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IN THE SHADOW OF ANTICHRIST By John Roberts, January 14, 2008 I am writing this news story from a hotel just a short distance from the White House and Capital building. Looking out the window in my room I can see the Washington Monument rising up above our nation's capitol. It makes me wonder, if our first President George Washington knew what the current administraion has been doing how he would react?In Luke 8:17 it says, "For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light." What has come to light? George Bush and Dick Cheney have constructed dozens of "torture-interrogation camps" around the globe. The Administration tried to hide the existence of these camps by categorizing them as "Black Sites." A Black Site is a general term used to reference a government site dedicated to the development of top secret weapons and covert projects, such as Groom Lake (Area 51). But there are three characteristics that distinguish these torture camps from Black Sites, that being their location, purpose and legality. Black Sites are normally located on U.S. soil. These camps are intentionally located on highly restricted bases on foreign soil, at foreign spy agencies, or in mobile carriers such as specially equipped planes and trucks. The reason Bush-Cheney located these sites at military bases on foreign soil was to avoid prosecution and jurisdiction by U.S. courts. Black Sites are dedicated to the development of high tech systems to keep America ahead of our enemies. These camps are dedicated to torturing suspects. Black Sites are covert by nature but totally legal. These camps are in blatant violation of U.S. and international law. By placing the construction and operation of these torture camps under the secrecy of Black Projects the Administration hoped to keep Congressional oversight and the public from finding out about them. That cover worked until the atrocities taking place at Abu Ghraib were finally leaked to the world press. Since that time we have learned a lot about these camps. Torture was authorized and directed from the top, the President and his Attorney General. U.S. tax payer dollars were thrown at third world countries and former Soviet block nations in exchange for the right to "Render" suspects to these camps. Each camp required the construction of a fully certified FAA tower and airport with secure networks and communications. The cost to the tax payer runs into the tens of billions of dollars a year, all hidden from view within the Black Projects budget. So specifically what goes on in these camps? Well, detainees are subjected to torture and coercive interrogation techniques. What is wrong with that? Well, its illegal, immoral, a violation of international treaties and laws and leads to a situation where our troops will be tortured as retribution. In addition, the vast majority of those being tortured are completely innocent, the others do not have any valuable information, and torture only generates false confessions. Torture is one of the most barbaric, sick, and cruel acts one human can inflict upon another. What Bush and his appointed Attorney General and the Neoconservatives have authorized with executive orders is a method of torture as old as the Inquisition called Water Boarding. Along with Water Boarding Bush's agents are using electrocution, extreme cold, sleep deprivation, starvation, and other torture techniques to force prisoners into making confessions and giving up information. The way this works is our CIA uses their network of agents to offer rewards all around the world to anyone that turns in a "suspected terrorist." Mind you, they don't have to be a terrorist, just fingered by someone that is getting paid for making the accusation. Obviously this has led to a point where anyone with an axe to grind turns in their neighbor. In comes the CIA or one of the other 22 spy agencies, they kidnap the accused, put them on a secret flight to the secret internment camps in Romania or Bulgaria or Libya, and then turn them over for torture. Bush and Cheney call this "rendering." Hitler called it "protective custody." These poor people are detained for years outside their country, tortured, tried, convicted, and executed without ever seeing the charges or evidence against them. And their families are never told anything. The Red Cross has access to a few sites and they will carry letters to some families. But the letters are all blacked out so the family still has no idea what is going on or if they will ever see their family member again. There have been some cases where an accused has been tortured for six months or a few years and then let go. But that is the exception. |
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Now that you have been conditioned to accept torture as a "necessary" way to "protect" America you can be sure the day will come when more groups of people will be added to the "watch" list, such as Jews and Christians and those that won't take the Mark. In that day every man's hand will be against his brother. And you could find yourself falsely accused and "Rendered" on a CIA Ghost Flight out of the country like the one seen in the picture above. | |
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Notice the plentiful leg room on this flight? But no seat, no meals, no bathroom facilities, and no one cares because you are going to a CIA torture camp. | |
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Destination unknown, but it could be Baghdad, Afghanistan, Jordan, Kosovo, Poland, Diego Garcia, Guantanamo, Pakistan, Thailand, Egypt, Germany, North Africa, a dozen other Black Sites or even one of the CIA's specially equipped mobile torture chambers. | |
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Detainees undergo sensory deprivation during transit to keep them from learning where they were tortured; this makes it difficult for anyone that is eventually released to seek recourse for their illegal internment. | |
