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Barak and Arafat Holk Peace Talks
By John Roberts, January 31, 2001 What is the significance and relevance of this story to last days prophecy? The most sensitive topic in the Middle East peace negotiations is the final status of Jerusalem. And the most difficult problem with Jerusalem is what to do with the Temple Mount. People have such strong feelings on this issue. I believe negotiators are reluctant to even mention the Mount in press releases for fear it may set off riots. This one issue requires a multitude of leaders to come to an agreement that they can all accept. The more parties involved the more difficult it is to reach a consensus. The UN recognized Jordan's claim to be the Keeper of Islamic Holy Sites in Palestine. This includes the Temple Mount. That is why the King of Jordan always attends significant peace talks. For Jews the Temple Mount is the holiest site on earth because this is where the Temple for the God of Israel once stood. And many in Israel want to rebuild the Temple that was destroyed in 69 A.D. by the Romans. Israel captured the Mount during a war with the Arabs but still respects their claims. Until this issue is officially solved a Moslem trust has been allowed to control the Mount. What most people do not realize is that the Mount is also important to Christians. Prophecy tells us that Jesus Christ will return to the Mount of Olives and then set up his kingdom on the Temple Mount. Living waters will flow from the Mount into the Mediterranean and also down to the Dead Sea bringing it back to life. But for now Jerusalem and the Temple Mount are more dead than alive. A quick check into history and you would find that the Muslim religion is not focused around the God of Abraham. The Arabs worshiped 365 gods before Mohammed picked one at random, declared himself a prophet, and then forced people to worship it as the only god. So today on God's Holy Mount we have Arabs worshiping their pagan god. That is why Jerusalem is going to suffer so much in the tribulation. And it is important to understand that the Temple Mount was never a Holy Site to Muslims. It became such only as part of an effort to wrestle it away from the Jews. The story of Mohammed ascending up to heaven on a winged horse and then returning in the same night is a complete fabrication. A story was needed to rally Arab support for taking the Mount away from the Jews. The proof of this is the fact that the Arabs deny that there ever was a Jewish Temple. This betrays their deception and true intentions. The man-made solution for this dilemma is clearly revealed in prophecy. The Temple Mount will be split. The Jews will be allowed to build a new Temple. But the Dome of the Rock will stay. This new Temple will be put in a location that doesn't violate any Jewish law, such as the Dome of the Tables. This lines up with the Easter Gate and is the most likely choice. "Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood, saying, "Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there. "But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months. Revelation 11:1-2 To some sharing the Temple Mount sounds like a great idea. But I do think God will be too happy sharing His Holy Mount with false gods. We know from prophecy that when God returns He will clean up this mess and pagans will never again set foot on the Temple Mount.