice before. In other words someone placed them there after the investigation started. The management at the "X-Division" waited a full three weeks before informing the Pentagon that the cigarette size hard discs were missing. |
The Los Alamos fire destroyed over one hundred homes. |
The discovery was made after routine checks following the great forest fire that came within 500 feet of the nuclear facility. Undoubtedly the fire provided just the type of diversion that the thief needed to remove and copy the discs. Let's be honest. If it took years to find out that our President was lying about his adulterous affair with Monica then we can't expect someone to come up and tell the truth about what happened with these top secret computer discs. We may never know if the discs were copied or not. What information was on the discs? They contained Russian and US Nuclear Weapons information to be used in an emergency by Special Forces to disable nuclear bombs. John's Take There are very stringent rules for controlling access to and use of computer devices and software containing classified information. It appears that simply having rules and insuring people follow them are two different things. Thousands of laptops are in use in governments around the world. A few are bound to get lost now and then. But when laptops with related secret nuclear information start disappearing from different countries all at the same time I think this is more than a coincidence. What is scary is that very few people have actually been punished in connection with missing laptops and discs. A few people have been temporarily suspended pending further investigations. Ironically, among those suspended at Los Alamos is the head of the Nuclear Emergency Security Team that aids the FBI in investigating terrorist threats involving nuclear weapons. Many people do not realize that there are hundreds of suitcase size nuclear bombs missing around the world. Someone has them, and someday they may decide to use them in a terrorist attack against our country. If the Los Alamos discs were copied it means that someone now knows exactly what we know about how to disarm nuclear bombs. And that is very important information.
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Where Have All The Real Politicians Gone? By John Roberts, November 16, 1999 The long standing House of Lords was disbanded. Reduced to a symbolic body from the past, the Lords had next to no power, and the impact of their lose will be insignificant. This act was long over due. This ends one chapter in the practice of the right to rule by title alone. However, contrary to popular belief, there appears to be a complete shortage of competent leaders in the world. This reflects a shift away from informed professional politicians towards popularity contests among unqualified candidates. When countries start putting pro-wrestlers in positions of high responsibility, like Jesse Ventura the Governor of Minnesota, the political system is sure to fail. Politicians make decisions that impact every aspect of our daily life. For that reason I believe they should be the most qualified and brightest that we can find. I do not see how dressing up in tights and pretending to wrestle with other men prepares someone to make complex political decisions. Is pro-wrestling a profession that requires high SAT scores, or just a big mouth and a big body? What were his qualifications, "I pinned the Undertaker in the first round?" When we go to a hospital for surgery we want someone with experience to do the operation. And only experienced and licensed pilots are entrusted with flying a 747. But anyone, with absolutely no education, training, or experience is allowed to run a country. As long as there is peace and prosperity in the world it is hard for these overachievers to be recognized for what they are, great pretenders. Should world war break out or a depression come along to spoil the party, things will be different. But for now people are content to disband the House of Lords and continue the move towards rule by the common people. I agree with this in spirit, but eventually even common people must come to the realization that they are not qualified to run a modern country. Nowhere is the problem of this shortage of real politicians evident than the race for the Office of President of the United States. Just whom do you vote for? |
The Lollipop Guild rehearses for the Larry King Show as Elizabeth spreads fairy dust throughout Munchkinland |
Frankly, I don't see a President in any of the candidates. Which one could stack up to the likes of a Washington, Roosevelt, Kennedy or even Reagan?
Democrats and Republicans alike should be ashamed to put this current batch of politicians on the same playing field as those great leaders from our past. Ask yourself this simple question. If this country ever faced-off with another tyrant like Hitler, or perhaps suffered a biological or nuclear terrorist attack, which candidate would you want in the White House making the critical decisions? Watching the Republican candidates is like watching a bad rerun that won't go away. We don't need another Dole or Bush in any office. I am glad Mrs. Dole quit the race. I just could not see Mrs. Dole as Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces. And I am tired of seeing Bob and his E.D. advertisements on TV and in the print media. The thought turns my stomach. Do we really need the Bush family back in the White House? I thought President Bush was a mediocre leader. He started the destruction of the US military and pushed America towards the New World order. What exactly are the "thousand points of light?" Maybe someday George Jr. will shed some light on where he stands on any important issue. How did he get elected Governor of Texas? Just what does Jr. stand for, besides "Bush for President," does anyone know? And look at the Democratic candidates. |
"Listen . . . I'm fed up with this 'head monkey' business . . . these FBI files are heavy." |
Al Gore needs to get a personality. He is about as animated as a Winged Monkey. Someone needs to let him know that there is more to being President than wearing Bugle Boy jeans. Paying someone $15,000 a month to change your image with women is not the answer. Besides, you have just wrecked things for the rest of us. My wife wants to know why she can't have $15,000 a month to change her image of me! As if a wrestler is not enough, the NBA has sent in another sports representative into the contest. He does have some experience. But believe me, putting a little ball through a hoop and spending most of your life in a locker room is not exactly the kind of experience that qualifies someone for public office. But he is popular with the common folk. John's Take The political system is following the judicial system right down the drain. Who needs qualified or experienced politicians and Jurors? If they can write their name that should be qualification enough for any job. As long as Jurors are invited to the defendant's party after the acquittal, who cares? However, I can't help but notice that politicians are no match for chubby interns, and uneducated Jurors are no match for crafty and highly skilled defense lawyers. But, as long as we are going to make everything in life a popularity contest, I would like to nominate Tiger Woods for President. At least we know Tiger would not lose out to any foreign diplomats on the golf course. Maybe wars in the future could be settled with a longest drive contest?