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Most of the camps are inaccessible to civilian courts, located on secret bases on foreign soil and collocated with foreign spy agencies. And the forms of torture used leave no physical evidence. Who is going to believe you and how could anyone prove their case under these circumstances? | |
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The camps are known by the detainees only by their given code names, such as "The Salt Pit" and "Camp Justice." | |
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Some sites like Camp Delta are not secret, frequently talked about in the public domain. These typically get visits by the Red Cross. But most camps, where the most offensive atrocities are taking place, will never be revealed to the public. And they will most likely be shut down before the end of this President's term in office as part of their massive effort to cover up incriminating evidence. | |
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How would you feel if this was your brother, father or son being tortured like this? Is this the image our so called Christian nation should be giving to the rest of the world? And just look at the disconnected sociopath in uniform just standing there and playing with something in his hands as he tortures another human being. | |
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The above photo shows a voluntary demonstration of one type of Water Boarding. This particular method of torture was perfected back in the Dark Ages by the Inquisition. | |
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The U.S. has been conducting military tribunals in mobile trailers like the one shown above. The defendant in these cases is not given legal representation, they are not allowed to look at any evidence, and they are not given a chance to refute the charges brought against them. They are officially charged, sentenced and in many cases executed without even their families knowing what has happened to them. | |
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If we allow Water Boarding and other forms of torture today where will it take us in the future? The Nazis were very patriotic. They called all their soldiers "Heroes" when they invaded France and Russia. After the war German soldiers made excuses for their atrocities claiming they were just doing their job and following orders. And the German public claimed they had no idea what was going on in the concentration camps. But the Allied military knew about the camps, and could have put them out of operation and saved millions of lives by bombing their rail lines. But no, the Allies decided to let them be claiming they were not valuable military targets. Some things never change. |
I often wondered how the German people could complacently stand by and allow the Nazis to do so much evil. Now I know because one third of America, the Bush-bots, Rush-bots, and Hanity-bots are guilty of the same crime. Some people lack reason, logic and accountability which makes them easily manipulated and controlled by politicians, radio and TV personalities. Like the docile Eloi from "The Time Machine" they follow orders without question. And just look at who is pulling their chains. Bush is a Universalist (people that believe salvation is not by Christ alone, but that all faiths lead to heaven), and he barely made it out of University with a "C" average. Rush is an atheist college drop out who's prior work experience was for a baseball team. Hanity is also a college drop out whose prior work experience consisted of manual labor at Santa Barbara construction sites; Sean is a Roman Catholic, which lucky for him is the primary qualification for getting a job at Fox News. With the exception of Bush, these people do share Oprah's gift of gab. But they are ignorant, lack any real world experience, and are completely unqualified to tell people how to think on anything. So get a life people. Stop acting like programmed replicants and start thinking for yourselves and acting like human beings indwelt with the Holy Spirit. If you think torture is ok then you need a spiritual knock in the head. Anyone that supports torture and says they are a Christian does not understand what it means to follow Christ. The fact that we are even having a debate about torture is an indication of just how close we are to the end times and the reign of the Antichrist and False Prophet. You might say we are already living in the shadow of the Antichrist. Prophecy says when the Beast comes there will be wars and rumors of wars. The love of many will grow cold. (How cold can one get to think its okay and patriotic to shove a hose down someone mouth and fill them with water until they pass out and nearly drown? Then these "evangelical" Bush-bots go to Church, play religion and sing happy songs? That is sick and an offence to real Christians everywhere.) There will be no personal freedom in the kingdom of the Beast. Your mail will be read. Someone will be listening to your phone calls and reading your e-mail. Your neighbors will be watching you. You will not be able to drive, work, fly, enter a building, buy or sell without going through an identity check. Does any of this sound familiar? It should because it is happening to us today. This is the New World order the Bush family led Global Elitists have been trying to bring to America for some time. 9/11 gave them the pretense. Keep in mind, for over 32 years a Bush has been in control of our intelligence agencies. And for 20 of the past 28 years this father and son team have held the number one or two job at the White House. Consequently, stop falsely accusing the "Democrats in Congress" for all that is wrong with America and put the blame where it belongs, the Bush family. Do you realize how many government cameras take your picture every day in the typical metropolitan city? Believe me, you don't want to know. And new software allows the government to identify you by the feature vectors of your face. But you say, "I have nothing to worry about because the CIA is only picking up suspected terrorists." Yes, and