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Hobbit-Sized Ancestors Found By John Roberts, November 4, 2004 What is the significance and relevance of this story to last days prophecy?One of the signs that we are in the last days is the unrelenting attack upon the Word of God. Blasphemers inside and outside the church are attempting to characterize the Holy Bible as “a collection of fictional books that contain stories intended to teach a few common truths; but it should not be taken as non-fiction.” Scripture presents a very different view of the origin of the universe and mankind from what you will find in the scientific community. And it is important for believers to understand those differences. "For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:9-13 Here are some key facts about origins from Genesis: 1. All the matter in the universe was not created at the same time in a 'big bang.' In the beginning there was the Earth, completely covered in water, in complete darkness, a solitary object in time and space. 2. Next God created light, before the Sun, which provided for Day and Night on the Earth. The expanse of our atmosphere followed, which was sandwiched between some kind of water barrier on the edge of the upper atmosphere and the watery surface of the Earth, creating a greenhouse effect. Even Plato wrote of a moisture barrier surrounding the Earth in ancient times. Before the flood the whole Earth enjoyed moderate temperatures. This explains why remains of fruit trees and fossils have been found on Antarctica. And this is a key point because it dispels the need to "move" the Artic continent south to explain the radical change in Antarctica's climate. What really happened is that this ancient water barrier collapsed during the Great Flood producing rain for the first time, generating a radically different post-flood meteorological environment and weather patterns. The flood also created vast deposits of fossils in sedimentary layers over a short period of time as the waters receded. 3. God then created dry land and the continents by raising them up from the ocean floor. This vulcanization process, along with the Great Flood, explains why sedimentary layers with marine fossils can be found on the highest mountains on earth. The continents are over a thousand miles thick yet scientists continue to characterize them as being like a thin crust to support their continental plate theory. The fact is there are no plates and the continents do not float or drift anywhere because the earth is mostly a solid with a tiny liquid core. Every continent has a continental shelf. And scientists know that a continental shelf is a geological structure that can only form by raising a large land mass straight up. This completely disproves the single continent and moving continent theories. The Earth's surface does expand and contract producing lateral faults. But this is very similar to what you would see after squeezing an old rubber ball. God designed our planet this way so that the surface of the earth could provide relatively localized outlets for relieving pressure without creating world wide geological catastrophes. Next God created grasses and trees. Note that those things, all of which require photosynthesis, existed before the Sun. That is because God created light before He created the Sun. And you can't have air breathing life on dry land without grass, trees, and plants. The fact that God created light before the source of the light renders NASA's primary dating method void. NASA keeps building bigger and bigger telescopes in order to see further into space. And the further an object is from the Earth then the longer it must take for the light reflecting off that object to reach NASA's telescope. Consequently the further NASA can see the more they push back the age of the universe and their 'Big Bang.' So the theory goes. But can't God create a star's light before or at the same time as He creates the Star? And that makes perfect sense when you consider that God wanted mankind to see stars billions of light years away without waiting billions of years for their light to reach our planet. 4. God created the Sun, Moon and stars on day four. And their purpose was to "divide the day from the night; ... for signs and seasons, and for days and years." If it were not for this divinely created relationship between the Sun, Moon and Earth we would not be able to survive. Everything you see in space was created with a purpose for mankind. Those that know how to read the twelve constellations properly understand that God placed them in the night sky to clearly show His plan of salvation for a lost world. 5. On the fifth day God created birds and sea creatures, before He created the beasts of the earth. And that Biblical account is supported one hundred percent in the fossil record. And this is a major thorn in the side of those who believe in Darwin. The theory of evolution specifically says birds evolve after and from land creatures. Scientists are so frustrated at the complete lack of evidence for such a theory that they have now started to resort to forging fossils in China - sticking unrelated fossils from small dinosaurs on to those of prehistoric birds. Discover magazine was the first to proudly published photos of the fake. When they learned that the fossil was a forgery they apologized but said it didn't change anything because the two unrelated fossils still proved that birds evolved from dinosaurs. Right! The old Peking Man trick. 6. God created the first man Adam, and the first woman Eve from Adam, on day six. And once again that Biblical account of creation is supported by DNA evidence. Human kind did not evolve and we did not come out of Africa. Mankind was created with a purpose by God and we came out of the Garden of Eden, probably where Jerusalem now sits. The primary message of all this is that the scientific community, of which NASA and JPL are a part, are being used by Satan to perpetuate his lies in the spirit of antichrist. The truth, which doesn't require a PhD to understand, is that God creates with purpose and we are His creation, both physically and spiritually. We owe our physical life to God's handy work in which He prepared the Earth as a suitable habitation for us. And we owe our spiritual salvation to God's work on the cross. I have heard Christians say, "It doesn't matter if they find life on Mars, that won't change my faith." But that is not the point. According to scripture NASA will never find evidence of life off planet Earth. The fact is everything in the universe was created by God to help support life here on our planet. And let's not forget that every time a lost soul accepts Christ and gains everlasting life we have another example of how God is still creating here on Earth.