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Peacemaker King Hussein Dies By John Roberts, May 1, 1999 On February 7th, 1999, King Hussein of Jordan died, and his son Abdullah was proclaimed King. Hussein became head of state of Jordan at the age of 17, in 1952. Although Jordan is predominately Palestinian, the King broke ranks with other Arab nations and sided with Israel on many occasions. Unfortunately, there were also many times when Jordanians participated in wars against the little state of Israel.
From teenager to King, always the Peacemaker |
King Hussein was a key component of the Mid East Peace negotiations. Few people fully understand just how important Jordan is to the whole success of the peace process. King Hussein was a descendant of the Hashemite dynasty, which traces their lineage directly back to Mohammed. The King of Jordan is recognized by all of Islam as being the "Protector of Islamic Holy Sites in Palestine." When Israel took control of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount the UN continued to support Jordan's right to protect Islamic interests in Palestine. Palestinian Chairman Yasser Arafat wants to declare Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, and the Western Wall as part of a new Palestinian capital of an independent Palestinian state. So we have a three-way tug of war over control of the Holy City with it's Holy Sites. Now the UN is talking about making Jerusalem an internationally controlled city as part of a comprehensive Mid East Peace Plan. John's Take Of all of the Arab leaders I liked King Hussein of Jordan the most. He conducted himself like a King should. King Hussein the Peacemaker will be sorely missed. Hopefully is son will follow in his father's footsteps.
Get Ready For Y2K By John Roberts, May 1, 1999 By now everyone on earth has heard of the Y2K problem. Do you mean to tell me that all of these brilliant minds developing this advanced technology could not plan a calendar a few years in advance? I find that hard to believe. People say they did not expect their software to be around that long. Right! How old is the B-52? Can you say, "built in software obsolesce?" I bet programmers can. This Y2K problem has already cost hundreds of billions of dollars. What will it cost to fix the problems caused at the turn of the Millennium? This has got to be one of the biggest "make work" scams ever perpetrated by corporations on the general public. So how could this impact you, sitting there in North Dakota? Well for one thing countries like Russia have spent zero on Y2K. Some lights will go out when Russia is forced to shut down all of their power generators supplying electricity to their neighbors. And that could trigger something much bigger, like an accidental launch of some Nukes. I am not suggesting that Y2K would actually cause the launch. But politicians adhere to something called "management by crisis." They love a good crisis like Y2K. It allows them to implement policies that would otherwise be rejected by the masses. This process entails the creation of a solution first (like the Mark of the Beast), then a crises is created or inflamed to get the masses to accept the solution. Then politicians can look like heroes instead of dictators or the Antichrist. Another example is when the White House wanted to get the attention of the News Media off of Monica's book signing tour, Monicagate, and impeachment. The solution was to "Wag the Dog." The crisis that was flamed was Kosovo. John's Take So what is the real solution for Y2K? Who knows? But you can be sure it will move us closer to a New World Order. After all we need to be protected from ourselves, and changes will be made under the pretense of stopping this from ever happening again. I can't wait.
Single Currency For Europe By John Roberts, April 23, 1998 The European Union (EU) will go to a single currency in January of 1999. One or two countries are dragging their feet but the others plan to move forward on schedule. Skeptics have doubted the ability of European countries to agree on anything. They were wrong. The EU now has a single passport, Court of Justice, Bank, and Ministers with as much power as the heads of Europe.
A single currency will bring us closer to a cashless society. |
The EU now includes most of the European continent, Ireland, England, and parts of
Scandinavia. It represents over 350 million people. Many countries
are lining up to join. Half of the EU Headquarter buildings are in
Brussels and half are in Luxembourg. The official capital of the EU
has not been decided yet as well as an official language.
John's Take Europe is poised to retake the world leadership role from the U.S. in the next few years. Currently we are seeing the wholesale loss of manufacturing and software development jobs to foreign countries. America is trying hard to become a second rate economic power.
Middle East Buildup For War By John Roberts, April 23, 1998 Countries in the Middle East are preparing for war. Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Iran are busy building up their forces with the latest weapon systems available. Syria has just acquired hundreds of new tanks. Saudi Arabia has placed an order for F-15 jet fighters. Soon the Saudis will have more F-15s than the United States. China has been supplying all of the countries in the region with a new battlefield missile.
T-90 Tanks are flooding into the Middle East. |
One of four Russian made attack subs bought by Iran. |
Iran has been busy trafficking
state of the art weapon systems out of the former Soviet Union and into the Arab countries.
This includes the acquisition of attack submarines with nuclear cruise missiles. A Russian
submarine base in Lebanon is very active dumping off weapons for terrorist use in the area.
John's Take It is no coincidence that the Arab military buildup is taking place at the same time Israel is being asked to give up more land. This creates a catch 22 for the Israelis. The threat of war is driving them to trade land for peace. But with every concession the state of Israel becomes more difficult to defend.
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