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T. Rex Soft Tissue Found October 25, 2005 What is the significance and relevance of this story to last days prophecy? It is important for Christians to understand the difference between the revelation of creation given to us by God in scripture and widely accepted false scientific theories. Many churches today mix bits of bad science with scripture in a compromising move to make the gospel fit with popular scientific theories. One example of this is the sermon that prior to the Tower of Babel there was only one super continent which God supposedly broke up when He separated people with different languages. But that is just nonsense and the result of a lukewarm Church in bed with the world. When I compare many of today's scientific fields like geology, astronomy, paleontology, and archaeology to astrology I'm not joking. These fields have more in common with witchcraft and fiction than real science. The sad fact is more scientists put their faith in a horoscope than scripture. Professionally speaking, scientists are required to approach their research without prejudice and let the data speak for itself. But they can't do that because they are completely controlled by an anti-God and anti-Bible (Luciferian) bias. Consequently, any evidence and findings that support creationism are dismissed out of hand or simply ignored (such as T rex soft tissue). But theories that advance alternative explanations to those given in scripture get published as a scientific discovery. In other words you are not getting real science today. You are getting the Luciferian doctrine in a scientific wrapper. This story about the T. rex soft tissue illustrates my point. Scientists have been examining genetic material from this rex for months. The very fact that they have soft tissue to examine validates creationism and throws Evolution and Plate Tectonics out the window. Do they come out and say that? No they don't! Instead they publish a report claiming the T. rex DNA supports the theory that birds evolved from dinosaurs. That is unprofessional, unethical, and deceptive. The transformation of real science into the realm of science fiction and the occult can be traced back to the 1800s. That was a pivotal point in history when millions of people got off the fence and took a stand for or against the gospel and the King James Bible. Supporters of Christ flocked into the missionary field and rededicated their lives to bringing the gospel to remote areas of the globe. Those in opposition organized an ineffective mob of living dead into "a thousand points of light" for spreading the Luciferian doctrine into every aspect of society. Local churches, academia, banking, and governments became their primary targets. Thus in the 1800s we reached a high water mark for false prophets, strange new denominations, cults, secret societies and bad science. During this time history records the rise of Joseph Smith's Mormonism, Charles Russell's Jehovah's Witnesses, Richard Spurling's Church of God, the Pentecostals, and all that Kingdom Now Israelite Replacement nonsense. It was a generation not so different from today when rebellion fueled a change for the worse; new churches sprang up and became a breeding ground for hypocrisy, corruption, debauchery and false doctrines. People calling themselves Christian openly engaged in slavery, the opium trade, Freemasonry, secret handshakes and rituals, polygamy, and adultery. Educational institutions and scientific communities redefined morality and professionalism as the separation of their environments from God. They quickly turned away from their roots in traditional Christianity towards secular humanism. Yes it's true, virtually all modern day universities were established by Christians as a means of educating Christians for service in the ministry or legal fields. It is important to remember that academics didn't really remove religion from the class room. What they did was replace the God of the Bible with the gods of the Luciferian doctrine, that being Satan and themselves. This started in a very subtle way. For example, they revived the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree and changed the criteria for granting this top honor in a way that rewarded those that opposed scripture. A Ph.D. was originally granted to a learned individual who had achieved the approval of his peers and who had demonstrated a long and productive career in the field of philosophy. Consequently, the recognition of a "Doctor" (from Latin: teacher) was usually awarded only when a person was middle-aged, as an indication of a life dedicated to learning, knowledge, and the spreading of knowledge. But now it would be granted for a new thesis based on original research. The key word here is "new." In other words, the criterion for awarding advanced academic degrees was changed to a treatise advancing a NEW point of view, which was defined as any dissertation that presented an apposing view to God's revelation in the Holy Bible (e.g. theories like evolution and the big bang). Of course they could not come right out and say that back then because there were still a lot of real Christians at Universities. But that was the hidden agenda. And there is still no need today for the thesis to pass a sanity check. This opens the door for students to