who will they be picking up next? The Attorney General has stated that as Commander In Chief Bush has the legal authority to do all these things and more to anyone, including American citizens. That means Bush can have you picked up, rendered to one of his internment camps and tortured. You can then be tried by a military court without every seeing the charges presented against you. You will not be granted access to a lawyer, and your family will never know what happened to you. These are not my words. This is all clearly stated in the legislation the Neocons in the Senate passed as "guidelines for complying with the Geneva Convention." This legislation was requested by Bush. He said it was necessary to protect the people doing the torturing, so they could not be charged with a crime! Imagine that, a President that claims to be a Christian passing legislation to protect torturers from prosecution. The Holy Bible says over and over again, "Don't be deceived." And let me make this clear, I am not saying George Bush is the Antichrist. Bush is more like a waterboy setting out the equipment before the big game. But look at how much damage to our nation and personal freedoms this man has done. If Bush is able to fool one third of America how many more will be fooled by the Antichrist who comes with the power of Satan? The Holy Bible does not say "torture your enemies." Here are the words of Christ:
Matthew 5:44-48
44 "But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, "Be perfect," that is the will of God. How can you be perfect if you are torturing people? God loves us all:
2 Pet 3:9-11
9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. I am ashamed to think that one third of America, mostly professing Christians, support torture:
2 Pet 3:9-11
31 "Cast away from you all the transgressions which you have committed, and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. For why should you die, O house of Israel? When I first heard that the U.S. was torturing people it brought back a memory of a tour I once took of Warwick castle in England. On the outside it was a very impressive structure in a beautiful setting with wonderful gardens and a stream running by the castle wall. Then I stumbled across the castle dungeon. The implements of torture have been preserved for posterity, including chains, shackles, iron cages with spikes, and the words of prisoners etched on the walls. I noticed a strange hole in the floor. So I asked my tour guide about the dark and damp hole that was barely large enough for an adult to crawl into. He said the hole was used to confine prisoners in a cramped fetal position while at the same time exposing them to extreme cold and unimaginable pain and suffering. The British took pleasure in soaking French prisoners in cold water and then cramming them into the tiny space to shiver and experience muscle cramps with no way to alleviate the pain. I though, what kind of person could do such a thing to another human being? I can now answer that question, the U.S. government, George Bush, his supporters and the CIA. John's Take Without a doubt we are living in the shadow of the Antichrist. Many in the Church have gone astray. The time is right for the Rapture and rise of the Beast. Greedy global corporations are raping our economy and robbing our future. Our leaders are incompetent, lack self control, and are acting out of the Spirit. I fear God is going to bring the United States down like Sodom and Gomorrah and ancient Babylon. And we are all going to pay for the sins committed by these wicked people. If George Washington could see what one generation has done, specifically the Bush-bot Babby Boomers, to the longest standing democracy in modern history I think he would break down and cry. "Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind... And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded with patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader, and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar." - William Shakespeare
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The Me Generation By John Roberts, June 1, 2005 This is the time of year in America when parents feel both happy and sad. We are happy because our children are crossing a major threshold in life, graduating from school. And sad when we see our children walk across the stage and receive their diploma. That is when the realization finally hits that time marches on. The little kids we remember are growing up, changing, and making their own way in the world. That begs the question, what kind of America are we leaving our kids? Listening to our politicians and the the majority of people that voted for them one would think the past four years have been a great success. The facts tell a different story. And that is the real problem. Most people are totally oblivious to just how far down hill this country has fallen in the last four years. The divide between reality and perception has never been greater. The Bush generation, the "I Just Gotta Be Me Generation," is out of control. They can best be characterized as a mixture of arogance, ignorance, and selfishness. They are selling the family farm and eating the seed corn leaving nothing for future generations. This Me Generation inherited a prosperious superpower, one nation under God. And in four short years they have turned the country into a destitute waistland, both economically and spiritually. Outwardly, they put on the appearance of godliness. But they are acting like the Antichrist. I am not addressing the unsaved and worldly. We know what to expect from them. The problem is with the clergy and Church going crowd. These are the people that are destroying this country and tuning America away from God. This is what happens when you let people lead that are not called or qualified to lead. This is an important point. The Me Generation is not only wrecking America, but they are also wrecking havoc in the Church as well. We now have thousands of denominations, with thousands of conflicting doctrines, each claiming to be