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China To Export Murder Pill To US By John Roberts, October 13, 2000 What is the significance and relevance of this story to last days prophecy? I think that this just goes to show that mankind has turned from God in these last days. Men have been killing each other since time began. The first murderer was Satan. The second was Cain, a man, and he killed his brother. Now you can't turn on the news without seeing men killing each other. But women in general, specifically a mother's love, have always been the foundation of a family. They are a reflection of the love God has for us all. God gave His life for us even though we are sinners. A mother loves her children no matter what they do. This has been something that we all could count on. Throughout history only prostitutes and whores would consider killing their unborn. That has changed today. I believe it is not even normal for a woman to want to kill her baby. Even animals will fight to the death to protect their offspring. A true picture of where a society is headed can be gauged by looking at that culture's women. If you see male bashing, unnatural affection by women towards other women, sexual perversion and promiscuity, liberalism, and mistreatment of children, you know a downfall is coming. In ancient times perverted women would sacrifice their children to their pagan Gods. Today, our women are doing the same thing, but now it will be done quietly with a pill. Am I blaming women for abortion? You bet I am. Women have the power to say no to sex before marriage, no to adultery, no to fornication, and no to abortion. Men are followers. They will go along with whatever women say. Let's not forget that Adam's sin was listening to his wife. Pop a pill and take a life. Now that is cold, and that is just wrong. I pity the man that has to kiss those same lips. When the heart of women turn to stone you know we are living in the last days.