gain the recognition of a Ph.D. without any real world experience or wisdom of conventional knowledge. All it takes is a wild and silly anti-Biblical theory such as "man evolved out of Africa, the moon was created when an asteroid struck the Earth and blasted out its core, whales evolved from deer, there is an advantage to carrying a genetic disorder, or T rex soft tissue can last 70 million years." A thesis doesn't need to be reasonable, plausible, observable, recreated in a lab, or even supported with honest applicable research. As long as it challenges God's Word and supports the Luciferian agenda it will be recognized by our educational institutions. People often wonder, "What has happened to our schools?" Well, the answer is clear. They have gone to the devil, literally, just like our local churches, governments and the rest of society. The two theories used the most since the 1800s to lure people from the light of God to the Luciferian doctrine are "natural selection" (evolution) and the "tectonic plate theory." Personally, I find it hard to believe that anyone could take a theory like evolution seriously. The human body is a trillion times more complex than any other system in the universe. The argument that this is all the result of random mutations favored for procreation by "the environment" is absolutely absurd. Can we use natural selection to build a plane, train, or automobile? Do evolutionists, geologists, and astronomers rely on chance and the passage of millions of years to set up their computer labs, test equipment, networks and research? Okay, bad example, that one may be partly true. Seriously, everything humans create is designed and developed in accordance with well defined process like System Engineering and Configuration Management. Projects start with a need, a good set of requirements, and an environment where system configurations are properly defined and changes tightly controlled. The failure to follow those processes always brings chaos, a failed project, and the death of the proposed system. Look around you, everything from houses, cars, appliances, office equipment, power lines, streets, all were designed and developed using the processes I just defined. None came into existence as the result of random chance. A simple fact of life is that it takes intelligence to design a system. And the idea that life is the product of random chance which happened not once but billions of times, taking life from the raw materials to a single cell organism and then to the millions of species on earth belongs with fiction like Star Wars and Harry Potter, but not real science. Lets take a close look at these two theories and I will show you what I mean. The Tectonic Plate Theory This theory has roots that go back before the discovery of electricity, when people playing with crude world maps noticed that they could loosely fit the South American continent next to the African continent. Wow, what a scientific process! To back this up scientists proposed that the Earth has a thin crust that "floats" on molten magma. And a hundred million years ago this crust supposedly broke up into several plates, which then somehow floated around and changed positions to create the current continents out a single "super" continent." As proof scientists point to fault lines, which they say mark the boundaries of these plates. The Problem With The Plate Theory: The Earth is a solid. The image of a thin crust "floating" on molten magma has been proven false. Modern scientists now say that the Earth has a solid core, surrounded by a thin semi-liquid boundary layer, which in turn is covered by another solid layer comprising over fifty percent of the Earth's diameter. So if you drilled down anywhere on the Earth's surface for a thousand miles you would still hit solid matter. It is intellectually disingenuous to speak of "tectonic plates" and "continental drift" when describing our planet which is primarily a solid sphere. The truth revealed in scripture is that in the beginning the surface of the earth was entirely covered by water. God raised up the continents from the ocean floor to form dry land. That is a supernatural act that can not be entirely described within the context of a geological process - although it can be observed today on a limited scale in places such as the Hawaiian Islands. Natural Selection (Evolution) This theory states that any population consists of individuals that are all slightly different from one another. Those individuals having a variation that gives them an advantage in staying alive long enough to successfully reproduce are the ones that pass on their traits more frequently to the next generation. Their traits become more common and the population evolves. Darwin's view of natural selection was that nature does not create variation within the population, but rather all variations existed from the beginning. Nature simply selected the most suitable variation for procreation. In other words, according to Darwin's theory a single cell organism should contain the genetic code for every species on earth. That's laughable in light of what we know about genetics today. But remember Darwin's theory of Natural Selection was published in 1859, well before science knew anything about cellular biology and DNA. It wasn't until 1953 that scientists discovered that