based on the same scripture. They can't all be right. And what do you find in these churches today? Anything and everything, that is except the gospel of Christ being preached. One group gathers on Sunday to participate in what they think is literally eating Christ's flesh and drinking His blood. Another gathers to "witness the Holy Spirit flow through musical instruments." And still others meet to be healed, prophesy, speak in tongues, and see gold dust sprinkled on their hands. These people think they are full of the gifts of the Spirit, but in reality they are just full of themselves. Most churches today have embraced the "seeker driven" philosophy. They believe that your purpose in life is to attend church. Their main focus is to just get people into church, where they are entertained instead of taught the Word. This is nothing new, but rather a return to the dark ages when the clergy tried to keep the Holy Bible from the people. Things have gotten so bad that we have even taken our kids out of Christian schools. We have found more grace and more of a Christian environment in the public schools than the so called Christian schools. The final straw was when our child came home from their Christian school with instructions on how to practice prophesying and speaking in tongues. Then we learned that the Principle was firing non-charismatic teachers and speaking to our kids with God's voice. Ministers are called to serve, not play God. Thankfully the Principle was removed, but the damage he caused was immeasurable. The product of this Church Playing, compromising, watered down Me Generation is a lukewarm church and a clueless President. Bush knows as little about running a country as he does how to act like a Christian. It is no coincidence that America is turing away from God at a time when people think they have put a strong Christian in the White House. Once again, perception is not reality. And this is a sign that we are in the last days. Here is what God says about the condition of the Church in the last days:
Revelation 3:14-22
14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; Notice that this scripture portrays a local church gathered inside a building. The door is shut and Christ is on the outside knocking and calling for anyone to come and open the door and let Him in. But there the Laodiceans sit, happy as can be and completely oblivious to their real situation. They think everything is going just fine, they are rich and in need of nothing. But God says they are "wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked." You see, the Laodiceans thought they had it all. Laodicea had plenty of trade, which made it a rich city. They sold a special eye salve throughout the Mediterranean for treating common eye aliments. And they were well known in the ancient world for producing tunics from a superior black wool which only they possessed. But Laodicea had a problem. Their water was no good. It flowed into the city from hot springs some distance away. It was still lukewarm when it was drawn up from wells. Nothing tastes worse than lukewarm water. Of course this scripture is speaking of spiritual water. The Laidicians had a form of godliness, but they were compromising the pure gospel to please and appeal to a pagan world. And they felt comfortable in doing so because they were blinded by their prosperity. The point being, there has been a lot of church talk coming out of this White House. But this President has moved America away from God. The President always ends his speeches by asking God to continue blessing our nation. But then he goes off and demands that Israel give up the land that God gave them. And he sends our troops overseas to fight and die for Babylon. And his efforts in Afghanistan have only helped spread more opium around the world. And why on earth is our President hugging, kissing, and holding hands with Abdullah? Saudi Arabia does not recognize Israel. They have attacked the Jews many times. And their king has sworn to someday drive the Jews into the sea. Saudi Arabia attacked America on 9/11. The Saudis are still funding radical Islamic camps and schools inside our nation. In other words Saudi Arabia is an enemy of Israel and the United States. But they have oil. And the President, Vice President, and their friends are all in the oil business. People say this President was hand picked by God to lead this nation at this difficult time. Perhaps they are right. The last four years have changed the course of history. So it looks like Bush was chosen for something. He was chosen to bring America down so that the kingdom of the Antichrist, the European Union, could rise to power. Consider the following:
President Bush On What Makes America Great: "America has been blessed.
And what makes this nation so great is that we have mosques, churches, Muslims, Christians, atheists and Jews, all are Americans."
"I want to speak directly to Muslims throughout the world.
We respect your faith.
Islam is a great and peaceful religion."
The Truth From Scripture:
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Wow! Is that really the Commander In Chief kissing Abdullah? I guess it depends upon the definition of the word kiss. What an image to send to our troops dying in Iraq at the hands of Saudi Arabian insurgents. | |||||||
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More and more Americans are questioning the preferential treatment given to Saudi Arabians on U.S. soil after 9/11. Why were U.S. citizens grounded while members of the royal family and bin Laden’s family allowed to fly out of the country before any investigation started? The White House still denies all allegations. But, a picture is worth a thousand words! ![]()
Fifteen of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi Arabian.
This photo shows Bush's Arab friends cheering upon hearing the news of the 9/11 attack.
The Saudi Arabian mastermind of 9/11, Osama Bin Laden, is still free as a bird.
U.S. forces had him bottled up in Torra Bora.
But somehow he "escaped" into the tribal region of Pakistan.
I can't remember the last time I head President Bush mention his name.
President Bush On The Price Of Gas:
The Truth:
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Some people say, "Stop complaining about the high price of gas, look how much you pay for a Café Mocha." True, but my car doesn’t run on 20 gallons of coffee a week, and neither do I for that matter. | |
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Looks like some tough negotiating going on here. Finally a President that is willing to play harball with the oil rich Arabs like Crown Prince Abdullah. Its great to know that we have someone in the White House lookng after the interest of hard working Americans. | |
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I understand that in some cultures men hold hands. But the sight of our President walking hand in hand with the man that knowingly or unknowingly funneled money to the 9/11 terrorists is a bit too much to stomach. | |
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And here is the price of gas after the meeting at the ranch. |
Bush On "Fixing" Social Security: Translation: The Bush plan increases payroll taxes and reduces benefits for all workers whose annual earnings are more than $20,000 a year.
The Truth About Social Secutity:
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What is needed to keep Social Security running for future generations? Nothing right now! Social Security will continue to bring in a surplus for at least another 35 years. And one simple act could avoid any potential problems that might arise down the road. All they need to do is keep the yearly surplus in the fund and allow it to grow. But that could never happen because it would require integrity, honesty, and accountability on the part of politicians. |
The President And Vice-President On Civil Unions:
Scripture On Homosexuality:
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Mary Cheney, the Vice President’s lesbian daughter, with her "partner" Heather Poe at the Republican National Convention. Mary ran her father’s campaign. |
National Debt Under President Bush:
Scripture On Debt:
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Our national debt on May 19, 2005, is almost $8 trillion. It has grown $2 trilliion since Bush promised to pay it down. |
President Bush On Russia:
Scripture On Russia:
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President Bush, the Commander In Chief of U.S. Armed Forces, chose to spend VE Day in Russia honoring the sacrifice and achievements of Soviet Communists in WW II. Back at home, American troops were given the news that the Republican President will close another 1,000 U.S. bases. |
John's Take
The President and one political party have been in complete control of the country for almost five years. That is more time than it takes to get a college degree. Blaming everything that is wrong on the Clinton administration and the war on terrorism is gettng old. Bush has enjoyed the support of both the Senate and the House. And turning a blind eye and claiming that everything is just wonderful or improving is equally as disingenuous. I think the time of accountablility has arrived for the White House, especially now that "Jeb" is being groomed for 2008. It is important for Americans to realize that our nation is in trouble, economically, militarily, and spiritually: Just look at the changes that have taken place during Bush's watch:
The United States changed forever and for the worse when Bush took office. It's as if the country reached the top of the mountain four years ago and was then lead off a cliff by the current administration. Many people criticize the White House because he openly talks about his faith. I don’t know why they are complaining. Granted, it has been a long time since we have seen a leader in the White House that has so openly talked about his personal faith in God. But genuine faith is more than talk, faith is an action word. And dispite the rhetoric, this President has not put his faith into action. In fact, this President has acted more like the Antichrist than a born again Christian. He has started wars for the wrong reasons, allowed America to turn from God, and Bush has embraced Israel's enemies. That is why God has removed His blessings from this nation. James said faith proves itself with works: James 2:14-26
14 What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works?
Can faith save him? What the brother of Christ was saying is show me your faith, don't just talk about it. This is very relevant to politics in the United States because the majority of Americans are Christian, pro-Israel, anti-abortion, and pro-family. The current President was elected to two terms in office primarily because he was perceived by the majority of voters as the candidate that best represented their beliefs. The President does not deny that he openly used his personal faith as the main plank in his campaign strategy. So the question becomes one of determining if the President's personal faith has produced good works and fruit for our nation or was it all just a lot of talk aimed at gaining votes. The problem is no one seeks the truth anymore. We live at a time when everyone has over inflated egos. Everyone thinks they are a leader and no one wants to follow and serve. No one is willing to say they made a mistake. Half the population can't deal with problems. All they want to sit on the beach, watch the sun rise, and think happy thoughts. And the other half of society is too busy stirring the pot to fix anything. This reminds me of some very sobering scripture: Matthew 24:37-40
37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Sorry for the bad news, but it’s time to face reality. This is a very important point in time for America. If people would look at the facts and just be honest they would have to agree that America changed for the worse when Bush took office. The good news is that God is still in control, it's all in accordance with God's plan, and this had to happen in order for the Lord's Day to come. Get ready, the Rapture is near and the Antichrist is coming. Don't get caught playing church!
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