genetic information is carried in DNA. And it wasn't until 2000 that the human genome was finally deciphered. Today Evolutionists try to save face and keep this silly theory alive by redefining Evolution as "a process that results in heritable changes in a population spread over many generations." Another modern definition for Evolution is "any change in the frequency of alleles within a gene pool from one generation to the next." Sounds very scientific doesn't it? But what's an allele? An allele is an alternative form of a genetic locus. What's a locus? It is a particular location on a chromosome that contains a functional gene. We inherit a single allele for each locus from each of our parents (e.g. at the locus for eye color, the allele might result in blue or brown eyes). So what are they talking about? Evolutionists believe that all living organisms have the potential to pass on a changed genome to the next generation, most importantly an improved genome, where all changes are somehow beneficial and better suited to the environment. The Problem With Natural Selection: Natural Selection, commonly known as the Theory of Evolution, can be dismissed with two words, "GENETIC DISORDER." Evolutionists commonly portray genetic mutations as "biodiversity with a biological advantage." But the medical profession refers to mutations as a genetic disorder. And a genetic disorder is a disease caused by abnormalities in an individual's genetic material (genome), of which there are four different types: (1) single-gene, (2) multifactorial, (3) chromosomal, and (4) mitochondrial. Both environmental and genetic factors play a role in the development of any disease. (1) Single-gene (also called Mendelian or monogenic) - This type is caused by changes or mutations that occur in the DNA sequence of one gene. Genes code for proteins, the molecules that carry out most of the work, perform most life functions, and even make up the majority of cellular structures. When a gene is mutated so that its protein product can no longer carry out its normal function, a disorder can result. There are more than 6,000 known single-gene disorders, which occur in about 1 out of every 200 births. Some examples are cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, Marfan syndrome, Huntington’s disease, and hereditary hemochromatosis. Single-gene disorders are inherited. (2) Multifactorial (also called complex or polygenic) - This type is caused by a combination of environmental factors and mutations in multiple genes. For example, different genes that influence breast cancer susceptibility have been found on chromosomes 6, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, and 22. Some of the most common chronic disorders are multifactorial disorders. Examples include heart disease, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, and obesity. Multifactorial inheritance also is associated with heritable traits such as fingerprint patterns, height, eye color, and skin color. (3) Chromosomal - Chromosomes, distinct structures made up of DNA and protein, are located in the nucleus of each cell. Because chromosomes are carriers of genetic material, such abnormalities in chromosome structure as missing or extra copies or gross breaks and rejoinings (translocations), can result in disease. Some types of major chromosomal abnormalities can be detected by microscopic examination. Down syndrome or trisomy 21 is a common disorder that occurs when a person has three copies of chromosome 21. (4) Mitochondrial - This relatively rare type of genetic disorder is caused by mutations in the nonchromosomal DNA of mitochondria. Mitochondria are small round or rod-like organelles that are involved in cellular respiration and found in the cytoplasm of plant and animal cells. Each mitochondrion may contain 5 to 10 circular pieces of DNA. The point being the basic argument of evolution (that each generation passes on genetic variations with a biological advantage) is false. The truth is that each successive generation passes on more and more genetic disorders. If natural selection were true we would expect to see fewer genetic disorders over time not more. And genetic disorders are not desirable and favorable design changes. They are mutations, design errors that bring disease, sickness, and death. The normal function of a gene is to encode a protein, not cause illness. Let me put this in simple terms. According to the theory of evolution if it were advantageous for a man to fly or breathe under water then given enough time the human genome would mutate to provide a new "locus" for wings and gills. But that has not happened. The fact is in the last six thousand years not a single advantageous change has entered the human genome. To the contrary, we now carry tens of thousands of genetic mutations. But that has done little to deter evolutionists. They will never let go of their silly theories. They put their faith in a galaxy far, far, away into the future ... when proud grandparents will visit a nursery, smile and say, "Junior has his mom's big brown eyes, his dad's gills, but where did he get those wings?" And the Ph.D. standing by will say, "nature selected them, and The Force. Did you get the latest installment of Harry Potter? It explains everything. Science is the savior of the world you know; a thousand points of light!"